
Казуальные игры

King and Assassins

The people are angry... danger abounds. Three assassins are planning to murder the monarch! Get ready for a fight – the hunt is on! King & Assassins is a simple game in which deception and tension are paramount. One player takes the role of the the tyrant King and his soldiers. His objective is to push through the mob of angry citizens who have overrun the board and get back to safety behind his castle walls. Before the game, the player controlling the assassins secretly chooses three of the twelve citizens occupying the board. These three will become the would-be assassins! In every turn, each of the two sides have a certain amount of Action Points at their disposal for the King, his guard and his citizens. Use the soldiers and their ability to push back the mob as best as you can because assassins lurk among them! Action, deception, daring coups – King & Assassins has all of this and more to offer the boldest players with the courage to fight this incredible duel! FEATURES • Graphically detailed environment with characters in 3D • Play in single-player mode against the computer, square off against your friends in Pass & Play mode or against players from all over the world in Online Duel mode • 2 game boards available for a different experience: explore the Market or walk down the mysterious Alley of Shadows!

48.10 RUB
Before I Forget

A woman alone in a house. A mystery and a love story. Explore the present to uncover the past, in a short story of love and loss and a life well-lived. A narrative exploration that examines a world where memories are constantly fading and jumbled. A game about dementia and what happens when you can't hold onto the things you've done or the people you've loved. “Is this the right place?...What did I come out here for?” A plaintive theme on the piano. A tattered 2-year-old calendar. The taste of stale air. A woman is in her house, alone, and her mind holds a mystery... You are Sunita - a woman living with early onset dementia. As you wander from room to room, you discover mysterious objects, each holding a fleeting, fragmented memory. Examine faded postcards, scribbled notes, photographs, and more to uncover Sunita’s past, piece together her life-story, and understand her present. Before I Forget is a story-rich, first-person exploration game from 3-Fold Games. Delicate, moving, and atmospheric, it examines the emotional impact of dementia. Short & Sweet: Before I Forget is a short narrative gem from 3-Fold Games. With an average playtime of 1 hour, it’s designed to be experienced in one sitting. Story Rich: Sunita’s house is a treasure-trove of faded memories. The game-world of Before I Forget is expressive, detailed, and rich with backstory, taking you on a profound emotional journey. Vocal Talent: Featuring a vivid cast of voice actors, breathing life into Sunita and her memories. (Including Anjali Kunapaneni & Bushra Laskar) Original Soundtrack: Elegant piano melodies guide you through Sunita's internal and external worlds, with an all-original score from composer, Dave Tucker. Musical refrains that search and wind like an old memory. “We wanted to have some aspects that indicated Sunita’s Indian heritage apart from her name, and I actually did this piece of art in a little bit of software that came on my Galaxy phone, [...] so this is my homage, my paltry homage - to a really fantastic Indian - female Indian - painter [...] called Amrita Sher-Gil.” Before I Forget comes with a free Developers’ Commentary, which you can activate from the game’s loading screen. As you explore Sunita’s house, listen to thought-provoking interviews with the game devs as they analyse their creative processes, reveal secrets, and much more. 3-Fold Games are a small but mighty micro-studio from game developers Claire Morwood & Chella Ramanan. Dedicated to telling diverse stories from underrepresented perspectives, the creative duo make it their mission to create games which give voice to individuals/groups who are often excluded from game narratives.

41.36 RUB
Mr. DRILLER DrillLand

Знаменитая экшн-головоломка «Буррундия мистера Бура» теперь доступна в Steam и западным игрокам! Впереди спуск на полкилометра под землю — ведь вы приглашены в секретный парк развлечений «Буррундия». Пять простых, но захватывающих аттракционов покорят посетителей любого возраста! • Мистер Бур возвращается! — Первая игра серии «Мистер Бур» для Steam с улучшенной графикой и заставками в HD! • Докопайтесь до победы! — Правила игры уникальны для каждого из пяти аттракционов «Буррундии». Сумеете одолеть их все и прорыть путь к победе над финальным боссом?! • Многопользовательские режимы для тех, в ком силён дух соперничества! — До 4 игроков могут состязаться локально — добирайтесь до финиша на скорость или решайте вопросы жёстче в режимах «Против всех» и «Пары»! • Полегче! — Новый казуальный режим для тех, кто предпочитает спокойно перекапывать «Буррундию» в своё удовольствие!

94.51 RUB
A Memoir Blue

A Memoir Blue от Cloisters Interactive — это интерактивная поэма о спортсменке-суперзвезде и всепоглощающей любви матери и дочери. Уникальная эстетика, в которой рисунки от руки сочетаются с 3D-графикой, идеально подходит для рассказа о жизни Мириам в жанре магического реализма. Нырните вместе с ней в глубины памяти! Серия игровых эпизодов познакомит вас с историями о разбитом сердце и жертвах, о победах и гордости; по мере развития сюжета героиня воссоединится с внутренним ребенком и еще глубже прочувствует любовь к матери.

171.00 RUB
Spirit of the Island

На вашей родине существует древняя традиция: чтобы пройти ритуал взросления, каждый должен совершить путешествие и найти себя. Ваше приключение начнется на укромном островке в самом сердце тропического архипелага. Когда-то он был процветающим курортом, но давно утратил свою популярность. Пора вернуть этому месту былую славу! Исследуйте архипелаг, знакомьтесь с местными жителями и помогите им вернуть туристическому раю его былой облик… а заодно открывайте секреты собственного прошлого! ОСВОЙТЕСЬ НА НОВОМ МЕСТЕВаша тропическая жизнь будет полна забот, так что вооружитесь инструментами и принимайтесь за дело! Для начала вам понадобится найти источник пищи, ночлег и ресурсы для создания фермы. Время не ждет — отправляйтесь на разведку ваших новых владений!РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ НА ЛЮБОЙ ВКУСВ Spirit of the Island всегда есть чем заняться! Почти любое действие будет приносить вам очки опыта, накапливая которые вы будете улучшать ваши навыки и открывать новые рецепты. Они сделают вашу деятельность эффективнее, а новую жизнь — приятнее. В игре доступно 10 уникальных навыков: от фермерства и горного дела до собирательства, общения и даже рыбалки, которой посвящена отдельная мини-игра. Научитесь мастерски справляться с каждой задачей!РАЙСКИЙ УГОЛОК ДЛЯ ТУРИСТОВСделайте ваш остров не только уютным домом, но и популярным курортом с модными магазинами и достопримечательностями. Чем больше туристов посетит ваш остров, тем лучше будет ваша экономика, что позволит вам отправиться на исследование дальних островов. Но как угодить всем? Что продавать в магазинах? И тут на помощь придут ваши навыки! Продавайте местную продукцию и открывайте музеи, чтобы демонстрировать сокровища, добытые во время захватывающих приключений. Кому-то из туристов может приглянуться даже пара качественных досок, так что не бойтесь импровизировать! САМЫЙ ЛУЧШИЙ ОТПУСКТуристам может так понравиться ваш остров, что они решат остаться на нем навсегда! Это очень важно, так как в будущем вы сможете нанять их в качестве помощников по хозяйству. Поэтому старайтесь сделать отдых по-настоящему незабываемым для каждого из ваших гостей!ВДВОЕМ — ЛУЧШЕОдна из главных особенностей Spirit of the Island — это совместный режим для двух игроков, в котором можно… всё! В кооперативе вам будут доступны все возможности одиночного режима (даже квесты!) и своя отдельная уникальная история. В SOTI также доступен обмен ресурсами, поэтому вы сможете переносить свои находки из мира друга в вашу собственную многопользовательскую кампанию. Здорово, правда? Работайте на ферме, готовьте деликатесы, стройте магазины для туристов, ищите сокровища и открывайте секреты острова. Зовите вашего друга или подругу и начинайте ваше совместное приключение в тропическом раю! БЕСКРАЙНИЙ ТРОПИЧЕСКИЙ АРХИПЕЛАГВ Spirit of the Island доступно 14 уникальных островов, каждый из которых обладает собственной фауной, тайнами и опасностями. На них вы найдете загадочные пещеры, которые охраняют древние существа. Рискнете ли вы бросить им вызов и попытаться завладеть сокровищами, которые они охраняют? Возможно, это приблизит вас к главной цели — раскрытию тайн собственного прошлого.МЕСТНЫЕ ЖИТЕЛИАрхипелаг кипит жизнью! Познакомьтесь с более чем 14 харизматичными персонажами, каждый из которых имеет свой уникальный характер и привычки. Возможно, вы даже встретите свою вторую половинку и сыграете грандиозную свадьбу! НАСЫЩЕННАЯ ЖИЗНЬЖизнь на тропическом острове — это не только бесконечная работа на вашей ферме и исследование пещер. Остров живёт своей жизнью и на нём постоянно происходят разнообразные события — одна из ключевых особенностей Spirit of the Island! Жители отмечают свои дни рождения, а на городской площади проходит ежегодный День Океана — главный праздник обитателей Архипелага. Почаще заглядывайте в ваш календарь и присоединяйтесь к торжествам!

380.93 RUB
Beans: The Coffee Shop Simulator

We have worked tirelessly to create this Glib Activity Management Escapism: or G.A.M.E. for short. Quickly! Before your short finite existence on this small wet rock hurtling around the sun ends you can find new meaning for yourself by playing this G.A.M.E. Or at least have some fun for a while and chase away the specter of your own mortality with about five hours of "polished" simulation "fun".Live the Dream!Create your own coffee shop and grow it to a franchise! Will your brand sell overpriced fancy coffee in a luxurious shop or will you provide organic free-range donuts surrounded by comfy second-hand furniture? It’s all up to you! Customize and build your brand and take it all the way to the big leagues!Experiment and Unlock!Create and combine ingredients to find over 200 drink and food recipes that even the customers didn’t know they wanted. From something as simple as an espresso to taste bud abominations like the Bagelcino! It’s your imagination versus your patrons’ stomachs in a caffeine-fueled endurance match.Manage Like A Boss!Hire staff and train them to barista mastery. Create a motley crew of surfers, baristas, hipsters, and giant autonomous mechs to make your franchise dream come true!Thrill!Follow Ruby through a story of murder, betrayal, redemption, and well, coffee. Thrust into the spotlight you have been given the chance of a lifetime - prove yourself as an exceptional business mogul and win the inheritance of the Coffeebottom Estate. That is if you can survive the competition. *Cue Dramatic Music*Put Your Skills to the Test!Crazy events will require you to be ready to change up your gameplay on the fly. Did a tour bus full of seniors just park outside? Or did you decide to host local bands for a jam session? New customers are flooding in and the lines are long and customers are getting impatient and are out about to leave! Identify what the customers want and deliver it. Give your employees new orders, set out more chairs and tables, put more on your menu, and get those sweet sweet tips!  That master's degree isn't going to pay for itself!Move on and Create New and Different Restaurants!If you can build and manage your coffee shop well enough you can move on to bigger challenges in more lucrative locations that may require strategic planning on your part. Will you run a coffee shop on a university campus the same way you would in a busy shopping center? It’s up to you to brew your own destiny, but six unique bosses may stand between you and coffee riches! Who Has Time For Paragraphs? Not You!Coffee Shop Simulation Fun! Manage a restaurant with as much, or as little screaming as you like! Buy and place over 200 pieces of furniture and decor, you crazy interior decorator, you. Hire, train, and subsequently abuse employees! Invest in over 50 caffeine-pumping appliances to give people their fix! Experiment and research over 200 recipes that will whet your appetite or turn your stomach! Host events and watch your employees' sanity etch away with every passing moment! Build your brand by opening new stores in new strategic locations! Follow a fun story of greed, betrayal, murder, redemption, and above all coffee!

21.89 RUB
Sparkle 2 Evo

Control the evolution with the touch of your finger. Climb your way through the evolutional ladder. Start as a little organism and transform into a magnificent aquatic being. Explore the abyss in search of nutritional elements. Attack other species whenever you run out of other food sources. Enjoy beautiful surreal visuals and relax with minimalistic ambient soundtrack. Can you grow the biggest Sparkle in the world? Subtle, captivating, addictive. These three words describe the world of Sparkle - world in which you make a tiny aquatic creature evolve into becoming a grown, magnificent being. We give you control over your Sparkle's development and wellbeing, and you have one goal - to evolve. Whilst exploring the Sparkle Void, you find various nutritious elements to eat. Sometimes you will even have to fight for food with other species. You become what you eat - you get to choose whether your sparkle becomes a fast and aggressive carnivore, a sluggish but fast-eating herbivore, or an omnivore, whose features lie somewhere in between. Insight to your Sparkle's DNA strand will give you information about the progress and will help you plan which microelements you want to focus on eating next. You will also get to fight giant bosses from time to time. But there’s no rush to keep the game in full swing at all times. You may as well just relax, play the game on a slow pace, explore the sparkle void, consume nutritional elements, enjoy simple and surreal surrounding and listen to the ambient music soundtrack. The choice is all yours. - Three different ways to evolve. Become a fast and agressive carnivore, a sluggish but fast eating herbivore, or an omnivore whose features lie somewhere in between - Play through 13 dreamlike looking levels. - Use GenLab to check your Sparkles DNA strand, your progress, status of your special skills, and plan what to eat next accordingly. - Relax with great chilled-out ambient soundtrack. - Compete against other Sparkle in fast-paced competitive mode

109.44 RUB
Cat on a Diet

Soft, fluffy, and a little on the chunky side — the podgy pussycat Dr. Meow can’t stop munching on delicious cookies and needs your help getting his greedy little paws on more! While his owner sleeps, steal away into the kitchen and help tumble this tubby tabby cat into the prized cookie jar. Get stuck in! Swipe and prod to claw away at wooden blocks, unscrew bolts, control powerful magnets and explode highly volatile uranium – anything to reach those cookies! The hand that feeds? What are the owners hiding from you? Find out as this pot-bellied kitty’s journey for sweet treats takes him up into the attic and down into the secret laboratory. Snack happy! Munch all the snacks in each level and spend them on new power-ups, hats, masks and even more cookie-heisting helpers. - witness the shenanigans of Dr. Meow in a Physics Puzzler for all ages - visit 4 game worlds (Dr. Meows Home, Spooky Attic, Mysterious Laboratory and visit the middle ages!) - Over 100 challenging levels to complete - two diverse game modes - Collect over 50 fabulous cat costumes - Use fun tools and inventive methods to reach the cookie jar!

109.44 RUB
Derpy Conga

Эта головоломка-платформер, основанная на законах физики, доказывает, как важна дружба! Собери всех друзей и отправься в путешествие ради спасения планеты, которой грозит опасность! Находя друга, хватай его за руку, чтобы образовать линию конги и никого не потерять. Но будь осторожнее: чем длиннее линия, тем сложнее ею управлять. Однако некоторые препятствия проще преодолевать рука об руку (ха-ха!) с друзьями.Уникальная механика платформера!Один, два... А может, целая толпа забавных друзей? Управляй сразу всеми!Друзья с разными способностями!Тебя ждут встречи с разными друзьями. Их уникальные способности пригодятся в твоем путешествии.Веселые головоломки!Используй различные способности друзей, чтобы преодолевать трудности и препятствия.Крутой кооператив!Играй с друзьями (настоящими!) в любое время!Приятная музыка!Детально проработанный многогранный саундтрек постепенно меняется с каждым новым дополнением к твоей линии конги.Переизбыток милоты!Очаровательные мультяшки спасут мир и поднимут настроение!Завораживающие виды!Наслаждайся красочными и живыми мирами, путешествуя по космосу в поисках друзей.Без дружбы никуда!

66.51 RUB

Calico is a day-in-the-life community sim game where you are given an important and adorable task: rebuild the town’s cat café and fill it with cute and cuddly creatures! Build up your café by filling it with cute furniture, fun decorations, yummy pastries, and get it bustling with animals again! Calico is meant to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The gameplay reflects that with a laid back, low stress creative environment to explore and play in. Character Creator The Calico character creator will allow players to create their own magical person to experience the world through. There will also be plenty of clothing to choose from and collect throughout the game! All Animals are Interactive! The player will encounter many animals in the world of Calico. Once befriended, you can name them, add them to your party, or send them to their new home at the café. Animals in your party will follow you everywhere you go and listen to your commands. The animals in your café will relax and play with any customers that pop in for a visit. Café Decoration Your task in Calico is to bring the town's café back to life again. This isn’t just achieved by bringing in cats and animals alone, however – you can also decorate your café with furniture of different styles to create the perfect cozy home for you and your animals! Cooking Minigame Create a wonderful café by making yummy baked goods and drinks for the townspeople! Learn about your follow villagers to pick and choose their favorite foods to sell! Magic of Calico We wanted there to be no limits to how you could find happiness in Calico. Magic potions are a system that allow us to break the rules of what is possible and to find what would be most fun. Example: the More-to-pet Potion allows the player to magically turn a single animal giant-sized! You can hang out with a giant animal, or even ride a giant cat!

134.85 RUB
Joe Danger 2: The Movie

Joe Danger, the world’s most determined stuntman, returns to embark on a death-defying thrill-ride across the set of the greatest blockbuster movie ever made. Across 100 crazy levels he’ll chase crooks by police bike, destroy laser-firing robots with a stolen jetpack, escape giant boulders in a minecart, time-travel to punch dinosaurs from a quad bike and divert nuclear missiles on a unicycle. Strap on the helmet of Joe Danger, impress the director and make action movie history! Create insane new levels in the Movie Maker and share or download new ones through Steam Workshop! Play on your TV through Steam Big Picture, or at your desk with new mouse and keyboard controls! Experience Joe Danger like never before with specially enhanced graphics for PC! Build and share Minecraft levels and race as one of the nine characters from Team Fortress 2! Race against other players with seamlessly downloaded ghosts, and rise up the ranks on the leaderboards! Beat your friends in fun four-player local multiplayer!

52.49 RUB
Wanderlust: Transsiberian

Two men embark on a trip to the easternmost reaches of Eurasia, onboard the longest railway line in the world. For one of them, it’s a dream come true. For the other, it’s not much more than a hassle. See the Siberian odyssey through their eyes. Experience the longest journey through beautiful bespoke photography and rich literary descriptions that will transport you into the cold and beautiful wilderness. Make This Journey Your OwnTravel as you really would, or try something different. Be open and friendly or stay careful in unknown places. Make new acquaintances or avoid other people. Your interaction with the world shapes the way the world interacts with you.Travel to the Heart and Soul of RussiaFrom monumental Moscow to never-ending birch woods to lonely roads of Siberia, there’s much more to Russia than meets the eye. Soak up its unique atmosphere and find yourself in situations you’d probably never experience face to face.Welcome to the World of Travel StoriesStay home, but don’t let that stop you from travelling. Make this hour-long standalone expansion your introduction to the acclaimed Wanderlust: Travel Stories anthology, or expand the grand adventure of the base game.

112.84 RUB
Все торговые марки являются собственностью соответствующи владельцев в США и других странах