


Откройте с друзьями волшебную таверну! Злой волшебник завладел семейной таверной Яррул! Чтобы вернуть семейное наследие, вместе с друзьями управляйте таверной, варите зелья, рыбачьте, готовьте и, конечно же, сражайтесь! Отправиться в это волшебное приключение можно в одиночку или компанией до 4 человек. В этой сумбурно-душевной истории, действие которой разворачивается в волшебном мире по мотивам сказок коренных жителей Австралии, каждый откроет для себя что-то новое. Чтобы помешать коварному волшебнику устроить хаос и присвоить таверну, вам с друзьями предстоит ответить на серьезный вызов с его стороны: доказать, что вы управляете таверной лучше него! Но чтобы привести таверну к бешеному успеху, вам придется справляться с постоянными волшебными переменами в таверне, хитрыми планами волшебника, монстрами, сороками и даже требовательными заказами кулинарных критиков! В этом захватывающем приключении вам предстоит управлять таверной вместе с друзьями или ИИ-спутником! Каждый день волшебная таверна меняет облик, создавая для вашей команды новые приключения и механики с более чем 50 уровнями. Вас ждет множество трудностей: подавайте посетителям блюда и зелья, защищайте таверну от опасных существ, собирайте ракушки и совершенствуйте заведение, а также заботьтесь о местных животных. Чтобы преуспеть, завоюйте доверие волшебных духов, уважайте местные обычаи и остерегайтесь монстров и котов-воров, которых волшебник будет насылать на вас! Приобретайте улучшения у местного товарооборотня, открывайте новые предметы, повышайте эффективность своей команды и превратите таверну в процветающее заведение. Вы также можете изменить интерьер таверны с помощью более 60 предметов декора, от столов до картин на стены, и придать вашему заведению индивидуальный облик. Работа в волшебной таверне отнимает много сил у вашей команды, так что важно отдыхать по ночам. По вечерам вы можете пообщаться с посетителями в непринужденной обстановке, закрепить недавно изученные механики, раскрыть следующую часть сюжета и выбрать занятие на ночь, которое повлияет на следующий день. По ночам вы можете выбрать одно из пяти занятий и испытать удачу, попробовав получить полезные бонусы для следующего дня. Какое занятие предпочтет ваша команда сегодня? Принять деловые решения, попрактиковаться в алхимии, исследовать мир, заняться обустройством таверны или отдохнуть? Выбор за вами, но будьте осторожны — от ваших решений зависит, как пройдет следующий день! А если вам не удалось отдохнуть как следует, возможно, стоит сварить зелье для дополнительной скорости и бонусов, которые помогут исполнить заказы посетителей. Окунитесь в прекрасный фэнтезийный мир, основанный на австралийском эпосе, полный потрясающих существ, волшебных духов и веселых местных жителей. Пройдите вместе с друзьями это забавное и увлекательное приключение и одержите верх над злобным волшебником!

304.95 RUB
Darkest Dungeon II: The Binding Blade

Особенности: Два новых игровых героя: Дуэлянтка и Крестоносец Новые уникальные вещицы, особые предметы и страшные воспоминания, которые героям придётся пережить снова Новый блуждающий минибосс: Командир Дуэлянтка — смертоносный боец, способный по ситуации переходить из обороны в нападение. С нею всегда придётся считаться, ведь она способна нанести противнику ответный удар в обход его защиты. Своим стремлением к совершенству она укрепит соратников и приведёт их к победе, накладывая усиления и не считаясь со временем перезарядки. Дуэлянтка без труда нападает с любой позиции и перемещается между ними, безжалостно уничтожая врагов. Крестоносец вернулся! Закалённый в боях рыцарь черпает силы из священного пламени, поражая врагов на месте. Этот разносторонний персонаж защищает отряд с передних позиций, способен выдерживать сильные удары противника, помогает восстановиться физически и душевно истощённым соратникам, а также рвёт в клочья врагов своим праведным клинком.

322.55 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Combination Lessons

Know the TheoryAssimilate with PuzzlesBOT.vinnik ❤❤❤Features ■ 150+ theory-backed "best move" chess puzzles ■ Combination aspects organized in 19 chapters to elevate your knowledge ■ Made for chess enthusiasts by chess enthusiast ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!Not Features ■ No wrong move analysis. All the puzzles have a single "best move" solution and were designed to illustrate a specific topic. ■ Not a beginner's guide to learning how the chess pieces move.

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Winning Patterns

BOT.vinnik is back, and now the relentless A.I. is determined to teach you some checkmate patterns! ■ Learn the theory behind the strategy ■ 150+ theory backed "best-move" chess puzzles ■ Winning patterns organized in 19 chapters to elevate your knowledge ■ Made for chess enthusiasts by chess enthusiast ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar personality!

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Opening Traps

Improve your chess opening knowledge with the help of BOT.vinnik, a soviet digital teacher. ■ Learn the theory behind the strategy ■ 150+ theory backed "best-move" chess puzzles ■ Opening aspects organized in 19 chapters to elevate your knowledge ■ Made for chess enthusiasts by chess enthusiast ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Early USSR Championships

The soviet digital teacher is back! This time he will teach you chess through memorable matches from the early USSR Chess Championships (1920s, and 30s) ■ Learn the theory behind historical matches played by masters ■ Find out why chess pros chose the moves they did ■ Play hypothetical outcomes to understand why the losing player resigned ■ 150+ "best-move" type puzzles from famous matches ■ Memorable matches organized by chess Masters in 16 chapters ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Mid-Century USSR Championships

The soviet digital teacher is back! This time he will teach you chess through memorable matches from the mid-century USSR Chess Championships (1940s, and 50s) ■ Learn the theory behind historical matches played by masters ■ Find out why chess pros chose the moves they did ■ Play hypothetical outcomes to understand why the losing player resigned ■ 150+ "best-move" type puzzles from famous matches ■ Memorable matches organized by chess Masters in 16 chapters ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Late USSR Championships

The soviet digital teacher is back! This time he will teach you chess through memorable matches from the late USSR Chess Championships (the 1970s, and 80s) ■ Learn the theory behind historical matches played by masters ■ Find out why chess pros chose the moves they did ■ Play hypothetical outcomes to understand why the losing player resigned ■ 150+ "best-move" type puzzles from famous matches ■ Memorable matches organized by chess Masters in 16 chapters ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!

23.16 RUB
BOT.vinnik Chess: Prodigies

The soviet digital strikes back! This time he will teach you chess through memorable matches from the world's greatest chess prodigies of all time! ■ Learn the theory behind historical matches played by prodigies ■ Understand why chess pros chose the moves they did ■ Play through "What if" scenarios and see what would have happened if the player had chosen another path ■ Play hypothetical outcomes to understand why the losing player resigned ■ 150+ "best-move" type puzzles from famous prodigies matches oganized in 16 chapters ■ Have fun with BOT.vinnik's peculiar sense of humor!

23.16 RUB
Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is a pulse-pounding, base-building, objective-grabbing co-op first-person shooter. Join the Deep Space Vanguard, an elite Special Forces branch of the Mobile Infantry, in the fight against the Bug menace and claim victory for humanity! The deep-space mining colony on Planet Valaka, designation PE-59, has been decimated by the Arachnids—and the Vanguard has been sent in to take it back. As soon as dropship hits dirt, your trusty Morita Assault Rifle, build tool, and fellow Vanguard Troopers are all that will keep you alive while exploring the hostile surface of Valaka. Would You Like to Know More? Retake and rebuild bases, construct refineries, and complete a variety of other side objectives to wrest control of the map away from the Bug menace. A massive, detailed map with several unique zones adds to incredible replayability, and swarm-based combat with hundreds of enemy Bugs on screen delivers the sense of taking part in an overwhelming planetary struggle! Choose from the Hunter, Operator, and Bastion classes to best suit your playstyle and support the rest of your squad. Stay in contact with your teammates with the intuitive “Ping” system to call out points of interest, enemies, and more. As you progress, you’ll unlock new weapons, equipment, and perks for each class to become an elite warfighter of the Deep Space Vanguard! Additional customization choices to come as the game develops. Increasing Bug threat levels during missions bring bigger and more dangerous enemies to the fight and you’re going to need to hunker down to stand a chance. Construct walls, towers, ammo stations, and more using resources acquired from planetside refineries to beat back the Bugs until Fleet can come and get you. At Early Access launch you’ll encounter Drone, Warrior, Gunner, Plasma Grenadier, and Tiger Elite enemy Bugs, with more to come! Starship Troopers: Extermination is being built alongside the community. With a lower entry price at Early Access launch, we want to encourage Troopers to sign up with the Vanguard. We are boots on the ground with our community, ready to listen, as we take the game from Early Access to a full launch. Join us on the Starship Troopers: Extermination Discord server!

979.90 RUB
Squad 44

Formerly known as Post Scriptum, Squad 44 is the most authentic WW2 first-person shooter, featuring 20 large-scale battlefields, upwards of 80 realistic WW2 weapons, and over 50 true-to-life vehicles. You must prioritize communication, coordination, and teamwork to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Experience real WW2 campaigns, such as the liberation of the Netherlands and the Battle of Normandy. The war stretched across the farms, villages, and cities of Europe, and whether you’re jumping out of a plane, arriving by sea, or storming the battlefield in a tank, you’ll need to group up with your squad before taking on the enemy. FactionsFight as historic WW2 factions like the British 1st Airborne Division, the US 4th Infantry Division, and the French Army to take on the German Wehrmacht, the Waffen SS, and Fallschirmjägers. TeamworkIn Squad 44, teamwork is paramount to achieving victory. Enroll as a commander and order gun runs or artillery to support your team. Join the frontline as one of the many infantry roles. Run logistics and shape the battlefield with fortifications and emplacements. And keep everyone on the battlefield updated with our in-game voice chat. Talk directly with your entire squad or use the local proximity chat to talk to players nearby and help the flow of battle. Armored CombatBe the scourge of the battlefield in one of the most feared monsters of WW2: the armored tank. Join a battalion with three other players and crew realistic steel beasts as the driver, gunner, or commander. Every vehicle in Squad 44 has been painstakingly created to represent the real tanks that roamed the battlefields of 1940s Europe. Each one features authentic functionality and armaments, meaning one thing: complete devastation to the enemy’s frontlines. Tactical, Immersive & AuthenticExperience the authentic reproduction of an incoming Stuka siren or artillery cannons firing from afar. The piercing sound of an incoming heavy round cutting through the air past you. The cracks of bullets and shrapnel. Squad 44 was designed with every little detail created with the utmost authenticity to the real-life weapons, vehicles, and battlefields used at the time. Don’t just play a game; experience the intense WW2 tactical military action of Squad 44.Key Features Fight in large-scale 40 vs. 40 battles Four major factions, including the armies and military branches of the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany More than 50 highly-detailed vehicles, including armored tanks and cars Over 80 authentic weapons, including the iconic American M1 Garand, the German MG42, and the British Lee Enfield 20 historically accurate maps based on real-world archives, maps, and aerial photographs A huge variety of roles and classes, such as medic, machine gunner, and anti-tank positions A slew of game modes, including Offensive, Invasion, and King of the Hill, among many others Built-in voice chat system with positional voice chat that feels like you’re communicating with real people on a battlefield Steam Workshop integration Host your own Squad 44 server with our dedicated server tools

462.79 RUB
A Tiny Sticker Tale

   A Tiny Sticker Tale is a cozy miniature adventure about changing the world, using the power of stickers! *(This is an emotional and short experience whose main story can be enjoyed in approximately 2 hours) In A Tiny Sticker Tale, take anything from the world around you, turn it into a sticker, and use your creativity to stick it back in different places, solving puzzles, and helping your new friends! In this wholesome bite-sized adventure, step into the tiny boots of Flynn, the donkey, and journey across Figori Island, discovering the vibrant quests that will require the power of a very special magical sticker album. Game Features Unique gameplay, use your creativity to solve puzzles by taking and placing stickers in different places Change your surroundings by placing stickers Customize and decorate your Island however you want! Gorgeous, inviting art style, Figori Island is the perfect place to rest up after a long day of adventuring Discover a detailed and fascinating Island full of mystery and adventure Collect all stickers from the Island *A Tiny Sticker Tale is designed to be a short adventure filled with many details, great additional content to the main story, and a lot of replayability! Ogre Pixel 2023

244.98 RUB
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