

A Blind Legend

A Blind Legend is the first-ever action-adventure game without video – where ears replace eyes! Discover the original, innovative sensory experience of binaural 3D sound. HEADPHONES ARE COMPULSORY! AUDIO GAME FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE Your eyes will be of no help. So close them, sharpen your hearing and your blade... And embark on an epic, perilous rite of passage. Live the adventures of Edward Blake, the famous blind knight! Guided by your daughter Louise, you must find your way and avoid the many traps that lie in the High Castle Kingdom, while confronting dangerous enemies! This serious game is fully accessible to visually impaired people, and is aimed at anyone who’s eager for an original, immersive sensory experience through a ground-breaking video game. And because the player is the character, it will help raise public awareness of this kind of disability. This hack-and-slash game, with a heroic-fantasy flavour, harnesses the innovative technology of binaural sound, which delivers a gripping 3D soundscape and brings characters and actions vividly to life around the player – as if they were actually in the game! A Blind Legend was co-created thanks to support from a community of fans who helped with the crowdfunding campaign (www.ulule.com/a-blind-legend) and in a co-production with France Culture, a Radio France station.

185.80 RUB

YRMINSUL is a strategy game in a persistent universe where each combat is held in the form of a Tower Defence. Crush the forces of good! Features:+30 unique levels +30 different enemies 12 towers 15 spells A huge campaign 100 unlockable interactive comic pagesTower Defense:You love the frenzy of the tower defenses? Yrminsul is a fast paced tower defense in full 3D with a lot of content: +30 enemies, three types of enemy armies (Goblins, Monsters and Elves), 15 upgradable turrets, 16 spells and +30 levels with unique moods and design...Tactics:Before each attack, you have to choose carefully 4 turrets and 4 spells to use while defending. Knowing the enemies' strenght is important as you can go for single target damage or area of effect havoc; magic or physic damage; slow, stuns and other forms or control... Each army attacking you has its own strenghts and weaknesses, you have to know them to succeed!Strategy:Choose carefully which Island to invade, spy on the enemy to evaluate his forces. In Yrminsul, your opponents try to reclaim the islands you control. You will have to defend your territory from your enemies' sneaky attacks. At the same time, you will invade their Islands. You can go back and forth between the islands because the universe is persistent: when you build a turret, it will stay on its island unless the enemies gain control of the island.Resource management:In Yrminsul, you have to manage one main resource: Infamy. The infamy is your potential evilness and allows you to build defenses, to research new towers and spells, to spy on your enemies.... You have to manage carefully your infamy because you need to unlock new powers to face the strongest enemies. But doing so, would you have sufficient resources to defend your territory?Universe and backstory:As a RTS campaign, Yrminsul has a storyline and a universe you can explore. Each of the +30 levels has its own details and secrets, and more than 10 interactive comics unveil the story of Yrminsul!

38.05 RUB
Deponia Doomsday

В одну роковую ночь Руфус проснулся от жуткого кошмара: в нем он принес себя в жертву во имя спасения Депонии. Но какой ценой? На планету обрушился летающий город Элизиум. Будучи последним выжившим депонийцем, он сражался с воинственными дикарями, но вскоре понял, что выход у него только один: Он должен взорвать Депонию! И... Он отрастил усы. Конечно, он понял, что всех этих пугающих событий, особенно отращивания усов, следовало избежать любой ценой. Депония и его гладковыбритое лицо должны были уцелеть! Но действительно ли все это было сном? Заручившись поддержкой МакХроникла — безумного ученого, специализирующегося на вопросах времени и открывшего несколько странных временных аномалий — Руфус обнаруживает, что какие-то беспечные путешественники во времени из будущего припарковали свою машину времени рядом с его домом. Представьте, что случилось бы, попади это удивительное изобретение в плохие руки! Погрузитесь в атмосферу этого безбашенного продолжения культовой трилогии о Депонии и присоединитесь к безалаберному антигерою Руфусу в его удивительном приключении. Даже если вы пока не знакомы со вселенной этой игры, фееричный мир Депонии, стоящий на пороге Судного дня, не раз вызовет у вас улыбку, а то и заставит расхохотаться. Насладитесь странным юмором и уникальным миром, примите участие в самом главном и долгом приключении в истории Депонии. •    Новое обновление игры из серии «Депония», получившей немало наград •    Невероятный квестовый игровой процесс •    Уникальная ручная прорисовка в стиле комиксов •    Давно знакомые лица и более 70 новых, безбашенных персонажей, сыплющих странными шутками, которые вам так полюбились •    Поверните время вспять и станьте свидетелем нового витка развития планеты хламоискателей •    Клевые повороты событий •    Хлам и упадок: игровые уровни в атмосфере Депонии и Элизиума •    Откройте для себя все разнообразие флоры и фауны Депонии Издание включает в себя дополнительный контент: - официальный саундтрек - концепт-арт - цифровой арт-бук Вы сможете найти весь дополнительный контент в каталоге с установленной через Steam игрой ( например C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

711.77 RUB
Master of Orion

Культовая космическая стратегия в жанре 4X возвращается!Новая глава легендарной саги Master of Orion готова вновь захватить воображение миллионов игроков.Преданные поклонники будут рады узнать, что возрождение игры проходит под пристальным вниманием разработчиков предыдущих частей серии совместно с NGD Studios из Буэнос-Айреса!Откройте для себя Master of Orion, каким он и задумывался: симфоническое звуковое сопровождение, межзвёздные сражения и освоение космоса на фоне прекрасных далёких галактик. Сопротивляйтесь враждебным цивилизациям, ведите переговоры с загадочными пришельцами, делитесь знаниями с союзниками и исследуйте этот творчески воссозданный мир.Вот лишь некоторые особенности, которые будут доступны при выходе игры:все 10 рас оригинального Master of Orion, воплощённые в жизнь с помощью убедительного искусственного интеллекта и озвученные актёрами — обладателями наград;более 75 исследуемых технологий;гигантские галактики, вмещающие до 100 солнечных систем с мириадами звёзд и планет;модифицируемые корабли с характерными для каждой расы дизайнами;множество способов достичь победы, включая завоевание, технологическое превосходство, дипломатию и другие;захватывающий игровой процесс, в ходе которого вы будете снова и снова повторять «ещё только один ход».

401.62 RUB
Robin Hood

England, Anno Domini 1190 – Richard the Lionheart is held prisoner and his brother, Prince John rules over the simple peasants with an iron hand and this pure force of arms forces them to bend to authority. Only one man takes up the struggle against the oppressors, supported by a small band of brave and loyal followers. His name; Robin Hood.                          Roam the dense foliage of Sherwood, come face to face with royal trouble and battle against Prince John’s forces as you take on the role of legendary nobleman, Robin Hood. Team up with Little John and the rest of the Merry Men as the battle for the King’s throne ensues in this stealth-based, real-time strategy game.                         Key features:                        Non-linear campaign system with over 30 different missions                         Mission types from Robbery and Infiltration to Castle Attack and Ambush                         Combines action and adventure with stealth tactical elements                         Innovative combat system, interact with the mouse while fighting to access special combat skills                         Play as Robin Hood, Little John, Friar Tuck or even Maid Marian, nine characters in all, each with specific abilities and attributes                         Spectacular graphics with realistic atmospheric conditions like day, night and fog                         Explore historic locations; Sherwood Forest, Nottingham Castle, York and many more                         

117.93 RUB
Nicolas Eymerich - The Inquisitor - Book II: The Village

Discover a hero who is more determined than ever and continue the original story adapted from the bestseller by Valerio Evangelisti. Eymerich is asked to investigate the heresy reining in Calcarès, a remote village inhabited by the worst demons the world has ever known. Eymerich will have to learn about its inhabitants’ fiendish secrets and, with the help of a handful of survivors, attempt to cleanse this village soiled by the Devil. KEY POINTS: The sequel to an epic and action-packed adventure More than 25 different puzzles and enigmas Over 31 full-detailed enviornments Original and immersive soundtrack Menus and Sub-titles in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish

143.38 RUB
Garfield Kart

Use your best driving skills and the bonus objects to be first across the finish line! But watch out... it's a free-for-all out there! 16 DIFFERENT CIRCUITS — stunning 3D environments from the world of Garfield (Garfield's neighborhood, the city, the Mally supermarket, the sunny farm, the misty docks, the oasis, the dark manor house, etc.) 8 CHARACTERS — Garfield, Odie, Jon, Nermal, Arlene, Liz, Harry and Squeak. 8 BONUSES for some crazy attacks and defenses (Exploding Diamonds, Lasagnas, Pies, Magic Wand, Pillow, Bewitching Perfume, Flying Saucers) 3 GAME MODES: Grand Prix / Single Race / Time Trial 3 DIFFICULTY LEVELS: 50cc, 100 cc and 150 cc DAILY CHALLENGE: Try out a new challenge every day! CUSTOMIZE your characters with tons of hoods and accessories

75.51 RUB
Agon - The Lost Sword of Toledo

Professor Samuel Hunt, a historian of the British Museum travels to remote places of the world in search of mystic ancient games, treasured by the last families who can still master them. His current destination is the historic city of Toledo in Spain, famous of traditional sword-making. On arrival he finds a diseased old friend’s daughter in desperate need of help. She is in love with a young swordsmith who has been jailed innocently for theft of a valuable sword. The Professor soon becomes aware of malicious activities going on behind the scenes. Is it family revenge? Black magic? Lost bet? Dishonest intrigue? He must solve the mystery, as the only way to fulfill his mission is to find the sword and reveal the truth. Join him now - even if you have not yet played the previous episodes.Key FeaturesIntriguing plot from an award-winning story-teller Exploration of an authentic, traditional environment Challenging, story-driven puzzles Re-playable ancient board game Amazing graphics Engaging characters and excellent voice acting Rich atmospheric sound, authentic music Suitable for all from 10 to 80++

143.38 RUB
Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition

Dracula 5 - The Blood Legacy Отважитесь ли вы на схватку с Князем Тьмы? Вернувшись в Метрополитен-музей, Элен Кросс выставляет наконец портрет Дракулы, привезенный из Стамбула. Но увы, долгожданное творение похищено в ту же самую ночь. Отправляясь по следам вора, Элен обнаруживает новые факты о таинственном братстве «Тень Дракона», с которым пресловутый Влад Тепес связан каким-то образом. ОБЗОР Оригинальные головоломки Графика и кинематика высокой четкости Система инвентаря с комбинированием предметов Иммерсивное звуковое оформление и завораживающие, оригинальные музыкальные композиции Альтернативная концовкаDracula 4 - The Shadow of the Dragon Сможете ли вы раскрыть тайну Дракона? Грузовой корабль, перевозящий ценную коллекцию предметов искусства для Метрополитен-музея в Нью-Йорке, терпит кораблекрушение. Несколько месяцев спустя одна из картин обнаружена в Венгрии. Музей отправляет художника-реставратора Эллен Кросс подтвердить подлинность картины. Эллен никогда бы не догадалась, что это задание станет началом путешествия через всю Европу в поисках портрета знаменитого принца Валахии Влада Цепеша. Молодая женщина страдает от серьезной болезни. Путешествуя от Будапешта до Стамбула в поисках картины, она попадает в конфликт между первым вампиром и "Тенью Дракона" - тайным орденом, члены которого мечтают создать новый род существ, свободных от власти Дракулы. ОБЗОР Графика и видео высокой четкости Благодаря оригинальной системе интерактивного инвентаря вы можете комбинировать и создавать новые предметы Различные головоломки Звуковые эффекты, затягивающая атмосфера, завораживающая оригинальная музыка Плавное и интуитивное управление "укажи и щелкни" с использованием 360°-движка

160.35 RUB
FreakOut: Extreme Freeride

The steepest slopes, thrilling stunts and dangerous action provide a most excellent skiing experience. At an altitude of 2000 metres, far away from civilization, in a battle between you and nature. Who rides the craziest track, where does the next jump lead to; speed, tricks or staying upright - Only those who are willing to push their own boundaries will experience the ultimate adrenaline rush! For the first time the player gets the opportunity to go off-piste with his skiers without being cramped by unrealistic barriers. Stylish jumps, no rules, extreme speed, off-piste, crazy stunts – that’s in! No barriers to prevent the player from feeling the real freedom of fresh powder snow while screaming down mountainsides with only their nerve to hold them back.Key Features4 mountains in different landscapes Race and jump missions at every mountain Additional „Special Events“ at every mountain where the player can gain extra points and special prizes 16 different jumps Upgrade your skier with over 30 different pieces of equipment to utilize

158.28 RUB
Last Inua

A father and son tale, Last Inua will leave you breathless with its immersive, emotional and captivating gameplay. Last Inua is an immersive and emotional, award winning 2D platform adventure game developed by Glowforth. Designed for the young and old and mixing classic platform genres, culminating in a captivating experience, Last Inua tells the tale of an Inuit family’s fight for survival against a fearsome demon and the harsh elements of the mythical Arctic.Key Features An immersive + emotional, award winning 2D platform adventure. Intriguing storyline, epic scenery, beautiful gameplay & fun puzzles. Amazingly handcrafted character animations and artwork. Control two unique characters with a strong emotional bond A unique world combining Inuit mythology + modern game culture.STORY The Tonrar, a demonic trickster, has awoken in the Arctic. The mythical powers that are still very active in this part of the world are under severe threat. The Tonrar is spreading his darkness that is taking over both the physical aspects (ice, snow and caves) but also the mythological. The Inuit gods, giant mythical creatures; the Ice Bear, the Raven and the Narwhal are all under threat by the Tonrar. They are slowly losing their power, health and sanity - infected by this darkness. Hiko and Ataataq are the only hope, yet Hiko is physically and will need to rely on the brute strength of his powerhouse father, Ataataq. Guiding Hiko, his physically weak but gifted son along this epic journey, Ataataq will need to rely on his brute strength to overcome many obstacles. Hiko, although more fragile than his father, carries with him supernatural abilities and magical skills that exceed the physical powers of his father. Together, Ataataq and Hiko must traverse the arctic landscape and visit The Trinity of the Mythical Creatures to help defeat the malevolent Tonrar. Physically weak and fragile, Hiko will need the help of his father to reach the end of this wondrous tale.

150.33 RUB
MX vs. ATV Unleashed

Rainbow Studios has mastered ATV’s, conquered motocross, and now redefines the genre they built on the PC. Rainbow Studios isn’t the only one building anymore, as the MX vs ATV Unleashed franchise introduces a track editor for the first time, allowing players to create the ultimate offroad environments. Race through miles of open terrain and vast environments in a multitude of vehicles vying to own the offroad. Immense freeworld areas boast a variety of specialized SuperMoto, Short track, Hill climb, and Waypoint races. Just when you think you’ve reached the pinnacle of racing, an assortment of freeworld challenges, freestyle competitions, and a variety of mini games await. Take on the racing world in an attempt to knock off motocross and ATV riders in over 50 technical supercross and rugged outdoor tracks. Throughout the season, motocross bikes and ATV’s collide on the same track to determine racing’s best machine. The most complete offroad experience unleashes the power into the players hands on the PC.Key FeaturesTrack editor: create the ultimate off-road environment, take it online and race all challengers New off-road vehicles: rip through the sand dunes in two new ATV models, launch off snow-capped mountains with a redesigned monster truck, or show off two new pimped out 4x4 golf karts to country-club friends New racing events, mini-games, and freestyle challenges: SuperMoto, Short track, Hill climbs, Way point races, Monster Mash, Gap Jumps, and more New outdoor freestyle: check your skills in pulling off over 40 rider stunts in this new game mode Open class competition: race numerous off-road vehicles in six-player multiplayer races Ultra-realistic physics: Rainbow's "Rhythm Racing" physics engine perfectly re-creates each vehicle's real-world handling to conquer all dangerous terrain Rainbow Studios: the creators of Motocross Madness return to their PC roots with the ultimate offroad racing game

237.82 RUB
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