
Asterix & Obelix: Heroes

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1626.00 RUB
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Описание игры

50 год до нашей эры. Вся Галлия захвачена римлянами. Хотя... Нет, не вся. Еще осталась одна деревенька непобедимых галлов, которые так и не покорились завоевателям.СРАЖАЙТЕСЬ КАРТАМИ, А НЕ КУЛАКАМИ
В этой игре, которая понравится любителям коллекционирования колод и поклонникам серии о приключениях Астерикса, вы можете выбрать для своей колоды 30 карт из 150 доступных в игре.

Каждая карта колоды усиливает вашу стратегию. Например, вы можете наносить врагам много урона от удара менгиром или исцелять героев c помощью зелий Панорамикса! Вам придется адаптироваться к каждому раунду, принимать правильные решения и создавать неожиданные и разрушительные комбо. К примеру, вы можете отправить в бой легендарный дуэт Азбукиведикса и Автоматикса.АСТЕРИКС, ОБЕЛИКС... И ЕЩЕ БОЛЕЕ 20 ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫХ ГЕРОЕВ ИЗ КОМИКСОВ
Астерикс, Обеликс и целая деревня их друзей уже здесь, и все они готовы отправиться в новое приключение. Бард Консерваторикс, верный Идефикс, торговец рыбой Азбукиведкс и даже царица Клеопатра — все они готовы к битве!

Откройте до 24 героев, путешествуя по разным землям. У каждого персонажа есть свои особенности и уникальное высшее умение.  Например, навык Астерикса «Прирожденный бунтарь» идеально работает против римлян, делая их атаки менее точными, а Идефикс использует навык «Метка», который отпугивает противников и оглушает зверей! Выбирайте героя в зависимости от того, с кем вам приходится сражаться.СОКРОВИЩЕ ТЕВТАТА
Деревня снова под угрозой... Цезарь пытается найти сокровище, которое действительно позволит ему покорить ВСЮ Галлию.

Чтобы помешать его планам, Астерикс, Обеликс и их друзья должны добраться до сокровища первыми. Но будьте осторожны: перед вами лежит смертельно опасный путь. В каждой главе вам придется выбирать маршруты и битвы, находить сокровища и преодолевать многочисленные препятствия. Используйте карты с умом, чтобы не попасть в ловушки римлян. Отправляйтесь в путешествие по шести землям, которые хорошо знакомы всем поклонникам серии, сражайтесь с римскими легионами, а также с пиратами, египтянами, викингами и даже дикими животными.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7
  • Процессор: Intel Core i3 4130T (2.9 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (3.5 GHz)
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4400 (128 MB) / AMD Vega 8 (512 MB)
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 1.5 GB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel i3 8100 (3.6 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (3.5 GHz)
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4 GB) / AMD R9 290X (4 GB)
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 1.5 GB

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Modding Tool Add-on - Power & Revolution 2023 Edition

The modding tool add-on lets players create and play contexts and scenarios (mods), as well as share them with other users. Since its release, more than 800 mods have already been shared and downloaded using the tool. A comprehensive creation tool The modding add-on lets you : modify country data (economic, political, demographic, fiscal...) change international relations between countries (diplomatic alignment, military alliances...) transform world geography (merging countries, making regions independent, putting a new city on the map...) create new missions and scenarios that are highly developed and detailed (triggering protests, wars, disasters, political scandals, assassinations, national elections, character demands... with the option of defining several conditions for triggering these events, and editing game text...) remake history by creating scenarios starting in the past or the future, from year 1900 enrich the scenarios with new character faces and names, new logos and group names with the customization kit that can be used with the modding tool easily share your creations (host and download from our website, directly send mods from the game...) New features (compared to the Masters of the World modding tool) the creation of mods to play as the legal (or illegal) opposition the creation of illegal groups with a suitable allotment of regions under their control, configuration of their armed forces, adjustment of their might and their local popularity the creation of city battles the possibility of changing a country's chief of state or changing a character's politcal party the possibility of adding buildings (power plants) to the map the possibility of modifying the appearance of new units: drones, police vans, armed extremists, police... the possibility of putting down spontaneous riots planning actions: beginning and ending city battles (civilian or military) and testing their outcome, normalization of an illegal terrorist group, a legal party becoming an illegal organization, calling for a vote on legislation (with or without the expected outcome) and testing their outcome, granting a region independence, withdrawal of troops from a country conditions for planning actions: testing the creation of an international organization, the popularity and loyalty levels among characters, the existence of scandals and the possibility of exposure, the existence of a network of clandestine services, grabbing power or being deposed, the death of a character, the nomination of a minister modification of laws concerning unconventional gas and petroleum the possibility of creating mods in Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese new scenarios "Arctic Wars" and "The End of Europe?" Some examples Arctic Wars In 2018, the United States and Russia vie for control of the immense resources of the Arctic which, because of climate change, have become more easily accessible. After the election of a Republican president in the 2016 election, the United States has established additional military bases on the west coast of Greenland. Russia has done the same on the east coast of Greenland. Petroleum (10% of the world's reverse), gas, aluminum, rare earth elements...this part of the world has become strategically crucial and considering the antagonistic nature of the presidents of these two superpowers, the risk of conflagration is extremely high! Moreover, a worried Greenland wants independence from its controlling nation, the Kingdom of Denmark, and the restrictive laws of its environmental program. It's up to you: as the leader of Denmark, try to avoid global unrest! The End of Europe? In the year 2020, the European Union has completely broken apart. Nearly all of its countries have left the organization after populist parties win national elections. Moreover, several states were created after some regions (such as Catalonia and Scotland) gained their independence. Take charge of the opposition party of various countries to try to build a new Europe.

1300.00 RUB
Orcs Must Die! 2 - Are We There Yeti?

Доставайте из загашников варежки! Ваш герой отправляется защищать крепости в краях Белого безмолвия. Обороните крепости Ледяной пещеры от одного из самый опасных врагов! Ice Cavern! Три новых уровня и тема Ледяной пещеры! Три новых карты для бесконечного режима! Леденящие кровь йети лезут на баррикады и мечут в вас ледяные снаряды!   Гоблин-сапер бродит вокруг и разряжает ваши любовно установленные ловушки. Новое оружие:   гномий дальномет обрушивает на врагов заряженные маной снаряды. Новая ловушка: Стена с шипами способна заколоть врагов до смерти. Новый амулет:  амулет Стражника оживит погибших стражников. Новые костюмы персонажей!

174.53 RUB
Chicago 1930

Welcome to Chicago ! The Mafia rules the city. A special police task force is formed to take down his gang. This squad is managed by two cops. An open war breaks out throughout the city of Chicago. Now it’s your turn to choose your side! The Mafia openly rules the city. Don Falcone arrives in town to lay down his law within each disctrict. A special police task force led by Edward Nash is formed to take down the mob, by any means necessary. Open turf war breaks out throughout in the city of Chicago Which side do you choose to join? MAIN FEATURES : Choose your side: play the mob or the copsby managing a team of 5 characters. RPG Features: Characters have five different attribute areas (shooting, close combat, throwing, charisma, first aid). When the action gets too hectic, you can use the Slow Motion Mode to efficiently manage your team during the heat of battle. Artificial Intelligence allows Enemies to have varying reactions depending on situations and give very realistic characters.

112.57 RUB
Overcooked! All You Can Eat

The Peckish has risen again and it’s your job to satisfy their hunger, are you ready to save the world again? Overcooked! All You Can Eat is a chaotic cooking game where players need to work together (or alone) to serve as many dishes as they can before the timer runs out. Travel through the land cooking up a variety of recipes in evolving and dynamic kitchens.Overcooked! Goes OnlineFor the first time ever, online multiplayer has been fully integrated into Overcooked! Revisit your favorite kitchens from the first game in stunning 4K and ONLINE!Cross-Platform MultiplayerEnjoy the cooking chaos with all of your friends using cross-platform multiplayer and voice chat. A shared multiplayer queue means reduced waiting times for games, and more time for culinary carnage!A Visual Feast!Both games have been taken to the next level with stunning, enhanced 4K visuals - this is the best that the Overcooked! series has ever looked.Tasty New Content!New levels, new chefs, and new mayhem - all exclusive to Overcooked! All You Can Eat.Multiple Modes!Players can enjoy campaign, survival, and practice modes, and new to All You Can Eat - assist mode! Assist mode offers a number of options to allow for a less frantic game including slower recipe timeout, increased round timers, and the option to skip levels.Accessible For All!Overcooked! All You Can Eat contains features to allow as many players as possible to join in the food frenzy! Scalable UI, dyslexia-friendly text, and color blindness options are all available. Overcooked! All You Can Eat. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd.© 2020. Published by Team17. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

2862.00 RUB
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