
Orcs Must Die! 2 - Are We There Yeti?

Дата выхода:
Robot Entertainment
Robot Entertainment
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Французский, Итальянский
Cистема активации:
52.36 RUB
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Описание игры

Доставайте из загашников варежки! Ваш герой отправляется защищать крепости в краях Белого безмолвия. Обороните крепости Ледяной пещеры от одного из самый опасных врагов!

Ice Cavern!

Три новых уровня и тема Ледяной пещеры!
Три новых карты для бесконечного режима!
Леденящие кровь йети лезут на баррикады и мечут в вас ледяные снаряды!  
Гоблин-сапер бродит вокруг и разряжает ваши любовно установленные ловушки.
Новое оружие:   гномий дальномет обрушивает на врагов заряженные маной снаряды.
Новая ловушка: Стена с шипами способна заколоть врагов до смерти.
Новый амулет:  амулет Стражника оживит погибших стражников.
Новые костюмы персонажей!

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • OS *:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Processor:2GHz Dual Core
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better with 256MB VRAM
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
  • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
  • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

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The Pegasus Expedition is a story-driven sci-fi grand strategy game set in a key moment for humankind’s survival. Facing an overwhelming threat at home, humanity sends an expedition to the Pegasus Galaxy in a desperate attempt to find a refuge for the population of Earth, only to find themselves in the middle of an interstellar war they inadvertently started. As you lead one of these fleets, your mission soon transitions from exploration to governance, conquest, and eventually a fight for survival. Players will experience a challenging story where nothing is self-evident and every decision will have its consequences. Building on the legacy of the grand strategy genre, The Pegasus Expedition adds a strong narrative side to the classic 4X-gameplay which involves managing your diplomatic ties, armies, economy and scientific development.Key FeaturesImmense handcrafted world – a replayable campaign set in a rich, vast world. Conflict and tragedy – experience a deep storyline, where no-one is perfect and ends will often have to justify the means. Choose to be the leader you wish to be – face difficult moral choices in difficult times, and suffer their consequences. Rewarding gameplay experience – Versatile 4X gameplay with many different approaches to various challenges the campaign presents. Meaningful diplomacy – a diverse and versatile system with over 30 independent factions in the galaxy. Planning-based combat – manage your warfronts' bigger picture, and weigh which losses you’re willing to take for success. A story driven 4X-gameThe Pegasus Expedition is a story driven grand strategy game which focuses on combining an epic sci-fi narrative with a solid 4X foundation to create a very unique narrative strategy game experience. Your decisions and actions shape the galaxy around you, with every alliance and crisis you suffer or cause leaving their mark. The CouncilAs the Director of Zeus Link fleet, you control all aspects of the Zeus Link, making all of your critical decisions with your council; the group of your closest subordinates and advisors. They will inform you of the new developments in the galaxy, and do their part in solving the numerous crises and incidents you will have to resolve, one way or another. Economy You will start out with only your seasoned but thin expeditionary fleet, and you will need to develop a functioning economy fast to keep the Expedition going. After all, you will be supplied from home for only so long. Diplomacy in a Torn Galaxy The Pegasus Galaxy is full of independent factions, with their own grudges, rivalries and fragile alliances, so you’ll need to navigate this diplomatic landscape with care in order to succeed. That will involve both making dynamic deals and treaties in the diplomacy system, as well as making tough choices in dialogue. After all, you are a suspicious and despised newcomer in this galaxy, with limited time and huge expectations to accomplish. Manage your Fleets and OfficersTo survive in this new and often hostile galaxy, it’s extremely important to keep your forces improving and your leaders trained. You will have to work with limited human resources, and choosing the right person for the right job can often make the difference. Assign admirals, governors and special forces operatives to help you to victory. Stellar WarfareWar never really changes, and the Pegasus galaxy has a lot of it to offer. Choose your strategies and plan your battles well, as in the Pegasus Expedition’s unique combat, careful planning is everything. Espionage and the well thought out movement of your forces will be crucial in war, in order to have your fleets at the right place at the right time. TechnologyIn the future, there’s an even shinier future ahead. There are great discoveries to be made, and many things, great and less great, that you can do using those discoveries. To have a chance against your foes, you'll need to be one step ahead of them in technology too, and not just in strategy. Fight Against the Ever Worsening OddsYour starting situation is not an easy one... And it’s only going to get worse. The longer the expedition continues, the higher the stakes, with new threats, enemies, backstabbers and heroic resistance movements. Everything to keep the campaign dynamic, interesting, and challenging to the very end. With a plenty of characters, sidequests and twists and turns to the campaign, the dynamic Pegasus Galaxy will present new challenges to face that will keep you on your toes.

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Desert Law

Машина - это не движок, пушка, колеса и броня. Машина - это Свобода! Куда бы ты ни захотел поехать, ты едешь, и никто не смеет указывать тебе. Этот мир - твой! Койоты – это смесь жанров RTS и RPG. Это приключение, которое ты переживешь в постапокалиптическом будущем вместе с Брэдом, главным героем, и его друзьями. Тебе придется вкусить радость побед и горечь поражений, пережить предательство и узнать цену настоящей дружбе. 29 насыщенных событиями миссий; 30 эпизодов комикса, последовательно раскрывающего игроку интригующий сюжет; 46 типов некогда мирных автомобилей, переделанных под адские орудия; 1 По-Настоящему Огромный Секретный Грузовик; 7 героев с разными RPG характеристиками и набором опыта от миссии к миссии; Возможность использования героями любой доступной в миссии техники; Реалистичные американские постъядерные пейзажи.

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Iron Sky Invasion: The Second Fleet

The Add-on "The Second Fleet" brings Iron Sky: Invasion's action to a whole new level! Become a true space commander, assuming control of not only your own ship, but an entire fleet of Earth’s forces! This addition of tactical real time strategy coupled with frenetic space combat offers a brand new dimension of interstellar dogfighting. A seemingly endless stream of enemy vessels loom on the fringes of space, threatening to completely overtake earth’s forces. Ignite the flames of war and fly deep into space, cutting a swath of destruction through the enemy ranks as you rocket to victory, commanding your forces for the glory of earth. Only a true tactical commander can destroy “The Second Fleet”. Controlling a fleet of ships is easy to learn but difficult to master. Players must keep a close eye on their real time map, and make tactical decisions of the fly, sending squadrons of fighters across open space to take down interstellar threats as they emerge.FeaturesThrilling space combat combined with Real Time Strategy Take control of an entire fleet of earth’s fighters New tactical options force players to adopt new strategies and make lighting fast decisions Call for support at any time during the battle Includes all ships from the movie and the main game

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