
Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection - Vikings!

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Русский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Cистема активации:
109.76 RUB
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Описание игры

• новая сюжетная кампания «Во славу Одина» - эпоха викингов во всей своей суровой красоте;
• управляйте одним из великих королевств на огромной карте феодальной Европы;
• 10 одиночных сценариев - сражайтесь на просторах от печенежских степей до туманного Альбиона.

Это дополнение «Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection» овеяно героическим духом эпохи викингов. Некогда эти свирепые воины наводили ужас на всю Европу! Ветер наполняет паруса над драккарами — пришло время обагрить мечи во славу северных богов! Помимо большой сюжетной кампании, посвящённой подвигам викингов, вас ждёт множество одиночных сценариев. Покройте своё имя немеркнущей славой в легендарной битве при Бровалле, объедините земли Норвегии, покорите Англию, а затем опустошите христианские королевства Европы! Станьте предводителем яростных набегов датчан или печенегов — или защищайте свои рубежи под знаменами Англии, Франции, Священной Римской Империи или Руси.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 500 MB
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 500 MB

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Iron Sky: Invasion

In the near future, mankind faces the greatest threat to its posterity ever in recorded history: an invading Nazi horde, reborn in the depths of space! An armada of Fourth Reich ships, built in secret at a hidden base on the moon, descends upon the Earth to rain terror and destruction. But this is not done without resistance. A cadre of crack space pilots have stepped forth to defend Mother Earth from becoming the new Fatherland of this twisted regime. A lone pilot, entering the hangar to see three state-of-the-art, prototypes ships awaiting him, knows he is the only one who can save Planet Earth. It is up to him and his brothers in arms to ensure that humanity stays free of the yolk of Nazism for good and all... Set during the main conflict of the movie, “Iron Sky: Invasion” puts players in the cockpit of an advanced new starfighter, to test his or her might, flight and dogfighting skills against the forthcoming Blitzkrieg-on-high. The main objectives are to defend Earth and its space installations from enemy attacks, blast as many Nazi ships into oblivion as humanly possible, collect and skillfully manage necessary resources, and make it alive to the final confrontation… where the ultimate secret weapon of the Fourth Reich awaits those foolishly brave enough to take up the hammer and chisel of heroism and attempt to carve their names onto the tablets of history.GameplayThe film itself was only the first stage of the assault. Now, after the credits have rolled, the true strike begins with “Iron Sky: Invasion”, the official video game of the movie. The game puts the players in direct control of an advanced space fighter pilot hell-bent on protecting Earth from an invading Nazi fleet from outer space. Created by the architects of the world’s most popular European RTS series, the “Earth” franchise (“Earth 2140”, “Earth 2150” & “Earth 2160”), and the best-selling RPG hits “Two Worlds” and “Two Worlds II”, “Iron Sky: Invasion” packs more firepower than a space-borne missile array, and, as did the film, will supersede the expectations of its genre. The future of space combat begins in 2012.Key Features:    Unique, genre-busting gameplay – space flight and combat simulation, with elements of real-time strategy     Breathtaking 3-D universe filled with awe-inspiring effects to match those of the film, courtesy of the powerful GRACE2 engine     Avant-garde game structure: with no division into single missions, “Iron Sky: Invasion” is one giant, open-world battle     Protect the Earth’s satellites & bases while repelling the Fourth Reich’s fleet     Real-time map of outer space     Innovative energy management: players can transfer the ship’s power between engines, shields and weapons, depending on the needs of the moment     High replayability: many side missions and a challenging scoring system     Non-stop action of spectacular ship-to-ship dogfights to rival even the greatest space battles of science fiction lore     Resource management: players can scavenge parts from destroyed spaceships, collecting precious elements for enhancements     Multiple weapons: lasers, homing missiles, and even tactical nukes are just a few examples of the vast arsenal at players’ disposal     Enhanced combat technology allows players to deploy satellites and drones for offense, and equally, to defend themselves with flares and anti-missile arrays     Advanced Artificial Intelligence to challenge even the most crackshot pilot     Multiple classes of ships: Fighter, Heavy Bomber, and Gunboat     Massive upgrades: home station docking opens a user-friendly game economy allowing players to access hundreds of ship upgrades     Many classes of allied ships can help players out in a pinch     Numerous enemy ship classes, from Valkyrie to the fearful Götterdämmerung     Diverse enemy attack fleets demand adaptable, dynamic strategies

326.42 RUB

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Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation

It’s time to Nep-Nep like it’s 1989. Neptune’s been sucked into an alternate dimension of Gamindustri! In order for her to escape from this late ‘80s world, Neptune will have to collect enough shares to open up the path to her own dimension. Sounds easy enough – except a nefarious alliance called the Seven Sages wants to rid Gamindustri of all CPUs, including Neptune! Forging cross-dimensional friendships, will Neptune be able to defeat the Seven Sages, save this alternate dimension and get back to her own, or will she be stuck in the ‘80s forever?Key Features+1 to Combos! Customize attack combinations with up to five moves, opening up a whole new array of ways to defeat your enemies! New Story! Play through new story and scenarios when someone else joins the Console War fray and refuses to play by the rules! Bring a Dungeon Buddy! The realtime mini-game Stella’s Dungeon is back, and this time she can bring friends! Each is equipped with special skills that lend their support to Stella in her items quest, so choose wisely! Remake in your Image! Modify the world of Gamindustri to your liking by creating “Plans” that alter dungeon treasures, enemy difficulty, and more! Get Crafty! Customize powerful equipment that can unlock the true power of the CPUs, opening up a world of new skills for them to use!

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