


Meltdown is a tactical arcade shooter featuring both singleplayer and intense online multiplayer. Set against a captivating sci-fi backdrop, the action game invites players to follow its main character, Zed, as he tries to shoot his way out of the remote space station that he has been trapped on as a result of a system malfunction. During the course of the adventure, players can collect loot and level-up their character as they make their way through randomly generated levels. They can choose to play single player or co-op multiplayer, while experiencing an engaging gameplay, matching their gaming skills and style. Clear all the missions and run the prestige mode !Key Features: Online Cross-Platform Co-Op & PvP Up to 4 Players Local Co-Op Up to 4 Players 30 Random Generated Levels 3 Specializations (Specialist/Soldier/Medic) 3 Big Boss Battles Wave-Attack arena challenges VR Mode

168.83 RUB

Широко известная в узких кругах как «AntiSquad» инициативная группа своевременного реагирования, команда профессионалов военного дела, уставших от служебных рутины и бюрократии — частная военизированная организация со штаб-квартирой, расположенной на территории США у южных границ. Периодически команда заключает контракты с государственными силовыми структурами для выполнения, как правило, не самой "чистой" работы. Изнутри команда представляет собой некое подобие крепко сбитого "клуба-по-интересам", не сказать, что промышляющего наёмничеством, но и не гнушающегося таковым. При этом его членам не чужды досужие размышления о моральных ценностях, национальных менталитетах, рецептах времяпрепровождения и т.п. Команда сильно контрастирует с остальными силовыми структурами в виду беспрецедентной индивидуальной разношёрстности личного состава. Каждый член команды — не только знаток своего дела, но и "клубок противоречий" по совместительству. Среди комбатантов есть и отзывчивые циники, и стадные эгоисты, и агрессивные пацифисты, и флегматичные бунтари…

25.37 RUB
Legends of Persia

Legends of Persia is a highly ambitious Action RPG Adventure which incorporating bloody battles, item usage, character building, and storyline incorporation. The storyline revolves around Keykhosro, the son of the Persian prince Siavosh, who in the name of his father’s blood seeks to take revenge upon Afrasiab, the king of Tooran. Throughout the game, the character will face difficult challenges to overcome, such as defeating massive waves of enemies, encountering difficult bosses, and finally dealing with Afriasiab, his father’s killer.Game Mechanics 5 attractive locations and more than 200 weapons and items to use, ‘Legends Of Persia’ is packed full of features! The game will also include 3 different hero characters, and lots of unique challenging enemies. Already a thriving and popular game on Steam Greenlight, prepare to get blown away with the addictive gameplay and fantastic graphics!Key Features •    Wide Range of Magic spells and abilities to use •    Hundreds of items •    Menacing boss battles •    3 characters to choose from. •    Experience the dramatic events between seasons through a brand new original story! •    Built from the ground up to support modding (editor will be available soon ) •    Ongoing free updates ( upcoming updates will be free charge for customers who purchase this game ) •    Many expansions available post-release.Story At the height of the glorious Persian king KayKavoos' reign, he had dominance over half the lands of his age. Seeking to cement his legend, he looked next to conquering the heavens. Lashing a great sky chariot to four mighty birds, the lord of Persia ascended far above the earth. Before the king's ambition could be fully realized, an angel appeared to quell his flight. But as the celestial creature prepared to strike down the Persian king, the glowing spirit of a child materialized. “Stay your hand, angel! I am KayKhosro, this great king's yet-unborn son. If you destroy this man for his arrogance now, you destroy me! To rob him of his present would be to rob me of my future.” The angel paused, considered the spirit's words, and sent the zealous King's chariot crashing down to the realm of Earth from whence it came. “I am forbidden from severing your bloodline, and have returned your ancestor to his kingdom alive, but the burdens upon you are heavy, indeed.” The angel embraced the spirit child, imparting these words. “You will be born into an age of conflict, your ancestors beset upon each other with steel and cruelty, and your people will look to you for guidance. One day, evil will descend upon the borders of Persia, and you must be ready. Now, rest, child. Your time has yet to come...”

35.55 RUB
Freaking Meatbags

Freaking Meatbags throws you into a futuristic world where robots have jobs, cephalopods aren't confined to a single dimension, and humans pretty much just stand around talking to themselves. As a lowly cleaning robot, your task is to gather precious materials from each world before the solar system goes kaboom. As soon as you land, you realize this gig isn't going to be as simple as you had hoped. During the day you'll scramble to gather resources, build structures and keep your base in good repair. But when it gets dark, get ready to fight. Those rampaging wild robots aren't here to have a knitting competition. At least you're not alone in your daily chores. Fleshy, unintelligent and very unattractive human creatures live on these planets. You've discovered they're quite amenable to being told what to do, even if those tasks are as limited as carrying resources back and forth. Mix some DNA from a few different species, however, and you can breed humans with special powers. Like, say... laser beam eyes! A little mod here, a little hack there and they might turn out to be quite useful!Features Fuse alien and human DNA: Create hybrids with special alien abilities by mixing DNA from two different meatbags. A human is useful, but a human with a laser eyes, and a new pair of arms is even more useful. Build offensive and defensive structures: Hold back the wild robot hordes while simultaneously pummeling them with lasers, missiles, bolts of electricity and your very own personal attack drones. 15 unique structures to create and upgrade. Enhance your base with technology: Influence the battlefield and manage your base with nine different pieces of buildable technology. Need to heal yourself? There's tech for that. Want to build drones? Tech for that, too! Motivate your meatbags: The humans usually do what you ask. Unless they're tired or bored or just plain apathetic. Fortunately there's plenty of alien biotechnology you can implant to give them a little encouragement. Robotic enemies: Nobody knows where the wild robots come from, but they sure are well-armed. Eight unique enemy types that range from creepy crawly things to dashy explodey things. Boss robots: Three sinister bad guys to take out with your turrets. One of them has a giant brain. How do you figure it got in there? Multiple planets and environments to explore Four alien species to encounter, chat with and steal DNA from One giant trans-dimensional space squid Philae Update(February 2015) Revamped DNA system with hundreds of alien/human combinations. Seven new genes to get all splice-happy with. Equip meatbags with jetpacks, hoverboards and... ROCKET LAUNCHERS! Stick humans in towers to power-up the buildings. Because of science. Overclocking ability lets you see the world in slow-mo. Brand new boss that jumps around a lot. Shhh, that's all we can say! Hidden zombie planet. Go ahead, try to find it. Over 50 gameplay, sound and interface improvements. New platforme: Mac & Linux.

42.34 RUB
Rage Runner

This fast, fun and challenging sci-fi game is truly like no other 3D racer, it will make you cry JUST ONE MORE TRY!   Race through beautiful procedurally generated 3D space-scapes or a set of 13 hand-crafted challenges that will put your skills to the test. Key Features * 57 Steam Achievements * 19 Steam Leaderboards * Level of the Day * Unlockable Ships * 13 handcrafted levels * 100,000,000 Procedurally Generated Levels * Tight Controls * Kid Mode (Joyride) * Level Editor * Great Soundtrack

21.13 RUB
Jet Car Stunts

Утопите в пол педаль газа, осваивайте сложнейшие трюки и ведите реактивную машинку (Jet Cars) как никакую другую! Jet Car Stunts — это очередная реализация игры-гонки и римейк одноименной игры для iOS. Осваивайте сложнейшие трюки, бейте рекорды и оттачивайте свои навыки в игре Jet Car Stunts. Не отстанете ли вы? Хватит ли у вас мастерства, чтобы элегантно пройти все трассы?

143.38 RUB
Kill The Bad Guy

I - KTBG: the original single-player puzzle game II - Gangs of Bad Guys: the new multi-player mode (English only) I - KTBG Все ли заслуживают второй шанс? Возможно ли простить человеку его преступления? Множество военных преступников, бывших мафиози и других нарушителей закона скрываются от наказания, ловко прячась среди обычных людей. Но тут в деле появляетесь Вы. Ваша задача, как члена загадочного тайного общества, поклявшегося избавить мир от Плохих Парней – помочь справедливости восторжествовать в самом кровавом виде, используя в своих интересах элемент неожиданности. Выследите Плохих Парней, будьте безжалостны, но умны, планируя своё дело и устраняя их один за одним. Но помните: каждая смерть должна выглядеть, как несчастный случай. На каждом уровне Вам представится шанс избавиться от Плохого Парня с помощью различного оружия и ловушек. Только Вам дано сделать так, чтобы он оказался не в том месте, не в то время. В этой оригинальной головоломке большую роль играет физика, а также трезвый расчет и сообразительность. Плохие Парни не заслуживают милосердия! “Для всех остальных мы не существуем. Если ты провалишь задание, ты единственный, кто понесёт ответственность, а мы будем отрицать все связи с тобой.” Особенности •    ВЫСЛЕДИ СВОЮ ЦЕЛЬ на 60 уровнях, каждый из которых ещё интереснее, чем предыдущий, и открой 6 новых потрясающих бонусных уровней. •    ИСПОЛЬЗУЙ ВООБРАЖЕНИЕ, когда будешь убивать преступников один за другим. Дождись подходящего момента, и пролей столько крови, сколько сможешь! •    СТАНЬ ПОСЛАННИКОМ СМЕРТИ и покажи, как нужно распоряжаться нашим арсеналом ловушек. Взламывай автомобили, превращай обычные предметы в смертельное оружие или комбинируй разные элементы, чтобы создать что-то уникальное. •    ОСТАВАЙСЯ В ТЕНИ. Не стоит привлекать к себе внимание. Камеры, прохожие, полицейские и телохранители Плохих Парней не должны тебя заподозрить. Никто не должен даже засомневаться в случайности этих инцидентов. •    ТЕРПЕНИЕ И ТРУД ВСЁ ПЕРЕТРУТ. Используй функцию повтора, чтобы получить рекордное количество очков, выполнить дополнительные задания, найти новые способы убить Плохого Парня или отточить своё смертельное ремесло. •    ДЕЛИСЬ ПРОГРЕССОМ. Покажи всем друзьям свои достижения и докажи им, что ты лучше всех знаешь, как восстановить справедливость. II - Gangs of Bad Guys Playable up to 16 players, Gangs of Bad Guys is a new competitive mode. Face your opponents and kill them all. This time you control the Bad Guy and no more discretion, you must be clever and cunning to achieve your aims. Turn items of everyday into deadly traps, combine elements and bring the terror in the streets. Alone or in team, fight your enemies in 4 game modes: Serial Killers, Capture the flag, Godfather and Gang Supremacy.

423.35 RUB
Project Temporality

Experience the mind bending power of single player cooperation. Project Temporality is a third person action/puzzle game built around the concept of allowing the player to play with time. Thanks to our proprietary engine Sparta 3D we make the fourth dimension as available as the other three. Just as with a VCR you can rewind time or fast-forward through it seamlessly. Combining this and our time line concept you will solve mind-bending puzzles, by giving yourself a helping hand. Any time you need a friend, you can be that friend. Create a new timeline at any time/any place there are no restrictions. This game is all about giving you full freedom in four dimensions. Solve puzzles involving lasers, mirrors, force fields, trap doors, platforms, keys etc. Exploit time to do the impossible. Explore the world and see into the mind of its people. We hope that you will enjoy the result of our years of evenings and weekends. Contains 6-14 hours of gameplay.Key Features 4D Gameplay The fourth dimension Time is as accessible to you as the other three since at any time you can rewind to any earlier point in time, to find that perfect moment for you. No more frustrating replays performing the same sequence over and over again. Just rewind and fix. Single Player Cooperation This is the key part of the game. You can exist in many parallel timelines using time clones. It means that every time you need a friend's help in the game, you can be that friend. You can spawn a new time clone at any position and time in the game, and once you create a new one it’s there forever. Multiple true timelines Time clones will continue to perform the actions you recorded. They are, however, still a part of the game world, and if you change the game world the end result will also change. Temporality fielded objects A temporality fielded object is an object that won’t be affected by your time manipulations, because it is inside a field that cancels out all timelines except the original one. The Paradox Effect Combining the true timelines with the temporality fielding allows us to create paradox based puzzles where one single timelines performs multiple different actions depending from where in time it is viewed. Mathematically every temporality fielded object increases the number of dimensions with one which is what allows the paradox effect.

296.09 RUB
T.E.C. 3001

Run, Rush, Haste, Burst Speed has never been pushed this far. Jump, Charge, Dodge, Slide You just slipped and got crushed! You can’t handle T.E.C 3001 yet… Try again until speed holds no secrets for you. In T.E.C 3001 (Tesla Energy Collector), you are guiding a cutting-edge technology robot to collect virtual space energy leftovers for humanity. With great graphics and a unique heart-pumping soundtrack, T.E.C 3001 has what it takes to keep you on the right track. Winner of the Indie Games Summer Uprising 2011, the game arrives on STEAM. Featuring: - 41 levels of speed bursting dexterity test. - Split screen multiplayer mode to challenge your friends on the same computer - Four ever-challenging game modes: Free, Drag, Speed and Endless. - 14 unique soundtracks to give you adrenaline rushes. - Simply the most hardcore runner game you can find. NOTE: Multiplayer is local. It means that 2 players can play on same machine, not over network

83.99 RUB
Mechanic Escape

In a world oppressed by ruthless machines, a stronghold full of die-hard TV-sets resists the persecution. Your lost friends and the lack of resources drive you to take action against the extinction. Brave the dangers and go find your comrades to rescue your species! Mechanic escape is a platform game full of infernal chases. In order to find his lost friends, Mech (the hero) doesn't hesitate to play the human cannonball, to pass throughout high-voltage areas or even dodge the most deadly machines. As if that was not enough, many bosses will take a real pleasure in chasing you to stop your insane journey. Mechanic Escape is a challenge for the most experienced players, that aims to defy your reflexes. Prepare yourself for a delirious escape combining rhythm and fun. A breathtaking adventure! 80 levels A hardcore game An original universe Plenty of achievements to unlock Steam Trading Cards Completely playable with a joystickDo not watch TV, play it.

21.13 RUB
IHF Handball Challenge 14

Сыграйте в лучший симулятор гандбола! Станьте чемпионом, сыграв в симулятор со 120 командами из трех лиг: Ligue Nationale de Handball (Франция), Toyota Handball Bundesliga (Германия) и Liga Asobal (Испания). 8 типов бросков, 4 типа передач, защитные приемы и возможность менять стратегию на ходу. Лучшие команды и игроки сезона 2013-2014, такие как Люк Абало и Доминик Кляйн. Создайте своего игрока и сыграйте в режиме карьеры. Участвуйте в турнирах или создайте свой, играя вчетвером одновременно!

363.96 RUB
SpellForce 2: Demons Of The Past

Demons of the Past is the epic new chapter of SpellForce, the unique blend of RPG and RTS. Experience this worthy conclusion of all previous games in the SpellForce-series. Check out the new single player campaign with 25+ hours of gameplay, in which nearly all races are playable – Pact, Clan, Shaikan…The StoryZazhut is free, and his wrath now descends upon Eo. The Shaikan are hopelessly outnumbered – but you, an Elder of the Shaikan, are not willing to give up hope. Joined by companions old and new, you head out towards the Realm of the Gods, for only they seem able to oppose Zazhut's power. However, the Gods play a game of their own, and don't seem to be inclined to help you... The fate of Eo now rests within your hands; face the demons of the past, collect information about Zazhut and banish evil from this world, once and for all. Much has changed in time... are your foes as dangerous and your friends as faithful as they used to be?Key Features5 totally new worlds – 8 worlds in total Many side quests and optional gameplay (Around 50 main quests and around 40 sidequests with lots of subquests) A gripping story that continues the narrative of all previous SpellForce games A lot of new items and item sets (used as rewards, loot and at merchants), new spells, new weapons Various Single- and Multiplayer modes: Campaign, Free game, Free game Coop, Skirmish, Domination First SpellForce series appearance: Survival multiplayer mode up to 3 players with new Boss Fight mode Major Engine & Technical Re-Design/Re-Work Choose between a Female and Male Avatar Stand Alone Add-On, no previous SpellForce titles are required to play Demons of the Past

317.35 RUB
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