

AER Memories of Old

Древние боги забыты, их имена стерты событиями, что некогда сотрясали мир, но оставили после себя лишь разрозненные летающие острова. Но сейчас над этим таинственным миром с его бескрайними небесами, колоритными островами и древними руинами нависла угроза погружения во тьму. Тебе предстоит совершить паломничество в страну богов, ибо других метаморфов почти не осталось. Открой тайны, которые помогут тебе спасти вселенную.              Летай и исследуй мир, превращаясь в птицу когда захочешь.     Огромная открытая вселенная, полная тайн и находок.     В своем паломничестве исследуй затерянные храмы, решай многочисленные загадки и головоломки.     Потрясающая атмосфера, красочная графика в стиле минимализма и завораживающий антураж.

37.72 RUB
The Darkside Detective

Там, где таятся культисты, где обитают демоны, где оккультные... оккультные? *кхм* Именно здесь вы встретитесь с детективом Фрэнсисом Мак-Квином, главным агентом недофинансированного подразделения Темных тайн. Когда силы зла сгущаются над городком Твин Лейкс, да что там, даже когда кто-то подозрительный слоняется у витрин или по темным аллеям, он здесь, и он готов расследовать дела, за которые никто не возьмется. Он детектив отдела Темных тайн — The Darkside Detective. ----- В ПЕРВОМ СЕЗОНЕ комедийного детективного сериала, получившего множество наград, вас ждут приключения детектива Мак-Квина и его напарника — офицера Патрика Дули. Расследуйте тайны, приносящие городку Твин Лейкс и его жителям постоянные беспокойства. Внимательно рассматривайте все вокруг, ищите особые места в таинственных и жутких локациях и используйте свою смекалку (ну или попросите друзей), чтобы закрыть эти дела раз и навсегда!

208.03 RUB
Hokko Life

Hokko Life is a cozy, creativity-filled community sim game.Step off the train into the town of Hokko and get settled into your new home!This quiet village needs your help to turn it into the charming rural town everyone loves. With hammer and paints in hand, it's up to you to design, build, and decorate homes for all of your new friends!Busy yourself away in the dusty old workshop and let your creativity flow!Craft materials and combine them in whatever way you desire to create new and wonderful furniture and items for your town. Collect flowers, mix paints, and use them to design wallpapers, flooring, and even clothing!Will you design an urban-industrial furniture collection or maybe a bright flowery wallpaper set? With all of the workshops at your disposal, you'll have complete freedom to design a town your villagers will absolutely love.Want to share your charming creations with other players? Then upload it to the Hokko Community Store, allowing you to share items, peruse showfloors, and download other players' creations with the sharing of a simple code. Join the weekly challenge themes and enter for your chance to be featured!  Design & Paint  Head into the workshop to put your own spin on items in the game. Use the design table to build your own furniture, combining different shapes and materials in a simple but powerful editor. Get out those brushes and throw some color down. You can paint furniture, wallpaper, flooring, and even clothes! Make your village truly your own.  Build & Decorate  Enlist the help of the resident builder and start expanding the town. Place buildings wherever you like and get them ready for new villagers to move in. Customize the interior and exterior of any home, choose designs, and place furniture to make a home your new friends will love. Tire of the layout of your village, want to spice things up? Then move your houses and buildings at any time, for free!  Icthyology & Entomology  Looking for something to do? Then spend a quiet morning at the various fishing spots around the world of Hokko and build your fishing collection. Fish have unique habits, and require different craftable bait, so you'll need to vary your approach from one fishing spot to the next. Then, spend the lazy afternoon in Hokko with a net in hand, catching and collecting the critters fluttering and scuttling about the town! You'll find a whole range of insects for you to catch and build your collection!  Extra Curricular Activities ⛏️Looking for something extra to do? Introduce yourself to Hokko’s townsfolk offer a warm welcome, and with varying personalities, they all make for fantastic friends! or push out on resource-gathering expeditions as you chop, dig, and mine resources to fuel your creative endeavors! and don't forget to take part in the myriad seasonal events, weekly creator challenges, and more! Hokko Life © 2022 WONDERSCOPE AB, Published under licence by TEAM17 Digital Limited.

1843.00 RUB
Les Misérables: Jean Valjean

This game is an adaptation of the novel ""Les Misérables"", written by Victor Hugo in 1862.  It is now available as an adventure and hidden object game, with detailed graphics. You'll play Jean Valjean in 19th-century Paris. In 1815, Jean Valjean is freed from prison labor, and is an outcast filled with hate and a sense of injustice. He steals silverware from Monseigneur Bienvenu, who has provided him with food and shelter. However, the bishop's generosity teaches him what virtue and integrity are. When Jean Valjean arrives in Montreuil-sur-Mer, he becomes Monsieur Madeleine, the town mayor. He meets Fantine, and promises her to save Cosette from the clutches of the Thénardiers. • Meet famous characters from the novel • Be part of the revolt in the Rue Saint Denis • Wonderful hidden object scenes • Collect key objects to interact with your environment • High-definition scenery • Animated interactive areas • Mini games and several puzzles to solve

275.00 RUB
MIAZMA or the Devil's Stone

Jonathan Hunt is a journalist from New York. Solving the case of Yoomurjak’s ring earned him the reputation of an expert of mysteries in the past. This time he is asked by a nuclear physics institute to throw light upon a disappearance, but the mission turns into a hunt for a peculiar meteorite that fell on earth centuries ago. What is inside the devilish stone?  There must be a good reason why certain persons have been trying to get hold of it at all costs.   Playing as the main character in third-person perspective, you will -    Investigate a curious disappearance and search for clues -    Decipher secret documents -    Solve puzzles left behind from the past -    Explore the enigmas of obscure laboratories in a top-level scientific institute -    Interview characters about what they know and what they do -    When in trouble, use the laws of nature and common sense to escape -    Unravel the legend of mysterious cosmic treasures and prevent disaster! Key features: •    Immersive storyline •    Third-person perspective •    Live-action cinematic scenes •    Over 20 real locations to explore •    Over 20 characters by excellent actors and voice artists •    A series of puzzles and challenging tasks perfectly integrated in the plot •    Smart apps for various tasks •    Easy mode: optional tutorial, in-game hints and skip-puzzle functions •    Logged dialogues About the previous episode: Yoomurjak’s Ring The story begins when Jonathan Hunt, a journalist from New York, arrives in the city of Eger in Hungary for a break. He has local ancestry and speaks the language, but this is not the only motive for his visit. In the heritage of his great-grandfather, the globetrotter professor Samuel Hunt (known from the Agon series), he found two letters dated back in 1898. The letters were from a somewhat lunatic Hungarian scientist about a time machine he claimed to be working on.  The references point to Eger, and Jonathan wants to find out what happened to the man and his preposterous invention. But soon he realizes that someone is desperately trying to stop him… About the development of Miazma Like Yoomurjak’s Ring, this title is also an FMV adventure game, developed by the same crew. It takes you to real locations with live-action cinematic approach. The game designer is Pierrot, also known for his adventure game series Agon.   Miazma was developed with the support of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Atomki) in the framework of scientific project Understandable-available physics. English localization was supported by EPS, NuPECC and ENSAR2. Additional supporters: KIA Motors Hungary.

755.00 RUB
Hospital Manager

Choose and hire your doctors and employees, build the departments of your choosing, and manage your finances! Are you thrifty or a big spender? Would you rather pamper your patients instead of your banker? Make your own decisions! You'll have many missions to accomplish, littered with all kinds of epidemics, patients with disturbing pathologies such as the zombie disease, the Chewbacca syndrome, and the moonwalk virus. Be on the lookout: Many events will spice up your rise, such as exterminating extraterrestrial germs and stopping toad contamination! Customize your hospital down to the last details, buy high-tech equipment, choose rooms that will make your hospital center the most popular one!Key FeaturesUse comprehensive management of your hospital to your advantage: You're the boss! Build your reputation with a large variety of factors Accomplish diverse and surprising missions Plunge into an explosive 3D cartoon style universe with wacky pathologies and situations! Experience a nonlinear adventure: Every decision will lead to different consequences, depending on when the action happens. A rich system of artificial intelligence that can adapt patient behavior to each of your actions and decisions!

76.95 RUB
Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator

Пользуйтесь огромным выбором ингредиентов и оборудования и варите разные стили пива. Изучите весь процесс от начала до конца. Придумайте собственный рецепт и создайте пиво своей мечты. Вам поможет предельно реалистичная симуляция химического аспекта пивоварения. Страсть к своему делу, точность работы и тщательность подготовки помогут развиваться и добиваться результатов — участвуйте в соревнованиях, выполняйте заказы, открывайте новое оборудование и повышайте репутацию среди пивоваров! Создавайте собственные бренды и придумывайте этикетки — ваше пиво будет уникальным! Украшайте и меняйте свое маленькое производство как вам нравится — в вашем распоряжении множество разблокируемых предметов для улучшения. Расслабляйтесь в режиме песочницы. Делитесь рецептами с другими игроками в мастерской Steam. Откройте для себя искусство пивоварения и станьте его непревзойденным мастером. Да пребудет с вами крафтовое пиво! Улучшайте классические рецепты, изучайте химическую сторону вопроса, придумывайте названия, разливайте по бутылкам и наклеивайте этикетки. Совершенствуйте свое мастерство, чтобы стать настоящим пивоваром в первой реалистичной игре, посвященной этому искусству. Здесь вам будут доступны все тонкости ремесла, а также самое лучшее оборудование. Вы сможете варить пиво строго по рецепту или же экспериментировать с огромным количеством ингредиентов, постоянно развивая свои навыки. Участвуйте в дружеских конкурсах, получайте пивные жетоны и модернизируйте оборудование — совершенству нет предела! Пройдите сюжетную кампанию в режиме пивовара или выберите творческий режим — своего рода песочницу, в которой открыты все возможности. Откройте домашнюю пивоварнюСоздайте идеальное рабочее пространство, где можно расслабиться и часами совершенствовать рецепт. Открывайте любимое оборудование, а также украшайте свою пивоварню. Используйте пивные жетоны, чтобы покупать новое оборудование и подстраивать пивоварню под себя. Создайте свой рецептИзготавливайте различные сорта пива: пшеничное, блонд эли, стауты, IPA и многие другие — и повышайте свои навыки пивовара. Совершенствуйте рецепты, улучшайте вкус, создавайте собственные этикетки, представляйте свое пиво на оценку других пивоварен и участвуйте в местных конкурсах, чтобы зарабатывать репутацию и пивные жетоны. Варите пиво как для искушенных гурманов, так и для тех, кто лишь недавно открыл для себя этот напиток. Изучайте основы пивоварения: выбирайте из огромного множества рецептов или отдайтесь творческим порывам, создавая собственные уникальные ароматы. Сварите пиво мечтыЗатирайте солод, кипятите хмель и добавляйте дрожжи, чтобы запустить процесс ферментации. Сформируйте собственный набор навыков пивовара на основе разнообразных технологий, чтобы постичь мастерство изготовления различных сортов крафтового пива. Этот расслабляющий и оставляющий чувство глубокого удовлетворения симулятор позволит вам испытать размеренную радость пивоварения, не отвлекаясь на решение вопросов, связанных с деньгами и поиском подходящего места. Реалистичность и правдоподобностьBrewmaster — это реалистичный симулятор, который во всех подробностях показывает химические процессы, лежащие в основе пивоварения, а также демонстрирует глубокое понимание настоящей ферментации. Но это вовсе не означает, что для игры вам потребуется стать доктором химических наук! Мы оставили все формулы за кадром, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на самых приятных сторонах пивоварения. Повышайте свое мастерствоВоздайте должное идеальному пиву: придумайте запоминающееся название и создайте привлекательную этикетку. Вносите изменения на всех уровнях и получайте уникальные результаты, чтобы снискать заслуженную славу на пивных фестивалях. Добившись признания, вы сможете договориться с местными пивоварнями об оптовых поставках, расширить сеть сбыта и получить доступ к более крупным заказам и интересным рецептурам. Настоящий пивовар никогда не забывает об обучении! Да здравствует искусство пивоварения!Вам предстоит использовать самые современные технологии, однако не стоит забывать, что начало богатой истории пивоварения было положено еще за 10 000 лет до нашей эры. Алхимия ферментации была известна людям еще до того, как человечество научилось записывать рецепты. Приобщитесь к этому достойному и древнему искусству, улучшайте свои навыки и развивайте творческие способности, изучая все тонкости и аспекты создания крафтового пива в XXI веке. Впишите себя в историю пивоварения!

359.87 RUB
MegaRace 3

Forget about car races. Now, encouraged by a cheering crowd and the wild commentaries of Lance Boyle, you will be piloting vessels specially conceived for speed and combat, in environments that change with each race. Instead of a being given a low-powered shotgun, the player is provided with a lean machine built for speed and war at their fingertips. In a totally wild virtual universe, the hallucinogenic projection of what TV will be showing in the future, it's a unique game that re-creates both a spectacular race, and a great first person shooter. Cynical presenter Lance Boyle is at the helm of sending out brave drivers in a daredevil challenges. All the ships are modular and according to your results, you will be able to personalise them. Different modules are available to improve the engine characteristics, including the battle armour and the weapons. Fasten your seat belts...    * Aggressive, high-velocity, futuristic racing on the micro scale    * Take part in a game show that will blow up a city to increase its audience    * There’s no such thing as too much of Virtual TV’s very own Lance Boyle

275.00 RUB
Les Misérables: Cosette's Fate

Montfermeil, France, 1826. Fantine lives in poverty and is doing everything she can to get by. Fantine is forced to leave her little girl Cosette at the Thénardiers' boarding house because she's looking for work in the city. Unfortunately, the Thénardiers are dishonest innkeepers. They constantly exploit and abuse Cosette. Cosette becomes their maid. In this video game adaptation of Victor Hugo's brilliant work, you'll play Cosette. You'll try to escape from the clutch of the spiteful innkeepers. This game is a free adaptation of the novel ""Les Misérables"", written by Victor Hugo in 1862. • Wonderful scenes with hidden objects • Collect key objects to interact with your environment • High-definition animated decor • Animated interactive areas • Mini games and several puzzles to solve •Designed by the people behind great adventure games such as Atlantis, Dracula, and The Secrets of Da Vinci...

275.00 RUB
Hidden Object - 12 in 1 bundle

Play awesome stories with this 12 in 1 Hidden Object Games Bundle From New York to London, from the 19th century to our days, discover 12 adventure games in this bundle Statue of Liberty : The Lost Symbol - Investigate the disappearance of one of the most important symbols of the United States.                     Secret Case : Paranormal Investigation - Investigate the greatest unsolved mysteries!                                                                                         Hidden Files : Echoes of JFK - One of the best kept secrets in all history is about to be revealed!                                                                             Jack the Ripper : Letters from Hell - Can you clear the name of the reporter Bert, suspected of being Jack the Ripper?                                       Public Enemies : Bonnie & Clyde - Follow Bonnie & Clyde’s track through the United States!                                                                                       Criminal Investigation Agents : Petrodollars -  Step into the shoes of female investigator Keegan and bring down the people that think they're above the law. Medford Asylum: Paranormal Case -  Alison Ester has been asked to work on the renovation site of a former asylum. She must find what forced workers to stop the renovation. They're frightened by this "haunted" place. She didn't know there would be an even more frightening discovery . . .                 FBI : Paranormal Case -  James is a young FBI agent newly promoted to the Department of Unclosed Case Files. During his different enquiries into strange cases, he uncovers an incredible international plot that aims to hide a shocking and well-guarded secret…" Frankenstein - Help Brad to find the parts of Janet’s body, his fiancée, as well as the pieces of the monstrous machine which will put her body back together… in Frankenstein’ manor! Deadly Association -  Nancy Boyle, a young woman without a criminal past has been found dead—half-naked—near her home in Brooklyn. The forensic police inspectors Chloé and Paul are on the case. There's a big surprise in store for them. Haunted House Mysteries -  Nancy Evans is an expert in superstition and modern societies. She's been invited by her aunt, Mary Allen, to spend a few days in a quiet cottage by the sea. What she doesn't know is that, next to the cottage, there's a large, run-down house that has a macabre atmosphere. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde -  At the end of the 19th century, a monster is prowling around in the Victorian fog of London. He has trampled on a young girl, killed a Member of Parliament, and molested a match seller. When he finds out the terrible news, Mr Utterson ends up discovering that the case is not unrelated to his friend Dr Henry Jekyll and to the terrible individual currently staying with him: Mr Hyde.

552.00 RUB
MegaRace 1

You know those punk highway gangs, the ones who really think they rule the road? You just hate them, don't you? So you say, 'Somebody ought to do something about them criminal highway gangs!' And we say, 'Oh yeah?! Well, why don't YOU do something, mister big-mouth!'. You don't have the car? We'll give you the car! You don't want to get arrested for taking the law into your own hands? Not a problem! You know why? Because it AIN'T REAL! It's a whole lot better than real, baby! It's virtual television: reality's worst nightmare!    * Aggressive, high-velocity, futuristic racing    * Breathtaking visuals for their time, achieved by using prerendered video sequences    * Sometimes witty, sometimes just plain cheap commentaries by the memorable Lance Boyle

275.00 RUB
Haegemonia: Legions of Iron

The year is 2104. Mars has been colonized and has decided it’s time for independence from Earth.  Tensions rise until finally war is declared between the two factions.  After weeks of fierce battles and heavy losses – just as humanity is in its weakest and most divided state - a cunning alien force emerges from the depths of space and threatens to take over the solar system.   The two sides must now band together, forming the Legions of Iron to fight this new enemy force.  From the makers of the award-winning Imperium Galactica 1 and 2 games, discover a powerful space-opera like RTS game.

 Can you stand up to the challenge? Epic real-time space battles waged with waves of fighters and massive battleships Stories and random events keep you busy as you climb the ranks Research and development of technology will either help you be successful or be your demise. Do you specialize or diversify… choose wisely. Prepare to test your cunning, strategic skills… collect resources, harvest, manage your inventory and your budgets carefully because your enemies will come at you with a godlike force.

460.00 RUB
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