
Orcs Must Die! 2 - Fire and Water Booster Pack

Дата выхода:
Robot Entertainment
Robot Entertainment
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Французский, Итальянский
Cистема активации:
184.22 RUB
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Описание игры

Сразитесь с новыми грозными врагами с этим набором для Orcs Must Die 2!

Ключевые особенности
Три совершенно новых уровня!
Три дополнительных превращения в режиме бесконечной игры!
Три новых ловушки: набрасыватель сетей, напольный портал и смертоносный дротикомет!
Два новых типа элементалей разнообразят бой!
Новая награда «Без ловушек»!

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • OS *:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Processor:2GHz Dual Core
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better with 256MB VRAM
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:9 GB HD space
  • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
  • Additional:Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play.

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Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2

SETTING The Eastern Front, the most decisive theatre of World War II and the largest land battlefield.  A fight to the end, Total War between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, each commanding millions. The legendary wargame team at 2by3 Games has spent years revisiting this titanic conflict to once again establish a new state of the art. Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is a complete overhaul and improvement of the original War in the East, with no stone left unturned to provide a more realistic, more historically rich, and more challenging strategy experience.  War in the East 2 comes with a wide array of scenarios ranging from the short tutorial on the Battle for Velikie Luki, to the four month Destruction of Southwest Front, up to the immense full 1941 – 1945 Grand Campaign of the entire Eastern front from Operation Barbarossa to the fall of Berlin.  A total of seven Operational Scenarios and three Full Map Campaigns await you with hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of historical gameplay. Years of new development have resulted in the best AI opponent ever made by 2by3 for any of their game. Also included are a much more accurate map including a full single and double rail network as well as the historical road network, a detailed and expanded Order of Battle, new realistic movement and combat models, an advanced Logistics system, a vastly improved and easy to manage Air system and many other improvements in the interface and game management, as well as a built-in encyclopedia of the weapons and units of the Eastern Front.  This is just scratching the surface of the many new features and improvements, all of which are explained in a fully comprehensive manual, also available as a physical copy. FEATURES 3 Full Map Campaigns - 1941-45 Campaign (June 22 1941 – 1 August 1945) - Stalingrad to Berlin (November 19 1942 – 4 July 1945) - Vistula to Berlin (13 January 1945 – 1 June 1945) 7 Smaller Operational Scenarios - Velikie Luki ’42 (17 November 1942 – 25 January 1943) – The Soviet counterattack to recapture this important rail junction. - Road to Minsk (22 June 1941 – July 2 1941) – The rush to the Dnepr by Army Group Center. - Road to Leningrad (22 June 41 – 8 Oct 41) – Army Group North moves on Leningrad. - The Destruction of Southwest Front (22 June 41 – 15 October 41) – Army Group South and Guderian cause the largest Soviet surrender in the war. - Operation Typhoon 41 (30 September 1941 – 5 January 1942) – The final offensive to take Moscow. - Red Army Resurgent (19 November 1942 – 17 March 1943) – The destruction of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. - Red God of War (24 November 1942 – 8 February 1943) – The failed Soviet northern offensive. Improved AI Opponent - Newly re-designed and re-built by Gary Grigsby for War in the East 2 - Greatly enhanced Defensive AI performance as well as improved Offensive AI performance More Accurate Map and Movement rules: - Map based on better projection yields a larger number of hexes in the main combat area (106 hex frontage from Rostov to Leningrad versus 87 in WitE). - Advanced Terrain/Road rules – Road quality in every hex combines with terrain to generate much more realistic impacts of terrain on movement, combat and supplies. - Administrative Movement – Accounts for ability to move rapidly in friendly territory, especially where there are better roads. - Ability to stack additional units into urban and port hexes Off-Map Theater Boxes and Theater Events: - Theater boxes representing other theaters of the war (North Africa, Italy, etc.), and a full set of events including garrison requirements in the TBs along with other events like partisan operations. - Partisan war now handled with a Soviet Union garrison box, events, and partisan interdiction placed on map. - Enhanced Player Theater Box Control game option that allows players to choose more flexible movement of units between theaters, but at a cost for failing to meet garrison requirements versus benefits for exceeding them. - More accurate historical line up of units, HQs and support units and their historical movement between theaters. - Additional historical campaign events. Improved Air System incorporating both a more Advanced Air Mode and a Streamlined Air Operational Group Mode - On Map Airbases - Much more realistic Air Combat and Support Resolution compared to War in the East and War in the West. - A separate Air Phase is now used for many air actions, with ground support and transport done in the movement phase. - Advanced Air Mode allows full detailed control of the entire Air War, equivalent to a game within a game. -  New “Air Operational Group” Mode which allows you to move Air Groups on the map and provides an easy and streamlined way to manage the air game while focusing on the ground game.  This makes the air game easier to manage even for those players that want full control. - Full AI Air Assist that can run most of the air operations based on just a few orders given by the player to the Air Operational Groups. More accurate and detailed historical weather model incorporating per-hex Weather changes based on the system developed for War in the West. Changes in Ground Combat to reflect Historical operations: - New Combat Preparation Points for units allow for build ups for better offensive operations and punish units that are in combat every turn without a rest. - Combat Delay Points account for the time spent fighting in a hex and will slow units that move through a hex where significant combat took place that turn. - Attacks can now deprive defending units of future MPs. - Multi-hex retreats. Many interface improvements, including new art, reorganized screens, a new Turn Summary and more important information regarding your units and situation brought to the top level for easier discovery and quicker access. Automated Soviet factory evacuation. Improved Commander’s Report screens with more flexibility and CSV export capability for out of game analysis. Special designation of Assault HQs allowing Command benefits for offensive armies at the cost of some defensive abilities. Increased Command cost of integrating multiple nationalities under the same command. Greater direct attachment of support units to certain Soviet and Axis Allied divisions, along with multi-role units that can be on map or used as support. New In-Game WitEpedia – Includes Detailed Information and Links concerning units and weapons of the Eastern Front. Detailed TO&E and Order of Battle Charts with information about many of the units on the Eastern Front. 520 Page full color manual, including appendices and designer's notes fully documenting every aspect of the game.  The additional Physical version (only) comes with a hardbound full color printed manual.

4163.90 RUB
Grand Ages: Medieval

Особенности: Исследуйте обширный мир игры с территорией  более чем 20 миллионов квадратных километров, стратегически размещайте новые важные города и защищайте свое королевство от иностранных держав. Создайте армию и отправьте рыцарей, лучников и кавалерию сражаться с соперниками Производите  20 разных видов товаров, среди которых уголь, фрукты и керамика, и торгуйте ими, чтобы удовлетворять потребности горожан и солдат.   Исследуйте и используйте 50 основных достижений технологического прогресса Средневековья, к которым относятся трехполевой севооборот,  горизонтальный ткацкий станок и  большой лук. Ощутите на себе разрушительные силы природы, такие как ураганы, пожары, извержения вулканов, засухи, землетрясения и даже чума. Захватывающий  многопользовательский режим для 8 игроков. 1050 год нашей эры. В начале Высокого Средневековья прогресс в Европе достиг небывалого уровня, и население быстро росло и развивалось во всех уголках континента. Были исследованы новые области, заложены новые поселения и созданы многочисленные торговые пути. Вы играете за главу одного из таких поселений, и вам предстоит привести свой народ к величию. Исследуйте обширный мир, собирайте ресурсы, знакомьтесь с другими общинами и используйте свои торговые навыки, чтобы расширить владения и нажить состояние. Основывайте города, улучшайте жизнь нации с помощью новаторских технологий и защищайте торговые пути от нападения варваров. А когда вы станете достаточно сильны, покорите Европу и создайте новую сильную империю. Игра Grand Ages: Medieval — это стратегия в реальном времени от студии Gaming Minds. Станьте главой нации и в течение десятилетий повышайте уровень жизни, используя такие средства, как строительство, исследование, расширение и завоевание, на территории от  Скандинавии до Северной Африки, от Португалии до Кавказа и Средней Азии. Начните со скромной роли простого мэра, управляющего небольшим поселением, и постепенно покорите всю Европу. Пройдите увлекательную кампанию с  детально прорисованными анимационными заставками, играйте по своим правилам в свободной игре или проверьте свои способности в многопользовательской игре, в которой может участвовать до 8 игроков!Другие рекомендуемые игры Kalypso Media

190.33 RUB
Field of Glory II: Age of Belisarius

Age of Belisarius expands Field of Glory II forwards from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD to 600 AD, a period when the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) army transformed itself from a mainly infantry force to a cavalry army in response to the threats it faced. You can be part of the flowering of the new “barbarian” kingdoms that replaced the Roman Empire in the west, and the conflict between them. You can play a major role in the resurgence of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the reconquest by the Emperor Justinian I’s generals, especially Belisarius and later Narses, of the Vandal kingdom of Africa, the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy and part of the Visigothic kingdom of Spain. You can take part in the almost continuous warfare between the Byzantines and the Sassanid Persians in the East, and the Sassanids’ own troubles with their eastern neighbours, the Hephthalites and the Göktürks. You can lead the Avars to conquer a mighty empire north of the Danube, and to threaten the very existence of the Byzantine Empire – or you can defend against them. FEATURES 11 new named factions: Avars, Byzantines, Franks, Gepids, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Slavs, Turks, Vandals, Visigoths, Welsh. 17 new units: Byzantine Lance/Bow cavalry, Veteran Byzantine Lance/Bow cavalry, Byzantine Flankers, Dismounted Armoured Noble Lancers, Dismounted Noble Lancers, Dismounted Armoured Horse Archers, Sabir Foot, Indian Light Horse (javelins), Indian Light Foot (javelins), Bedouin Cavalry (lancers), Bedouin Light Horse (lancers), Bedouin Foot, Pre-Islamic City Arab foot, Bulgar Cavalry, Bulgar Light Horse, Spearmen (Dark Age), Raw Spearmen (Dark Age). 29 new army lists (which expands the total number of army lists to 166). 6 new Epic Battles: Dara 530 AD, Tricamarum 533 AD, Taginae 552 AD, The Volturnus 554 AD, Bukhara 557 AD, Raith 596 AD (each playable from either side). 37 new Quick Battles (each playable from either side). Expanded Field of Glory II Custom Battles module now includes all 166 army lists from Immortal Fire, Rise of Rome, Legions Triumphant and Age of Belisarius. (Purchase of the appropriate DLCs is necessary to access them all). Expanded Field of Glory II Sandbox Campaigns module now includes all 166 army lists from Immortal Fire, Rise of Rome, Legions Triumphant and Age of Belisarius. (Purchase of the appropriate DLCs is necessary to access them all). 4 new historically-based campaigns: o   Belisarius o   Clovis I of the Franks o   King of Kings 2 (Sassanid Persia) o   Rise of the Avars

310.88 RUB
Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Продолжение знаменитой стратегии «В тылу врага 2: Штурм» предлагает новые режимы одиночной игры, в которых вам предстоит принять участие в разнообразных военных операциях – от грандиозных танковых сражений до скрытных снайперских диверсий. В мультиплеере вы сможете помериться силами с соперниками на новых многопользовательских картах форматов от «1 на 1» до «4 на 4». А новый командный режим для 16 участников («8 на 8») позволит испытать свое мастерство в масштабных и зрелищных сражениях на огромных, детально проработанных картах. Кроме того, доступны новые виды камуфляжа, варьирующиеся в зависимости от времени года и типа ландшафта на поле боя. «В тылу врага: Штурм 2» также содержит множество усовершенствований и изменений, призванных повысить качество игры во всех аспектах.Особенности игры:Улучшенная поддержка многоядерных процессоров, улучшенная шейдерная технология. Переработанный интерфейс – добавлена статистика уничтоженных боевых единиц и значок информации об отряде. Новый интерфейс для многопользовательской игры. Усовершенствованный искусственный интеллект. Новое графическое воплощение предметов в инвентаре, переработанные модели транспортных средств. Улучшенное звуковое оформление, включая возможность использования голосовых команд. Поддержка функций Steam: многопользовательская игра, организация сражений, статистика игрока и доски почета, достижения Steam, сохранение в облаке Steam Сloud, голосовой чат, программа защиты от нечестной игры от Valve, приглашение друзей и мастерская Steam. Повышение уровня игрока и система рангов. Возможность записывать видео во время игры.Content:15 new single player skirmishes plus 25 reworked ones from the original Assault Squad eight player co-op support and an all new multiplayer 8v8 game mode 65 multiplayer maps and five gamemodes more than 250 vehicles at your command more than 200 soldiers with unique equipment five factions and various battlefields in Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa and the Pacific direct control every unit as if you were playing a 3rd person shooter development tools such as 3d model exporter and map/mission editor, and much more.Deluxe Edition:Deluxe Edition of Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - элитная версия военно-исторической стратегии «В тылу врага: Штурм 2» – это максимально полный набор игровых материалов для самых преданных поклонников проекта. В составе коллекционного издания: маршальские знаки отличия для вашей эмблемы в главном меню; уникальное достижение «Маршал»; особая иконка для использования в сетевой игре – ваш личный знак отличия, видимый всем участникам многопользовательских сражений; особый элемент пользовательского интерфейса, видимый во время игры и записи матчей; ускоренный набор опыта в сетевой игре на стороне любого государства для получения быстрого доступа к новым войскам.Free Premium Service:Digitalmindsoft guarantees you to release several free game updates including new content and features during the lifetime of the game. Because games are our passion, we are always eager to listen to community feedback and to improve our games. As an example, we released more than 10 free game updates for the original Assault Squad including plenty of new units.

195.05 RUB
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