
The Survivalists

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1734.00 RUB
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Описание игры

The island is alive! Your newfound home will change with day/night cycles as you explore and uncover its secrets. Hunt (or be hunted by!) animals for food and an array of mythical enemies, who aren’t necessarily pleased to see you. Get quests from a Mysterious Stranger or find them washed up on the shore. Prepare to trek into a procedurally generated wilderness, with a variety of biomes, for an adventure that’s unique to every player.Finding the perils of island life too much or just looking to share your building expertise with friends? The Survivalists has you covered! Complete joint adventures, gain loot, trade, and ultimately survive together as you and up to three fellow castaways explore fantastical islands.If you’re in need of a builder, a lumberjack, or even a soldier, the monkeys on the island can be tamed and trained to help you with everyday tasks or back you up on raids to a fanatic camp! The Mimic System means a wide variety of functions can be performed by your cheeky new friends, with monkey management becoming key to surviving the island’s challenges.The secret to survival is to make the most of the resources around you. Whether that’s piecing together a primitive axe to chop wood or mixing up a refreshing fruit smoothie to keep the hunger at bay, you can discover recipes and expand your options across food, item, or structure crafting trees.Looking for an epic sword to hang on your hut wall or want to lay waste to encroaching hostiles? What you seek could be in one of the many temples scattered around the island. However, getting your hands on the loot won’t be easy so any would-be raiders will need to prepare for their treasure-hunting escapades. The Survivalists developed by Team17 Digital Ltd © 2019. Developed and published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Team17 Digital and The Survivalists are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Ltd. All other trademarks copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 | AMD Phenom II X2 550
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 11 Graphics Adapter with 1 GB VRAM

Рекомендуемые системные требования:


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 | AMD FX-4350
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450, 1 GB | AMD Radeon HD 5770, 1 GB

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365.64 RUB

Mushihimesama (“Bug Princess” in English) is a vertical shooting game set in a beautiful fantasy world.  Huge insect-like creatures called Koju roam the forest outside the village of Hoshifuri.  When Reco's people fall to a mysterious sickness, the young princess decides to leave the village and meet the God of the Koju, who may provide a cure.  Riding her faithful Golden Beetle friend Kiniro, Reco must traverse the wilds, braving the hostile landscape and the aggressive Koju beasts on her journey through the Shinju Forest. Main Features:Explore a beautiful fantasy world rendered in stunning HD sprite graphics.  Battle a variety of giant "Koju" bugs across 5 stages, including a blazing desert, lush forests, and a serene cave.  CAVE's trademark bullets create a stunning visual impression, with iconic patterns unfolding in every boss encounter! Play the definitive shooter from the legendary developers that pioneered the "bullet hell" genre!  By decreasing the size of the player hitbox, Mushihimesama is able to challenge the player with some of the most intriguing and innovative shot patterns in the shoot 'em up genre.  Experience the thrill of dodging thousands of bullets at once in one of CAVE's best games! Choose from several game modes:  Arcade mode is designed to be as close to the original arcade game as possible.  Novice mode is similar to Arcade, but balanced for new players.  Arrange is a remixed version where you start with maximum firepower and defend yourself automatically.  Customize further with 3 different weapon types and two different option types. Mushihimesama has several different modes and difficulty settings, including a mode specifically balanced for new players.  No matter your skill level, you are certain to find a favorite mode!  Bold players should try the notorious "Ultra" mode, which is infamous for being one of the most difficult challenges in gaming! Mushihimesama V1.5 "Matsuri" Mode is available separately as optional DLC.  V1.5 is a remixed game mode with alternate music and mechanics.  Crank up the multiplier by firing close to enemies, but beware, as the bullet speed will also increase!  Previously, this mode was only available on an extremely limited basis, but now it is available to every player on Steam! Enjoy energetic and inspiring music from composers Manabu Namiki and Masaharu Iwata.  There are two soundtracks included (three with V1.5) to create an unforgettable mood for each stage.  You can choose which soundtrack to play for every stage and area, so feel free to mix and match your favorite tracks! A robust list of optional features are supported, including:A training mode to assist with practicing individual stages. Multiple options to adjust viewing windows, screen size and position, and screen orientation.  Try the vertical "tate" mode to get an arcade-authentic picture! An assortment of beautiful background images. Support for keyboard customization and multiple controllers. Online global leaderboards with replay sharing. Local co-op gameplay. Steam achievements.

365.64 RUB
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347.69 RUB
Ad Infinitum

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1548.16 RUB
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