

Train Sim World® 3

ОВЛАДЕЙТЕ ИСКУССТВОМ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПОЕЗДАМИ   Покоряйте горы Америки на тяжеловесных поездах под управлением мощных тепловозов, доставляйте британских пассажиров на работу и обратно за рекордно короткое время, и управляйте настоящими немецкими высокоскоростными поездами. Реализуйте собственные задумки при помощи творческих редакторов. Овладейте искусством управления поездами с Train Sim World 3.    НЕОБУЗДАННАЯ МОЩЬ   Перевозите сотни контейнеров через пустыни и горы Калифорнии, управляя 4400-сильными монстрами ES44C4 в окраске компании BNSF. Разгоните до 280 км/ч первый настоящий немецкий высокоскоростной поезд ICE 1, путешествия по сельской местности Гессе и Баварии. Перевозите пассажиров из Лондона и обратно, управляя высокоскоростным Class 395 «Javelin» — самым быстрым поездом в Британии, развивающим скорость до 140 миль в час.   ЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНЫЕ ПОГОДНЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ   Новое объёмное небо привнесёт в маршруты измененное восприятие погоды, а облака теперь по-настоящему парят над землей и отбрасывают тени. Молнии засверкают среди грозовых облаков, а раскаты грома будут перебивать рёв мощных двигателей. Испытайте полное погружение, благодаря эффекту турбулентности — теперь ветер напористо завывает, сталкиваясь с бортами вагонов. Изучите искусство безопасного управления поездами, чтобы всегда держать ситуацию под контролем.   ВАШЕ ХОББИ   Несколько поездов на каждом из маршрутов обеспечат многие часы наслаждения игрой, а благодаря Планировщику сценариев и Редактору окрасок вы сможете реализовать свои собственные задумки. Перекрашивайте поезда так, как пожелаете, и управляйте ими на любых маршрутах, благодаря опции «Снять ограничения по типам ЖД», а затем делитесь своими творениями через Creators Club.    Ваша коллекция остаётся с вами. Все дополнения для Train Sim World 2 доступны для игры в Train Sim World 3, и вы всегда можете установить и исследовать любое из приобретённых дополнений.Особенности дополнения   Управляйте тепловозами ES44C4, покоряя 85-мильный маршрут «Перевал Кахон» Промчитесь на скоростном ICE 1 по 186-километровому маршруту «Высокоскоростная линия Кассель – Вюрцбург» Перевозите пассажиров на электропоезде Class 395 по 89-мильному маршруту «Высокоскоростная линия Southeastern» Более 9 поездов, доступных для управления Детализированные кабины с точно воссозданными органами управления Точно переданные характеристики и реалистичное управление Изучите всё, что нужно знать об управлении поездами, посетив Учебный центр Испытайте свои навыки, выполняя как задания, так и рейсы в режиме «Расписание» Ловите лучи солнца под новым объёмным небом Сражайтесь с реалистичными погодными условиями, включающими физику ветра и новое освещение Реализуйте собственные задумки при помощи Редактора окрасок и Планировщика сценариев, и делитесь своими творениями через Creators Club. Работает под управлением собственного движка динамики подвижного состава Dovetail Games SimuGraph® и технологии Unreal Engine 4®. Объем загружаемых файлов: 0,00 Мбайт.

3418.00 RUB
Tennis Manager 2022

Примерьте костюм тренера по теннису и менеджера теннисной академии! Вас ждёт самый реалистичный симулятор тенниса, как на корте, так и вне его. Победите и возьмите всё под контроль! В игре более 2000 турниров, от молодёжных до профессиональных, и вам предстоит отобрать из 5000 игроков таланты, что приведут академию к славе. Финансовая стабильность, обсуждение контрактов, структурные инвестиции... Управляйте с толком, достигайте мелких и крупных целей и впечатлите совет директоров. Окружите себя лучшим персоналом (тренеры, техники, специалисты по физиологии, тактике и душевному здоровью и не только) и разработайте программу тренировок, наилучшим образом соответствующую способностям ваших игроков, их ожиданиям и вашему стилю! Научитесь складно говорить на пресс-конференциях и покажите совету директоров и игрокам, что работа вам по плечу. Трёхмерный движок позволит погрузиться в матч с головой и в качестве тренера направлять своего игрока в реальном времени! Предпочитаете мощно подавать или оставаться на базовой линии? Вы пылки или пассивны? Возьмите матч под контроль, навяжите сопернику свой стиль игры и возведите игрока на вершину.ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙВышла вторая часть игры, и в ней есть новинки.Создание игрокаСделайте игрока на свой вкус! Машина для подачи мячей или неутомимый марафонец? Подкидывает мячи высоко или низко? Выберите стиль игры и помогите игроку прийти в такую форму, в которой он приведёт академию к титулам и славе!Новая инфраструктураНовая система инфраструктуры сделает различные инвестиции ещё реалистичнее и поможет погрузиться в жизнь управляющего академией. Хотите специалистов по глиняным кортам? Тогда обеспечьте свою структуру охряными тренировочными площадками. Не нравится, как работают ваши скауты? Инвестируйте в центр обучения и ускоряйте оценку. Вы управляющий, вам и решать!Круговая системаЧтобы выиграть финал в конце сезона, нужно пройти новую группу и добраться до полуфинала: 2 группы по 4 игрока, 8 лучших в игре. Такой же формат в финале Next Gen (для участников не старше 21 года) и в молодёжном финале. Старайтесь набирать как можно больше очков, потому что на присуждение титула может повлиять даже крохотная разница!Инструменты управления командойПомогут оптимизировать управление командой, а значит, нужны всякому уважающему себя менеджеру! Вы получите все сведения о команде (недельное расписание, следующий турнир, текущая форма, состояние коммерческих контрактов и т. д.), историю матчей, подробные результаты, заработки на турнире или даже полную карточку каждого игрока и... отчёты о новых участниках! Что ещё?Новая система управления контрактами и переговоровДоговаривайтесь с талантами и заключайте контракты, размечающие жизнь академии. Система переговоров была доработана и отражает реалии делового мира: теперь она включает и контракты, и спортивные цели игроков, и соглашения с поставщиками инвентаря... Агент академии получил важнейшую роль в развитии вашей империи.Импорт и экспорт игрового планаОдним нажатием можно импортировать победную тактику Рафы против Роджера 2009 года или экспортировать и стать звездой сообщества TM.Улучшены симуляции матчаСамая реалистичная трёхмерная симуляция тенниса была улучшена, и теперь вы можете занять место на корте и присутствовать в игре вместе с игроками. Также улучшен ИИ, добавлено новое поведение (замена, используемые эффекты, выбор удара) и новая анимация (движения и съёмка движений). Ближе к корту, больше реализма, больше эмоций!

629.56 RUB

Дрессировка кошек - это легко! (это неправда) Главная задача в Catizens — построить город так, чтобы он подходил по характеру его обитателям, иначе недовольные коты просто откажутся работать! Характеры котиков по-разному сочетаются между собой, влияя на настроение, работоспособность и послушание. Чтобы добиться максимальной продуктивности, тебе предстоит узнать, что делает счастливым каждого пушистого жителя. Создавай уникальных котиков и идеальные дома Создавай котов с неповторимыми личностями и запоминающейся внешностью при помощи конструктора. Обустрой уютное местечко для каждого из них, подбирая мебель, растения и другие предметы. Чем лучше обставлено поселение, тем счастливее котики. Так что прояви фантазию! Управляй поселениемУ котиков не только разные параметры и особенности, но и профессии — от фермерского хозяйства до кузнечного дела и даже рыцарства. Кто-то ведь должен защищать поселение от различных опасностей! Разные типы построек открываются в зависимости от черт и профессий котиков, так что подходи к вопросу развития своих питомцев с умом. Исследуй новые землиРасширяй свои владения за счет новых территорий, в которых котиков ждут новые возможности и приключения. Изучай игровую карту, чтобы отыскать рыбные места, спрятанные сокровища и необычных персонажей с квестами.

536.85 RUB
Base One

Base One - это симулятор-стратегия с элементами выживания, менеджмента и RPG, цель которой – строительство и управление космическими станциями. После того, как рядом с Землей появилась огромная червоточина и разрушила часть луны, по земной поверхности прокатилась волна стихийных бедствий. Земной Глобальный Союз запустил космическую программу "Решение", чтобы исследовать червоточину, и найти новую планету для колонизации. Вы - один из участников этой программы и именно Вам предстоит построить сеть орбитальных станций для освоения новых миров, и спасения Землю от страшной катастрофы в ближайшем будущем. Управляйте космическими станциями Земного Глобального Союза, расположенными в неисследованных частях космоса. Соберите свою команду для выполнения различных задач. Каждый член экипажа обладает набором уникальных характеристик и особенностей. Следите и эффективно распределяйте важные ресурсы: энергия, тепло, кислород, вода, продовольствие и многое другое. Они не бесконечны и без них не выжить! Защищайте станцию от различных угроз, таких как метеориты или пираты. Покажите на что вы способны, используя лучшие военные разработки Глобального Земного Союза! Начните свою собственную экспедицию в рамках программы "Решение". Особый режим "Свободная игра" позволит опытным игрокам создать игру с уникальными условиями и заданиями. Недостаток энергии, радиация, голод, метеороиды и другие опасности не остановят настоящего исследователя-первопроходца!Решение в Ваших руках, Капитан! Отказ от ответственности: Системы Mac с процессором M1/M2 в настоящее время не поддерживаются.

148.47 RUB
Camp Canyonwood

As the newest counselor at Camp Canyonwood, it’s up to you to successfully manage campers and restore this neglected camp to its former glory by building and modifying the campground! Summer after summer, help new groups of campers learn valuable skills and earn Badges in this charmingly strange camping life sim. From fishing and archery to rock collecting and stargazing, teach your campers well while discovering their distinct quirks and preferences to ensure they have the best time possible. Protect them from the dangers of the great outdoors such as snakes, bears, and aliens. A happy camper at summer’s end means more money from their parents for camp improvements, so do your best for the good of Camp Canyonwood! FEATURES ●    Camp activities include fishing, archery, stargazing, bug catching, rock collecting, wood chopping, hiking, exploration, and wildflower collecting. More are planned for the full release. ●    Each camper has a unique look and personality. Learn about them and monitor their health and happiness. If they’re unhappy (or missing), their parents may not pay at summer’s end! ●    Use earned profits from successful camper management to improve the campground with new decorations and accommodations. ●    In addition to a variety of tent and cabin options, there are dozens of collectible items, ranging from practical things like grills for cooking to cosmetic decorations like statues and watch towers. ●    Experience the great outdoors, including interactions with fierce predators, chubby racoons, and many different kinds of animals, bugs, flowers, and precious stones. ●    Complete donation quests from the camp staff to unlock new items to purchase. ●    Nothing strange ever happens at Camp Canyonwood. Especially things like ghosts and UFOs. ●    This game requires players to manage their own tasks with a to-do list. As camp counselor, you'll choose the things YOU want to do!

92.26 RUB
Sweet Transit

Sweet Transit is a unique city builder where the railway is king and trains are the sole means of expansion and transportation. Create intricate production lines and grow humble villages into thriving metropolises while moving through prime eras such as the introduction of steam power and the invention of the combustion engine. Become a pioneer of industry and work to keep your citizens happy through the interconnected world of the railway.Expansive Train-Led City BuilderFrom a single warehouse, build a thriving interconnected world of villages and cities as you expand your rail network and evolve your society.Vastly Customisable Railway NetworkingConnect your settlements to ensure a painless transit for workers and civilians using platforms, stations, and intricate routes to expand and link together your network.Evolve Your Industry - From Steam to DieselPlan your settlements to fit both the landscape and the needs of your citizens. Create basic and advanced production lines to ensure the most economical movement of resources. Take advantage of the mighty railway to automate production and meet the ever-growing needs of your settlements.Be a Person of the PeopleYour citizens have needs and get tired as they work. It's important that you maintain their happiness and requirements by ensuring they have accommodation, water, food, and more as you scale up your cities. Unhappy or tired workers are less productive and will be detrimental to your production lines.Day One Mod SupportSweet Transit features full mod support from day one, allowing you to create custom content for the game as you please. Steam Workshop support is fully integrated with the title allowing for ease of access to the modding community. Sweet Transit © 2021 Ernestas Norvaišas, Published under licence by Team17 Digital Limited.

2709.00 RUB

Вас изгнали из родных мест, потому что вы верили, будто гномы могут жить над землей. И теперь вы решили построить город, где будут жить гномы, разделяющие вашу точку зрения. Станьте главой города и заботьтесь о безопасности и счастье горожан, выполняя задания, создавая предметы и сражаясь. Чем больше город, тем масштабнее приключения! Особенности Возведите город с более чем 45 строениями, включая фермы, пивоварни, кузницы и таверны. Исследуйте мир и живущих в нём существ, заглядывая в подземелья, пещеры, шахты и другие уголки. Выполняйте задания и управляйте городом, заботясь о безопасности и счастье жителей. Создайте более 100 предметов: от оружия и доспехов до украшений дома. Сражайтесь, используя динамичную систему боя.

30.54 RUB
Fleet Commander: Pacific

The game is a turn based game, I GO U GO system with alternating phases. You can play hot seat, against the AI or in multiplayer mode. The game contains: a turn-based sequence of play, with US having the slight advantage to play second as they broke the enemy code, allowing for interesting counter-moves, all main battleships, carriers and heavy cruisers as individual units, and minor ships, marines or air units regrouped in groups and flotillas, a simple (but not simplistic) set of game mechanisms, focusing on taking control of key sea areas, straightforward battle mechanisms, handling the various aspects of naval warfare: gunnery exchanges, submarines and airborne attacks, game features day or night battles, island bases invasions, air raids against ports, reinforcements from other theaters of war, a challenging set of decisions each turn for the selection of which areas to keep under your control, seize from the enemy or harass, an AI that will attempt to foil your grand strategic plans or your local actions, a very accurate database with faithful ships sketches, 3D models, and actual historical photos, a streamlined UI and easy controls, and a wealth of ingame information, many scenarios of variable length and difficulty. MORE IN DETAILS GAME SEQUENCE: The game is played in 10 turns of 4 months each, alternating the opposing sides. The US side, playing last, has a slight strategic advantage. GAME OBJECTIVE: Each turn, both sides will attempt to control the key sea areas on the map. Each of those brings Victory Points (VP), not always the same for each side in a given sea, representing the different strategic importance of the various seas to the respective sides. At the end of the turn, once scores have been calculated, the leading side gets the balance and accrued it to its overall score. The winner of the game is the side with a positive VP balance at the end of the scenario in play. GAME PHASES: They are all identical each turn, except when mandated by special case (for instance the surprise attack phase of December 1941 in FC Pacific). In sequence: Arrival of reinforcements in a friendly port, or removal of units if required by date/turn. Moving Patrols out to sea, to take control of the sea areas. Placement of land-based aircrafts, one plane at a time, sides alternating. Only in allowed seas. Those planes can control sea zones. Movement of amphibious units. Placement of the submarine unit (if in game). Raid Missions with the aim of making attacks or defenses in sea areas, but not allowance future control by raiding ships. Resolution of naval battles, in the order selected by the Japanese player, sea area by sea area. Battle sequence is described hereafter. Landing of Marines, if they did not take place during battles. Return to port of all Raid Missions. Check of sea areas control and change of ownership of isolated bases. Return to base of land-based aircrafts and return to port for all patrolling ships. Repair of damaged units in ports. BATTLE PHASES: Each battle follows the same process below, for as long as units of both sides remain in the currently selected sea area: Selection of battle round type, between air and surface. Should the sides disagree, a random selection is made, with various bonus or penalties for air action, area control or admiral’s presence in the sea area. Exchange of fire, air or surface, are simultaneous, although show one side after the other for better presentation aspect and understanding. All units allowed to fire may select only one single valid target per round. This full exchange is one round of battle, and it can be repeated until combat is over. Some ships cannot be targeted in surface battles if protected by screen of other ships and not engaged themselves (this restriction does not apply to air combat). Both sides may retreat totally or in part at the end of a battle round. If both remain, another round starts anew. Ships and planes suffer disable results or damages points. Accumulated damage superior to the ships’ protection factor sinks them. In ports (via air raids), ships can take double damage before sinking, but stay on the bottom and can’t move (till repaired) if damage exceeds protection. In case of a retreat, unit can be pursued by non-retreating opponents if the respective ships speeds allow. Retreats are made toward bases in the same area, or closest major port. At the end of the battle, victorious side with aircraft carrier may launch 2 rounds of air raids over bases adjacent to the sea area. During the battle, a maximum of one submarine per side, if present, may fire once. In such a case it will return to base just like a raiding ship. MOVEMENT OF SHIPS: Depending on their missions (patrol or raid) and their speed. On patrol, a ship may move to an adjacent sea and, possibly, one sea further on if speed allows. Most fast ships will automatically succeed, while the slower ones must pass speed tests and, if they fail, stay in the first sea entered. Admirals provide bonus to such tests. While raiding, ships are allowed one extra sea: they can move up to two sea zones without test and must pass speed checks for the third one. Crossing through an enemy-controlled sea area to another sea is forbidden. MOVEMENT OF LAND-BASE PLANES: Those units do not actually move but are ‘placed’ from the plane pool into sea areas adjacent to their sides’ bases or ports. Therefore no such planes can be placed into a sea area where the side holds no bases or ports. Each side places one land-based plane into one sea area, alternating one by one till both run out of planes. Those planes can take and keep control of a sea area. If during a battle planes lose all bases adjacent to the sea where the battle takes place, the said plane immediately return to the plane pool. CONTROL OF THE SEAS: Only ships on patrol and land-based planes currently at sea are used to determine control. Ships on raids have returned port before such control check. The side keeping or gaining control of a sea area earns as many VP as that sea area provides to that side. CAPTURE OF BASES AND PORTS: Bases can be captured by direct amphibious assault or via isolation. Ports can only be captured via isolation. Isolation is when a base or port has all its adjacent seas under enemy control for two consecutive turns. REPAIR OF SHIPS: According to the game’s scale and duration, if allowed, it will depend on the port where the ships end the turn. Each port has a different allocation of repairs and each point of same removes one point of damage on the ships in that port. Unused repairs are lost, they cannot accumulate. Usually, also according to game’s scale, planes and Marines are repaired for free. REINFORCEMENTS: They will arrive at the start of each turn in specified ports. If such a port is not available or unfriendly, a default port is usually selected in its place. On certain turns, some ships must be picked up and removed, as they are sent to other theaters of operations. Those not removed shall be replaced by possibly equivalent ships if the mandated ships have been sunk already. Land-based planes, and Marines destroyed before may automatically return to play in the pool (depends on scenario scale and duration). MARINES AND OTHER LAND FORCES: Those units, if present in the game, are used to capture enemy bases, or defend your own. They have their own movement phase and can move up to two sea areas (with or without escort, as players’ desire). When in a battle, they can opt for landing or amphibious assault at the end of any round they have survived. If not in a battle, landing or assault take place in a specific phase after all battles. When assaulting, Marines automatically capture undefended enemy bases and are destroyed in the process, and the base becomes yours. If defended by an enemy Marines, each of the Marines unit eliminates one an enemy Marines, till all are destroyed and, if possible, the base captured. Marines cannot assault enemy ports.

326.17 RUB
Arcadia Fallen

Arcadia Fallen is a Roleplay Visual Novel, where your choices shape the personality of your character. Will you be shy, bold, or the one forever making jokes? Play the role of a young alchemist apprentice who is unwillingly bound to an illegal spirit. Suddenly drawn into a war between humanity and magic, they must join a group of unlikely heroes to escape their own doom, hopefully saving the world along the way.A Story With No Right Or Wrong ChoicesVenture on a journey with no bad endings. Your decisions will never keep you from going on but may influence what you will have to endure before you reach your goal. Dialogue options with tone labels. You decide whether your character is shy, bold, or the type to make a joke of any situation. Whether you want to become a master of alchemy, engage in a romance, or discover the mysteries of the world; how you spend your time is up to you.Character Customization & GrowthCreate your alchemist in your own image or play out a fantasy. You decide how traumatic events sculpt and grow your alchemist's personality. When faced with a tragedy, will you be benevolent, or will you be vengeful? 4 Romanceable CharactersSpend time with your companions to build a deep platonic relationship or engage in a romance. You decide how you want to romance someone. LGBTQ+ On their journey, your alchemist will be joined by a group of five companions, four of which you can form romantic relationships with. Whether you choose to romance anyone, you are also able to form meaningful platonic relationships with everyone, including our fifth companion Mime, who's totally ready to be your new BFF!Alchemy PuzzlesUse your alchemy skills to solve crises, assist your companions, and change the world around you. Take on powerful demons with your alchemy skills and the help of an ancient artifact. Hone your skills to discover secret recipes.

157.80 RUB
The Escapists

You’ve landed yourself in prison again, and your only chance is to engineer an escape by any means necessary. How you do it is up to you! Why not cause a prison riot? Or dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors?The Escapists is a unique prison sandbox experience with lots of items to craft and combine in your daring quest for freedom. Life in prison will keep you on your toes with the strict rules that you’ll have to break. The guards are out to stop any escape attempts, so you’ll have to avoid suspicious behavior by attending roll calls, working a prison job, and hiding your stolen craftables.Escaping is what you do best, and you’ll have to prove your skills in a variety of challenging prisons from across the world.Become an Escapist now!Features10 Fully operational prisons complete with routines to give you a flavor of how it *really* is inside!10 Separate job opportunities for you to sink your teeth into… If you have the knowledge to earn and hold down these employment paths of course!185+ Unique Items for you to seek out and perhaps even craft useful items with. (Team17 fully endorses the use of various weapons such as ‘shivs’, ‘nunchucks’, and ‘maces’ – within a fictional setting of course!).Various Favour types for you to tackle offered up by inmates – You wouldn't want to go upsetting them now, would you?Highly opinionated and incredibly funny inmates and guards to keep you on your toes as well as provide entertainment!Multiple escape routes for you to work out and achieve the title of ‘The Escapist’!Multiple save slots so you can have more than one escape attempt on the go!Steam Achievements to strive for.Steam Leaderboards – Once you have escaped see how you fared against other successfully escaped players!Prison Editor – Create from scratch your very own confinement masterpiece and share it with the community! The Escapists. Developed by Mouldy Toof Studios. © 2014. The Escapists and Mouldy Toof Studios are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mouldy Toof Studios. The Escapists published by Team17. © 2014. Team17 is a registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1354.00 RUB
Sheltered 2

It's been twenty years since the world as we knew it ended. The last of humanity splintered into opposing factions. Will you unite or conquer?Building upon the original 2015 fan-favorite, Sheltered 2 brings new challenges and deeper strategic gameplay. You are tasked with creating a leader and building up your faction whilst managing resources and tackling threats both natural and human. Everything from starvation and dehydration to radiation poisoning and enemy raids can prove fatal.Sheltered 2’s new Factions system is pivotal to a base’s success. Send out expeditions to explore the vast wasteland and forge relationships, or bitter rivalries with other camps. Trade resources to grow and thrive together, or go head-to-head with rivals in an expanded combat system and grow your foothold in the wasteland. Will you ally with or dominate the other factions?Features:Factions: New to Sheltered 2, the Factions system allows you to create relationships with other groups that will provide your base with resources and support. Or grab your weapons and take things the old-fashioned way.Resource Management: Balance the needs and wants of your survivors, manage scarce resources, craft what you need, and maintain the shelter’s equipment to keep the group alive.Faction Leaders: New in Sheltered 2, the faction leader is the most important member of a shelter, boasting their own unique and powerful traits, the faction leader will be pivotal to success, with their death meaning game over.An Unforgiving Wasteland: Starvation, asphyxiation, extreme temperatures, and combat are just some of the challenges you’ll face in the harsh wasteland of Sheltered 2, and without the ability to respawn, every decision could be fatal.Combat & Weapons: When negotiations fail, wield a huge variety of makeshift weaponry against hostile outsiders. Fight to the death in turn-based combat to win the critical resources you need to survive.Characters: Your survivors have their own personalities, traits, desires, and a huge list of skills to acquire. Customize them to your liking and make your faction members unique and individual.Vehicles: Find and fix more vehicles to explore the wasteland with, from Bicycles to pickup trucks. Sheltered 2. Developed by Unicube and Team 17 Digital Ltd © 2021. Published by Team17. Team17 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1806.00 RUB
Overcooked! All You Can Eat

The Peckish has risen again and it’s your job to satisfy their hunger, are you ready to save the world again? Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a chaotic cooking game where players need to work together (or alone) to serve as many dishes as they can before the timer runs out. Travel through the land cooking up a variety of recipes in evolving and dynamic kitchens.Overcooked! Goes OnlineFor the first time ever, online multiplayer has been fully integrated into Overcooked! Revisit your favorite kitchens from the first game in stunning 4K and ONLINE!Cross-Platform MultiplayerEnjoy the cooking chaos with all of your friends using cross-platform multiplayer and voice chat. A shared multiplayer queue means reduced waiting times for games, and more time for culinary carnage!A Visual Feast!Both games have been taken to the next level with stunning, enhanced 4K visuals - this is the best that the Overcooked! series has ever looked.Tasty New Content!New levels, new chefs, and new mayhem - all exclusive to Overcooked! All You Can Eat.Multiple Modes!Players can enjoy campaign, survival, and practice modes, and new to All You Can Eat - assist mode! Assist mode offers a number of options to allow for a less frantic game including slower recipe timeout, increased round timers, and the option to skip levels.Accessible For All!Overcooked! All You Can Eat contains features to allow as many players as possible to join in the food frenzy! Scalable UI, dyslexia-friendly text, and color blindness options are all available. Overcooked! All You Can Eat. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd.© 2020. Published by Team17. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

3613.00 RUB
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