
Still Life

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Русский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
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710.00 RUB
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Описание игры

The Producers of Syberia I and II are proud to present Still Life.
                    Victoria McPherson, is a brilliant young FBI agent who’s investigating a serial murder case. The body count is now at five and with the lack of real leads and a mountain of circumstantial evidence, Victoria is beginning to show signs of fatigue and stress.
                    She decides to take a break and go rest at her father’s home in suburban Chicago; after all, it is close to the Christmas holidays. However, Victoria does not find rest. Instead, she finds one of her grandfather’s old case files and begins to read. Oddly enough, Victoria’s present case resembles the one from the past, right down to the killer’s MO…
                    Key Features:                    Compelling storyline set in modern Chicago and Prague in the late 20s
                    Rich and intriguing characters
                    Crime scenes investigations of gruesome serial homicides
                    Challenging puzzles finely integrated into the storyline
                    Beautifully detailed environments
                    Breathtaking cinematics

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • OS *: Windows® XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: 1GHz CPU
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard Disk Space: 1.2GB
  • Video Card: DirectX compatible graphics card with 128MB memory
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Sound: Sound card with DirectX 9.0c support

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Дайте отпор чудовищам силами членов отряда в пошаговых тактических сражениях. Динамическое окружение Соласты позволяет использовать необычную тактику. Мосты могут обрушиваться, застав врагов врасплох и сделав их уязвимыми. Колонны и стены можно толкнуть и заставить упасть на головы врагов, если подгадать время. Мир полон возможностей. Приготовьтесь думать в трех измерениях Подземелья Соласты — не просто плоские площадки. Карабкайтесь, прыгайте или перелетайте через препятствия. Избегайте врагов или устраивайте засады с воздуха или из-под земли. Толкайте врагов в пропасти или роняйте камни им на головы. Занимайте высоты, чтобы получить в бою стратегическое преимущество. Размер имеет значение. Отступайте в узкие коридоры, куда не смогут протиснуться крупные враги, и исследуйте низкие тоннели, чтобы найти потайные комнаты. Пользуйтесь особенностями окружения, чтобы найти укрытие себе по росту. Но берегитесь — ваши противники тоже могут обратить ваш размер против вас. Создатель подземелий В мире Соласты приключения не заканчиваются после прохождения сюжетной кампании. Припадите к источнику вдохновения, создайте свое собственное подземелье и поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью набора инструментов «Создатель подземелий»! Только от вас зависит, что встретят в нем игроки — выбирайте все, от расположения комнат, врагов и сокровищ до украшений и источников света в каждом помещении или звукового сопровождения на каждом из участков этого лабиринта. Обратите внимание, что работа над набором инструментов «Создатель подземелий» еще не завершена и со временем он будет становиться только лучше. Следите за обновлениями и ждите новых функций!Бесплатное обновление для Solasta, приуроченное к выходу Primal CallingВ честь выхода дополнения Primal Calling мы выпускаем бесплатное обновление для всех игроков — включающее долгожданное повышение максимального уровня! 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293.78 RUB
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

The original Planescape: Torment was released in 1999 to widespread critical acclaim. It won RPG of the Year from multiple outlets for its unconventional story, characters, and amazing soundtrack. Since then, millions of Planescape: Torment fans have enjoyed exploring the strange and dangerous city of Sigil and surrounding planes through the Nameless One's eyes. Discover an incredibly rich story and a unique setting unlike anything else in fantasy. Defeat strange and alien creatures, engage in rich dialogue, and explore the dark and dangerous Planescape setting in this 50+ hour RPG classic. This is Planescape: Torment like you’ve never seen before.Story "What can change the nature of a man?" You are the Nameless One, a hulking figure covered in scars and tattoos collected over the course of countless lives—none of which you can remember, but are now coming back to haunt you. You are prodded awake by Morte, a floating skull and keeper of secrets, to embark on an adventure taking The Nameless One from the dirty streets of Sigil into the mysterious Outer Planes and even into the depths of Hell itself. Portals riddle the planar metropolis of Sigil, providing access to anywhere in existence, but only if you have the proper key. Known as the "City of Doors," Sigil is a neutral ground where demons, devas, and races from across the multiverse gather under the watchful shadow of the Lady of Pain, the city's enigmatic ruler. This is a place where the word is mightier than the sword, where thought defines reality, and belief has the power to reshape worlds. In your search for answers, you'll find companions matching the bizarre nature of the planes: a chaste succubus who can kill with a kiss, a confused crossbow-wielding cube, a suit of armor animated by a spirit demanding JUSTICE, and more. With these companions and others at The Nameless One’s side, you will explore worlds in search of answers, all to discover that some destinies cannot be escaped and some memories cost more than an even an immortal can bear.Features Enhanced Planescape: Gameplay updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to best capture the original vision for the game. The Planes Await: Planescape is a setting you've never experienced before, filled with strange magics, strange adversaries, and Dungeons & Dragons locations from across the multiverse. Conversations to Remember: Encounter personable items, philosophic undead, and rat hiveminds while walking the planes with the strangest collection of allies ever seen in an RPG. Pick Your Path: Character creation is just the beginning. The Nameless One can change his class, alignment, and even gain new abilities based on your choices. Remastered Music: The full Planescape: Torment soundtrack has been remastered in-game to add more depth to Sigil and the multiverse. 4K Interface: Sigil has never looked this good! The interface of Planescape: Torment has been rebuilt in high definition with tons of new convenience features. A Planescape For Today: The Enhanced Edition includes modern features such as tab highlighting, area zooming, combat log, quickloot, and more! Play It Your Way: Enable Enhanced Edition features as you desire or turn them off to experience Planescape: Torment in its original glory. Cast Comprehend Languages: Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition is available in English, French, Polish, German, and Korean. Note: Korean translations are text only with voice-overs played in English.

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Secret World Legends: Supernatural Bundle

You’ve heeded the call; now explore the possibilities of your supernatural gift. As your occult knowledge grows so too will your prospects for using it. Let the Supernatural Bundle be your guiding light in the shadowy war against darkness. Supernatural Bundle includes: Exclusive Mount: Refurbished Ornithopter Exclusive Outfit: Phoenix Raiment Exclusive Title: “Supernatural Agent” 40 Ability Points 40 Skill Points 50,000 Anima shards To claim Secret World Legends DLC: - After purchasing the DLC on your Steam Account log into Secret World Legends on Steam. - Log into the character you wish to claim the DLC bundle on. - Make sure your character has advanced in the story line to Agartha. - Click on the Menu button in the top left part of the screen. - Select Delivered Items from the drop down menu. - Click the Claim Steam DLC button. - Your items will appear in the window, press get or get all to retrieve them on your character. - Please note the DLC can only be claimed once on one character!

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