


THE STORY The year is 3796, and you are Caroline. A bloodthirsty, psychopathic mercenary who wants nothing more than to marry her wonderful boyfriend Athens Fetter. Problem is money's tight, and rings aren't exactly cheap. But thankfully there may be hope for her yet, as a warlock named Cromune has acquired a rather hefty bounty on his head. He's being accompanied by a small fraction of the U.S.C. (The United Scientific Conglomerate) Lead by Dr Mortice. Which means he's got a small army defending him. But what's an army to someone who's taken on a legion? What're a few hundred soldiers to death incarnate? Nothing but a slaughter... Nay... A viscerafest. The Early Access version includes an introductory prelude level, a portion of the game's hub space, and the entirety of the 1st and 2nd chapters, each with 7 levels to play through. It also features 16 of the 26 enemies and 8 of the 9 weapons. The hub's primary features together with the third chapter are planned for the game’s full launch. KEY FEATURES Navigate nonlinear hand-crafted levels, stuffed to the brim with secrets, using key cards, completing puzzles and various objectives to progress. Set across a wide variety of locations, from a space station above the earth, to a realm beyond our reality. Wield 9 unique and powerful weapons, from staples of the genre like the bunker buster double-barreled shotgun, to the more unique and offbeat, such as the Pung Cannon. Slaughter over 2 dozen different enemy types, from the minor grunts who make up the U.S.C's forces to monsters beyond your ability to comprehend such as The Maledict. New enemy types are introduced in every level, each compounding the challenges you'll face with a variety of attacks and behaviors. Juggle your resources, as you fight to stay alive, constantly balancing your use of ammo, health, and armor. Move at the speed of light, chaining bunny hopping and dashing together to move at speeds no man would dream of, and with your overbearing air control, dance around projectiles like no other. Collect tons of goodies to unlock items such as gameplay modifiers and cheats to spice up your playthroughs.

449.12 RUB
STAR WARS™: Battlefront Classic Collection

Сражайтесь в культовых битвах на просторах галактики STAR WARS™. Эта классическая серия STAR WARS: Battlefront доступна для игры на онлайн и офлайн. Classic Collection включает в себя: STAR WARS Battlefront (Classic) – С бонусной картой Jabba's Palace STAR WARS Battlefront II. – С бонусными картами Bespin: Cloud City, Rhen Var: Harbor, Rhen Var: Citadel и Yavin 4: Arena. – С бонусными героями Asajj Ventress и Kit Fisto. **Ключевые особенности** Исследуйте вселенную в режиме кампании и завоевания галактики Завоевание галактики: разработайте стратегию, завербуйте войска и воплотите в жизнь свое тактическое видение покорения цивилизации. Кампания STAR WARS™  Battlefront: станьте участником культовых сражений из эпизодов I-VI. Кампания STAR WARS™  Battlefront II: примите участие в становлении элитного легиона Darth Vader – 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. Масштабные локации и поддержка до 64 игроков в режиме онлайн – Сражайтесь на земле: Wookiee Warriors, Jet Troopers, Droidekas и другие персонажи доступны в массовом многопользовательском бою. – Управляйте культовым транспортом: Speeder Bikes, AT-STs, AT-RTs и другие средства передвижения во время наступательных и оборонительных битв. – Станьте пилотом легендарных звездолетов: TIE fighters, X-wings и другие летательные аппараты в космических и авиационных боях. Расширенный режим Hero Assault Впервые в режиме Hero Assault доступны все наземные карты, включая Death Star, Kashyyyk, Kamino и Naboo. – Сразитесь с героями: Mace Windu, Yoda, Luke Skywalker и другими! – Сразитесь со злодеями: Darth Maul, General Grievous, Darth Vader и другими!

989.71 RUB

Contain is a first-person cooperative tactical shooter, but if you like you can play as a Lone Wolf. There is an organization that directs many task forces that are trying to control objects of supernatural origin that have fallen from space. The story centers on a special task force. Fully customize your character from basic outfit and gear to in-depth customization, you decide on every pouch and attachment placement. Like your outfit and gear, you can fully customize your guns with a gunsmith system. Calculated teamwork is essential for all Entry Teams. Practice in the kill house and try your equipment before the mission. You will be able to play all the missions by yourself as a Lone Wolf. But we are also planning to add A.I. teammates with a complete commanding system.

2300.22 RUB

QUADROIDS IS A MIND-TWISTING PUZZLE-PLATFORMER WHERE YOU GET TO CONTROL 4 SCREENS AT ONCE! UP FOR A CHALLENGE?Don’t be fooled by its deceptively simple pixel-art style, Quadroids will tear your neocortex apart. Show you’re boss and compete for the top of the leaderboard! UNIQUE GAMEPLAY:Control your Quadroids simultaneously accross four screens, and clear over 100 hazard-filled levels. Jump to avoid the acid baths, lasers, deadly spikes and other vicious traps, or strategically sacrifice your minions to create new platforming opportunities. Play alone with the 4 screens or ask for the help of your friends in the Coop mode. COMMUNITYJoin our Discord server to share your best scores & speedruns, and unlock custom roles to show off your achievements. Control selected game screens and appear alongside your favorite streamers with Twitch add-ons! Twitch Plays Quadroids: Hand over control to your viewers, allowing them to manage one or more screens. For the ultimate challenge, let them take command of all four screens using commands like !top_left, !top_right, !bottom_left, and !bottom_right to guide the Quadroids through each part of the screen. Volunteers!:Players can actively participate by typing "!volunteer" in the Twitch chat. The next Quadroids to jump into the game will bear the name of the volunteer, creating a personalized and unforgettable gaming experience. Handle with care, as sacrificing these volunteers is not advised!

234.16 RUB
Kraken Odyssey

Окунитесь с головой в этот 3D экшен/гоночную игру, бегите на полной скорости, прыгайте, чтобы избежать опасностей, и доберитесь до финиша! Вас ждут более тридцати различных уровней с миссиями и медалями, которые можно заработать на каждом из них. Вы не будете испытывать недостатка в испытаниях! Помогите Вульпи в его приключении! Его младший брат был похищен, и вам предстоит отправиться в путешествие по различным мирам, чтобы найти его! Пляжи, джунгли, снежные горы, пылающие подземелья, но будьте осторожны, чтобы не оказаться в роли приманки для крабов... Стань самым крутым кракеном на островах!В игре есть множество костюмов, которые можно разблокировать, пират или единорог - выбор за вами. Так что если вы любите осьминогов, пляж и приключения, отправляйтесь на поиски приключений в Kraken Odyssey!

256.64 RUB
Lords of Exile

In ancient times of war in the Far East, the lands of Exilia were overrun by creatures of the night and samurais. Amidst this cruel conflict, only a bloodthirsty cursed knight can bring hope and vanquish the darkness. Key features Levels     Explore 8 levels of classic linear design, each featuring challenging obstacles and enemies to overcome. At the end of each level, you'll face off against a powerful boss that will put your skills to the test. And as Gabriel, you'll receive an extra skill after defeating each boss, allowing you to progress even further and take on greater challenges. Gameplay Variety     Experience a range of mechanics, from throwing weapons to melee combat, down stabs, jumping, and dashing. Unlock the powers of Gabriel's curse to enhance your abilities. Play as both Gabriel and Lyria, each offering a unique and distinct gameplay experience for endless replayability.          Plus, once you've beaten the game with Gabriel, unlock two additional game modes: Speedrunner mode and Boss Rush mode. And the best part? You can play both of these modes with either Gabriel or Lyria for even more variety and fun! Retro-aesthetic and sound design Relive the glory days of classic gaming with retro-inspired 16-bit physics and perfectly polished controls. The game's stunning handcrafted 8-bit pixel art and fast anime-style animations, the 8-bit SFX and OST, enriched with sounds from the Megadrive sound chip, complete the immersive retro experience.

326.63 RUB
Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior

Спустя пятьсот лет мира над Анталой нависла новая опасность. Ее судьба зависит от вас, Име. Вы — Лисфанга Нового Королевства и его защитница. Древние города, ранее запертые во времени, теперь снова свободны и старое зло вырвалось наружу, угрожая мирной жизни. Но вы будете не одна. Сама Богиня времени одарила вас силой повелевать временем — такой силой не обладал ни один Лисфанга. Вы способны перематывать время назад в бою, чтобы призывать себе на помощь клонов себя же из прошлого. Овладейте своей силой в совершенстве, чтобы в одиночку стать целым легионом, и сокрушите орды сбежавших на свободу демонов, известных как раксес. Вместе с армией своих клонов из прошлого вы пройдете через древние города, где расширите свой арсенал и изучите новые заклинания, чтобы подготовиться к бою с главным врагом.Соберите армию своих клоновПользуйтесь божественными способностями Име, чтобы перематывать время назад и призывать своих клонов. Из них вы соберете целую армию, с которой одолеете врагов. Бросайте себе вызовИспытайте свои умения, чтобы превзойти саму себя. Проходите арены заново, чтобы побить свои же рекорды. Повышайте уровни сложности и добавляйте боевые модификаторы, чтобы открывать новые награды.Продумывайте каждый бойКаждую арену можно пройти множеством способов. Меняйте стратегию на ходу и используйте все доступные вам средства. Успех зависит лишь от сочетания ваших клонов, заклинаний и оружия.   Исследуйте огромные древние городаЗамки времени сломаны. Раксес вырвались на свободу и готовы творить хаос. Исследуйте заброшенные города старого континента, запертые ранее во времени, и узнайте, что стоит за вторжением раксес.

621.98 RUB
The Inquisitor

I hope someone can help translate "the Inquisitor" into English. This task far exceeds my ability. If you are willing to provide any help, I would be very grateful. "The Inquisitor" is a short RPG game with a complete storyline and combat system. A resurrected inquisitor from the graveyard receives the instructions of God and embark on the journey of judging the sinners. Enough rich text content relative to the process. The whole story and the world are gradually shown from dialogue and descriptions. A combination of combat system and collection system. Up to fifty skills are collectable and play their roles in combat system. "Deck building" mechanism of skills help deal with various opponents. Three endings lead to different fate of the inquisitor and the world.

1740.27 RUB
Hitman: Contracts

Enter the world of a HITMAN - a world of crime, sin and greed. Delve into the mind of Agent 47 and encounter his greatest adversaries, completing the work that made him so brutally efficient and shaped him as an assassin. Eliminate your targets by any means necessary.There are no rules... only the contract, signed in blood.Key Features:Travel the globe eliminating international terrorists and crime bosses from your hit list.Complete your mission objectives with a wider variety of tactical approaches.Improvise on the job, picking up disguises and environmental objects to use as weapons.Advanced enemy intelligence uses squad-based tactics to try and stop you. HITMAN™ © 2017 Io-Interactive A/S. Published by Io-Interactive A/S. IO-INTERACTIVE, the IO logo, HITMAN™, the HITMAN™ logo, and WORLD OF ASSASSINATION are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or exclusively licensed to Io-Interactive A/S. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

75791.00 RUB
Hitman: Codename 47

В качестве таинственного Хитмана, вы должны использовать скрытность и разрешение тактических проблем, чтобы войти, выпонить и выйти с задания с минимальными вниманием и максимальной эффективностью. За определенную цену вы получите доступ к самым изощренным устройствам, но от того, как вы их используете, зависит, уйдете ли вы как миллионер или уйдете навсегда. Хитман — наиболее изысканный и богатый наемный убийца в мире; однако, ему досаждает проблемное прошлое из лжи и генетической резни. Оригинальная история развивается на протяжении пяти глав в потрясающего боевика. Помните, что мир контрактных убийств вознаграждает быстрый ум больше, чем быстрый курок. Особенности Планируйте тщательно каждое задание, учитывая множество оружия, данные наблюдения и различные пути завершения. Улучшайте свои навыки с помощью комплексного оружия и тренировок. Получите доступ к чёрному рынку оружия, ловушек и баз данных из новаторской системы денежного вознаграждения. Искусственный интеллект меняет представление о жанре «Интеллектуальный шутер». Захватывающий и продуманный сюжет, излагаемый в потрясающем кинематографичном видеоряде. Новаторский 3D-движок предлагает полную физику объектов, деформацию, моделирование оружия и неповторимую лицевую анимацию.

71904.00 RUB
Hitman: Blood Money

Money Talks. Silence Pays. Prepare to Make a Killing. When assassins from Agent 47's contract agency, The ICA, are eliminated in a series of hits, it seems a larger, more powerful agency has entered the fray. Sensing he may be a target, 47 travels to America, and prepares to make a killing.'Blood Money' system: the cleaner the 'hit' the more money you receive which can be spent on bribing witnesses and police to reduce your notoriety, weapon customisation, specialist equipment and information.Customisable weapons: modify Agent 47's custom weapons in a variety of ways including sound, recoil, rate of fire, damage, reload speed, accuracy and zoom.Strong narrative: who is wiping out the ICA and what is their motivation?New engine: the world of the assassin has never been so interactive or looked so good!New gameplay techniques: including disarm, distraction, accidents, body disposal, human shield and decoy weapons.New control and camera system: Agent 47 now moves independently of the camera.New moves: Agent 47 can now climb, hide, scale ledges and automatically pass low obstacles.Improved AI: guards will follow blood trails, investigate suspicious items and behaviour. New pathfinder engine provides improved tracking and movement with realistic enemy behaviour and interaction.Soundtrack by BAFTA-winning composer Jesper Kyd. HITMAN™ © 2017 Io-Interactive A/S. Published by Io-Interactive A/S. IO-INTERACTIVE, the IO logo, HITMAN™, the HITMAN™ logo, and WORLD OF ASSASSINATION are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or exclusively licensed to Io-Interactive A/S. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

81621.00 RUB
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Enter the realm of a retired assassin, forced back into action by treason. You may be a hired killer but you still have a sense of loyalty and justice. Visit the dark recesses of a world corrupted by crime, greed, degradation and dishonor. And a past that catches up with you.Trust no one - if the price is right, the finger of your most trusted ally will be on the trigger. Your targets may hide in the most remote areas of the planet, but their destruction is never prevented - only postponed.Learn your trade - master your tools - overcome your obstacles - outsmart your enemies - eliminate your targets. Remember: rash decisions bleed consequences. Know when to strike instantly, know when to take your time. Chance favors the prepared. Failure is not an option.Pick up contracts in exotic locations around the globe: Sicily, St. Petersburg, Japan, Malaysia, and India.Operate in a non-linear world where the outcome of your actions and proficiency as a hitman are measured on a balance between stealth and aggression.Stalk and eliminate your targets up close and personal, in either 1st or 3rd person perspectives.Execute your assignments with a diverse arsenal of equipment, from armor-piercing sniper rifles and explosives to chloroform and poison darts.Acquire and carry weapons and tools from mission to mission through an enhanced inventory and save-game system.Original soundtrack composed by Jesper Kyd and performed by The Budapest Symphony Orchestra. HITMAN™ © 2017 Io-Interactive A/S. Published by Io-Interactive A/S. IO-INTERACTIVE, the IO logo, HITMAN™, the HITMAN™ logo, and WORLD OF ASSASSINATION are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or exclusively licensed to Io-Interactive A/S. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

75791.00 RUB
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