
Combat Wings: Battle of Britain

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466.00 RUB
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Описание игры

Destroy the Luftwaffe!There’s something new in the air, and it’s more than the hum of hundreds of aero engines... As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat new planes that will ensure victory over a stronger foe. Will they succeed? It’s up to you, and your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you hold off the enemy long enough, you’ll be the first to fly the Hawker Tornado and Westland Whirlwind into combat, and enable the Empire to strike back before Reichsmarschall Goering finishes his breakfast. You’ll be rewarded with bonus missions, promotions, decorations, and a view of burning Berlin from the tail turret of a Halifax bomber. Join in the new Battle of Britain. Your aircraft is ready and waiting...Enjoy the realism of a detailed damage model, stunning graphics, and outstanding special effectsChoose between arcade and flight simulator control modes, and the RAF or the Luftwaffe in multiplayer modeGet on board of one of realistically modeled planes, e.g. Spitfire and Hurricane and dive into the world of ultra realistic air fights

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz CPU or faster
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible Video Card with 64MB RAM
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 700 MB Free Hard Drive Space
  • Sound: DirectX compatible Sound Card

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19 апреля 1943 года при Наркомате обороны СССР создано Главное управление военной контрразведки «СМЕРШ». В задачи структуры входила борьба с разведывательно-диверсионной деятельностью иностранных, в первую очередь — немецко-фашистских спецслужб. Зафронтовой разведывательной и контрразведывательной работой занимались оперативники 4-го отдела ГУК «СМЕРШ». На их долю выпали самые сложные и опасные задания: шпионаж, контрразведка, диверсии, установление, похищение и ликвидация особо важных персон противника. Игра «Смерть шпионам» рассказывает о нелегкой службе этих людей. Узнайте, как ковалась победа на невидимом фронте, на примере боевого пути Семена Строгова, капитана 4-го отдела контрразведки.                     Stealth-action от третьего лица, повествующий о деятельности самой загадочной спецслужбы времен Второй мировой.                     Задания, основанные на исторических фактах и рассекреченной информации о спецоперациях военной разведки.                     Полный набор приемов оперативника спецслужб: переодевание, метание ножей, бесшумное уничтожение врага, отвлечение противника, взлом дверей, установка мин-ловушек, ведение скрытного наблюдения и съемки.                     Подлинное оружие и транспорт Второй мировой войны.                     

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Welcome to ParadiZe - ParadiZe Zombot Skin

Привет! Слушай, если все пошло не по плану, это еще не значит, что нужно открещиваться от прошлого. Облик ParadiZe позволит вернуться в старые добрые времена, когда любимые Zombot'ы вселяли надежду одним только своим уникальным внешним видом.

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Main Assembly

You’re the designer, engineer and architect if you can imagine it you can create it! Construct robots of any shape or size from eight-legged spider bots to eerie UFO contraptions. Engineer each and every appendage with powerful visual programming letting you dictate the bots every move. When you’ve completed your masterpiece, open the world builder and craft the ultimate obstacle course to push your bot to its limit.Alone or with fellow inventors, envision your design then make it a reality.Create a world in which your bots will be challenged. Craft tracks for racing or complex obstacle courses that tease out all those lovely design flaws you didn’t know you had.Show off your designer skills first-hand with up to three friends. Build worlds together to challenge each other's bots in different obstacles courses and tracks. Or smash each other's creations into metallic pulp (more coming soon).No friends? No problems. We’ve created a single-player mode with over 100 challenges to test your inventions.Don’t panic, we don’t expect you to code in C# (we’re doing that). In fact, it’s entirely optional, but if you’re up to the challenge we’ve designed a powerful visual programming tool for you to enhance your creations. Add (or take) from the thousands of already created bots and worlds hand-crafted by our dedicated fans from all over the globe.If you want to test the limits of your construction, then drive it off a cliff. Main Assembly uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2020, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. (©)Bad Yolk Games AB 2020. Main Assembly™ is a trademark of Bad Yolk Games AB.

1778.00 RUB

As the veins of his city are depleted and the valley is deserted of its inhabitants, rumors of taverns come to Ruggnar's ears. Abandoned places contain incredible treasures that are just waiting to be picked up. Equipped with his bag and a few candles, he goes on an adventure to make his fortune! Ruggnar has a limited amount of candles to help him in these dark places. Help him to manage his supply. Seeing the path ahead of you, activating certain mechanisms or simply lighting up: it's up to you to find the perfect use for each candle! And if you throw one, remember to pick it up. It might come in useful soon! There are no enemies to kill here, but many traps are in your way. Hidden by the darkness, you may find yourself face to face with an axe, a fireball or other nasty things. Don't worry, move carefully, use your candles and everything will be fine. After all, Ruggnar is very agile for a dwarf and he gets up quite easily after an accident. Observe your surroundings, listen to the noises around you, throw your candles. The traps are there. It's up to you to avoid them! Throughout your journey, unlock new abilities. Visit the merchant to learn the secrets contained in ancient grimoires to improve your candles and equipment, or to buy the latest items in stock. Need a change? Many beard dyes, armors and helmets are hidden. Find them and create your own style! Explore every corner with smooth controls; Hand-forged story mode; Procedural generation to extend the experience; Discover the story behind this humorous adventure; Pierre-Alain de Garrigues (PADG, french voice of Kled in LoL, the Innkeeper in Hearthstone, Muradin in Heroes of the Storm and many other video game characters) and Jordan Harrelson (My Time at Portia, Edge of Eternity) lend their talents to Ruggnar so he can swear louder and louder!

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