

Bail or Jail

It's time to play Bail or Jail - an exciting game of tag that ends within 3 minutes!While the Human team keeps themselves out of a holding cell, the Monster team must capture all Humans before time runs out!Enjoy the game both online and offline in groups of up to 4 players!Bail or Jail is an Asymmetrical Multiplayer game where you play on either the Human team (3 players) or the Monster team (1 player).It expands on the simple rules of tag by allowing players to come up with elaborate strategies through the use of character skills and traits.A Human's tactics are not limited to running and hiding. If you are in a pinch, you can activate your handy lantern to stun the Monster and turn the tides in your favor!A Monster's true strength lies in its unique abilities. Being able to slip through walls or detect footprints - among other unique Monster skills - allow them to capture Humans when they least expect it!Will you escape as a Human? Or will you have the last laugh as a Monster?This is a reimagining of the classic game of tag that players of all ages can enjoy.Gather your friends and family and get ready to Bail or Jail! © FREE STYLE, Inc. © 2022 Konami Digital Entertainment

553.00 RUB

Hacktag is a 2-player co-op stealth-game with an asymmetric gameplay. Play as the stealth Agent in the field or as the Hacker, virtually infiltrating and cooperating to fulfill industrial espionage missions to take down corporations. In 2029, in a parallel world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, you are a mercenary who secretly accomplishes missions for corporations struggling for leadership. To succeed you will have to team-up with a partner and infiltrate corporations simultaneously in two ways: As the stealth Agent, moving through corporate buildings with an isometric 3D view and fast, arcade-style infiltration gameplay. Or as the Hacker virtually infiltrating the same level with a different view—see the world through holographic blueprint vision and move through a virtual network to interact with the cameras, doors, phones or even coffee machines… The whole Hacktag experience is designed to make the players feel like they are the heroes in a spy or heist movie. Online and local multiplayer: Play separately or share the same screen. Single player: Simultaneously handle the dual roles of the agent and the hacker in frantic, fast-paced gameplay. Original asymmetrical gameplay and co-op mini-games: With the timer ticking, deactivate alarms and unlock doors or holding cells. "Co-opetitive" gameplay: As mercenaries, your partner is also your best competitor! 24 levels in 3 corporations and playable in 3 types of missions. Gain experience and add unlockable skills: Choose new active or passive skills as you gain levels. Online challenges, ranking and leaderboards Full character creation: Customize your anthropomorphic animal character with more than 360 unlockable items. Unique story for each player: Experience Hacktag’s story with each role getting its own unique NPCs.

688.14 RUB
Arcadia Fallen

Arcadia Fallen is a Roleplay Visual Novel, where your choices shape the personality of your character. Will you be shy, bold, or the one forever making jokes? Play the role of a young alchemist apprentice who is unwillingly bound to an illegal spirit. Suddenly drawn into a war between humanity and magic, they must join a group of unlikely heroes to escape their own doom, hopefully saving the world along the way.A Story With No Right Or Wrong ChoicesVenture on a journey with no bad endings. Your decisions will never keep you from going on but may influence what you will have to endure before you reach your goal. Dialogue options with tone labels. You decide whether your character is shy, bold, or the type to make a joke of any situation. Whether you want to become a master of alchemy, engage in a romance, or discover the mysteries of the world; how you spend your time is up to you.Character Customization & GrowthCreate your alchemist in your own image or play out a fantasy. You decide how traumatic events sculpt and grow your alchemist's personality. When faced with a tragedy, will you be benevolent, or will you be vengeful? 4 Romanceable CharactersSpend time with your companions to build a deep platonic relationship or engage in a romance. You decide how you want to romance someone. LGBTQ+ On their journey, your alchemist will be joined by a group of five companions, four of which you can form romantic relationships with. Whether you choose to romance anyone, you are also able to form meaningful platonic relationships with everyone, including our fifth companion Mime, who's totally ready to be your new BFF!Alchemy PuzzlesUse your alchemy skills to solve crises, assist your companions, and change the world around you. Take on powerful demons with your alchemy skills and the help of an ancient artifact. Hone your skills to discover secret recipes.

160.81 RUB
Worms World Party Remastered

Imagine taking the perfect online gaming experience and one of the most popular Worms games ever made, adding a touch of Steam achievements, leaderboards, cloud saves, full controller support; a little sprinkle of 1080p / 60FPS, all rounded off with enhanced weapon sounds effects and an improved frontend. And you have Worms World Party Remastered.With both single-player and up to 6 players leading their worms into manic multiplayer mayhem, this unique, wacky, outrageous, addictive, and deadly (to Worms anyway) combat game is remastered and ready for action.FEATURES:Access the fantastic "Wormpot" which gives you over 1000 different game styles. All modes are available offline, online, or a mixture of both!Over 20 Multiplayer missions: players can now team up with a buddy to tackle cooperative missions where working together is the only way to twin. Alternatively, check out the competitive missions and fight in specially prepared scenarios.Single-player and multiplayer, 2-6 players either local or online.It’s a veritable feast with nearly 60 weapons, ranging from the relatively calorie-free bazooka to the full-fat concrete Donkey. Oh, man!If you’re late to the party scene, don’t worry. Our friendly training section will soon have you dancing with the rest of us.Shiny 1080p graphics with 60 fpsEnhanced weapon sound effectsCloud SavesFull Controller SupportSteam LeaderboardsSteam AchievementsMODES:Quickstart Game - get to play quickly with a predefined team and weapon set against AI (Wormbots).Training - host different disciplines in which to train. You work against the clock.Missions - ranged between easy and hard. Custom terrains for won missions unlock for normal games.Time Attack - Missions but with different ways to complete them. The player must figure out which one is the fastest.Deathmatch challenge – similar to normal games. Player take on a number of computer teams in an ever-increasing spiral of difficulty. Rewards given to high ranked teams.

1288.00 RUB
Worms W.M.D

The worms are back in their most destructive game yet. With a gorgeous, hand-drawn 2D look, brand new weapons, the introduction of crafting, vehicles, and buildings plus the return of some much-loved classic weapons and gameplay, Worms W.M.D is the best worms experience ever.Work your way through 30 campaign levels of increasing difficulty using the huge arsenal of new and classic weapons at your disposal. Use new vehicles to cause chaos amongst the enemy ranks and use buildings to gain a tactical advantage as you try to dominate the battlefield!Take on up to five opponents in hilarious all-out tactical worm warfare with up to eight worms each, either in local or online multiplayer, including ranked play. Flatten your opponents with the Concrete Donkey. Turn them into chunks of worm meat with the Holy Hand Grenade. Rain down hell from above in helicopters or pound them into oblivion with the tank. With 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, this is Worms at its chaotic best!Key FeaturesWonderfully 2D: The best implementation of the Worms formula yet, now with a brand new worm, and gorgeous digitally-painted 2D artwork.Vehicles: Worm warfare gets serious with the introduction of vehicles for the first time in the series. Dominate the landscape in warfare-ready tanks, take to the skies to unleash hell from above in helicopters, and more!Buildings: Keep your head down, and hide out in a building. Buildings provide a tactical advantage by hiding away your worms, and keeping them safe from direct attacks!Crafting: No more waiting around while your opponents take their turns! Grab the crafting crates that drop from the sky during games to make fiendishly upgraded versions of items such as the Electric Sheep, the Bazooka Pie, and the Holy Mine Grenade to unleash on your enemies!Classic Worms Physics and Gameplay: Our brand new engine recreates the feel of the fan-favorite entrants in the series, and sees the reintroduction of the much-loved Classic Ninja Rope!New and classic weapons: Over 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, including many returning classics and a slew of new additions such as the Dodgy Phone Battery, the Unwanted Present, and the OMG strike.Mounted Guns: As if over 80 weapons and utilities weren't already enough! A range of different gun types is placed around the landscape, allowing your warmongering worms to do even MORE damage!Hilarious single-player plus online and local multiplayer warfare: Worms W.M.D comes locked and loaded with a huge arsenal of Training Missions, Campaign Missions, and Challenges for the solo player. Train up then head online to create havoc in multiplayer modes including ranked play, with room for up to six players with eight worms each on a map! Worms™ W.M.D. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd. © 2016. Team17 and Worms™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. Original concept Andy Davidson. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed and published by Team17 Digital Limited.

2762.00 RUB
Worms Ultimate Mayhem

В «Worms: Убойные разборки» объединены лучшие черты Worms 3D и Worms 4: Mayhem – обновленная трехмерная графика, не утратившая при этом самобытности, и интересные особенности геймплея. Появились в игре и новые возможности.Одиночный режим предлагает более 70 миссий и всевозможных соревнований, которые проходят в самых разных декорациях. Прерии Дикого Запада, современные строительные площадки и даже сказочный восточный город – все эти, казалось бы, несовместимые места искусно связаны интереснейшим сюжетом, а забавные видеовставки прекрасно дополняют повествование.В мультиплеере с поддержкой до четырех участников представлено пять режимов. Несомненно, шуточная война станет куда более захватывающей благодаря полной разрушаемости объектов на трехмерных картах.Особенности игры:Море юмора. Мультяшные червяки – известные острословы. Слушать их меткие и довольно циничные комментарии – одно удовольствие.Дружеская войнушка. Как и прежде, сражаться по сети или же на одном компьютере могут от двух до четырех игроков. Пять многопользовательских режимов дадут возможность воевать по разным правилам.Червячная олимпиада. В перерывах между битвамичервяки не прочь устроить забавные состязания. Игроков ждут полеты на турборанце, снайперская стрельба и другие испытания, в которых они будут набирать очки. Особо тщеславные смогут продемонстрировать свои достижения всему миру, загружая лучшие результаты на игровой сервер.Беспозвоночные личности. Долой уравниловку и безликость! Каждый боец может получить имя, уникальные глаза, голос, а также головной убор, чтобы быть «не как все». А вот выбор станет делом непростым, потому что предусмотрено более 150 вариантов.Круши-ломай! Современные технологии изменили виртуальный мир червей, теперь в пылу боя можно разрушить все, что плохо лежит или стоит, так что воевать стало еще увлекательнее. Кинуть гранату и любоваться разлетающимися во все стороны обломками чего-нибудь – это просто праздник какой-то!Ворошиловские стрелки. Пожелания игроков были услышаны: теперь у них есть выбор: использовать помощь касательно направления и силы выстрела или по старинке – палить в белый свет как в копеечку!Всевидящее око. «Умная» камера неотступно следует за бойцом, даже если он норовит исчезнуть из поля зрения, да еще и в самый подходящий момент переключается с одного вида на другой.Еще вкусняшки. В игре представлено все, что есть в Worms 3D и Worms 4: Mayhem, а в дополнение к этому появились новые трофеи. В общем, найдется, за что повоевать! Worms™: Ultimate Mayhem Developed by Team17 Software Ltd. © 2011. Team17 Software Ltd, Worms™, Worms™ 3D and Worms™: Ultimate Mayhem are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Software Limited. Original concept by Andy Davidson. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed and published by Team17 Software Limited.

355.55 RUB
Worms Clan Wars

Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination, and exploding sheep.Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons, and more customization items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next-gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high-definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single-player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.Form Clans, Take On The WorldJoin together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, and promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby, and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater to a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members, or find games.Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS, and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!Slick Single Player Gameplay TooStory Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics-based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing with death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death-defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.Get Busy With Steam WorkshopFancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, mustaches, trinkets, and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully-featured version of Worms™ yet!The game hardcore fans have been craving!New: Clan SupportNew: Multiplayer Clan LeaguesNew: Clan Emblem EditorNew: Companion App for iOS/Android/WebNew: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customization items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.New: Day to Night Lighting TransitionsNew: Physics-Based ‘Contraptions’Landscape EditorOver 200 individual customization items for the worms65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equaliser4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution, and PrehistoricMultiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes25 Single Player story missions10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)

2117.00 RUB
The Escapists 2

The Ultimate Prison Sandbox!Risk it all to break out from the toughest prisons in the world. Explore the biggest prisons yet, with multiple floors, roofs, vents, and underground tunnels.You’ll have to live by the prison rules, attending roll call, doing prison jobs, and following strict routines; all the while secretly engineering your bid for freedom!Your prison escape antics will take you from the frosty Fort Tundra, a train hurtling through the desert, and even to the final frontier!Escape Team Assemble!Unite with up to 3 friends to create the ultimate escape crew and engineer the wildest escapes yet! Jump online or gather round on a couch to prepare for your sneaky adventures. By working together you’ll be able to create even more elaborate and daring plans.Feeling competitive? Dive into the versus mode and show that you’ve got the skills to break out of any prison faster than your friends can. If all else fails, settle your rivalry in the courtyard with a prison punch-up!Create YOUR Con!It’s time to make your prisoner truly yours. Choose from a massive array of customizations to make your character unique to you. It’s important to look stylish whilst you mastermind your escape.Craft your Escape!Being in prison forces you to be creative and work with the limited tools at your disposal. You’ll have to combine everyday objects like soap and socks to craft new weapons and tools to help you achieve your goal. Steal forks from the cafeteria to chip a tunnel in your room, and craft a poster from magazines and duct tape to hide the evidence. You’ll soon learn that duct tape solves (almost) everything!Prepare for a fight! The Escapists 2 introduces a brand new combat system to make every prison brawl more exciting and interactive. You’ll have to block and tie together chains of attacks whilst strafing around your locked-on targets to gain the upper hand in combat. Make sure your visit the gym first to build up those muscles!New ways to escape!As the prisons get tougher you’re going to have to get more creative with your escape plans. There are a ton of options to tackle almost any prison escape.Construct a clink!With the Prison Map Editor, it’s your turn to construct a prison worthy of housing the toughest inmates! It includes all the rooms, fences, and guard dogs you need to build a prison that’s as hard as your imagination makes it – no duct-tape required.You can pick up those prison blueprints and start crafting your own creations through the Custom Prisons option on the main menu, and when you’re ready you can show the world by sharing them through Steam Workshop where you can download and subscribe to fellow architects’ lock-ups – all custom maps can be played either solo or in both local and online multiplayer!Features11 PrisonsUp to 4 player co-operative and versus multiplayerDrop-in/ Drop-out Online/Splitscreen multiplayerOver 300 customizationsMulti-storey Prisons The Escapists 2 developed by Mouldy Toof Studios and Team17 Digital Ltd © 2017. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. All trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1841.00 RUB
The Escapists

You’ve landed yourself in prison again, and your only chance is to engineer an escape by any means necessary. How you do it is up to you! Why not cause a prison riot? Or dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors?The Escapists is a unique prison sandbox experience with lots of items to craft and combine in your daring quest for freedom. Life in prison will keep you on your toes with the strict rules that you’ll have to break. The guards are out to stop any escape attempts, so you’ll have to avoid suspicious behavior by attending roll calls, working a prison job, and hiding your stolen craftables.Escaping is what you do best, and you’ll have to prove your skills in a variety of challenging prisons from across the world.Become an Escapist now!Features10 Fully operational prisons complete with routines to give you a flavor of how it *really* is inside!10 Separate job opportunities for you to sink your teeth into… If you have the knowledge to earn and hold down these employment paths of course!185+ Unique Items for you to seek out and perhaps even craft useful items with. (Team17 fully endorses the use of various weapons such as ‘shivs’, ‘nunchucks’, and ‘maces’ – within a fictional setting of course!).Various Favour types for you to tackle offered up by inmates – You wouldn't want to go upsetting them now, would you?Highly opinionated and incredibly funny inmates and guards to keep you on your toes as well as provide entertainment!Multiple escape routes for you to work out and achieve the title of ‘The Escapist’!Multiple save slots so you can have more than one escape attempt on the go!Steam Achievements to strive for.Steam Leaderboards – Once you have escaped see how you fared against other successfully escaped players!Prison Editor – Create from scratch your very own confinement masterpiece and share it with the community! The Escapists. Developed by Mouldy Toof Studios. © 2014. The Escapists and Mouldy Toof Studios are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mouldy Toof Studios. The Escapists published by Team17. © 2014. Team17 is a registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1380.00 RUB
Sheltered 2

It's been twenty years since the world as we knew it ended. The last of humanity splintered into opposing factions. Will you unite or conquer?Building upon the original 2015 fan-favorite, Sheltered 2 brings new challenges and deeper strategic gameplay. You are tasked with creating a leader and building up your faction whilst managing resources and tackling threats both natural and human. Everything from starvation and dehydration to radiation poisoning and enemy raids can prove fatal.Sheltered 2’s new Factions system is pivotal to a base’s success. Send out expeditions to explore the vast wasteland and forge relationships, or bitter rivalries with other camps. Trade resources to grow and thrive together, or go head-to-head with rivals in an expanded combat system and grow your foothold in the wasteland. Will you ally with or dominate the other factions?Features:Factions: New to Sheltered 2, the Factions system allows you to create relationships with other groups that will provide your base with resources and support. Or grab your weapons and take things the old-fashioned way.Resource Management: Balance the needs and wants of your survivors, manage scarce resources, craft what you need, and maintain the shelter’s equipment to keep the group alive.Faction Leaders: New in Sheltered 2, the faction leader is the most important member of a shelter, boasting their own unique and powerful traits, the faction leader will be pivotal to success, with their death meaning game over.An Unforgiving Wasteland: Starvation, asphyxiation, extreme temperatures, and combat are just some of the challenges you’ll face in the harsh wasteland of Sheltered 2, and without the ability to respawn, every decision could be fatal.Combat & Weapons: When negotiations fail, wield a huge variety of makeshift weaponry against hostile outsiders. Fight to the death in turn-based combat to win the critical resources you need to survive.Characters: Your survivors have their own personalities, traits, desires, and a huge list of skills to acquire. Customize them to your liking and make your faction members unique and individual.Vehicles: Find and fix more vehicles to explore the wasteland with, from Bicycles to pickup trucks. Sheltered 2. Developed by Unicube and Team 17 Digital Ltd © 2021. Published by Team17. Team17 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1841.00 RUB

Panting, scared, the shelter airlock smashes down behind you. You wish you did not have to go outside, but you do. It would be easier to give up. But you don’t. The hardship, the hunger, the thirst. The fear. You keep reminding yourself why you stay alive. Why do you do this. Then you hear it. “Daddy you’re back.” Your wife’s face lights up and you open a bag full of medical supplies. You need not tell her how you got them. You simply enjoy your small victory in this, the harshest of times. In the post-apocalyptic world, you must keep your family alive in your underground bunker in this deep strategy game from Unicube...Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic disaster management game that gives a whole new meaning to the term “nuclear family”. Given a head-start over the billions lost in a nuclear holocaust, you must gather as many supplies as possible en route to the concrete underground shelter that will soon become your family home for the foreseeable dreary future.With all hope lost, how will you cope in this bleak new world? How you handle the many moral choices you'll encounter on a daily basis could be the difference between your family surviving or dying. Combat claustrophobia, radiation, and mental exhaustion as you cling desperately to life in the cramp, cold, and scary underground shelter. You’ll have to leave the scant protection the shelter offers behind as you’re forced to venture outside into the dangerous desolate wasteland to scavenge for vital supplies which could ensure your family's survival for just one more day.Feature ListFamily comes first: Keep your family alive and protect them from the ravages of the harsh post-apocalyptic world.Make the shelter a home: Maintain your shelter - keep it secure, and habitable and make sure that the family has enough resources to survive. Protect your shelter from hazards and infiltration!Customization: Your family is unique to you; you decide their gender, names, and their appearance.RPG mechanics: As your family develops, their stats will adapt with an evolving experience and trauma system. Attributes, strengths, and weaknesses will dynamically change based on your choices.Crafting system: Create comforts for your family’s shelter and weapons for combat.Exploration: Send out your family to explore and gather resources for everyday living and crafting.Recruitment system: Recruit outsiders with different personalities, integrate them into your shelter life, and earn their loyalty.Dynamic encounter system: Your family will encounter various threats including roaming factions and feral beasts.Turn-based combat: For those that cannot be reasoned with, violence can be used as a last resort. Your family may depend on it.Pets: Your pet is family too. Choose between the dog, cat, fish, snake, or horse.Vehicles: Make exploration quicker and safer. Sheltered. Developed by Unicube and Team 17 Digital Ltd © 2015. Published by Team17. Team17 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1196.00 RUB
Overcooked! All You Can Eat

The Peckish has risen again and it’s your job to satisfy their hunger, are you ready to save the world again? Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a chaotic cooking game where players need to work together (or alone) to serve as many dishes as they can before the timer runs out. Travel through the land cooking up a variety of recipes in evolving and dynamic kitchens.Overcooked! Goes OnlineFor the first time ever, online multiplayer has been fully integrated into Overcooked! Revisit your favorite kitchens from the first game in stunning 4K and ONLINE!Cross-Platform MultiplayerEnjoy the cooking chaos with all of your friends using cross-platform multiplayer and voice chat. A shared multiplayer queue means reduced waiting times for games, and more time for culinary carnage!A Visual Feast!Both games have been taken to the next level with stunning, enhanced 4K visuals - this is the best that the Overcooked! series has ever looked.Tasty New Content!New levels, new chefs, and new mayhem - all exclusive to Overcooked! All You Can Eat.Multiple Modes!Players can enjoy campaign, survival, and practice modes, and new to All You Can Eat - assist mode! Assist mode offers a number of options to allow for a less frantic game including slower recipe timeout, increased round timers, and the option to skip levels.Accessible For All!Overcooked! All You Can Eat contains features to allow as many players as possible to join in the food frenzy! Scalable UI, dyslexia-friendly text, and color blindness options are all available. Overcooked! All You Can Eat. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd.© 2020. Published by Team17. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

3683.00 RUB
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