
Modding Tool Add-on - Power & Revolution 2023 Edition

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482.68 RUB
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The modding tool add-on lets players create and play contexts and scenarios (mods), as well as share them with other users. Since its release, more than 800 mods have already been shared and downloaded using the tool.

A comprehensive creation tool

The modding add-on lets you :
modify country data (economic, political, demographic, fiscal...)
change international relations between countries (diplomatic alignment, military alliances...)
transform world geography (merging countries, making regions independent, putting a new city on the map...)
create new missions and scenarios that are highly developed and detailed (triggering protests, wars, disasters, political scandals, assassinations, national elections, character demands... with the option of defining several conditions for triggering these events, and editing game text...)
remake history by creating scenarios starting in the past or the future, from year 1900
enrich the scenarios with new character faces and names, new logos and group names with the customization kit that can be used with the modding tool
easily share your creations (host and download from our website, directly send mods from the game...)
New features (compared to the Masters of the World modding tool)

the creation of mods to play as the legal (or illegal) opposition
the creation of illegal groups with a suitable allotment of regions under their control, configuration of their armed forces, adjustment of their might and their local popularity
the creation of city battles
the possibility of changing a country's chief of state or changing a character's politcal party
the possibility of adding buildings (power plants) to the map
the possibility of modifying the appearance of new units: drones, police vans, armed extremists, police...
the possibility of putting down spontaneous riots
planning actions: beginning and ending city battles (civilian or military) and testing their outcome, normalization of an illegal terrorist group, a legal party becoming an illegal organization, calling for a vote on legislation (with or without the expected outcome) and testing their outcome, granting a region independence, withdrawal of troops from a country
conditions for planning actions: testing the creation of an international organization, the popularity and loyalty levels among characters, the existence of scandals and the possibility of exposure, the existence of a network of clandestine services, grabbing power or being deposed, the death of a character, the nomination of a minister
modification of laws concerning unconventional gas and petroleum
the possibility of creating mods in Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese
new scenarios "Arctic Wars" and "The End of Europe?"
Some examples

Arctic Wars
In 2018, the United States and Russia vie for control of the immense resources of the Arctic which, because of climate change, have become more easily accessible. After the election of a Republican president in the 2016 election, the United States has established additional military bases on the west coast of Greenland. Russia has done the same on the east coast of Greenland. Petroleum (10% of the world's reverse), gas, aluminum, rare earth elements...this part of the world has become strategically crucial and considering the antagonistic nature of the presidents of these two superpowers, the risk of conflagration is extremely high! Moreover, a worried Greenland wants independence from its controlling nation, the Kingdom of Denmark, and the restrictive laws of its environmental program. It's up to you: as the leader of Denmark, try to avoid global unrest!

The End of Europe?
In the year 2020, the European Union has completely broken apart. Nearly all of its countries have left the organization after populist parties win national elections. Moreover, several states were created after some regions (such as Catalonia and Scotland) gained their independence. Take charge of the opposition party of various countries to try to build a new Europe.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 11, 10, 8
  • Процессор: 1.6 Ghz
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 500 MB
  • ОС: macOS 10.15 or higher
  • Процессор: Intel or M1
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 11, 10, 8
  • Процессор: 2 Ghz , multi-core processor
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 3D Video card with 1Gb or more of dedicated VRAM
  • Место на диске: 500 MB
  • ОС: macOS 10.15 or higher
  • Процессор: Intel or M1
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ

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The Pegasus Expedition

The Pegasus Expedition is a story-driven sci-fi grand strategy game set in a key moment for humankind’s survival. Facing an overwhelming threat at home, humanity sends an expedition to the Pegasus Galaxy in a desperate attempt to find a refuge for the population of Earth, only to find themselves in the middle of an interstellar war they inadvertently started. As you lead one of these fleets, your mission soon transitions from exploration to governance, conquest, and eventually a fight for survival. Players will experience a challenging story where nothing is self-evident and every decision will have its consequences. Building on the legacy of the grand strategy genre, The Pegasus Expedition adds a strong narrative side to the classic 4X-gameplay which involves managing your diplomatic ties, armies, economy and scientific development.Key FeaturesImmense handcrafted world – a replayable campaign set in a rich, vast world. Conflict and tragedy – experience a deep storyline, where no-one is perfect and ends will often have to justify the means. Choose to be the leader you wish to be – face difficult moral choices in difficult times, and suffer their consequences. Rewarding gameplay experience – Versatile 4X gameplay with many different approaches to various challenges the campaign presents. Meaningful diplomacy – a diverse and versatile system with over 30 independent factions in the galaxy. Planning-based combat – manage your warfronts' bigger picture, and weigh which losses you’re willing to take for success. A story driven 4X-gameThe Pegasus Expedition is a story driven grand strategy game which focuses on combining an epic sci-fi narrative with a solid 4X foundation to create a very unique narrative strategy game experience. Your decisions and actions shape the galaxy around you, with every alliance and crisis you suffer or cause leaving their mark. The CouncilAs the Director of Zeus Link fleet, you control all aspects of the Zeus Link, making all of your critical decisions with your council; the group of your closest subordinates and advisors. They will inform you of the new developments in the galaxy, and do their part in solving the numerous crises and incidents you will have to resolve, one way or another. Economy You will start out with only your seasoned but thin expeditionary fleet, and you will need to develop a functioning economy fast to keep the Expedition going. After all, you will be supplied from home for only so long. Diplomacy in a Torn Galaxy The Pegasus Galaxy is full of independent factions, with their own grudges, rivalries and fragile alliances, so you’ll need to navigate this diplomatic landscape with care in order to succeed. That will involve both making dynamic deals and treaties in the diplomacy system, as well as making tough choices in dialogue. After all, you are a suspicious and despised newcomer in this galaxy, with limited time and huge expectations to accomplish. Manage your Fleets and OfficersTo survive in this new and often hostile galaxy, it’s extremely important to keep your forces improving and your leaders trained. You will have to work with limited human resources, and choosing the right person for the right job can often make the difference. Assign admirals, governors and special forces operatives to help you to victory. Stellar WarfareWar never really changes, and the Pegasus galaxy has a lot of it to offer. Choose your strategies and plan your battles well, as in the Pegasus Expedition’s unique combat, careful planning is everything. Espionage and the well thought out movement of your forces will be crucial in war, in order to have your fleets at the right place at the right time. TechnologyIn the future, there’s an even shinier future ahead. There are great discoveries to be made, and many things, great and less great, that you can do using those discoveries. To have a chance against your foes, you'll need to be one step ahead of them in technology too, and not just in strategy. Fight Against the Ever Worsening OddsYour starting situation is not an easy one... And it’s only going to get worse. The longer the expedition continues, the higher the stakes, with new threats, enemies, backstabbers and heroic resistance movements. Everything to keep the campaign dynamic, interesting, and challenging to the very end. With a plenty of characters, sidequests and twists and turns to the campaign, the dynamic Pegasus Galaxy will present new challenges to face that will keep you on your toes.

596.34 RUB

Вы — тёмный маг, которому не следовало связываться со слишком могущественными заклинаниями. Но вы, конечно, всё равно рискнули. На этот раз дела пошли совсем скверно: из-за вас в мир явились Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса и их приспешники! Блестящий результат, что и говорить… Итак, поторопитесь: используйте волшебные карты, чтобы отправить эту великолепную четвёрку обратно в её адское измерение, пока Апокалипсис не уничтожил всех и вся — и, что ещё важнее, пока совет магов не обнаружил, что вы натворили… Cardaclysm: Осколки Четырёх — это генерируемая случайным образом коллекционная карточная игра с элементами RPG! Собирайте карты существ и заклинаний и используйте их силу в бою! Мир игры бесконечен: здесь всегда найдётся что-то новое! Вас ждут 5 фракций и более 200 карт, у каждой из которых свои уникальные свойства, графика и 3D-анимация Используйте более 40 артефактов для усиления вашего героя Сразитесь с пятью мифическими боссами: победа над каждым требует своего подхода к игровой механике Исследуйте бесконечные миры в разнообразных биомах Проходите испытания и обменивайтесь картами в Межмировом пабе, в который вы сможете попасть в промежутках между заданиями Собирайте, комбинируйте и используйте силу чудовищ, мистических существ и магических заклинаний в пошаговых сражениях! В игре «Cardaclysm: Осколки Четырёх» более 200 карт, и у каждой свои уникальные свойства, графика и 3D-анимация. Бросайте вызов противникам и сражайтесь с ними на аренах, расположенных в различных биомах. Преодолевайте раскалённые пустыни, вечные льды и непролазные джунгли. Будьте осторожны: за каждым поворотом вас ожидают безжалостные чудовища! В промежутках между сражениями посетите Межмировой паб. Здесь можно проходить испытания, обмениваться могущественными картами, а также прятать лишние заклинания в свой личный сундук до той поры, пока они вновь не понадобятся вам в эпическом сражении с силами тьмы.

304.55 RUB
Warhammer 40,000 Gladius - Demolition Pack

New units join the fight! 11 new units are ready to enter the battle for Gladius Prime with the Demolition Pack! These new units are ready to demolish all the enemies’ defenses and they will give you more new strategic options.   Sydonian Dragoon - Adeptus Mechanicus Fast close-combat walker unit Dragoons are tried and tested Skitarii warriors of the Adeptus Mechanicus who are given the honour of riding to war atop venerated, stilt-legged Ironstrider Engines. These fearless cavaliers thunder through enemy fire to plunge lance-first into the thick of the enemy's ranks, the pent-up energies of their taser weaponry blasting the foe back in a blazing storm of sparks. Those foolish enough to mount a counter-assault are stamped unceremoniously into the dirt. Field Ordnance Battery - Astra Militarum Large man-portable artillery pieces able to shell out enemy units at long range Ordnance teams crew some of the largest human-maneuverable weapons fielded by the Astra Militarum. On Gladius Prime, the imperial regiments exclusively use anti-infantry Bombast Cannons. This is less down to any particular military plan and more due to an Adeptus Administratum counting error in an ancient shipping manifest. Chaos Terminator - Chaos Space Marines Elite heavily armoured infantry that excels against all targets and can use powerful combi-weapons Chaos Terminators form the elite of their masters' Heretic Astartes warbands, for though they are ponderous compared to their standard Power Armour-clad comrades, nothing short of a dedicated anti-tank laser can stop a Terminator in full stride. These seasoned killers often act as the personal guards of an esteemed Champion of Chaos, enforcing the commands of their leader with pitiless efficiency and taking their pick of the spoils after each victory. Talos - Drukhari Heavy assault creature with powerful close-range weapons The Talos Pain Engine is a ghoulish melding of stitch-puckered flesh and armoured artifice, boasting tremendous resilience and a nightmarish array of weaponry. Each is the proud creation of the Drukhari Haemonculi, who employ their Talos as torture devices, surgical assistants and armoured murder machines with equal delight. Wraithlord - Craftworld Aeldari Versatile monstrous creature equipped with a vast array of weapons and able to perform powerful melee attacks Each Wraithlord is a precious component of its craftworld’s forces. Body and animating spirit alike are revered relics of a vanished age, for only the souls of the strongest Eldar heroes have the psychic presence to give life to these wraithbone shells. These long-departed nobility fight as they did in life – if they favored the press of close combat or the art of killing from afar, this will be reflected in the Wraithlord’s choice of weapon. Skorpekh Destroyer - Necrons Elite armoured close-range infantry unit Not all of the Necron Destroyer cult favour ranged weaponry or hover modifications. Rushing forward like ungainly tripods, their hyperphase limbs sweeping in a whirlwind of gore, Skorpekh Destroyers feed their need to kill whenever they are unleashed upon the battlefield. Nothing else can override the hard-wired desire to destroy all organic life that empowers these deranged Necrons. Burna Boy - Orks Anti-infantry unit equipped with a versatile flamethrower Burna Boyz are dedicated arsonists all, advancing on the foe amid gouts of billowing flame. They love nothing more than burning other peoples’ stuff, and the owners too if they can get them. These lunatics will set light to anything or anyone for the simple joy of watching them ‘do the burny dance’. They can prove utterly lethal to tightly packed or lightly armoured infantry, the roiling blasts of their burnas flushing their victims out of cover amid the sizzle of cooking flesh. Faced with more heavily armoured enemies, the Burna Boyz simply twist the apertures of their burnas to provide a tight, metal-slicing jet of blue heat. Charging into combat, Burna Boyz use these weapons to slice even incredibly resilient foes into glowing, heat-seared chunks. Arco Flagellant - Adepta Sororitas Expendable light melee infantry Arco-flagellants lope alongside faithful armies in packs, their lashlike limbs whipping back and forth as they follow their priestly masters to battle. When the enemy is sighted, they are driven into a frenzied killing rage by a potent cocktail of adrenal stimulants and neural kill-signals, whereupon they hurl themselves into battle with no thought for self-preservation or restraint. Hacking and slashing with cyber-implanted flails, pneu-mattocks and cleavers, they fight on dementedly until there is nothing left of their foes but a pile of mutilated corpses. Assault Terminator - Space Marines Heavy melee infantry unit equipped with a powerful weapon and shield The first company veterans deployed as Terminator Assault Squads forgo ranged combat, instead blasting their way with thunder hammers and deflecting enemy fire with their towering storm shields. This combination is especially effective in the close confines of boarding actions or tunnel-fighting, where a single squad can slaughter many times their number of foes without taking a single casualty. Fire Warrior Breacher - T’au Short-range infantry unit that excels in counterattacks T’au Breacher infantry specialize in brutally effective close-range assaults, clearing enemy structures and fortified positions of threats in a tight, tactical formation. They deliver sharp, shockingly sudden frontline displays of raw incendiary power that grind enemy soldiers into dust, discharging Pulse Blasters and hurling Photon Grenades until they are certain every path is clear. Maleceptor - Tyranids Synapse monstrous creature with support psychic capabilities Though blind, the rare and mighty Maleceptor is a living vessel for the Hive Mind. Warp energy spears from its eyeless cranium to vaporize anything in its path, and those with minds strong enough to survive its keening psychic screams are laid low by its powerful talons.

326.63 RUB
Worms W.M.D

The worms are back in their most destructive game yet. With a gorgeous, hand-drawn 2D look, brand new weapons, the introduction of crafting, vehicles, and buildings plus the return of some much-loved classic weapons and gameplay, Worms W.M.D is the best worms experience ever.Work your way through 30 campaign levels of increasing difficulty using the huge arsenal of new and classic weapons at your disposal. Use new vehicles to cause chaos amongst the enemy ranks and use buildings to gain a tactical advantage as you try to dominate the battlefield!Take on up to five opponents in hilarious all-out tactical worm warfare with up to eight worms each, either in local or online multiplayer, including ranked play. Flatten your opponents with the Concrete Donkey. Turn them into chunks of worm meat with the Holy Hand Grenade. Rain down hell from above in helicopters or pound them into oblivion with the tank. With 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, this is Worms at its chaotic best!Key FeaturesWonderfully 2D: The best implementation of the Worms formula yet, now with a brand new worm, and gorgeous digitally-painted 2D artwork.Vehicles: Worm warfare gets serious with the introduction of vehicles for the first time in the series. Dominate the landscape in warfare-ready tanks, take to the skies to unleash hell from above in helicopters, and more!Buildings: Keep your head down, and hide out in a building. Buildings provide a tactical advantage by hiding away your worms, and keeping them safe from direct attacks!Crafting: No more waiting around while your opponents take their turns! Grab the crafting crates that drop from the sky during games to make fiendishly upgraded versions of items such as the Electric Sheep, the Bazooka Pie, and the Holy Mine Grenade to unleash on your enemies!Classic Worms Physics and Gameplay: Our brand new engine recreates the feel of the fan-favorite entrants in the series, and sees the reintroduction of the much-loved Classic Ninja Rope!New and classic weapons: Over 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, including many returning classics and a slew of new additions such as the Dodgy Phone Battery, the Unwanted Present, and the OMG strike.Mounted Guns: As if over 80 weapons and utilities weren't already enough! A range of different gun types is placed around the landscape, allowing your warmongering worms to do even MORE damage!Hilarious single-player plus online and local multiplayer warfare: Worms W.M.D comes locked and loaded with a huge arsenal of Training Missions, Campaign Missions, and Challenges for the solo player. Train up then head online to create havoc in multiplayer modes including ranked play, with room for up to six players with eight worms each on a map! Worms™ W.M.D. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd. © 2016. Team17 and Worms™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. Original concept Andy Davidson. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed and published by Team17 Digital Limited.

2321.00 RUB
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