
Bubble Ghost

Дата выхода:
HPN Associates Limited
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский
Cистема активации:
111.71 RUB

Описание игры

Bubble Ghost - Supernatural Arcade-Action that will blow you away!

Please don't shake your screen. You'll wake the dead. Within the confines of this game crypt rests the Bubble Ghost - a phantom destined to travel the halls of an eerie castle, forever blowing bubbles. And the only way his wandering soul can be put to rest is if you can help him blow his fragile little bubble through 35 trap-laden rooms of the macabre mansion, without it popping!

But just who is this "puffergeist?"

Legend has it that the Bubble Ghost is the long-winded spirit of Henrich Von Schtinker - a mad inventor who met his end while testing his now infamous "electric bubble pipe" in the bathtub.

Obviously his death came as quite the shock! But a bigger jolt was yet to come. For on the night following Von Schtinker's demise, a nightwatchman reported seeing a mischievous little spook floating amidst the catacombs of the inventor's derelict old castle "...blowing a shimmering bubble in front of him!" And now he needs your hand to complete his "breathtaking" journey.

It won't be easy. Around every corner, in every creepy room, lurk fiendish "techno-traps" just waiting to burst your bubble. Spikes, knives, pins, needles, scissors, shears- plus a host of other gadgets, gizmos and ghouls - all situated in the most inconvenient places.

You'll not only need dexterity to gently negotiate the bubble past all of these prickly situations, but ingenuity too. For many rooms in this multi-level madness hold secrets that can keep you from "blowing it", eh, so to speak. Classic Digital's Bubble Ghost. See how a single bubble can raise one's spirits!

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Оперативная память: 256 MB ОЗУ

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Darkestville Castle

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367.33 RUB
The Jackbox Party Pack 4

The biggest and fourthiest addition to this storied party game franchise features not five but FIVE AND A HALF crowd-slaying games!Fibbage 3 (2-8 players)The blanking fun sequel. Play all-new question types and the game mode Fibbage: Enough About You (3-8 players). Guess the weird facts about your friends.Survive the Internet (3-8 players)The web-based frame game. Twist your friends’ “online” comments in hilarious ways.Monster Seeking Monster (3-7 players)The spooky date-a-thon game. Message and date fellow monsters with special powers.Bracketeering (3-16 players)The deranged debate match game. Place smart bets on stupid arguments.Civic Doodle (3-8 players)The one-up art game. Compete to improve the town murals. Play using your phones, tablets or computers. No extra controllers needed! Plus EVEN MORE features just for streamers! NOTE: The Jackbox Party Pack 4 is in English only. NOTE: The game is local multiplayer but can be enjoyed over streams with remote players. How to Play Remotely Players use any web-enabled device (like a smartphone or tablet) to join the game and play along. When playing with remote players, you can use a video conferencing tool like Zoom, Steam Broadcast, Google Hangouts, Discord, and more to connect with others! Just share your screen while on a call and make sure you look for prompts to share audio. Visit our Remote Play page for more tips and tutorials.

2223.00 RUB
LA Cops

Alright, listen up! I got the Mayor on my ass about this like a hernia, and he wants you guys on the case. Why he wants you guys, I don’t know. You’ve cost this department more than all the Precincts in the rest of the state combined!Anyways. You’ll be headin’ up a team of cops in LA, and you’ll be goin’ up against all manner of bad guys, packing some serious heat! Not ta mention The BIG Boss, Hawaiian Mo. Sure, it’ll be dangerous, but heck, it’s nothin’ you ain’t done before.LA Cops is a fast, action packed 3D top down shooter set to a theme of 70s Cops in LA trying to do a tough job in a tough town. Gameplay includes an extra edge as you control two cops, using them strategically to get one up on the bad guys!A smart targeting system UI allows, you, the player to position your cops tactically whilst taking out the bad guys in real time.When you buy this game you get:8 main and 5 optional levels to play through. Each level is broken down into multiple sections totalling twenty overall.Six Cops to choose from each with their own attributes that can be upgraded with experience points during play. Attributes include health, speed, ammo clip size & damage.Five weapons to take out bad guys with including Pistols, Uzis, Shotguns, Assault Rifles & Grenade Launchers.Destructible scenery.Multiple cut scenes tell the story of these Cops in full 3D. Just like people, not all Cops are bad & not all Cops are good.Plus a Rock soundtrack that needs to be played loud! Developed by LA Cops Ltd © 2015. LA Cops is a trademark or registered trademarks of La Cops Ltd. Published by Team 17 Digital Ltd.

357.00 RUB
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