

HELLDIVERS™ - Commando Pack

The HELLDIVER Commandos are the best of the best, specialists at being a one man army capable of leaving a wake of death and destruction. Though they are seen as one man armies, the Commandos value teamwork greatly due to their equipment. The Commando Pack ContainsThe Commando Uniform, a cosmetic helmet, armor, and cape.SMG-34 ‘Ninja’: A silenced, compact, submachinegun with short reach and good accuracy. The silenced aspect has been debated much and there is no proof that it actually reduces the risk of detection.MLS-4X ‘Commando’: A multiple missile launcher system similar to the one used on the EXO-44. From its four barrels it fires seeking missiles at a high rate of fire primarily an anti-personnel weapon, it can be upgraded to have limited anti-tank capabilities. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Vehicles Pack

The Vehicles Pack is a collection of highly specialized vehicles. Not normally deployed on missions with Helldivers, they are excellent assets for when you need some fast transportation or some heavy armor.The Vehicles Pack contains:TD-110 ‘ Bastion’: A small fairly mobile tankdestroyer, prized for its incredibly powerful main gun, large ammunition storage, and heavy armor. It controls differently compared to other vehicles and require far more coordination between the driver and gunner compared to other vehicles.MC-109 ‘ Hammer’: A sturdy combat motorcycle complete with sidecar. This is a lightly armored vehicle with high speed, excellent for when you want to move fast. Upgrades also arms it with a standard machine gun, though it provides some firepower, it is more for self defense than attack.EXO-51 ‘Lumberer’: An anti-tank specialized exosuit incorporating a 90mm cannon and a flamer into it’s design. Though the cannon is very powerful, it has a low ammunition supply and some severe accuracy issues unless standing still. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

348.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Specialist Pack

HELLDIVER Specialists are highly trained offensive support operatives. They specialize in the use of Stratagems and supportive fire. They are specially trained to receive enhanced air support.The Specialist Pack contains:The Specialist Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape)LAS-12 'Tanto': An ultra compact laser SMG with extremely limited range. The short focused beam is very powerful to compensate for the short engagement envelope.Close Air Support: An 'Eagle' delivers a powerful strafing run followed by a pair of anti tank missiles. Effective at damaging almost all targets it does however have the drawback of being slightly unpredictable. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Entrenched Pack

Specialized equipment for the Helldiver that truly needs to hold ground. With this pack it is significantly easier to hold your ground against the enemies of mankind.The Entrenched Pack contains:AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement: A well armored emplacement that has to be operated manually. Initially it was controlled by the standard Helldiver issue turret AI, but it was deemed far too volatile for automated operation.Anti-Personnel Barrier: An airdropped barbwire fence capable of slowing incoming enemies. The barbed wire itself does very little damage but will entangle pretty much anything before it can power through. Eventually things do get through, but hopefully the barrier will have bought the Helldivers some extra time to deal with the threat.SH-32 Directional Kinetic Shield: A shield pack occupying the backpack slot. It projects a shield in front of the wearer and will slow down incoming projectiles, significantly lowering their damage potential. While very powerful, it is limited in that it only protects its wearer from one direction. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Precision Expert Pack

Equipped with specialized measuring gear, these Helldivers excel at landing precision strikes in a shorter time than other Helldivers. When you absolutely must hit with your stratagem, and in a timely manner, this is your Helldiver.The Precision Expert Pack contains:Precision Call In Perk - Better targeting data when calling in Stratagems allows them to be delivered faster. Stratagem call in time is lowered by 1 second.Precision Artillery Strike Stratagem - An artillery strike fired in a tight cluster with top modern homing rounds able to alter their trajectory. It uses the same targeting algorithm as the Railcannon strike.The Precision Expert Uniform, a cosmetic helmet, armor, and cape. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Hazard Ops Pack

The hazard operative HELLDIVERS are trained in chemical and biological combat and protection. Sometimes shunned by fellow HELLDIVERS for their use of inhumane warfare, many a Helldiver is happy to have them on the mission when it comes down to life or death. It's not like the enemy is Human after all.The Hazard Ops Pack contains:The Hazard Ops Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape)AR-14D 'Paragon': A heavy semi-automatic rifle firing rounds similar to the AR-20L 'Justice', but without the penetrating capabilities. Instead the rounds are hollowed out and filled with a neurotoxin causing targets hit to become slow and sluggish.TOX-13 'Avenger': A high pressure liquid projection weapon similar to the FLAM-40 'Incinerator'. Instead of projecting flaming napalm, this weapon sprays a very potent neurotoxin resulting in slow movements and irreversible brain damage. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Terrain Specialist Pack

When you need to move fast through difficult terrain, the Terrain Specialist is the Helldiver to call upon. Equipped with all weather gear and boots capable of compensating for difficult terrain, they feel at home in any environment.The Terrain Specialist Pack contains:All Terrain Boots Perk - The Helldiver All Terrain Boots allows you to power through difficult terrain. Great for snow planets or when you need to cross a swamp.Missile Barrage Stratagem - A portable missile battery fires a salvo at the targeted location, pretty much obliterating anything in the targeted area.The Terrain Specialist Uniform, a cosmetic helmet, armor, and cape. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Demolitionist Pack

HELLDIVER Demolitionists are experts at tearing things down and blowing things up. They are rumored to be uncareful when handling explosives, though this is most likely just their familiarity with explosives being misinterpreted.The Demolitionist Pack contains:The Demolitionist Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape)MG-105 'Stalwart': A light machinegun based on the AR-19 'Liberator'. It's very powerful when used in sustained fire, but the initial recoil is often hard to handle resulting in unpredictable spread.REC-6 'Demolisher': A remote Explosive Charge capable of destroying both objectives and heavily armored enemies. The user can decide when to detonate the charge by pressing the detonator. Often referred to as a Satchel Charge. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Pistols Perk Pack

The Pistols Perk Pack is a collection of unique non standard sidearms. These are normally not issued to Helldivers due to their specialization compared to the more rounded P-2 ‘Peacemaker’.The Pistols Perk Pack contains:P-6 ‘Gunslinger’: A heavy sixshooter revolver. The aptly nicknamed 'Gunslinger' revolver might seem flashy, but packs a proper punch and comes with built in lasersight.FLAM-24 ‘Pyro’: A compact flamer with the same power as the unupgraded FLAM-40. It has shorter range and very limited ammunition compared to it’s larger cousin, but is very handy when you’re on the move.PLAS-3 ‘Singe’: A plasma pistol based on the experimental technology of the PLAS-1. It fires superheated gas that explodes on contact with its target. Not recommended for point blank range, but a powerful weapon in its own right. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Support Pack

Support HELLDIVERS are much loved by their squad mates and bring both firepower and medical aid to any squad they join. Wearing the classic grey cape with a black cross they project an aura of capable concern for fellow humans.The Support Pack contains:The Support Uniform, a cosmetic helmet, armor, and cape.LAS-16 ‘Sickle’: A carbine based on laser technology, modified to behave more as a regular assault rifle. It overheats quickly but well placed shots do excellent damage and the virtually unlimited ammunition is invaluable in tight situations.AD-289 ‘Angel’: A backpack drone system, with an automated healing and repair drone that will try to help all friendly targets in its vicinity. It will land in the backpack to refill the restorative substance. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
HELLDIVERS™ - Weapons Pack

The Weapons Pack is a collection of weapons not normally issued to Helldivers. The weapons are both ultra modern experimental weapons and tried and true workhorses in new formats.The Weapons Pack contains:PLAS-1 ‘Scorcher’: The first ever Helldiver issued plasma weapon. This primary weapon fires bolts of superheated plasma that explodes on impact. Super Earth scientists have gone to great lengths to ensure that the weapon is safe and reliable to operate, though this adds some limitations to the weapon such as lacking a full auto fire mode.M-25 ‘Rumbler’: The ‘Rumbler’ is a heavy portable mortar firing three round bursts of 80mm grenades. Though heavy and prone to ammunition shortage, the rumbler has the capability of firing at a variable distance, allowing the user precise control of where the shots land.AC-22 ‘Dum Dum’: The AC-22 is a 20mm cannon commonly found in the Helldiver arsenal, though usually mounted on vehicles. This is a shoulder carried version allowing for Helldivers on foot to carry a very powerful weapon that is excellent for taking out medium armored targets. HEALTH WARNINGSWARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF EPILEPSY OR SEIZURES, CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE USE. CERTAIN PATTERNS MAY TRIGGER SEIZURES WITH NO PRIOR HISTORY. BEFORE USING AND FOR MORE DETAILS, SEE IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNINGS  POLICY AGREEMENTSoftware subject to license copy;2015 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. HELLDIVERS is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

261.00 RUB
Predator: Hunting Grounds – Wolf Predator DLC Pack

With a track record of bringing down multiple Xenomorphs, and even a Predalien, this Predator has proved to be one of the most lethal foes your enemies will face in combat. Now, you can become a master hunter with the new Wolf Predator DLC pack.This DLC pack includes the Wolf Predator premium class. Internet connection and PlayStation®Plus membership (sold separately) required for online multiplayer. PREDATOR TM & © 2022 20th Century Studios. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.IllFonic® and the IllFonic Logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of IllFonic, LLC throughout the world.“PlayStation Family Mark”, “PlayStation”, and “PS4 logo” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc."Greatness Awaits” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.

610.00 RUB
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