
Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

Дата выхода:
Big Bad Wolf
Регион активации:
Middle East (TR)
Русский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Немецкий
Cистема активации:
245.04 RUB
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Описание игры

Основанная на культовой настольной ролевой игре и разработанная лучшими специалистами жанра, Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong — прекрасный пример нарративной RPG, в которой каждый ваш выбор определяет судьбы трех главных героев и всей бостонской Камарильи.

Что, если бы вампиры существовали на самом деле? Что, если бы эти кровожадные хищники скрывались среди нас, уже сотню лет плетя заговоры, влияющие на судьбу общества? И что, если бы вы стали одним из них?
В Vampire: The Masquerade у вас есть возможность примерить на себя роль этих будоражащих воображение монстров в детально продуманном мире, где грань между обыденным и сверхъестественным тонка как никогда.

Хейзел Иверсен, также известная как «Лебедь», становится новым князем бостонской Камарильи. Она правит железной рукой в бархатной перчатке и стремится усилить свое влияние и насадить уважение к Маскараду — древней Традиции, принятой для того, чтобы смертные никогда не узнали о существовании детей ночи. Но все идет не по плану. Посреди разрастающихся слухов о заговоре, убийствах и борьбе за власть вам предстоит провести отчаянное расследование, которое поможет защитить вашу секту, но повергнет Бостон в хаос.

Примерьте на себя роли трех разных вампиров, каждому из которых более сотни лет. Следите за сюжетом игры через переплетение их судеб, разбирайтесь в различных точках зрения и используйте показатели персонажей, чтобы отделить правду от лжи. Каждый персонаж владеет собственными вампирскими способностями и дисциплинами, которые вы можете улучшать, основываясь на своих предпочтениях и стиле игры. Что вы выберете: устрашение, соблазнение или скрытность? Любой путь подойдет — до тех пор пока он позволяет утолить ваш вечный голод.

Swansong отличается уникальным игровым процессом, упор в котором делается на последствиях ваших действий как в расследовании, так и в социальном взаимодействии с персонажами.
Тщательно анализируйте каждую ситуацию, поскольку от ваших решений зависят не только жизни ваших героев, но и судьба всей бостонской Камарильи.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD FX-6100
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 4 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7790, 4 GB
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 23 GB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470, 3.20GHz or AMD FX 6300
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, 6 GB or AMD Radeon RX 590, 8 GB
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 23 GB

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171.85 RUB
Merchants of Kaidan

Regain your riches, restore your honor and punish those who have wronged you. Merchants of Kaidan is a challenging trading game fused with lots of RPG elements. You start very humble, one cart, a purse of gold and silver coins is all that you have. Your task is to roam the world and search of opportunities to score some profit. Buy low, sell high -  a merchant's motto is easy to grasp. And yet the job is harder than it seems. A good merchant needs to know everything about the market, he is always on the lookout for a deal, always listening, always engaging and deepening his knowledge. He knows what forces influence the prices, what events affect them. A good merchant listens to rumours and gossips spread by travelers at inns and taverns; hoping for a clue, a hint where to go, where a good deal awaits. A good merchant surrounds himself with specialists smarter than him, people who help him maximize profits and minimize losses. He always expands his fleet of carts, he balances risks, calculates profitability. The conditions are constantly changing, and supply and demand for different goods with them. Maybe you'd like to pay a cheaper price for furs in the summer, and sell them for a hefty profit as the winter is coming and people need warmth. But is it worth carrying them for so many days, risking robbery, moths and taking precious space that you could use to transport something now and make a profit immediately? Or is it worth to buy illegal herb in the out of reach swamps where it cost's next to nothing, and risk smuggling it into the city where you can sell it for an amazing profit? But what if the city guards want to control you? Should you pay a bribe? How big? Maybe the best course of action is to  say that you have nothing and hope they don't find anything? These are the types of questions you will have to ask yourself constantly. Merchants of Kaidan has 4 story lines each with many quests. Main quest that brings you closer to avenging your father's murder, and 3 side-quest lines. A total of over 100 quests each composed of multiple steps. A set of random events that influence your journeys. A storm on the sea, attack by dragons, highway robbery and many, many more. Three types of transport of your goods: by roads, by sea and by flight, each has its advantages and disadvantages and a unique set of events associated. As you grow your fleet you can join a partnership and you'll get to manage 3 traders. You can hire advisers each specializing in a different field. Their council will help you in a variety of issues. Some will show you shortcuts on the roads, some will help you fight of the bandits, some will council you on how to sail better and in case of a storm, how to minimize risks and losses. If you wish, you can also send them to school to improve their abilities for additional cost. 4 seasons of the year that influence the prices of goods, open some paths for travel and block the others. They also impact the way the game looks, each city has a distinct look at different time of the year. Random blessings and curses that influence your statistics. They in turn affect how well you conduct business. A set of artifacts that influence your statistics or can help negate the effects of random events. A complex market fluctuation algorithm that include many variables such as: demand, supply, seasons of the year, localization of the city, random events like droughts or rat infestation. A complex trading algorithm Over 100 quests each with multiple steps to success. 2 out of 10 planned mini games that accompany events with next ones upcoming in the updates Possibility to create a partnership with other traders and control 3 characters simultaneously 1 main and 2 quick scenarios 15 types of goods for trade with varying characteristics, some illegal, some perishable Beautiful hand-drawn localisations. Your name is Olivean de Calinn, and this was supposed to be the most important day of your life. Your father has been preparing you, for all these years, for this exact moment. Your 21st birthday. You were finally a grown-up, able to take care of yourself, a person worthy of continuing your fathers' legacy. He wasn't born into money. To buy his first cart, he had to work very hard saving every silver and copper. One trade after trade, step after step, he climbed the ladder, transforming his tiny one-man venture into a trading company of a rather significant size. Then he met Van Talodd, the most famous merchant in the whole kingdom, and soon enough he entered into partnership. This enterprise proved very profitable, and Van Talodd promised your father something more precious than wealth. A lordship. Few weeks ago he left to the Capital – Ovoros – to accept the title. He was taking a little longer to come back than you expected, but recent weather was unfavourable, maybe he got stuck, or a road turned into a swamp... it happened all the time. It was almost dusk when you heard the knocking to the door. A messenger, his clothes soiled with mud, brought you a letter. There was no lordship, your father was found a traitor, an enemy of the Kingdom, and hanged for conspiring against the king, after a very hasty trial. All his assets and estate confiscated and handed over to the person who exposed the entire plot – Van Talodd. Suddenly everything became crystal clear, Van Talodd maimed him with promises of lordship, the only thing money can't buy. But his real purpose was to entrap your father and take over his fortune. Instead of your birthday present, you got carts full of kings' sell-swords approaching quickly. There was no time to loose, you had to run fast and far. Flee from the men that were certainly sent to kill you. That is only a beginning of your story, you're left with only your family ring that you had on you.  Take a fake name you need to avenge your father. Follow the same path as him, grow rich and destroy Van Talodd. The road there is hard and long – are you strong enough to make it? Kaidan is a fictitious world, that was once a home to a space-faring civilization. It's history is almost unknown. Only that, once they developed starships, they relatively quickly left the planet. And on the remnants of the old civilization a new one has sprouted. A far less developed. If not for the artifacts left by the predecessors, they would be no different than a medieval country.

321.47 RUB
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