
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Anabasis

Дата выхода:
Black Lab Games
Slitherine Ltd.
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Cистема активации:
223.66 RUB
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They failed their mission. Now they must shepherd thousands of civilians home…

It started with a warning of a Cylon staging ground located at a distant mining colony. Samanta and Helena Agathon volunteered to lead a pre-emptive strike – 10,000 Colonial soldiers who would bring the fight to the Cylon. They were late. All they found was wreckage, the whole colony razed to the ground. No human was left alive.
Now Praetor Agathon turns her fleet to the lonely frontier colonies beyond Cyrannus. No one is out there to protect them, and no one else can reach them.
Drawn upon a CIC plotting table, Operation Anabasis is the only hope for the vulnerable colonists. The Agathon sisters must evacuate every survivor they can find and shepherd them back to Caprica. They can’t expect reinforcements and will find no shelter. They are greatly outnumbered and deep into enemy territory. Lachesis will not hesitate to pursue. And it’s a long trip home…

Anabasis is the most significant expansion for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to date, completely revolutionising the game: it introduces a new game mode, Operation Anabasis, and also adds 11 new skirmish maps, 4 new munition types and 12 new resource missions!New survival mode
In the new survival mode called Operation Anabasis, you will be in command of a single fleet, comprising of both military and civilian ships. Your task is to flee and survive, and lead your soldiers and colonists back to Caprica. You will be hunted relentlessly. Jump after jump, you will find no reprieve.

Your resources are limited, but you may  be afforded the option to repair your ships and salvage resources after every jump. Each playthrough will be unique and completely randomised: you can choose the location of your next jump, and every location will have a different set of potential bonuses and penalties. You can customise your fleet, but remember: to flee is to survive, and time is against you. The Cylons will keep coming. Can you make it back home? How many will you save?New Skirmish Maps
Anabasis adds eleven new maps, available in single player or multiplayer skirmishes as well as in the new Operation Anabasis mode!

They are incredibly thematic and add great variety to the existing maps set. You can now fight in orbit of Caprica, scrambling with Cylon ships above the upper atmosphere of the planet. Face multiple clusters of dangerous neutral minefields in the new Vallum map, or hide in the gas nebula of the Niflheimr map. These are just three examples of the new maps: each of them has a unique theme, will provide new tactical situations and introduce new objects around which you’ll need to tailor your strategy.New munition types
New munition types that can be used in any game mode, for greatly increased tactical variety! Now Colonial and Cylon admirals will have more tools than ever at their disposal.

Debris mine - The debris mine is a directional remote frag mine, a new style of area control tool directed at controlling the airspace of squadrons. The munition deploys like a mine, however, once it reaches its destination, it automatically detonates. It is usable by Colonials.

Comet PCM - The Comet PCM is an unguided ballistic projectile for Cylons, consisting of a modified jamming suite and a homing device. The Comet is launched at an enemy ship and attempts to subvert any guided missiles whose path it crosses. It reprograms the guided munitions to follow the Comet, hopefully into the enemy ship. The name comes from the visuals of the Comet projectile followed by its tail of converted missiles.

EMP Generator - EMP generators are a method of discharging an electromagnetic pulse under “ideal” situations, damaging nearby Cylon capitals while minimising the damage to your own systems. This is usable by Colonials only. When used, instead of launching a missile from a missile tube, the launching ship instead winds up its generator for a period of 3 seconds, after which an EMP pulse is released, centred on the launching ship.

Scrambler - The Scrambler is a defensive sentry munition that projects an ECM field, scrambling the enemy’s DRADIS and target locks. Unlike other mines, the Scrambler will trigger if any unit - friendly or hostile - crosses the detection border. When triggered, the Scrambler deploys an ECM field of a 400U radius. All friendly units within the ECM field have their target lock removed, effectively making them hidden against guided munition attacks. Additionally, any hostile units inside of the ECM field are automatically identified and have the Maximum Strength of their Tech Bay reduced. This drastically hinders their DRADIS capability and makes them susceptible to hacking attacks or early guided munition launches.New resource missions
Twelve new resource missions are now available in the campaign. This increases the single-player campaign’s variety immensely, making you face plenty of new situations!

The new mission types are Interference, Station Purge, Hub Assault, Rescue Trade Minister, Diplomatic Relations, War Tourism, Tactical Advantage, Coordinated Strike, President’s Aide, Dropbox, Demolition Crew and Trojan. Each one of these presents a fresh new tactical goal you will need to reach, from reaching intel data in satellite dropboxes before the Cylons beat you to it (Dropbox) to seeding an experimental virus into a Cylon command ship (Trojan).

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: 2.0GHz or higher
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 1GB NVIDIA Geforce 460/ATI Radeon HD 5770 or better
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • Дополнительно: Broadband Internet connection for multiplayer required for Multiplayer

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: 2.5GHz or higher
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 2GB ATI Radeon HD 7970, 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 or better
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • Дополнительно: Broadband Internet connection for multiplayer required for Multiplayer

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