

Lost Ruins

Девочка просыпается в полумраке подземелья. Она ничего не помнит. Ужасные кровожадные монстры собираются разорвать ее на части, как вдруг на помощь приходит волшебница Беатриса. Девочка отправляется в опасное приключение, чтобы найти ответы на вопросы и раскрыть секреты затерянных руин, и Беатриса ей в этом помогает. БойБои в Lost Ruins могут быть динамичными и тактическими одновременно. Прорубайтесь сквозь толпы врагов, поджаривайте их до хрустящей корочки или же отражайте в них их собственные снаряды. Возьмите в руки разнообразные мечи, топоры и прочее средневековое оружие, и порубите монстров на кусочки. Для любителей магии в Lost Ruins есть множество заклинаний, которые можно применять с помощью волшебных палочек, зелий и свитков. Сжигайте монстров, замораживайте боссов и лечите себя в минуты опасности. Выберите свой собственный стиль игры и создайте уникального волшебного персонажа.ЭкипировкаМир Lost Ruins очень опасен, и, чтобы в нем выжить, недостаточно просто вооружиться до зубов, так что вам пригодятся аксессуары. Аксессуары — это уникальные предметы экипировки, дающие разнообразные эффекты. Какие-то могут защитить вас от огня, а какие-то — исцелить от отравления. Правильный подбор аксессуаров может открыть множество вариантов прохождения приключения.Взаимодействие с окружениемБлуждая по темным подземельям Lost Ruins, вы обнаружите, что все вокруг пытается вас убить. Но при этом вы можете использовать окружение в свою пользу. Стихии в этом мире реалистично взаимодействуют с другими элементами окружающей среды. Воспламеняющиеся жидкости загораются при контакте с зажженными светильниками. Магия льда замораживает водоемы и опускает их температуру до опасно низкой. Чем лучше вы понимаете окружение и то, как его использовать, тем более опасным противником становитесь. Главная героиня Школьница, которая очнулась в опасном подземном лабиринте и ничего не помнит. В отчаянной попытке разобраться, кто же она такая и как тут оказалась, девочка отправляется исследовать руины.Беатриса Загадочная женщина, наделенная невероятной магической силой. Беатриса выступает в роли проводника главной героини по затерянным руинам. При этом она, похоже, что-то скрывает.Гоблин-торговец Маленький слуга Беатрисы, который периодически приходит на помощь главной героине.Сора и Минги Не только девочки-зомби, но и большие фанатки поп-звёзд, что заметно по светящимся палочкам, которые они всюду с собой таскают.

602.36 RUB
Destroy All Humans!

Культовая классика возвращается! Терроризируйте землян 1950-х годов в роли злобного пришельца Крипто-137. Извлекайте их ДНК, чтобы свергнуть правительство США – как и положено в боевике про нашествие инопланетян. Аннигилируйте ничтожных хомосапиенсов супероружием и суперспособностями. Палите по городам с летающей тарелки! Давите, жгите, испепеляйте! Встаньте на сторону зла в классическом НФ-боевике Вооружитесь анальным зондом Крипто и используйте его по назначению Притворитесь гуманоидом и подорвите наконец эту их демократию Бейте врагов телекинезом и швыряйте в них всем, что попадет под конечность Нацепите реактивный ранец и исследуйте Америку 50-х Крушите примитивные земные постройки с борта летающей тарелки Одна из самых улетных игр в истории снова с нами Теперь это ваша история – во всей своей космической красе В том числе потерянная, откопанная и любовно восстановленная миссия «Зона 42»!

1216.13 RUB
Sparkle 2 Evo

Control the evolution with the touch of your finger. Climb your way through the evolutional ladder. Start as a little organism and transform into a magnificent aquatic being. Explore the abyss in search of nutritional elements. Attack other species whenever you run out of other food sources. Enjoy beautiful surreal visuals and relax with minimalistic ambient soundtrack. Can you grow the biggest Sparkle in the world? Subtle, captivating, addictive. These three words describe the world of Sparkle - world in which you make a tiny aquatic creature evolve into becoming a grown, magnificent being. We give you control over your Sparkle's development and wellbeing, and you have one goal - to evolve. Whilst exploring the Sparkle Void, you find various nutritious elements to eat. Sometimes you will even have to fight for food with other species. You become what you eat - you get to choose whether your sparkle becomes a fast and aggressive carnivore, a sluggish but fast-eating herbivore, or an omnivore, whose features lie somewhere in between. Insight to your Sparkle's DNA strand will give you information about the progress and will help you plan which microelements you want to focus on eating next. You will also get to fight giant bosses from time to time. But there’s no rush to keep the game in full swing at all times. You may as well just relax, play the game on a slow pace, explore the sparkle void, consume nutritional elements, enjoy simple and surreal surrounding and listen to the ambient music soundtrack. The choice is all yours. - Three different ways to evolve. Become a fast and agressive carnivore, a sluggish but fast eating herbivore, or an omnivore whose features lie somewhere in between - Play through 13 dreamlike looking levels. - Use GenLab to check your Sparkles DNA strand, your progress, status of your special skills, and plan what to eat next accordingly. - Relax with great chilled-out ambient soundtrack. - Compete against other Sparkle in fast-paced competitive mode

109.44 RUB
Cat on a Diet

Soft, fluffy, and a little on the chunky side — the podgy pussycat Dr. Meow can’t stop munching on delicious cookies and needs your help getting his greedy little paws on more! While his owner sleeps, steal away into the kitchen and help tumble this tubby tabby cat into the prized cookie jar. Get stuck in! Swipe and prod to claw away at wooden blocks, unscrew bolts, control powerful magnets and explode highly volatile uranium – anything to reach those cookies! The hand that feeds? What are the owners hiding from you? Find out as this pot-bellied kitty’s journey for sweet treats takes him up into the attic and down into the secret laboratory. Snack happy! Munch all the snacks in each level and spend them on new power-ups, hats, masks and even more cookie-heisting helpers. - witness the shenanigans of Dr. Meow in a Physics Puzzler for all ages - visit 4 game worlds (Dr. Meows Home, Spooky Attic, Mysterious Laboratory and visit the middle ages!) - Over 100 challenging levels to complete - two diverse game modes - Collect over 50 fabulous cat costumes - Use fun tools and inventive methods to reach the cookie jar!

109.44 RUB
Combat Wings: Battle of Britain

Destroy the Luftwaffe!There’s something new in the air, and it’s more than the hum of hundreds of aero engines... As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat new planes that will ensure victory over a stronger foe. Will they succeed? It’s up to you, and your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you hold off the enemy long enough, you’ll be the first to fly the Hawker Tornado and Westland Whirlwind into combat, and enable the Empire to strike back before Reichsmarschall Goering finishes his breakfast. You’ll be rewarded with bonus missions, promotions, decorations, and a view of burning Berlin from the tail turret of a Halifax bomber. Join in the new Battle of Britain. Your aircraft is ready and waiting...Enjoy the realism of a detailed damage model, stunning graphics, and outstanding special effectsChoose between arcade and flight simulator control modes, and the RAF or the Luftwaffe in multiplayer modeGet on board of one of realistically modeled planes, e.g. Spitfire and Hurricane and dive into the world of ultra realistic air fights

474.00 RUB
Combat Wings

VICTORY HANGS IN THE AIR. GRAB IT WITH BOTH HANDS.It’s the 4th of June, 1942, and Japanese bombs are raining down on Midway – and you. This lethal assault is a prelude to an invasion whose success gives the enemy control over the Pacific. You are one of the American airmen who hold the outcome of this decisive battle in their hands. You’ll have to prove yourself as a fighter, bomber, and reconnaissance pilot, and confront Japanese aces as a bomber and ground AA gunner. The enemy has to be stopped at Midway – and victory’s up to you.Dive right into spectacular dogfights.Pilot a variety of fighter, bomber, and reconnaissance planes. © Copyright 2005-2020 CI Games S.A. (formerly City Interactive S.A.). All Rights Reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners or manufacturers.

379.00 RUB
Alien Rage - Unlimited

Unleash a fury of powerful weapons as you blast your way through armies of Alien forces hell-bent on taking you down! Battle through 14 intense levels and prepare to face a barrage of beastly-sized bosses that will test your every skill. Each of your 10 weapons comes with two firing modes and you’ll need all of them! Battle hardened Alien forces will attack you from every direction using various flanking and attack moves. Built with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments… experience a truly intense, oldschool styled shooter game!Key Features:Wide variety of Alien enemy forces including Infantry, Warriors, Flying Drones, SpidersHuge boss fights – Over 21 enemy types including 8 beastlysized bosses to challenge and destroy through 14 LevelsStrong thru-the-gun experience with 10 powerful weapons each with two firing modesSkill shots, head shots and shooting accuracy heavily rewardedPlayer-triggered destruction of environments and cover helps to advance through levelsBuilt with powerful up-to-date graphics technology, awesome physics, destructible environments Alien Rage © 2013 CI Games S.A., all rights reserved. Published and developed by CI Games S.A. Alien rage is a trademark of CI Games S.A. Unreal, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Technology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. © 2013 Valve Corporation. Steamworks and the Steamworks logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The NVIDIA logo and the “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” logo are registered trademarks, of NVIDIA Corporation. Copyright © 1997-2012 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA.

1898.00 RUB
Enemy Front

ENEMY FRONT is the first truly modern WW2 FPS, featuring stunning visuals, open-ended levels, and a richly interactive combat experience that breaks out of the standard model of highly linear scripted FPS experiences, giving the player full freedom to own their playing style. Intense Combat, Sniping, Stealth, and Sabotage – all are viable approaches for the player, maximizing player engagement and replayability. Against the visceral backdrop of breathtaking European locales, the player takes on the role of American Robert Hawkins, as he fights hand in hand with Resistance Fighters opposing the Nazi juggernaut in France, Germany, Norway, and during the Warsaw Uprising.Choose your own fight: gameplay blends fast-paced FPS action with precision sniping thrilling stealth, and deadly sabotage in the first open-ended WW2 game.Deal death from afar: use sniper rifles to decimate enemy ranks and pick off officers, enemy snipers, and heavy weapons gunners with deadly precision.Breathtaking visuals, interactive environments, and spectacular action across many iconic Resistance operations of WW2.Choose your own weapon: full arsenal of WW2 weaponry across all categories of hand-guns, SMGs, assault rifles, sniper rifles, as well as signature Resistance weapons including the Sten gun, Welrod Silenced Pistol, and Lightning SMG.Own the battlefield: combine reconnaissance, explosives, and marksmanship to prepare, misdirect and ambush numerically superior Nazi troops.Engaging, destructible environments and advanced tactical AI means combat is always a rewarding and dynamic experience.Highly replayable 10 hour Single-Player Campaign and 12-player Online Multiplayer, all powered by CRYENGINE technology. Enemy Front© 2013 City Interactive S.A., all rights reserved. Published and developed by CI Games S.A. is a trademark of CI Games S.A. Portions of this software are included under license © 2004-2013 Crytek GmbH. This software product includes Autodesk® Scaleform® software, © 2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2013 Valve Corporation. Steamworks and the Steamworks logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. The NVIDIA logo and the “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” logo are registered trademarks, of NVIDIA Corporation. Copyright © 1997-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA. CI GAMES is a brand of Ci Games S.A. The depiction of any weapon or vehicle in this game does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship, or endorsement by any weapon or vehicle manufacturer

1898.00 RUB
Project Freedom

Get your dream job with a company called Project Freedom. Become a space pilot and serve for the corporation. You're going to get all the excitement and adventure you've ever wanted.Perhaps even more...21 missions in the campaignOutstanding 3D graphics and special effectsOriginal storyline with unexpected turns and surprisesA variety of space combat missions including escort, strike, and rescue operationsMissions in open space, on planets and moons

284.00 RUB
The Royal Marines Commando

Join the Elite!1941 and the German War machine is ravaging Europe. The British intelligence obtains classified documents detailing the development of a new type of German deadly weapon. It will give the Nazis worldwide naval supremacy and a great advantage over the allies. The Royal Marines Commandos are sent into action.Lead the British commandos on intense missions in France, Africa, Scotland, and NorwayBattle the Axis armies using realistic weapons originally used during the World War IIExperience astonishing graphics, dynamic lighting, and breathtaking effects © 2009-2018 CI Games S.A., all rights reserved. Published by CI Games S.A. THE ROYAL MARINES COMMANDO is a trademark of CI Games S.A. (formerly City Interactive S.A.). This product contains the JupiterEX Technology licensed from Touchdown Entertainment Inc. JupiterEX technology © 2007 Touchdown Entertainment, Inc. and its suppliers. All Rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

379.00 RUB
Operation Thunderstorm

Elimination of the Leaders of the Third Reich!The year is 1942. The British government decides to launch one of the riskiest operations of World War II. The targets are the most important figures of the Third Reich. After several months of research, MI6 chose three people: the chances of eliminating them are slim to nothing.Your targets are: Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering.Become an MI6 secret agent and execute a mission in the enemy territory.Go head to head with various classes of enemies controlled by a superior AI supported by the Jupiter EX engine.Fight through the French township of Vervins, a Bavarian castle, and a secret facility in the Owl Mountains in Poland.Exploit your surroundings and shoot your enemy from cover using the Covert Fire system. © 2008-2018 CI Games S.A., all rights reserved. Published by CI Games S.A. Operation Thunderstorm is a trademark of CI Games S.A. (formerly City Interactive S.A.). This product contains the JupiterEX Technology licenced from Touchdown Entertainment Inc. JupiterEX technology © 2007 Touchdown Entertainment, Inc. and its suppliers. All Rights reserved. This product contains software technology licensed from GameSpy Industries, Inc. © 1999-2008 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the “Powered By GameSpy” design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

379.00 RUB
Sniper Art of Victory

BECOME THE EYE WITNESS OF THE FALL OF THE THIRD REICHWW II was a theatre of war for many specialized combat units, working together to ensure an army’s victory. Among them, a unique role was played by hidden and deadly marksmen. Their ability to lay motionless waiting for the perfect shot together with their professional equipment allowed them to change the course of history with one pull of a trigger.Become a sharpshooter and take part in the turning points of the WW II. Eliminate the Nazi general, who came to support the Germans lying siege to Stalingrad. Make your way through areas occupied by the Third Reich to your unit. Aid the Alliance forces during their offensive on the Italian Peninsula to break the resistance of the retreating Wehrmacht forces.Key features:Realistic sniper rifles: Mosin-Nagant PU and Mauser98KS.Faithfuly reproduced uniforms and equipment of the Third Reich soldiers.Realistic locations rendering the atmosphere of Russia and Italian Peninsula during the war © 2007-2014 CI Games S.A., Published by CI Games S.A. SNIPER: ART OF VICTORY is a trademark of CI Games S.A.

284.00 RUB
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