

Дата выхода:
Ahmin Hafidi, Benoit Malis
Ahmin Hafidi
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Французский, Японский
Cистема активации:
166.29 RUB
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Описание игры

Experience the thrill of adventure and put to the test your climbing and platforming skills in GRAPPIN, the first-person adventure game that takes you to new heights.

After a mysterious awakening, you discover the Grip, an artifact that serves as your grappling hook. Your mission is clear: return the Grip to the Grip Shrine, located at the summit of the highest mountain.

Navigate through challenging environments and overcome obstacles as you journey to the top of the mountain. From blazing hot lava caves to treacherous ridges, you'll need to master the use of your grappling hook to survive. As you explore, uncover more than 50 Relics to unravel the mystery surrounding the Grip and the mountain.KEY FEATURES
Explore a variety of unique and colorful environments as you climb to the top of the mountain. Get to face the harshness of nature!Uncover the mystery surrounding the Grip by collecting over 50 hidden Relics scattered on your way up to the mountain.Lush soundtrack composed by Benoît Malis.GRAPPIN is fully compatible with Steam Deck. GRAPPIN DELUXE EDITION
Enhance your GRAPPIN experience with the Deluxe Edition, which includes the official soundtrack featuring close to an hour of original music, as well as the full game at a discounted price compared to buying them separately.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 4.4 GB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10 / 11
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 4.4 GB

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372.71 RUB
Firefighting Simulator - The Squad

Firefighting Simulator lets you experience what it means to fight fires up close as an active part of a major US city's firefighting team. Discover over 30 diverse deployment locations and complete exciting missions that span a 15k acres large townscape inspired by the North American Westcoast. Operate faithfully reproduced Rosenbauer America fire trucks, extinguish fires, and rescue civilians in need – together with up to three friends in the co-op multiplayer or with the help of AI team members in the single-player mode.Also at your disposal is authentic firefighting gear such as helmets, firefighter boots, and a breathing apparatus model by well-known North American firefighting equipment manufacturers.Fire alert incoming!! What are you waiting for? Every minute counts! Pull-on your boots, start the engine of your fire truck, turn on the lights and siren, and take the shortest route to the deployment location to fight the fire and save lives.Whether in the industrial area, the suburbs, or downtown: Your city needs you!The multiplayer co-op mode allows you to play in a team with up to three friends to save lives and, of course, fight fires. Within the team, you are free to assume whichever role that suits you most.In single-player mode, you will experience up close what it means to fight fires in a major US city as the leader of an experienced firefighting team. Thanks to the intuitive command UI, you take control of assigning tasks to your AI colleagues and jump right into the thick of the action yourself.Advanced fire simulation, including water, smoke, heat, back drafts, flashovers, grease fires, and a wide range of other causes of fires, such as electronics, chemicals, and explosions.A complex physics system ensures a realistic representation of the destruction caused by dynamically spreading fire.Drive five licensed Rosenbauer America fire trucks, such as the TP3® Pumper, or the T-Rex® hydraulic platform through a large US city – also in cockpit view.Use authentic equipment by well-known US firefighting industry brands, such as Cairns®, MSA G1® SCBA, and HAIX®.Great replay value thanks to 30 different deployment locations, each offering several ways to beat the fires, both day and night.Comprehensive tutorial, radio communications, and character recordings in English, as well as subtitles in several languages, and faithfully recreated engine sounds for an even denser atmosphere.A detailed 15k acres large US city with different districts, such as an industrial area, suburbs, and downtown.Supports standard steering wheels and gamepadsA comprehensive tutorial takes you through the basics of fighting fires. © 2020 astragon Entertainment GmbH and Chronos Unterhaltungssoftware UG. Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Firefighting Simulator, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. Manufactured under license of Rosenbauer America, LLC, Leatherhead Tools, Wheeled Coach Industries and HAIX®-Schuhe Produktions- u. Vertriebs GmbH. The MSA firefighting product images and the MSA marks are used with permission of MSA - The Safety Company. Unreal, Unreal Engine, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Engine logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. All intellectual property relating to the rescue and firefighting vehicles, equipment, and associated brands and imagery therefore (including trademarks and/or copyrighted materials) featured in the game are the property of their respective companies. The firefighting and rescue products in this game may be different from the actual products in shapes, colours and performance. All rights reserved.

2183.00 RUB
Size Matters

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212.00 RUB
Skelittle: A Giant Party!

Развлечение для друзей и семьи! Skelittle — это незамысловатая красочная командная игра, созданная, чтобы развлечься с друзьями и в кругу семьи. Бросайте друг другу вызов в сериях по 15 мини-игр и открывайте предметы, чтобы создавать собственные игровые сеансы в режиме «песочницы». Превратите свой дом в гигантскую игровую площадку! Skelittles — это крошечные игрушки, сбежавшие из своих коробок из-под готовых завтраков. Играйте с ними, превращая повседневную обстановку в огромную игровую площадку! Убегайте от страшного робота-пылесоса, воруйте любимый корм своего пса и сбрасывайте друзей на самое дно ванны. Каждая из мини-игр особенная и имеет свои забавные задания. Создавайте собственные невероятные игры! Чем дольше вы играете, тем больше откроете предметов, которые можно применять в режиме «песочницы». Используйте их, чтобы создавать собственные невероятные игры! Как насчет игры в футбол, где у каждого игрока есть реактивный ранец? Игры в баскетбол на льду? Или безумного состязания в пейнтбол в инверсионных ботинках? В мире Skelittle возможно все! Особенности игры. •    15 красочных и незамысловатых мини-игр с различным геймплеем и графической средой. •    Режим «песочницы» с более чем 50 предметами. Открывайте их и создавайте собственные игры! •    Режимы одиночной и командной игры (1–4 игрока). Играйте в одиночку против компьютера или пригласите друзей и родных присоединиться к вам в безумном игровом сеансе на диване. •    Простота в использовании. Игры очень легкие и подходят даже детям! •    Великолепная мультипликационная графика, благодаря которой серые будни заиграют яркими красками.

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