

Close Combat: The Bloody First

“No Mission Too Difficult. No Sacrifice Too Great. Duty First!” Close Combat: The Bloody First is the latest release in the critically-acclaimed Close Combat series, and the first using the new 3D Archon engine. With this Close Combat: The Bloody First combines classic Close Combat tactical gameplay with battles fought across a wide variety of diverse 3D landscapes including craggy ridgelines, narrow valleys and dense villages. The switch to 3D also allows an increase in the level of detail (e.g. the specific types of ammunition used by each weapon are now modelled) with more realistic movement and projectile physics. Following the career of the famed US 1stInfantry Division (forever known as 'The Big Red One') Close Combat: The Bloody First visits the battlefields of Tunisia and Sicily for the first time, as well as covering the Normandy campaign. With 3 theatres to cover Close Combat: The Bloody First places the focus firmly on the tactical level putting you in command of a 1st Infantry Division company (sometimes reinforced … and sometimes not!), leading your men through a series of linked operations and battles from  Longstop Hill in Tunisia to Mortain in Normandy. You'll have to look after your men, work out the best combination of fire and movement, know when they need bolstering with armoured vehicles and decide when to call in support from artillery and aircraft. You will command your squads in a variety of close combat situations and will have to learn how best to combine the use of small arms, mortars, machine guns, armoured cars, tanks and anti-tank guns in order to achieve victory. You must learn the art of attack and defence in battles such as Hill 350 and Kasserine Pass in Tunisia, Gela and Troina in Sicily, and Caumont and Marigny in Normandy. As you fight your way into and then across Europe from November 1942 to August 1944 you must overcome a wide range of diverse tactical challenges, such as commanding inexperienced troops being attacked by veteran panzers in North Africa, having to capture the bitterly defended town of Troina in the Sicilian mountains and of course storming across the sands of Omaha and into the 'hedgerow hell' of Normandy The Settings Tunisia – 5 Operations with 14 battles covering Longstop Hill, Sbiba, Kasserine Pass, El Guettar, Mateur Sicily – 3 Operations with 11 battles covering Gela, Nicosia and Troina Normandy – 3 Operations with 11 battles covering Omaha Beach, The Bocage and Operation Cobra Features 1 Grand Campaign, 3 Theatre Campaigns (Tunisia, Sicily and Normandy), 11 Operations and 36 battles Completely revised 3D that brings a whole new look and feel to the classic Close Combat gameplay. The new 3D engine allows an increased level of detail (down to the specific types of ammunition used by each weapon) and more realistic movement and projectile physics. 32 completely new battlefield maps covering the rugged terrain of Tunisia (14 maps), the mountains and valleys of Sicily (11 maps) and the beaches and bocage of Normandy (11 maps) For the first time, the armed forces of Italy appear in an official release Over 50 different vehicles, 300+  infantry and heavy weapon teams and over 100+ weapons and including for the first time US equipment from 1942-43. All new graphics and effects New sound effects New terrain types to cover the jagged ridges of Tunisia and the rough, broken battlefields of Sicily Historic organizations covering the US 1st Infantry Division and its German and Italian opponents Integrated multi-player lobby and match-making forums.

2365.35 RUB
Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog

Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog details the desperate German counter-attack at Mortain, the last chance of the Wehrmacht to stave off defeat in Normandy.   Can you match the tenacity of the American defenders of Hill 314?  Or can you succeed where the Panzers failed, driving through to the sea and changing history? Play single battles, linked operations, or even the Grand campaign simulating all six crucial days of fighting.  With 35 linked battlefields and historically accurate formations and units, strategic choices are as important as tactical prowess.  New features of long-range interdiction, strategic high ground and adverse weather conditions bring an insight into the challenges faced by those who commanded both sides in this pivotal WW2 battle. Command your forces on the strategic level, issuing orders to battalion or regimental-sized units to attack or defend, and allocate air or artillery support.  Then fight out the resulting engagements in a highly-detailed, real-time simulation of World War II tactical combat.  The results of the tactical battle determine who controls each area, and where they can move at the strategic level. For the Allies the Normandy landings of June were followed by two months of hard fighting in difficult terrain against a tenacious German defense.  But in late July the U.S. Army’s Operation Cobra has finally created a decisive breach in the weakened German line.  Patton’s 3rd Army races through the opening along the western coast of France and into the clear, driving for the Brittany Ports.  Faced with the choice between retreat and last-ditch counter-attack, the Germans struggle to assemble a panzer force for one more charge.  Can the Germans move quickly enough to overcome a desperate situation, push through to Avranches on the French coast, and cut off Patton’s racing spearheads?  Or will the thinly stretched Americans troops screening Patton’s flank be able to hold out, regroup, and hold the vital lifeline open? FEATURES Issues orders to your major units on a strategic level, and then fight each engagement at the tactical level. Accurately depicts World War II tactical warfare and its challenges in real-time. Proven psychological model influences the behaviour of your men in combat. Each individual soldier may tire, gain experience, and gain or lose morale after every battle. Manage your forces and preserve your veteran soldiers to field the most effective force possible. Includes a wide variety of historical squads, weapons, vehicles, aircraft, and artillery. Mount troops or guns on vehicles during tactical battles. Accurate and realistic equipment modelling. Weather conditions, including night and fog influence the battle at all levels. Use strategic-level air and artillery interdiction to block or slow the movement of enemy forces. Call in close air support, mortar support, and indirect fire support at the tactical level. Integrated multi-player lobby and match-making forums. Enhanced Scenario Editor - Create your own "what if" Scenarios. A host of adjustable game settings including speed scroll speed, sound volume, and UI layout. Enhanced to run well on modern DirectX systems Enjoy the huge variety of modifications available from the Close Combat Community providing years of additional gaming pleasure.

2365.35 RUB
Close Combat - Gateway to Caen

Close Combat: Gateway to Caen is a great release in the critically-acclaimed Close Combat series. Gateway to Caen focuses on the largest, concentrated British offensive since the Normandy landings in an attempt to penetrate the German lines west of Caen and cross the Odon River to get the stalled advance moving again.   With Close Combat: Gateway to Caen you can play at the strategic and tactical level, putting yourself in the boots of both the generals and the platoon commanders. You can move or combine your battlegroups on the strategic level and decide the outcome of battles on the tactical level. You will command squads in close combat situations, using small arms, mortars, machine guns, armored cars, and tanks to triumph against the enemy. You command artillery and mortar barrages and even air strikes. You will get to know individual solders, platoons, battalions, and the larger brigades and battle groups which they comprise. Players can experience the desperate situation of the outnumbered, but well-armed Panzergrenadiers, or the daunting offensive mission of the fully-supported British infantry advancing across the treacherous Odon Valley. At your command are Churchill, Cromwell, Firefly, Sherman, Stuart tanks and more. Panther, Tiger, Stug, and Mk.IV tanks will arrive to support German Panzergrenadiers as they try to hold the line against a concerted British attack. The historic scope of Operation Epsom is captured in single battles, operations, and the grand campaign. The strategic battlefield offers over two dozen individual battlefields with over three dozen accurately portrayed German and British battle groups. British infantry regimental history is reflected in name among the various battalions. You can deploy your battalions as they actually fought in the struggle for the Odon. The game includes all new maps and a range of upgraded effects. The Setting With the success of the Allied landings at Normandy and their domination of air and sea, expectations were high that the momentum would continue on land. It was not to be so. Though initially surprised and overwhelmed, the German Army quickly recovered, mobilized, and, counterattacked. Field Marshal Rommel formed a capable defense in Normandy that made the Allied advance costly. Superior Allied artillery and air power failed to crack the German lines. Though the Norman City of Caen was originally a British D-Day objective, its capture would elude and frustrate Montgomery’s 21st Army for weeks to come. Operation Epsom was Field Marshall Montgomery’s first concentrated attempt to go around the city and the Odon River, and break through the strengthening German bulwark. The newly-arrived British VIII Corps, supported by 700 guns of the Royal Artillery made a go of it along a four-mile front between Rauray and Carpiquet. Defending that front was the infamous 12th SS Panzer Division. Though reduced by weeks of heavy fighting they remained a potent and experienced foe. The Germans had offensive plans too, but the British struck first, and the 2nd SS Panzer Corps, the last of Germany’s offensive reserves in Normandy, was instead committed to stopping the British breakthrough along the Odon. Can you, as Montgomery and his commanders, re-chart the course of the Normandy campaign and prevail against Germany’s SS Panzer divisions?  Can you as the Germans, once again stop Montgomery, or eclipse history and push the British back entirely?FeaturesThirty new battlefield maps accurately reflect the Odon Valley west of Caen, France. 65 vehicles, 36 infantry units, 77 weapons. New vehicles and guns including Churchill, Cromwell, M-10 Achilles, and Firefly tanks; 17-pdr AT guns, Loyd Carriers, and more. Revised terrain files that represent the specific conditions of the Odon battlefield: tall cornfields and hindered, muddy movement during rainy weather. New features including Rolling barrages and dug-in/camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns. Historic regimental names and battalion organization. Mount troops or guns on vehicles. Integrated multi-player lobby and match-making forums. Enhanced Scenario Editor - Create your own "what if" Scenarios.

2365.35 RUB
Tram Simulator Urban Transit

Welcome to Tram Simulator Urban Transit - get on aboard! In this game, you take on the role of a tram driver and manager in Angel Shores, the North American-themed city from the popular bus simulator game Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop. Drive 6 unique tram models, each boasting its distinctive style, from cutting-edge, sleek trams to those with a classic, timeless charm through the lively city with its numerous sights. Transport passengers with your trams and drive them to the numerous stops. Plan your own routes, carefully manage your timetables, and expand your tram network. ©2023 Published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. Developed by stillalive studios GmbH. Tram Simulator, Tram Simulator Urban Transit, astragon, astragon Entertainment and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

1749.00 RUB
Take Off - The Flight Simulator

Fly more than 20 airplanes in an open world or try out more than 40 excitng and varied missions – from airfreighting to dramatic rescue operations! You can also establish your own airline and fly to cities such as New York, London, Sydney and 18 other destinations. Fly the most popular models of planes, such as jumbo jets, seaplanes and a military jet with realistically designed 3D cockpits. Experience challenging weather conditions and try to land your plane safely with an engine failure!Features:Fly 24 airplanes with realistic 3D cockpitsExplore and enjoy the beautiful open world of Hawaii in a free flight mode50 exciting missions available – from sightseeing to rescue operationsFly to 21 famous airports around the worldStart your own airline and expand your fleetCustomize the skins of your planes and upgrade your fleet for better performance and handlingMaster difficult challenges like bad weather landings or engine failures   © 2017 astragon Entertainment GmbH. All rights reserved. © 2017, Jujubee S.A. Jujubee® and the Jujubee logo are registered trademarks of Jujubee S.A. All content, game titles, trademarks, logos, brand and company names are the property of their respective owners and/or licensors. All rights reserved.

612.00 RUB
TransOcean 2: Rivals

In TransOcean 2: Rivals you face a new challenge as the boss of your own shipping line: The international competition has gotten a lot tougher and the battle for the most lucrative contracts has only just begun. Will you succeed in sweeping your rivals from the seven seas and leading your shipping line to global success and renown?The GameTransOcean 2: Rivals, the second chapter of the successful business simulation TransOcean, offers days of entertaining play either alone in its three single-player modes – Campaign, Endless Game and Competition - or with friends in a thrilling, competitive multiplayer mode.Get started with your newly founded shipping line in one of 60 ports and begin your career with a small fleet of worn-out old Feeders, the smallest type of ship in TransOcean 2: Rivals. Choose your port wisely and complete your first contracts to nearby ports in order to generate your first funds. Conduct your business with brains, plan your voyages with foresight and don’t underestimate external factors like the price of oil or your rival companies. This is how you will slowly expand your fleet and establish subsidiaries across the whole world. Are you up to mastering all the challenges?A livelier economic system influencing all kinds of goods ensures that in TransOcean 2: Rivals you are also faced with macroeconomic challenges. With the three types of ships - Tankers, Container Ships and Bulk Carriers - you have even more options to specialize and take your company to the top. Challenge your rivals and develop your own global business enterprise.In the single-player mode, you can also give yourself a very unique challenge: Steer your ships directly in a variety of 3D environments when the tugboats go on strike and the going gets tough. Can you maneuver both small and large vessels undamaged through the harbor basin?The CampaignYou already made it years ago. You paid off that hard-nosed investor and were the most successful shipping magnate on all the seven seas. But then something went wrong! Your shipping empire collapsed and what’s more - your old consultant and friend, Hiram T. Witherspoon, ended up behind bars. Now you’re living the life of a recluse as a dog sled pilot in Alaska. But your desire to help Hiram and put a stop to your adversary, Lydia Blythe-Smith’s, plans, drives you back to the world’s ports.Have you got what it takes to face down old and new competitors and become the successful shipping magnate you once were? Because only then can you put a halt to Lydia Blythe-Smith’s attacks once and for all.Campaign Features:6 exciting chapters that gradually make the player familiar with all the game mechanicsThree different medals per chapter increase replayability enormouslyCatch up with old acquaintances and meet some new ones, while pitting yourself against unscrupulous rivalsAlso in all single-player modes: Steer your ships yourself in an immersive 3D mini gameMultiplayer ModeIn multiplayer mode you play against up to 7 real opponents. And you’re going to need real strategic skill to stay ahead of the competition. With increasing pressure from your competitors, you will also see your opportunities increase: Battle for economic domination in the different regions or engage in sabotage activities to damage your competitors. But think carefully: Your rivals won’t just take that lying down.A single game is divided into several rounds in which you have to complete defined tasks in order to achieve Victory Points. The player who acquires the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. Victory Point criteria are always randomly defined at the beginning of a game. You can manually set a game’s duration. This means there’s never an overriding optimum strategy and each game brings new challenges. While in one game you might receive Victory Points for making the most money, in another the reward will perhaps come from having the most modern ship. Will you rise up to all challenges and defeat your competitors?Multiplayer Mode Features:Play with up to 7 players in real timeDiffering Victory Point criteria randomly set at the beginning of every game make every experience uniquePlenty of possible game strategies make for varied sessionsSabotage your rivals to get ahead at the decisive momentThe length of every game can be defined and last up to 2 hoursTransOcean 2: Rivals, developed by Deck 13 Hamburg, is the sequel to the successful game, TransOcean: The Shipping Company, enormously popular with business strategy players, simulation fans and anyone who loves big cargo ships.Features:Three varied game modes: The challenging Campaign, the calm Endless Game and the Competition mode against AI opponentsThe popular 3D mini game in single-player mode: Man the wheel of your own ship and navigate it through some pretty tricky situationsStep up against other players in Multiplayer mode and use the best strategy to win Victory PointsSabotage your rival playersDeveloped by Deck 13 Hamburg, the creative brains behind TransOcean: The Shipping CompanyNew types of ships and cargo: Container ships, Tankers and Bulk ships, each with their own unique strengths and weaknessesImprove your ships with a wide range of upgradesOver 60 ports across all continentsAwesome orchestral soundtrackExpand your fleet and buy the biggest shipsSet yourself new, dynamic challenges and become the best shipping magnate  ©2016 astragon Entertainment GmbH. Developed by Deck13 Hamburg GmbH, published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. TransOcean2: Rivals and the associated logos are the property of astragon Entertainment GmbH and Deck13 GmbH, astragon and astragon Entertainment and the associated logos are the property of astragon Entertainment GmbH. All rights reserved. All other names, brands, and logos belong to their individual owners.

2187.00 RUB
Industry Manager: Future Technologies

Have you always dreamed of building your own empire and raking in the big money? The world is changing fast and a second industrial revolution is right around the corner. Economy is changing from an industrial one into a technological-driven one and you can't be left behind. INDUSTRY MANAGER: Future Technologies is a classic economy simulation in which you can build your own empire, research new sustainable products, and sweep aside the competition on your way to fame and success. Take a market-oriented approach to design, produce, position and sell modern products. With limited liquid capital and an eye for the right product range, you can become the most successful capitalist in the world!INDUSTRY MANAGER: Future Technologies focuses on a sophisticated single-player experience, offering you a complex economic system. Your aim: To build a profitable empire by expanding your product range and researching new products, thereby outsmarting your competitors. But your mission won't be easy! Among other things, you'll have to consider the global market when expanding your production pipeline. Build your empire on the laws of supply and demand, market your products based on their best qualities and sell them in different markets.You'll need to build your production chain as economically as possible, based on market research and the availability of resources, in order to develop and distribute goods with maximum efficiency. By researching new production technologies and product innovations you'll be able to improve and advance your consumer goods. Always keep an eye on your competitors as they also have their own agendas and will influence the dynamic market as well as supply and demand. Develop completely new, customizable products such as the energy-efficient airplane, a digital computer watch or an exclusive bicycle with three wheels.INDUSTRY MANAGER: Future Technologies offers an intuitive user interface perfect for beginners, but also a range of configuration options to delight advanced players too. INDUSTRY MANAGER: Future Technologies is a sandbox economy simulation with a vibrant economic system, complete with supply and demand. The economy doesn't stand still, but is influenced by all your actions and those of your opponents. Sell your products locally in your stores or globally on the world market. Later in the game you can also buy and sell stocks on the stock market and take over your opponents' companies.Features:Sandbox gameplay: You have full decision-making powerBuild your own business empireOver 200 different products & resourcesLocated in a modern settingResearch new technologies for production and products to become the innovator of your own companyCompete with and outsmart AI opponentsComplex economic system, based on supply and demandBuy stocks in your competitors' companies on the stock market and take them over © 2016 astragon Entertainment GmbH. All Rights Reserved.

1749.00 RUB
Police Tactics: Imperio

16 years ago, the city of Newport Falls belonged to the criminal organization IMPERIO. The members of this group spread fear and terror and held the once picturesque Newport Falls in a stranglehold of organized crime. For a long time, the police had nothing to oppose this power and IMPERIO was free to do as it pleased. Until one day a wily police officer, John Croft, appeared on the scene. Together with his taskforce, he was able to put a stop to this syndicate's deeds bit by bit. But just before he could arrest the leader, he and his organization disappeared without trace. John Croft, the hero and father of a young boy was found dead a short time later. There were two bullets in his chest. But the case was never solved. IMPERIO disappeared and the city blossomed and developed magnificently.16 years later, there is no longer any sign of what had happened. IMPERIO has returned and flooded the urban area with its criminal activities. The unthinkable happens when the mayor puts on a large banquet to present his future strategy against organized crime, which has been on the rise for months. During the presentation, a shady man draws a weapon and shoots at the mayor. Bullets fly; glass shatters and panic breaks out everywhere. At first, all that can be seen is the mayor lying on the ground. Next to him, police chief Michael Reese, riddled with bullets. He saved the mayor's life and paid with his own. The killer has escaped unidentified.In POLICE TACTICS: IMPERIO you play as Harvey Croft and take on the vacant office of the police chief. You are responsible for upholding law and order in Newport Falls. Coordinate the emergency vehicles and personnel of the municipal precinct and put a stop to crime. Make sure that no crime goes unpunished and convict the perpetrators! You are the first line of defense in the fight against organized crime. You must prevent crime from prevailing and take out the big fish before it's too late. Collect and examine a wide range of evidence and protect your city before it sinks into a swamp of crime. Use your police units to their full potential. Train and deploy crime scene investigators, special units, police officers and detectives. Manage your headquarters and make best use of your budget to ensure the best standards of law enforcement and hazard defense.With increasing success in the fight against organized crime, you will take on greater responsibility and unlock new areas, units and enhancements. Solve exciting cases, investigate capital offenses and prevent everyday misdemeanors. Will you be able to complete your father's lifework and put IMPERIO in its place once and for all?POLICE TACTICS: IMPERIO is a realistic real-time strategy game, developed by CyberphobX Ltd. and astragon Entertainment GmbH. ©2016 astragon Entertainment GmbH©2016 CyberphobX Ltd.

1749.00 RUB
Oil Enterprise

In Oil Enterprise, you enter the multi-million dollar business of black gold as a shrewd businessman. Accept the challenge and grow from a small-scale en trepreneur, investing in your first oilfield, to a global oil magnate.Acquire oil production rights in up to 15 regions around the world and use the potential of your oil reserves as efficiently as possible on the dynamic global market. Fulfill lucrative long-term contracts to improve your reputation and make your cash registers ring. But watch out! Make a wrong investment or fail to meet con-tractual obligations and your company could be in danger of going bankrupt.Features:Invest in new oilfields, pumps, refineries, storage facilities, maintenance buildings, logistics and much moreConstantly expand your headquartersThere's no such thing as a free lunch! Stay in the black or take out a loan if needed! Always keep an eye on your numbersVarious events, such as earthquakes, exchange rate fluctuations and ac-cidents, provide new challenges15 global regions, 90 oilfields and 20 building typesTwo mentors will let you in on the secrets of the oil industryImprove your reputation to gain access to even more lucrative long-term contractsDynamic global market20 different scenarios, free play and multiplayer mode for up to six players © 2016 astragon Sales & Services and Crafty Studios GmbH, published and distributed by astragon Entertainment GmbH. astragon and astragon Enter-tainment are registered trademarks of astragon Entertainment GmbH. All rights reserved. All other products or companies mentioned here are trade-marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

1749.00 RUB
Firefighters 2014

House fires, traffic accidents and large-scale emergencies: Experience the day-to-day life of the fire department in “Firefighters 2014 – The Simulation Game”!Finally, what firefighter simulation fans have been waiting on for a long time – play and immerse yourself in the daily operations of a fire department: traffic accidents on the highway, fires in the city and in the countryside, subway derailments and much more.Your squad members head out with you on your daily operations, putting out fires and helping you in dangerous situations. The new inventory system offers better control with easier handling.A dynamic backdrop with streets and squares filled with people and traffic. Cars swerve out of the way when you’re out on emergency operations and guarantee a quick arrival at the scene, no matter if it’s the fire truck, the turntable ladder vehicle or the ambulance. Don the uniform and face the danger!The long-awaited arrival for fans of firefighter simulations: Experience the day-to-day life of the fire departmentExciting missions: house fire, traffic accident, subway derailment, flooded basement, barn fire and much moreYour squad goes on operations with you, putting out fires and helping the injuredPut out fires, cut people out of car wrecks, shore up houses, pump out basements, use hydrants, rescue the injuredCity, industrial area, beltway, rural area with village and forest landscapeDrive fire trucks, turntable ladder vehicles, ambulances, swap-body trucks and the auxiliary fire tender © 2014 rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH. All rights reserved. © 2014 Visual Imagination Software.

1749.00 RUB
Forest Grove

Forest Grove — это детективная игра от первого лица, где вам предстоит находить улики, решать головоломки и выстраивать полную историю, основываясь на собственных заключениях. Сможете ли вы раскрыть дело? Зоуи Кунстиматигаард, подросток и наследница миллиардного состояния в области технологий, пропала, о чем сообщила ее мачеха Мери. В последней раз ее видели в своей спальне в Форест Гроув, штат Орегон. «Бюро дистанционной криминалистики» использует дело как возможность развернуть продвинутую технологи борьбы с преступностью Nanodeck. Вы будете использовать ее для исследования места преступления, сбора улик и поиска правды об исчезновении Зоуи. Нужно раскрыть отношения и секреты. Если есть признаки преступления, то кто-то должен ответить перед правосудием! Криминалистические улики Изучите место преступления, в котором много улик, например, ДНК, отпечатков пальцев, следов пота и многого другого. Вы сможете собрать эти разбросанные улики воедино, чтобы раскрыть новые зацепки и понять, какая за ними скрывается история? Только вы можете найти истину. Хитросплетение головоломок и подсказок Семья Кунстиматигаард любит головоломки. Найдите тайные комнаты и похороненные секреты, которые приведут к новым подсказкам и помогут в расследовании. Дедуктивное мышление Используйте свой острый ум и интуицию, чтобы по крупицам собрать события, прекрасно понимая, что вы можете все не так понять. Здесь вам никто не поможет. Богатая история персонажей Открывайте персонажей с уникальными историями и диалогами. Скорее всего, кто-то знает больше, чем хочет рассказывать. Новаторская доска с уликами Раскрывайте тайну как настоящий детектив с помощью новаторской доски с уликами. Собирайте множество доказательств, которые можно связать с новыми зацепками и подсказками или использовать, чтобы обнаружить новых подозреваемых. Все персонажи вымышлены. Любое совпадение с реальными людьми, живыми или почившими, является чистой случайностью.

1711.25 RUB

Experience the extraordinary life of coast guard officer Finn Asdair in COAST GUARD. Life at sea is fraught with adversity and danger.Take on responsibility under the motto "Honor - Respect - Duty" and pursue dangerous criminals on the wide open sea. Recover decisive evidence, rescue people from burning and sinking ships, interrogate nefarious human traffickers and steer your own cruiser across the waves.At the heart of COAST GUARD are you and your crew: Fatima Morgane, the engineer; Colman Bauers, the chief investigator; and Larry La Bouche, the forensics specialist.COAST GUARD is a unique blend of police work and ship simulation that highlights the exciting tasks of the coast guard. All missions are inspired by real-life coast guard events and make for a thrilling adventure with an intense storyline.Features:Experience breathtaking coast guard operations on the high seasRescue refugees, convict unscrupulous villains, gather water samples, interrogate suspects and collect the decisive evidenceMore than 15 exhilarating missions by day and night, embedded in a thrilling storyOperate with your coast guard cruiser in all types of weather and make the most of the freely roamable mother shipLeave your ship and investigate exciting crime scenes, such as an oil rig © 2015 astragon Sales & Services GmbH & Reality Twist GmbH. Published and distributed by astragon Sales & Services GmbH. Coast Guard , astragon Sales & Services Gmbh and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of astragon Sales & Services GmbH. Reality Twist, Reality Twist GmbH and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Reality Twist GmbH. All rights reserved. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.

1312.00 RUB
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