

Field of Glory II: Medieval - Swords and Scimitars

The Byzantine Empire began the 11th century in a strong position - they had pushed their frontier eastwards against the fragmented Muslim emirates, and had completely destroyed the Bulgars in the Balkans. All that was to change in 1071, when they suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Seljuq Turks at the Battle of Manzikert. These nomadic conquerors had recently converted to Islam, and had swiftly established a Sultanate ruling from Afghanistan to Palestine. Following Manzikert they took nearly all of Anatolia from the Byzantines. As the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos struggled to stem the Seljuq advances, he appealed to the West for mercenaries. This request was seized upon by Pope Urban II, who possibly saw it as an opportunity to further his own aims. At the Council of Clermont in 1095 he called for a Crusade to save the eastern churches and recover the Holy Land from the Muslims. The timing was fortuitously right, as the mighty Seljuq Empire had begun to fragment, the Sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia (modern Asiatic Turkey) having seceded from the Great Seljuk Empire in 1077, and the local Syrian atabegs being in practice semi-independent and disunited. The First Crusade eventually captured Jerusalem in 1099, and established a number of Crusader states in Palestine and Syria. In doing so they created bitter resentment between Muslims, Western Christians and the Byzantines that would lead to two centuries of conflict. Several major Crusades were to follow the First, as the Crusader states fought for their existence against a succession of resurgent Islamic states: the Fatimids, Zangids, Ayyubids, and finally the Mamluks, who extinguished the last Crusader stronghold of Acre in 1291. Meanwhile, further East, a far greater threat to Islamic civilisation was emerging. The rapidly expanding Mongols had destroyed the Khwarazmian Shahdom by 1231, the Christian kingdom of Georgia fell in 1239, and the Seljuqs were defeated and forced into vassaldom in 1243. By 1258 the Assassins of Alamut, and the vestigial remains of the once great Abbasid Caliphate, had also been conquered. Only the Mamluks of Egypt were able to finally bring the Mongol advance to an end, with their victory at Ain Jalut in 1260. In the Balkans the Byzantine Empire remained strong until 1204, when Constantinople fell to the Fourth Crusade. Thereafter much of the old empire was taken over by the Western Crusaders and the Venetians, who had masterminded the whole sordid enterprise. The Byzantines held out in four fragments: the Empires of Trebizond and Nicaea, and the Despotates of Rhodes and Epirus. Eventually the Empire of Nicaea retook Constantinople in 1261, but the power of the Byzantines had been broken forever and they were now only a minor state. 20 more nations and factions covering South Eastern Europe and the Middle East from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. These include Arabs (Syria/Iraq), Armenians (Cilician), Bulgarians, Byzantines (Main Empire, also Nikaia, Epiros and Trebizond), Crusaders, Cypriots (Lusignan Kingdom), Dailami, Fatimid Egyptians, Georgians, Ghaznavids, Ghurids, Indians (Rajput, other Hindu, Muslim), Khwarazmians, Latin States in Greece, Mamluk Egyptians, Mongols (Ilkhanids), Pechenegs, Seljuq Turks, Serbians and Syrian States. Each of these has their own historically accurate banner. 35 more units (11 brand new, 24 new to Medieval), allowing the troops of all of the new factions to be accurately represented. 41 more army lists allowing historically realistic armies for each of the above factions and their allies at different dates during the period, and bringing the total number of Medieval army lists to 146. In addition armies can include contingents from historical allies. This gives around one hundred thousand permutations. You will never run out of new matchups to try. 8 more historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Manzikert 1071, Dorylaeum 1097, Ascalon 1099, Sirmium 1167, Arsuf 1191, La Forbie 1244, Homs 1281 and Kili 1299.   53 more historical matchups added to Quick Battle mode, increasing the total to 150, playable from either side. 4 more historically-based campaigns covering major leaders and conflicts of the era: Alexios Komnenos, The First Crusade, Manuel Komnenos, Saladin.   Sandbox campaign expanded to include all the new army lists, allowing you to lead any nation (and their historical allies) against any other nation (and their allies) – giving over twenty thousand permutations. Time Warp custom battles modules expanded to include all the new army lists.

286.34 RUB
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Reconquista

Feudalism did not have such a dominant impact in Spain and Italy as it had in North West Europe. Both these lands had unique factors which affected the conduct of warfare. In 1050, more than half of the Iberian peninsula was under the rule of Islamic states, an area known as Andalusia. After the demise of the Umayyad Caliphate in 1031, Andalusia was divided into several small Muslim states, known as the Taifa emirates. The Taifas often fought amongst themselves, leaving them unable to match the larger Christian Kingdom of Castile that was created in 1037 with the absorption of the Kingdom of Leon. This was the true start of the Christian Reconquista that would not be completed until 1492. To help stem the Christian onslaught, in 1086 the Taifa Emir of Seville invited the Murabit Berbers of North Africa to enter Spain. This did not work as planned for the Taifas, for after defeating the Castilians at the Battle of Sagrajas, the Murabits quickly incorporated most of the Taifa emirates into their empire. The Murabit empire was taken over in 1147 by a rival Berber sect, the Almohads. These events were a severe setback for the Spanish Christian kingdoms, but they recovered to win a great victory over the Almohads at Las Navas De Tolosa in 1212, which broke the power of the Muslims in Spain forever. Soon only the emirate of Granada was left, but as a vassal of Castile. Throughout the period there was also frequent fighting between states of the same religion, and Muslim and Christian warriors often had few qualms about serving princes of a different religion. In Northern Italy the big cities had always tried to maintain a degree of independence, and often fought vigorously against the attempts of the Holy Roman Emperor to enforce his authority over them. They grew increasingly wealthy on trade, and by the end of the 11th century their city militias had become the mainstay of Italian armies, eclipsing the role of the feudal knights. In 1176 the northern Italian cities formed the Lombard League, and won a great victory over Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa at the Battle of Legnano.   This was a part of the Wars of the Guelfs and Ghibellines. The Papacy and the Empire had initially quarrelled over who had the right to appoint church officials, this was known as the “Investiture Controversy”. The Ghibellines were those who supported the Holy Roman Emperor, while the Guelfs were the party supporting the Pope. Even though the Investiture Controversy was resolved in 1122, the conflict between the Papacy and the Empire, and the Guelfs and Ghibellines, carried on for hundreds of years. In Southern Italy, the Normans rose from humble mercenaries to conquer the whole of southern Italy and establish the great kingdom of Sicily, after conquering the island from the Arabs. After the line of Norman kings ended, when William II died without male heirs, the throne passed to the Imperial German Hohenstaufen dynasty. In 1266, the Pope encouraged Charles of Anjou to attack the Hohenstaufens, and after victory at the battle of Benevento he seized the kingdom for himself. 20 more nations and factions covering Spain, Italy and North Africa from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. These include Andalusians, Almohads, Arabs, Aragonese, Byzantine Catapanate of Italy, Castilians/Leónese, Catalans, Granadines, Hafsids, Italian Guelfs, Italian Ghibellines, Italo-Normans, Lombards, Marinids, Murabits, Navarrese, Papal, Portuguese, the Kingdom of Sicily and Tuaregs. Each of these has their own historically accurate banner. 41 more units, allowing the troops of all of the new factions to be accurately represented. 45 more army lists allowing historically realistic armies for each of the above factions and their allies at different dates during the period, and bringing the total number of Medieval army lists to 103. In addition armies can include contingents from historical allies. This gives more than fifty thousand permutations. You will never run out of new matchups to try. 8 more historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Monte Maggiore 1041, Civitate 1053, Cabra 1079, Sagrajas 1086, Legnano 1176, Las Navas De Tolosa 1212, Montaperti 1260 and Benevento 1266. 33 more historical matchups added to Quick Battle mode, increasing the total to 98, playable from either side. 4 more historically-based campaigns covering major leaders and conflicts of the era: El Cid, Muhammad II of Granada, Normans in the South and Frederick II Hohenstaufen.   Sandbox campaign expanded to include all the new army lists, allowing you to lead any nation (and their historical allies) against any other nation (and their allies) – giving thousands of permutations.

286.35 RUB
Shadow Empire: Oceania

For a long time the Planet Generation of Shadow Empire was limited to dry Planets and Planets with relatively small bodies of water. Now all is possible. You can create second Earths and even Waterworlds. Planets with many islands, or just a few continents. The new maps being generated with Oceania DLC change the feel and ambiance of the game completely. But it also changes the gameplay a lot and will make you experience a different style of game. On top of this: the existing land-based Traders have gotten a more organized cousin with the sea-based Traders, who are known as Maritime Trade Houses (MTHs). The MTHs will allow you to explore the Oceans and secure Transport Contracts to invade and/or keep logistics flowing between different continents or islands. The MTH are of a very mercantile nature and it is also possible to acquire their stock. Once a shareholder you can use Policy Meetings with the MTH to influence their attitudes and Dividend payments. Features: With Oceania the Procedural Planet Generation can now generate much more diverse Planets Gaia Planet Class now available Thalassa Planet Class now available Proteus Planet Class now available Fontus Planet Class now available Maritime Trade House (MTH) mechanics MTH Stock-trading, Policy Meetings, Dividends & Auctions MTH Transport, Explore and Makeshift Port Contracts MTH Naval warfare for sea supremacy Naval logistical points allow amphibious invasions and transfers Note that the player does not control any naval units and all maritime action is simulated through the MTHs Maritime Lifeforms

306.22 RUB
Monster Truck Championship: Rebel Hunter Pack

Заявите о себе с этим эксклюзивным набором! В набор входят дизайн, арена и три машины. В набор Rebel Hunter Pack входят: - Уникальный дизайн Rebel Hunter — напомните всем, кто здесь главный! - Три монстр-трака в американском стиле — Magnum, Victory и Frantic, — которые помогут сокрушить любых противников - Гоночная арена в Чарльстоне Похвастайтесь своим стилем и напомните всем, кто истинный король гоночных арен.

825.49 RUB
Monster Truck Championship: Patriot Pack

Сокрушите соперников с этим эксклюзивным набором! В набор входят дизайн и машина. В набор Patriot Pack входят: - Монстр-трак Patriot, который подойдет тем, кто любит быть в центре внимания так же, как на пьедестале почета! - Дизайн Sergeant Chaos, готовый поразить соперников и поднять вас на вершину рейтинга!

228.22 RUB
Tennis World Tour 2 - Official Tournaments and Stadia Pack

В набор OFFICIAL TOURNAMENTS and STADIA входят: турнир Roland-Garros со стадионами Philippe-Chatrier, Suzanne-Lenglen и Simonne-Mathieu главный теннисный корт Открытого турнира Мадрида — Estadio Manolo Santana главный теннисный корт Открытого турнира Галле — OWL Arena турнир Tie Break Tens

762.71 RUB
Tennis World Tour 2 - Legends Pack

С набором Legends вы получите 2 профессиональных игроков, оставивших след в истории тенниса в 2000-х годах: Gustavo Kuerten и Marat Safin.

369.05 RUB
Tennis World Tour 2 - Annual Pass

С ANNUAL PASS вы получите доступ к множеству дополнительных материалов для TENNIS WORLD TOUR 2, среди которых: турниры Roland-Garros и Tie Break Tens, Открытый турнир Мадрида и Открытый турнир Галле — все в одном наборе OFFICIAL TOURNAMENTS & STADIA; 2 дополнительных игрока из набора SOFIA KENIN & KAROLINA PLISKOVA; 2 дополнительных игрока из набора JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO & VICTORIA AZARENKA; турнир ATP Cup, теннисисты ЭНДИ МАРРЕЙ, ДОННА ВЕКИЧ, МАРИН ЧИЛИЧ, ЖЮСТИН ЭНЕН, МАРИЯ ШАРАПОВА и ДИЕГО ШВАРЦМАН, а также дополнительные комплекты формы и снаряжения из набора CHAMPIONS.

847.55 RUB
As Far As The Eye - Supporter Edition

In this Supporter Edition, you'll find artworks, concept arts and cool stuff from the development of As Far As The Eye. The whole team thanks you for your support. Enjoy playing.

173.92 RUB
As Far As The Eye - Soundtrack

The soundtrack made by Alexis Laugier, a french composer and sound designer (Rayman Mini, LooK INside, OctaFight, etc...)

219.74 RUB
Project CARS 3 - Season Pass

Бешеное напряжение гонок ждет вас в сезонном комплекте Project CARS 3. Ваш путь в мир гонок ускорят четыре особых набора с 12 уникальными автомобилями, наборами перевода в гоночный класс, более 60 турами в режиме карьеры, а также сотнями предметов для настройки, призов и достижений. Оформите заказ сейчас и получите комплект элитных вариантов окраски. В предложение не входит комплект "Зажигание"

1801.95 RUB
Modding Tool Add-on - Power & Revolution 2023 Edition

The modding tool add-on lets players create and play contexts and scenarios (mods), as well as share them with other users. Since its release, more than 800 mods have already been shared and downloaded using the tool. A comprehensive creation tool The modding add-on lets you : modify country data (economic, political, demographic, fiscal...) change international relations between countries (diplomatic alignment, military alliances...) transform world geography (merging countries, making regions independent, putting a new city on the map...) create new missions and scenarios that are highly developed and detailed (triggering protests, wars, disasters, political scandals, assassinations, national elections, character demands... with the option of defining several conditions for triggering these events, and editing game text...) remake history by creating scenarios starting in the past or the future, from year 1900 enrich the scenarios with new character faces and names, new logos and group names with the customization kit that can be used with the modding tool easily share your creations (host and download from our website, directly send mods from the game...) New features (compared to the Masters of the World modding tool) the creation of mods to play as the legal (or illegal) opposition the creation of illegal groups with a suitable allotment of regions under their control, configuration of their armed forces, adjustment of their might and their local popularity the creation of city battles the possibility of changing a country's chief of state or changing a character's politcal party the possibility of adding buildings (power plants) to the map the possibility of modifying the appearance of new units: drones, police vans, armed extremists, police... the possibility of putting down spontaneous riots planning actions: beginning and ending city battles (civilian or military) and testing their outcome, normalization of an illegal terrorist group, a legal party becoming an illegal organization, calling for a vote on legislation (with or without the expected outcome) and testing their outcome, granting a region independence, withdrawal of troops from a country conditions for planning actions: testing the creation of an international organization, the popularity and loyalty levels among characters, the existence of scandals and the possibility of exposure, the existence of a network of clandestine services, grabbing power or being deposed, the death of a character, the nomination of a minister modification of laws concerning unconventional gas and petroleum the possibility of creating mods in Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese new scenarios "Arctic Wars" and "The End of Europe?" Some examples Arctic Wars In 2018, the United States and Russia vie for control of the immense resources of the Arctic which, because of climate change, have become more easily accessible. After the election of a Republican president in the 2016 election, the United States has established additional military bases on the west coast of Greenland. Russia has done the same on the east coast of Greenland. Petroleum (10% of the world's reverse), gas, aluminum, rare earth elements...this part of the world has become strategically crucial and considering the antagonistic nature of the presidents of these two superpowers, the risk of conflagration is extremely high! Moreover, a worried Greenland wants independence from its controlling nation, the Kingdom of Denmark, and the restrictive laws of its environmental program. It's up to you: as the leader of Denmark, try to avoid global unrest! The End of Europe? In the year 2020, the European Union has completely broken apart. Nearly all of its countries have left the organization after populist parties win national elections. Moreover, several states were created after some regions (such as Catalonia and Scotland) gained their independence. Take charge of the opposition party of various countries to try to build a new Europe.

469.27 RUB
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