

Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters

Neptunia™: Sisters VS Sisters is an action RPG set in the vibrant world of Gamindustri. Hack 'n' slash your way through hordes of dangerous enemies found in the many dungeons throughout the land while trying to defeat a mysterious, new phenomenon that threatens life itself. Lead the Goddess Candidates, the younger sisters of the 4 Goddesses of Gamindustri, through their first adventure to save the world!Key FeaturesC-C-C-Combo Maker! – As you make your way around the lands of Gamindustri, you'll encounter a multitude of enemies - it's time to fight! Employ combos and chain your attacks together in real-time. Take control of the battlefield in a unique tactical action battle system! Get the Planeptune Look – Throughout the game you'll discover fun accessories to deck out and customize your party members. After completing the game for the first time, you can show off your style in the new Photo Mode! You'll also unlock two BRAND NEW characters created by two legendary game developers - Higurashi from Ryukishi07 and Shanghai Alice from ZUN! Do You Hear the People Chirp? – In the wake of the devastation wrought by the Trendi Phenomenon, the vast majority of the population has turned to the rPhone for all manner of daily life, including communication. On your journey, connect to the Chirper social network to take on a variety of side quests put out by those in need and earn special rewards! Match Game '23 – On the battlefield you can have three party members out at a time. Match up your team members with a partner for stat increases and elemental bonuses. The stronger the bond, the better the bonus!StoryWhile the Goddesses were out responding to a distress call from the faraway PC Continent, Nepgear and the other Candidates were dispatched to an abandoned research facility in order to investigate a monster outbreak. It was there that they encountered the Ashen Goddess, who trapped them in a capsule and placed them in a deep sleep. By the time they awoke, they were astonished to discover that 2 years had passed. After they emerge from slumber, they learn that Neptune has been missing since her mission to the PC Continent 2 years ago, and in the absence of its Goddess and Candidate, Planeptune was ravaged by a series of strange outbreaks, collectively referred to as the Trendi Phenomenon. Suddenly finding herself robbed of home and family, Nepgear is met with the greatest challenge she's ever faced. This is a story about finding hope in the midst of despair, and the rebirth of a Goddess in the wake of destruction.

789.01 RUB

In RE:CALL you play through the memories of the character you're controlling. Your actions inside these flashbacks have immediate consequences in the present moment, letting you take advantage of the situation in order to progress the story.  Tackle mind-bending puzzles that rely on altering your own memories to shape the future. Solve mysteries by manipulating your memory. Escape a factory, solve a crime, and win the hearts and minds of your enemies by changing the past. Get immersed in an epic narrative-driven adventure with a diverse cast of characters. Get to know over 10 unique characters, each with their own quirks. Investigate and solve the mystery of your mysterious power. Who is behind this?

239.89 RUB

Падение Атлантиды оставило небольшой остров незатопленным. Старые жители давно уехали, а таинственный институт обосновался в 1970-х и исчез. Прошло много времени, и вы, потерпев кораблекрушение на острове во время шторма, заблудились между руинами атлантов и института. Следите за историями, оставленными учеными института, чтобы узнать, что произошло, и найти дорогу домой или войти через затонувший маяк в глубины Атлантиды. Кредолис — это приключенческая игра-головоломка от первого лица на прекрасном острове с головоломками и хитроумными приспособлениями, которые отправят вас в мистическое путешествие. Включите машины и научные станции, заброшенные институтом, и разгадайте таинственные загадки атлантов. Исследуйте красивые берега Кредолиса, прогуляйтесь по расслабляющим лесам или войдите в глубокие шахты и подводные станции.

279.97 RUB
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered

W pełnej akcji oryginalnej historii Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered dochodzi do zderzenia światów Petera Parkera i Spider-Mana. Wciel się w doświadczonego pajęczego bohatera, rzuć wyzwanie kultowym złoczyńcom i zwalczaj przestępczość, bujając się na sieci po tętniącym życiem Marvelowskim Nowym Jorku.Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered – gra stworzona przez Insomniac Games we współpracy z Marvelem – trafi również na PC dzięki wersji opracowanej przez Nixxes Software. Wyrusz do Marvelowskiego Nowego Jorku i wciel się w doświadczonego pajęczego bohatera, dla którego starcia ze złoczyńcami i przestępczością to chleb powszedni. Poznasz historię Petera Parkera, który próbuje pogodzić chaotyczne życie osobiste z zawodowym, podczas gdy na jego barkach spoczywa los całego miasta.Główne cechyBe GreaterKiedy w Marvelowskim Nowym Jorku pojawiają się potężni złoczyńcy, dochodzi do zderzenia światów Petera Parkera i Spider-Mana. By ocalić miasto i bliskich, musi on wznieść się na wyżyny swoich możliwości.Poczuj się jak Spider-ManPo ośmiu latach w skórze Spider-Mana Peter Parker jest specjalistą od zwalczania przestępczości. Poczuj pełnię mocy bardziej doświadczonego Spider-Mana dzięki improwizacyjnemu systemowi walki, dynamicznym wyczynom akrobatycznym, systemowi płynnego przemieszczania się po mieście oraz interakcjom z otoczeniem.Zderzenie światówW tej pełnej akcji oryginalnej historii dochodzi do zderzenia światów Petera Parkera i Spider-Mana. W nowym uniwersum pajęczego superbohatera kultowe postacie z życia Petera i Spider-Mana uległy zmianie, dzięki czemu znajomi bohaterowie otrzymali wyjątkowe role.Marvelowski Nowy Jork twoim placem zabawNowy Jork w Marvel’s Spider-Man wygląda jak prawdziwy! Mknij przez pełne życia dzielnice i zachwycaj się słynnymi miejscami na Manhattanie oraz kultowymi Marvelowskimi obiektami. Wykorzystuj otoczenie, by pokonywać złoczyńców, wykonując niewiarygodne eliminacje rodem z filmów akcji.Ciesz się zawartością Miasta, które nie śpiPoznaj kontynuację opowieści z Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, wyruszając z Peterem Parkerem na przygodę w Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miasto, które nie śpi – dodatku zawierającym trzy rozdziały z nowymi misjami i wyzwaniami.Zoptymalizowana grafika na PCKorzystaj z licznych opcji pozwalających dopasować jakość grafiki do różnych urządzeń, odblokowanego limitu klatek na sekundę oraz obsługi innych technologii, w tym zwiększającej wydajność NVIDIA DLSS i poprawiającej jakość obrazu NVIDIA DLAA. Wspierana jest również technologia skalowania AMD FSR 2.0.Odbicia z użyciem śledzenia promieni oraz ulepszone cienie*Zobacz, jak miasto ożywa dzięki ulepszonym cieniom i przepięknym odbiciom z użyciem śledzenia promieni w różnych trybach jakości do wyboru.Obsługa monitorów UltraWide**Podziwiaj kinowe ujęcia Marvelowskiego Nowego Jorku dzięki obsłudze różnych formatów, w tym proporcji 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, 32:9 i 48:9 ze wsparciem konfiguracji z trzema monitorami przy użyciu NVIDIA Surround i AMD Eyefinity.Sterowanie i personalizacjaPoczuj, jak to jest być Spider-Manem, dzięki realistycznym efektom dotykowym i dynamicznym efektom „Trigger” kontrolera PlayStation DualSense™ podłączonego do złącza USB. Korzystaj z pełnej obsługi myszy i klawiatury z różnymi opcjami personalizacji sterowania.*Wymaga zgodnego komputera PC.**Wymaga zgodnego komputera PC i monitora. LANGUAGES (IN-GAME)English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Spanish Mexico, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Korean, Norwegian, Swedish, Traditional Chinese © 2022 MARVEL© 2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLCCreated and developed by Insomniac Games, Inc. PC version by Nixxes Software BV.Software subject to license: //www.playstation.com/legal/op-eula/Privacy Policy: //www.playstation.com/legal/privacy-policy/WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS //www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/health-warning/

1517.00 RUB
No Man's Sky

Созданная по мотивам столь любимых нами приключений и идей из классической научной фантастики, игра No Man's Sky познакомит вас с галактикой, полной уникальных планет и форм жизни, а также постоянных угроз и экшена. В No Man's Sky каждая звезда является светом далекого солнца, на орбите которого вращаются обитаемые планеты, к которым вы сможете отправиться, если сами того пожелаете. Беспрепятственно перемещайтесь между просторами дальнего космоса и поверхностями планет, без каких-либо экранов загрузки и ограничений. В этой бесконечной, процедурно генерируемой вселенной вы откроете для себя места и создания, которых вы не видели ранее и, вероятно, вряд ли увидите когда-нибудь еще.Отправляйтесь в эпохальное путешествиеЦентром галактики является чрезвычайно сильная пульсация, влекущая к себе каждого, кто хочет раскрыть истинную природу космоса. Однако, столкнувшись с враждебно настроенными созданиями и жестокими пиратами, вы увидите, что смерть обходится дорого, а выживание сводится к выбору вариантов улучшения вашего корабля, оружия и костюма.Найдите собственную судьбуВаше путешествие по No Man's Sky зависит исключительно от вас. Возможно, вы станете бойцом, отнимающим богатства у слабаков либо награбленное у пиратов? Улучшая свой корабль для обеспечения максимальной скорости и огневой мощи, вы обретете истинную силу. Или торговцем? Находите богатые ресурсами затерянные миры и извлекайте максимальную выгоду из их эксплуатации. Вкладывайте средства в увеличение грузового пространства, и вас ждет огромная награда. Или, возможно, исследователем? Отправляйтесь за пределы разведанных территорий и открывайте то, что не удавалось прежде увидеть никому. Улучшайте свои двигатели для того, чтобы совершать прыжки еще дальше, и усиливайте свой костюм для выживания в условиях токсичной атмосферы, способной убить любого, кто не подозревает об опасности.Делитесь своим путешествиемГалактика — это место, наполненное жизнью и дыханием. Торговые конвои путешествуют между звездами, фракции ведут борьбу за территории, пираты охотятся на неосторожных, а полиция постоянно наблюдает за происходящим. Все игроки обитают в единой галактике, и вы можете делиться с ними своими открытиями на карте, охватывающей известные пределы космоса. Возможно, вы увидите результаты их действий так же четко, как и результаты действий собственных...

2410.00 RUB
Lonesome Village

   Relaxing puzzle-solving and life-sim meet in a cozy, no-combat, coyote adventure! Uncover the mysterious, magical past of Lonesome Village and save this town from the hands of evil. You’re new to the quiet village of Lonesome, once known as Ubhora. With nothing but your can-do attitude, a map, (and a secret past?), you’re ready to find answers to your strange dreams as well as a home in this cozy community. But not everything is as it seems in the village… The people of Lonesome have vanished and a mysterious tower has risen from the ground, bringing with it secrets of a long-buried village now disturbed. Puzzle-filled dungeon delving and cute social life simulation merge in this cute, no-combat adventure game. Take on the role of Wes the coyote and help bring this village back from the brink of destruction. Hang out and build relationships with a variety of cute characters bursting with personality. Make Lonesome your home - earn land in the village then build and customize your house inside and out. Help Lonesome grow by working in your garden and fishing in the nearby lakes. Discover hidden secrets with your Magic Glass and solve mind-bending puzzles to gain entry to and ascend a mysterious magic tower, one dark dungeon at a time. Save villagers from a perilous stay in the tower and help bring them back home to Lonesome! Lonesome Village is the perfect place to rest up after a long day of adventuring, with its gorgeous, inviting art style that gives a sense of calm and joy. Uncover a detailed and fascinating world full of mystery and adventure. Discover the gripping story of Lonesome’s origins and learn about Wes' secret past. Long ago, in old Ubhora, there was a tower similar to the very one recently sighted by Wes. One day, that tower had mysteriously disappeared - taking every home with it. Villagers often attributed this vanishing to The Cult, a group of wizards who wanted to control the world by summoning dark, unknown powers. Of course, this didn’t end up quite as they had planned. Many years later, Lonesome Village was founded on the same ground, and people flocked from all over the world to live there. Everything was well for a while, until the people of Lonesome soon discovered that the village wanted to remain alone. But of course, that’s where you come in. There’s so much to be done, let’s just hope The Cult doesn’t come back to stir up any trouble while you’re working… Ogre Pixel 2022

202.98 RUB
Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2

SETTING The Eastern Front, the most decisive theatre of World War II and the largest land battlefield.  A fight to the end, Total War between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, each commanding millions. The legendary wargame team at 2by3 Games has spent years revisiting this titanic conflict to once again establish a new state of the art. Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is a complete overhaul and improvement of the original War in the East, with no stone left unturned to provide a more realistic, more historically rich, and more challenging strategy experience.  War in the East 2 comes with a wide array of scenarios ranging from the short tutorial on the Battle for Velikie Luki, to the four month Destruction of Southwest Front, up to the immense full 1941 – 1945 Grand Campaign of the entire Eastern front from Operation Barbarossa to the fall of Berlin.  A total of seven Operational Scenarios and three Full Map Campaigns await you with hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of historical gameplay. Years of new development have resulted in the best AI opponent ever made by 2by3 for any of their game. Also included are a much more accurate map including a full single and double rail network as well as the historical road network, a detailed and expanded Order of Battle, new realistic movement and combat models, an advanced Logistics system, a vastly improved and easy to manage Air system and many other improvements in the interface and game management, as well as a built-in encyclopedia of the weapons and units of the Eastern Front.  This is just scratching the surface of the many new features and improvements, all of which are explained in a fully comprehensive manual, also available as a physical copy. FEATURES 3 Full Map Campaigns - 1941-45 Campaign (June 22 1941 – 1 August 1945) - Stalingrad to Berlin (November 19 1942 – 4 July 1945) - Vistula to Berlin (13 January 1945 – 1 June 1945) 7 Smaller Operational Scenarios - Velikie Luki ’42 (17 November 1942 – 25 January 1943) – The Soviet counterattack to recapture this important rail junction. - Road to Minsk (22 June 1941 – July 2 1941) – The rush to the Dnepr by Army Group Center. - Road to Leningrad (22 June 41 – 8 Oct 41) – Army Group North moves on Leningrad. - The Destruction of Southwest Front (22 June 41 – 15 October 41) – Army Group South and Guderian cause the largest Soviet surrender in the war. - Operation Typhoon 41 (30 September 1941 – 5 January 1942) – The final offensive to take Moscow. - Red Army Resurgent (19 November 1942 – 17 March 1943) – The destruction of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. - Red God of War (24 November 1942 – 8 February 1943) – The failed Soviet northern offensive. Improved AI Opponent - Newly re-designed and re-built by Gary Grigsby for War in the East 2 - Greatly enhanced Defensive AI performance as well as improved Offensive AI performance More Accurate Map and Movement rules: - Map based on better projection yields a larger number of hexes in the main combat area (106 hex frontage from Rostov to Leningrad versus 87 in WitE). - Advanced Terrain/Road rules – Road quality in every hex combines with terrain to generate much more realistic impacts of terrain on movement, combat and supplies. - Administrative Movement – Accounts for ability to move rapidly in friendly territory, especially where there are better roads. - Ability to stack additional units into urban and port hexes Off-Map Theater Boxes and Theater Events: - Theater boxes representing other theaters of the war (North Africa, Italy, etc.), and a full set of events including garrison requirements in the TBs along with other events like partisan operations. - Partisan war now handled with a Soviet Union garrison box, events, and partisan interdiction placed on map. - Enhanced Player Theater Box Control game option that allows players to choose more flexible movement of units between theaters, but at a cost for failing to meet garrison requirements versus benefits for exceeding them. - More accurate historical line up of units, HQs and support units and their historical movement between theaters. - Additional historical campaign events. Improved Air System incorporating both a more Advanced Air Mode and a Streamlined Air Operational Group Mode - On Map Airbases - Much more realistic Air Combat and Support Resolution compared to War in the East and War in the West. - A separate Air Phase is now used for many air actions, with ground support and transport done in the movement phase. - Advanced Air Mode allows full detailed control of the entire Air War, equivalent to a game within a game. -  New “Air Operational Group” Mode which allows you to move Air Groups on the map and provides an easy and streamlined way to manage the air game while focusing on the ground game.  This makes the air game easier to manage even for those players that want full control. - Full AI Air Assist that can run most of the air operations based on just a few orders given by the player to the Air Operational Groups. More accurate and detailed historical weather model incorporating per-hex Weather changes based on the system developed for War in the West. Changes in Ground Combat to reflect Historical operations: - New Combat Preparation Points for units allow for build ups for better offensive operations and punish units that are in combat every turn without a rest. - Combat Delay Points account for the time spent fighting in a hex and will slow units that move through a hex where significant combat took place that turn. - Attacks can now deprive defending units of future MPs. - Multi-hex retreats. Many interface improvements, including new art, reorganized screens, a new Turn Summary and more important information regarding your units and situation brought to the top level for easier discovery and quicker access. Automated Soviet factory evacuation. Improved Commander’s Report screens with more flexibility and CSV export capability for out of game analysis. Special designation of Assault HQs allowing Command benefits for offensive armies at the cost of some defensive abilities. Increased Command cost of integrating multiple nationalities under the same command. Greater direct attachment of support units to certain Soviet and Axis Allied divisions, along with multi-role units that can be on map or used as support. New In-Game WitEpedia – Includes Detailed Information and Links concerning units and weapons of the Eastern Front. Detailed TO&E and Order of Battle Charts with information about many of the units on the Eastern Front. 520 Page full color manual, including appendices and designer's notes fully documenting every aspect of the game.  The additional Physical version (only) comes with a hardbound full color printed manual.

3068.13 RUB
Criminal Expert

При загадочных обстоятельствах случайный водитель обнаруживает на лесной дороге пребывающую без сознания женщину. В качестве детектива полиции вам предстоит найти разгадку всем нюансам данного происшествия. Кто эта женщина, как она оказалась в лесу? Найдутся ли всем обстоятельствам простые объяснения, либо дело окажется куда более запутанным? У вас есть всего лишь три дня, чтобы провести расследование. Допросите свидетелей, соберите улики, проведите обыски и выследите подозреваемых. Важна каждая деталь — судьбы персонажей будут зависеть от ваших решений. Criminal Expert — это детективная игра, в которой вы противостоите самому главному «злодею» — неумолимому ходу времени. Сюжет предполагает множество разветвлений, и только вы решаете, чем закончится эта история. Большой выбор вариантов диалоговЖесткие временные рамки вынуждают быстро принимать решения, влияющих на весь ход следствияВидео с реальными актерамиМножество подходов к поиску разгадокНесколько сюжетных концовокРазнообразие вариантов повторного прохожденияМрачная атмосфера

326.63 RUB
Catacombs of the Undercity

Captured by one of Orlandes City’s most infamous brotherhoods, the Red Hand Guild, you are thrown to the mercy of the subterranean world deep beneath the streets of the great capital. Wading through the sewers and other dark menacing places, your goal is to reach Undercity, the City beneath the City! Only there can you find the help you need to escape this underground horror and bring down the dark brotherhood from within. Catacombs of the Undercity is a gamebook where you control the story by deciding what action to take at key points. Use dice to determine your vitality, fitness and luck, then battle enemies deep within the Undercity as you try to escape its twisting tunnels filled with traps. Featuring high resolution artwork by Pirkka Harvala and a soundtrack by Adrian Watkins, this adventure leads you deep into the dark unknown of the catacombs beneath Orlandes City, uncovering a sinister cult and a long-forgotten city.

433.00 RUB
Arkanoid - Eternal Battle

Возвращение культового Арканоида! Вспомните любимую игру детства — или же познакомьтесь с легендой! Арканоид снова с нами, и теперь он стал еще лучше. Все привычные игровые элементы на месте, но со свежей графикой и новыми правилами, бонусами, эффектами и особенностями! Так, режим королевской битвы (Battle Royale) под названием Eternal Battle преподнесет сюрприз даже опытным игрокам! Игра Arkanoid, разработанная студией TAITO Corporation в 1986 году, положила начало целому жанру. Сюжет был прост: космическая база ARKANOID подвергается нападению. Маленькому кораблю VAUS удается ускользнуть, но его забрасывает в лабиринт измерений. Этап за этапом VAUS разрушает стенки (spacewalls), чтобы в итоге добраться до Доха (DOH) — главного босса, который уничтожил базу ARKANOID — и отомстить ему. Талантливая французская студия Pastagames решила возродить традицию и создала ""Arkanoid – Eternal Battle"". И вот чем интересна новая версия: впервые игроки смогут играть друг против друга онлайн в режиме Eternal Battle! Эта ""королевская битва"", также известная как Battle Royale, выводит культовую аркаду на совершенно новый уровень, позволяя 24 игрокам соревноваться онлайн за право называться чемпионом. Начать играть в Arkanoid всегда было очень легко — тем он и нравится геймерам. Концепция не изменилась, но в новой версии сложность будет повышаться с каждым этапом, что сделает игру еще интереснее.Особенности: Свежие графические решения и новые, даже неожиданные предметы, способности и игровые функции от знаменитой французской студии Pastagames. 4 ИГРОВЫХ РЕЖИМА: 2 для одного игрока (Neo и Retro) и 2 многопользовательских (Versus и Eternal Battle). NEO (для 1 игрока): тот же игровой процесс, что и в классическом Arkanoid, но с новыми усилителями и стенками (spacewalls). RETRO (для 1 игрока): откройте страницу истории при помощи винтажной аркадной витрины. VERSUS (для 2–4 игроков): игроки играют на одном (разделенном) экране по правилам режима Neo. Обратите внимание, что для локальной многопользовательской игры требуется контроллер. ETERNAL BATTLE (для 25 игроков): игроки соревнуются онлайн, выбивая друг друга из игры, пока не останется один победитель. Чемпионам даются особые бонусы, которыми можно пользоваться во время игры. Высокая реиграбельность благодаря новому режиму Eternal Battle. Играйте онлайн и соревнуйтесь с противниками со всего света. Возможность кросс-игры Оригинальный прогрессивный саундтрек, подстраивающийся под этапы и уровень сложности, от композитора Xavier Thiry. Онлайновый список лидеров, показывающий рекорды игроков в 3 режимах (Neo, Retro, Battle Royale), будет доступен с самого запуска игры.

2709.00 RUB
Blair Witch

Your darkest fears will awaken in these woods.It’s 1996. A young boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest near Burkittsville, Maryland. As Ellis, a former police officer with a troubled past, you join the search. What starts as an ordinary investigation soon turns into an endless nightmare as you confront your fears and the Blair Witch, a mysterious force that haunts the woods…Blair Witch is a first-person, story-driven psychological horror game based on the cinematic lore of Blair Witch.A STORY OF THE HUMAN DESCENT INTO DARKNESSFrom the creative minds behind the critically acclaimed Layers of Fear, experience first-hand the toll that fear can take on the mind in an original story inspired by the cinematic lore of Blair Witch.FIND THE WAY THROUGH THE HAUNTED WOODSNavigate your way through a cursed forest that warps and distorts both time and space.YES, YOU CAN PET THE DOG​You're not going in alone: you have your trusty canine sidekick, Bullet, by your side. You can encourage him with treats, or discipline him for wandering off - but know that how you choose to treat him affects your story.YOUR SANITY AGAINST HER CURSEStand against the horrors of the Blair Witch and the decaying sanity of a man burdened by his past.HOW WILL YOU FACE YOUR FEARS?As you delve deeper into the woods, how you react to danger and behave under pressure will ultimately teach you more about yourself. “Blair Witch” and all logos, characters, names, and related indicia are ®, TM & © 2019 Lions Gate Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.“Blair Witch” game developed by Bloober Team S.A. Bloober Team is registered trademark of Bloober Team S.A. (Inc.) in US and/or other countries. “Blair Witch” game published and distributed by Bloober Team NA. Bloober Team NA is trademark of Bloober Team NA in US and/or other countries. All rights reserved.Uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the in US and/or other countries. Unreal® Engine, ©1998 – 2019, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Unless otherwise indicated, the completed “Blair Witch” game is the property of Lions GateEntertainment Inc. and Bloober Team NA.Reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for any purpose, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

0.00 RUB
Observer: System Redux

WELCOME TO THE FUTUREThe year is 2084. The future has turned out much darker than anyone could imagine. First, there was the Nanophage. A digital plague that killed thousands upon thousands of those who chose to augment their minds and bodies.Then came the War, leaving both the West and the East decimated and shattered. With no one left to seize power, corporations took over and forged their own crooked empires.You are a tool of corporate oppression. Feared and despised, you hack into the darkest corners of your suspects’ minds. You creep into their dreams, expose their fears, and extract whatever your investigation may require.You are an Observer.BECOME A NEURAL DETECTIVEYou play as Daniel Lazarski, an elite investigator of the future portrayed by late cyberpunk icon Rutger Hauer. As an Observer, you hack into the minds of suspects to extract clues and evidence. Anything they felt, thought, or remembered can and will be used to solve your case.EAT THEIR DREAMSUsing a device known as the Dream Eater, hack into the minds of the dead and dying to relive their final moments, to explore their fears and obsessions. Delve into these twisted neural mazes and search for clues that will help you find the elusive killer. But beware: the deeper you go, the greater the risk of losing your own sanity.TAKE IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF 2084Enter a world ravaged by war and cyber-plague, where life is cheap and hope is scarce. Where most people will do anything to escape their grim existence. Virtual realities, mind-altering drugs, neural implants - pick your poison and drift away into a blissful oblivion. But remember, no matter how deep you go, you can never hide from an Observer.Veteran Observers can dive deeper into this dystopian reality thanks to three brand-new side cases to solve. “Errant Signal”, “Her Fearful Symmetry” and “It Runs in the Family” add another layer of depth to the game’s story while exploring thought-provoking themes of a future that soon might become our present.On top of that, System Redux offers expanded gameplay, which includes new game mechanics, new secrets to find, redesigned stealth, additional neural interrogations, and quality-of-life improvements made with the help of the Observer community.Newcomers get the chance to experience one of the most thrilling cyberpunk stories in all its next-gen glory: boasting 4K resolution, upgraded textures, new animations, models and effects, and transformed with jaw-dropping Ray-Tracing and HDR lighting. “Observer System Redux” and all logos, characters, names, and related indicia are TM & © 2020 Bloober Team S.A. All Rights Reserved.“Observer System Redux” game developed by Bloober Team S.A. Bloober Team is a registered trademark of Bloober Team S.A. (Inc.) in US and/or other countries. “Observer System Redux” game published and distributed by Bloober Team S.A. All rights reserved.Uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the US and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, ©1998 – 2020, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Unless otherwise indicated, the completed “Observer System Redux” game is the property of Bloober Team S.A.Reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for any purpose, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

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