

Megadimension Neptunia VII

New challengers are taking control of Gamindustri, and Neptune's nowhere in sight. Now she’s gotta help a mysterious stranger fight a colossal new evil, reclaim her Goddess title, and find some time for pudding! Go next gen with Giant Battles, multi-worlds, and multiple storylines in this JRPG! New Battle Features Characters can link up for stronger attacks, “Parts Break” allows you to split enemies into pieces to lower their stats and disable special attacks, and “Giant Battles” impose limits that will challenge the strategist in you! NEXT mode A second transformation is now available! You can break those big baddies into bits with NEXT mode, which features new special skills and a new costume for the CPUs! Three Worlds, Three Stories Three different story modes! With new CPUs and characters at your side, you must fight through three dimensions to save Gamindustri! New Dungeon Minigame! An homage to the classic “Spelunker,” you receive special items when you clear this dungeon under the time limit!

150.43 RUB
Desperados III

Desperados III — это хардкорная тактическая игра в жанре «стелс» с захватывающим сюжетом, события которой происходят на безжалостном Диком Западе. В этом долгожданном приквеле к всеми любимой классической Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive Джон Купер объединится со сбежавшей невестой Кейт, скрытным наемным убийцей Доком Маккоем, траппером-великаном Гектором и Изабель — загадочной леди из Нового Орлеана. В поисках искупления Купер вместе с бандой побывает в мелких городках, на болотах и реках, чтобы в конце концов дойти до драматической схватки, достойной стать одной из легенд Дикого Запада. Играйте с умом, если хотите победить. Хороший план — единственное, что выведет вас из-под дула пистолета. Бродяга, стрелок и прирожденный лидер, Купер может тихо прикончить врага ножом или снять сразу нескольких залпом из револьверов. Силач Гектор всегда носит с собой медвежий капкан и способен убить даже самых крепких противников своим верным топором. Хладнокровный убийца Маккой предпочитает действовать методично: с помощью приманок, усыпляющего газа, шприцов с ядом и сделанного на заказ пистолета повышенной дальности. Кейт способна обдурить практически любого мужчину, был бы нужный наряд, и незаметно пристрелить его из спрятанного пистолета. А ведь есть еще и загадочная Изабель из Нового Орлеана... Комбинируйте особые навыки членов вашей команды и проходите сложные испытания в своем стиле. Играйте за пятерых уникальных персонажей, каждый с собственным набором навыков. Почувствуйте вкус настоящей свободы выбора, когда у вас есть бесчисленное множество способов обойти препятствие. Побеждайте большие группы врагов благодаря тщательному планированию и исполнению. Оцените все великолепие сюжетов классического Дикого Запада с его поселениями на пограничье, полными тайн болотами, шумными городами и многим другим. Выбирайте между несмертельными и убийственными атаками, между скрытностью и шумными перестрелками. Настройте игру под себя благодаря различным параметрам сложности и особым повторным испытаниям. Режим противостояния позволяет в любое время поставить игру на паузу и среагировать на засады или внезапные атаки.

1053.68 RUB
Monster Monpiece

Train as May Esperio in a world where humans and "monster girls" live an uneasy coexistence, and become a monster girl master in strategic, card-based battle with light RPG elements! Throw down with the enemy using your cards’ Skills and Potentials, and give their stats an extra boost with special bonuses. If you play your cards right you’ll collect over 100 monster girls and get to level those ladies up with the First Crush ❤ Rub mode, which gives you a hands-on role in warming them up for battle! Key Features • Play fast-paced card battles in 1080p where more than 100 monster girl cards can be summoned, each class coming to life as a 3D chibi model on a battle grid! • Each card you play can mean victory or defeat – with Skills, Potentials, Fusions, and Aura Bonuses, you have layers of strategy to use in each battle. • Level up your cards with the frenetic First ❤ Crush Rub system, rubbing your magical prowess into the monster girls to increase their strength and obtain new artwork for each!

111.96 RUB
Record Of Agarest War Mariage

Agarest begins with a hero, who at birth, was given a difficult task in defeating the Archdemon. The society revolves around the mythos of Yiris, the Larva commonly known as the Sacred Princess, who blessed the world and fell in love with a human. Martyred for her love, she was then punished by the heavenly creator. The Archdemon arrived soon after, and Yiris’ lover pledged to destroy the evil Archdemon with the infamous Ciel Blade, a sword of rainbow. A Hero, or Chosen One, is trusted to produce an heir that can at last put an end to the Archdemon once and for all.Key FeaturesTrue Love Waits - Begin the story as the first generation protagonist Rain, where players will have the chance to choose from various bachelorettes. The story's path will change depending on the girl you choose! The story extends through two generations with each new protagonist inheriting stats and abilities from their parents.​ Up-Close and Personal - The Unification System allows players to unlock special interactive CGs when reaching a certain Heart Level with your love interest. The higher the Heart Levels, the more intimate the experience! Earn your partner’s trust for your chance to inspect your partner’s pleasure spots that will ultimately unlock new abilities and weapons! Class Is In Session - Assign your party members as an Attacker, Defender, Supporter, or Conductor. Choose to upgrade a specific class for your character to unlock multiple strategic opportunities! Custom Kawaii Outfits For All - Craft various outfits for your party members by using items picked up from enemy forces and the local shop! Check yourself out in a 360 degree viewable gallery!

108.93 RUB
Moero Chronicle

Io is a simple young man with only one problem – he can’t talk to women! Any attempts at conversation are destroyed by his perverted mind, except when he talks to Lilia, his best friend and a Monster Girl. However, that becomes the least of his problems when he’s tasked with going to the dangerous region of Monstopia. There, Monster Girls have begun rampaging, causing wanton pain and destruction. Have the Monster Girls simply gone mad, or is there an even greater evil afoot…? Find out in this moe-filled dungeon RPG! Key Features Moe Monsters Moe Problems! Recruit 50 Monster Girls, each with unique skills and traits, to fight for you! You’ll have to wear them out in battle first though! Can I Kick It? Build your relationship with each Monster Girl through special events, gift-giving, and even home improvement to increase their powers and abilities! Trait Flexin’ Strategize your 5-person party by keeping their Moe Traits in mind – when combined together, you can recover after battle, increase your party’s attack, and more! Nothin’ Wrong with a Little Bumping Scratch! Purify your Monster Girls and return them to their senses with “Bumping Scratch”! Find their points of weakness on their body and touch, rub, poke, or pick until they’re purified!

111.96 RUB
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart

In this chibi-style* strategy role-playing game you'll amass an army of game-referencing allies, fight on trap-laden maps, and beef up Lily Rank for crazy damage. But look out for status ailments or you might be (literal) tofu! You ain't seen the Neptunia characters like this before! *”Chibi-style” – Adorable anime characters miniaturized to have charmingly big heads and daintily tiny bodies. Key Features A 1080p Moe Army Awaits! Lead your loveable and cute moe army into SRPG battle and fight off hordes of enemies in turn-based strategy - now in high definition! You'll have to strategize to dodge laser beams, flaming pits, and more! Link up with the “Lily System” The more often characters are in battle together, the higher their bond becomes. Activating the “Lily Boost” grants special stats and abilities, while “Lily Points” can be used to activate ultra-special moves and even goddess transformations. Don’t be shy to build up those battle relationships and seal it all with a kiss! Check your Status! All kinds of funky things can happen in the heat of battle and characters can be hit with status ailments that are both boon and burden. You can get pixelated, zombie-fied, or even turned into a block of tofu! Some status changes come with their own benefit and cost, so keep this in mind during a fight. Item Customization! You’ll get tons of replay value with so many ways to boost your gear’s stats! The more enemies you defeat, the more items you can get to customize your gear in whatever way you see fit. Let the great experiment begin! Livin’ the Noire Life! Life’s not all about grid-based battles. Sometimes Noire just wants to relax at home, and with the “Sim Noire” mode you’ll be able to do just that! Customize the place by buying furniture and accessories with in-game points, and make Noire feel like the goddess she is – unlocking extra scenes in the process.

124.50 RUB
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force

Long ago, a war raged between two powerful deities. Each was sealed away, their weapons scattered throughout the world. Our hero in this RPG, Fang, happens upon one such weapon and now he alone must choose which deity will awaken again! Key Features 1. In the three stories to play, friends become foes, foes become friends, and, based on your choices, multiple endings can be unlocked! 2. Customize weapons by fusing them with fairies and change dungeons stats through World-Shaping. Even transform with the “Fairize” skill and become stronger in battle! 3. With up to six party members on the battlefield at a time, you can play as all your favorite Fencers! 4. From Amateur to Hell, choose the difficulty level that suits your style!

131.63 RUB
Colt Canyon

Берите верный револьвер и отправляйтесь на помощь другу в атмосферной и энергичной игрушке roguelike. Colt Canyon — двухмерный шутер с пиксельной графикой. Вы управляете ковбоем или одним из многих других открываемых персонажей — и спешите на помощь другу, которого похитили подлые бандиты. Берите пушку и динамит и готовьтесь к опасному путешествию через каньон, где на каждом шагу прячутся сокровища, оружие и всякие головорезы! Возможно, по пути вам удастся выручить кого-то еще. Но берегитесь! Когда вызволите друга из плена, вам предстоит обратная дорога... ОСОБЕННОСТИИгра в поджанре roguelike, основанная на навыках, а не монотонных действиях. Большой выбор персонажей и оружия. Динамичное окружение и перестрелки, от которых невозможно оторваться. Отличная поддержка клавиатуры и мыши. Превосходная поддержка контроллера. Компьютерные компаньоны. Локальный совместный режим. Улучшения для вас и ваших спутников. Случайно генерируемые открытые уровни. Напряженные перестрелки и скрытная тактика. Битвы с боссами. Интуитивный игровой процесс. Элементы roguelike. Необратимая смерть. Отсутствие вынужденных монотонных действий. Глубокая игровая механика. Высокая реиграбельность. Высокий уровень сложности. Возможность бесконечного числа прохождений. Красивый минимализм пиксельной графики. Лёгкость в обучении, сложность в достижении совершенства. Красивые эффекты частиц. Поддержка различных разрешений экрана. Скрупулезно проработанные детали. И многое другое!

62.25 RUB
Fairy Fencer F

Long ago, the Vile God and the Goddess waged war with each other. Equally matched, they were sealed away in another world… Now a lazy young man named Fang somehow finds himself a key part of this war he’d really rather not deal with, but fate beckons in this uncommon RPG! Key Features More Flash & Flair! The world of Fencers and fairies gets updated with a 1080p graphic overhaul! Fairizing never looked so good. Really Reluctant Hero With a hero more interested in his next meal and a fairy partner who will have none of it, this saving-the-world narrative is injected with oodles of madcap humor! High Tension! Increase the Tension gauge in battle by dealing and receiving damage. The higher it is, the more damage you’ll dish. Once it’s high enough, you’ll be able to Fairize – combining with your fairy to create a super-powerful form! Fairy’s Fate Find fairies to join you in your quest – only they can grant you special abilities, and by leveling them up you’ll also increase your effect radius in… World-Shaping! Pull Furies from the Goddess and Vile God and place your fairies in them. You can then stab those Furies into the world map for new effects in nearby dungeons like EXP boosts or enemy changes - be careful though, because not all effects are good! The following DLC packs are included with download of the main game: Fairy Fencer F: Beginner's Pack, which includes the following packs: Beginner's Synthesis Kit, Emergency Pack, and Assortment of Rare Materials. Fairy Fencer F: Secrets of Shukesoo's Tower Pack, which includes Secrets of Shukesoo's Tower 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.* *Upon activation, this DLC cannot be disabled. Disabling may cause the program to be unstable and possibly result in a forced shutdown of the game. Before activating, please ensure that you wish to keep the content throughout the remainder of the game.

111.96 RUB
Dark Rose Valkyrie

Featuring the talents of Tales of series scenario writer Takumi Miyajima and Tales of series character designer Kosuke Fujishima, this JRPG appoints you to lead an elite military force known as ACID (Anti-Chimera Interception Division) to defend humanity from enemies transformed by the mysterious Chimera Virus! Fight in a real-time battle system alongside your teammates--but don't let your guard down. Investigate your allies to expose the traitor infected by the virus, before it's too late! Key FeaturesTAKE THE FIGHT INTO OVERDRIVE! Characters can transform into their stronger split personalities mid-battle, but be strategic – too many transformations will lead to Fatigue!CUSTOMIZE COMBOS! Customize weapons and attack combinations for each character, and do more damage with Riot Combos, Simultaneous Attacks, and more! A TRAITOR AMONGST YOU! Depending on your choices, a team member will betray you. Find the traitor in visual-novel style interrogation sequences, and change the game’s ending!※Uninstalling DLC items may prevent users from loading save files made before the DLC item was uninstalled. To ensure that users can load all Dark Rose Valkyrie save files, we recommend that users do NOT uninstall DLC items.

399.59 RUB
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online

In this hack 'n' slash adventure co-developed with Tamsoft and Compile Heart, everyone's favorite four Goddesses enter an online fantasy game world inspired by... themselves! Choose from 12 characters, each with a unique playstyle to fight in 4-person realtime brawls, unleash devastating Awakening Skills, customize with tons of cosmetic accessories, and even play online with others! Key Features 4 Person Dungeon Raids - You'll never go it alone in the dungeons when you've got 3 other party members! Team up to exterminate dungeon fodder in this hack 'n' slash adventure! And change the player you control whenever you want! You CAN Cast that Here - Be prepped for any situation when you can map multiple skills to each face button, and max out your meter to unleash a flashy "Awakening Skill" that will devastate those who cross you! +10 to Fashion - Show off tons of cosmetic gear that can be resized, rotated, and placed anywhere! Ever seen a mustachioed fairy pirate DJ? Now you can! Nep_Main Joined your Party - Play online with up to three other people for extra loot and harder enemies, plus use the in-game chat feature to really make it feel like an MMO! (It's not.)

133.57 RUB
Amnesia™: Memories

In this visual novel, you'll play as the Heroine whose life depends on hiding your recent loss of memory while you navigate complex relationships with five men. Choose your romantic path from the start to piece together that which was forgotten.  Will you write the lasting love story you deserve, or will your love – and life – come to an end? Key Features 1.    Select one of five guys as your love interest, each with multiple branching story paths. Each choice creates a distinct world where characters assume different roles, allowing for 20+ endings! 2.    Parameters affect your relationship with your future love. Keep track of your relationship here and make sure you’re not headed to a bad ending! 3.    Play mini-games like Rock, Paper, Scissors and Air Hockey against other characters. 4.    Unlock voiced images in the Gallery. Touching certain areas of the image will play dialogue of feelings that couldn’t be previously expressed.

111.96 RUB
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