
Conan Exiles: Blood and Sand Pack

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540.16 RUB
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Бои в Землях изгнанников жестоки и беспощадны. Наденьте новые доспехи и возьмите в руки грозное оружие из набора «Кровь и песок», чтобы сокрушить врага!В Conan Exiles как раз добавили мощный двуручный топор и короткие мечи. В набор «Кровь и песок» вошли 5 огромных топоров и 5 коротких мечей.Стройте прекрасные арены и украшайте их боевыми знаменами. Оформляйте входы, залы и многое другое!«Кровь и песок» — это:29 строительных блоков для арен;Набор строительных блоков для арен и залов.3 комплекта доспехов (к примеру, одеяние шамана-медведя) в общей сложности из 15 новых элементов;Комплекты легких, средних и тяжелых доспехов. У каждого — эпическая версия.19 видов оружия в наборе «Кровопускатель» и не только;По мощи оружие не уступает железному. У каждого — эпическая версия.15 знамен.Украсьте арену или замок боевыми знаменами.Декоративные материалы из набора «Кровь и песок» доступны только в этом дополнении. Характеристики всех новых предметов соответствуют существующим. © 2018 Funcom Oslo A/S (“Funcom”). All rights reserved. © 2018 Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, HYBORIA, and/or ROBERT E. HOWARD and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI and/or Robert E. Howard LLC. All Rights Reserved. Funcom and Funcom Logo ™ & © Funcom Oslo A/S.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • ОС: Windows 10 64 Bit
  • Процессор: Intel Quad Core i5-2300 or AMD FX-6300
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 (1GB) or AMD Radeon HD 7770 (1GB)
  • DirectX: Версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 10 MB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:


  • ОС: Windows 10 64 bit
  • Процессор: Intel Quad Core i7 3770K or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti/970 (High settings) and 1070 (Ultra settings) or AMD R9 290/AMD RX480 (High settings)
  • DirectX: Версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 10 MB

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Tropico 6: Lobbyistico

Что общего между Европейским союзом и коррупцией? Конечно же, ничего. Ведь ЕС кристально чист, как капля лучше тропиканского рома. Так почему не провести полевые испытания и не узнать, что это за зверь? Тропико отлично подходит для подобных экспериментов, ведь страной управляют отъявленные коррупционеры (за исключением Эль Президенте, конечно же). Присоединяйтесь к расследованию ЕС, цель которого выявление коррупции в высших эшелонах власти островного государства, и открывайте новые значимые перки в дополнении Lobbyistico для Tropico 6.   Коррупция – основная движущая сила нового дополнения Lobbyistico. Заманивайте лидеров фракций в клуб Эль Президенте и делайте из них лоббистов. Ведите «подковерную» борьбу и открывайте новые уникальные перки, которые будут способствовать процветанию государства. Однако с ростом количества лоббистов усиливается и коррупция, которая обязательно отразится как на экономической, так и на социальной жизни вашего государства.       Боритесь с коррупцией или же, давайте будем откровенны, просто заметайте следы, используя новое Агентство по коррупции. Наслаждайтесь дополнительным контентом под новые зажигательные ритмы и кастомизируйте как самого Эль Президенте, так и его резиденцию. Новая игровая механика – коррупция. Используйте лоббистов, чтобы получить доступ к новым перкам, которые будут способствовать экономическому росту. Однако помните, что неконтролируемая коррупция может привести к коллапсу государства. Три новых здания: занимайтесь «подковерными» интригами в Клубе Эл Президенте. Используйте Агенство по коррупции, чтобы заметать следы и предлагать лидерам фракций привилегии в обмен на их лояльность. Новый контент: дополнительные особенности, три свежих музыкальных трека (Viva la Corrupción, Fiesta en el Club, Bruselas está Bailando) и новые возможности по кастомизации как самого Эль Президенте, так и его резиденции и 3 новые карты песочницы.

182.43 RUB
Tropico 4: Propaganda!

Tropico is invited to participate in the International Communist Propaganda competition! Turn the most absurd propaganda slogans into reality using the new Propaganda Tower building which suppresses protesters and converts citizens to loyalists, use the PR Specialist trait to brainwash your people and finally compete with the likes of Stalin and Lenin with the Party Leader outfit.Key Features:New building: Propaganda Tower (suppresses protests and converts citizens) New trait: PR Specialist (journalists brainwash citizens to vote for El Presidente) New outfit: Party Leader New mission: The Communist Propaganda Competition

32.75 RUB
Power & Revolution 2022 Edition

2022: Worldwide Chaos and Devastation!With the war in Ukraine, the planet is in chaos and nothing will ever be the same again. What's more, there is the threat of global warming, the lingering Covid epidemic along with the risk of new variants, inflation, and increased prices on the planet's key resources.Alongside the base game mode, which allows you to play as any head of state or opposition leader in the world controlling one or multiple nations, the 2022 Edition offers multiple scenarios.In the Ukraine scenario, save the country by playing as Ukraine and one or more NATO countries, by resisting the advance of Russian tanks, supporting the Ukrainian army, urging financial sanctions against Russia, accepting refugees, by making the Russian president unpopular in the eyes of the people or by influencing China to officially oppose the conflict, all while avoiding escalation.The scenario on global warming involves adjusting your goals for reducing CO2 emissions. Climate Change Conferences (COP) have been added. You can also influence other countries to go further in their goals, with the artificial intelligence of leaders simulating their behavior on the subject, ultimately allowing you to see the real development of worldwide climate change up to the year 2100.In the "Animal Welfare" scenario, your objective is to become one of the most honorable countries in the world regarding animal rights. To do this, you will have a specific budget and an arsenal of legislation on hunting, animal rights, and various other regulations (bullfighting, production of foie gras, battery farming...).The "French Elections" scenario allows you to play as any candidate in the French election in April 2022.Besides these scenarios, the game also has new features including simulating the appearance and development of conspiracy theories with new budgets and actions on the internet and social media, the inclusion of fake news with the possibility of combating them or creating them, the development of secret services abroad along with the manipulation of social media and improvements allowing the overthrow of a foreign head of state, management of Covid in 2022 with vaccine boosters and the simulation of new variants, the development of garbage recycling along with a new tax on the use of plastic packaging, the addition of military battle robots, new SMR nuclear power plants, new music awards (Eurovision, Grammy Awards) and sports (eSports, MMA) and numerous improvements on the God'n'Spy add on, including the detailed calculation of the level of dictatorship in a country.NEW CONTENT FOR 2022Ukrainian CrisisIn the Ukrainian conflict scenario, the player can play as Ukraine and one or more NATO countries by resisting the advance of Russian tanks, supporting the Ukrainian army, urging financial sanctions against Russia, accepting refugees, by making the Russian president unpopular in the eyes of the people or by influencing China to officially oppose the conflict.The simulation of the conflict required the development of new features and expansion of various aspects: access to allies' bases, providing weapons, calculating the losses and costs of the war, a peace treaty with the division of the conquered regions, impact of the loss of soldiers on popularity, the behavior of AI countries in wartime conditions (NATO's decisions, decisions for general mobilization, decisions to enter or leave a conflict...), better inclusion of economic embargoes and their impact on prices, implementing financial sanctions and their consequences and the possibility of influencing AI leaders so that they also implement them, accepting refugees, exclusion and boycotts of sports or cultural events...In normal game mode, all countries are playable, beginning with the same military context military and events as in the real world.Conspiracy Theories and Fake NewsVarious conspiracy theories can appear in a country depending on numerous factors, especially the level of control of social media. The player can launch information campaigns and deconstruction campaigns to destroy them, to try to influence public figures who are passing along these theories to abandon them, or to take more drastic action on controlling the internet.With secret services, the player as head of state can act abroad, disseminating theories in enemy countries, and act at home, instigating fake news about characters deemed hostile.Climate Objectives and ConferencesIn the 2022 Edition, the player will be able to truly contribute to the fight against global warming.With the simulation of the Climate Change Conferences (COP), it will be possible to modify goals for the reduction of CO2, participate in deciding on the Green Climate Fund, intended to help developing countries, and most of all, influence other countries to do more in their efforts with an AI system setting the objectives to reach for all countries and the actions and legislation to implement. Finally, the player will be able to follow the global warming trends in a precise and detailed manner up to the year 2100.Animal WelfareAll the countries of the world are now rated according to their efforts in animal rights. A dedicated budget and an arsenal of legislation are available to the player to advance their country: regulation on hunting, recognition of animal rights, the position regarding bullfighting, the production of foie gras, battery farming, whale hunting, the testing of cosmetics on animals, possessing marine mammals at aquariums or wild animals at circuses, dog fighting, raising animals for fur...A specific scenario allows the player to become one of the most honorable countries in the world in regard to animal rights.Other Scenarios"Baden's Challenge: Three Years to Succeed": this scenario puts you in the shoes of the American president with the goal of implementing all the reforms you promised by the end of your term.The "French Elections" scenario allows you to play as any candidate at the start of an official campaign in the French election in April 2022.OTHER ADDITIONSDevelopment of secret services: new budget and management screen with records on specific countries and the possibility of multiple objectives per spy network, stronger impact on the popularity of foreign heads of state (who could be overthrown or trigger new elections), and manipulation of social media.Recycling of garbage: the addition of a new global threat, the increase in garbage, and the integration of a tax on the use of plastic packaging.Management of Covid in2022 with vaccination boosters and simulating new variantsDisplay the rate of popularity for AI heads of stateBattle Robots: Development of this new highly sophisticated weapon. These autonomous or controllable robots can lead ground operations without risking the loss of soldiers.SMR Nuclear Power Plants: addition of these small power plants at a lower cost provides an alternative to "decarbonate" electricity with the possibility of construction contracts (buying or selling) with foreign countries.God'n'spy: a detailed chart on the level of democracy/dictatorship of countries, the possibility of deleting a played country, controlling inflation, expediting the recruitment of personnel, and eliminating the limitation of construction tied to the available workforce.The possibility of renaming places on the mapConstruction: fixing a maximum number of constructible buildings depending on the available workforce and the possibility of automatically starting new construction projects once previous ones have been completedExpansion of choices when changing a political party: regionalist, ecologist, anti-globalization, and religious parties or parties not existing in the country.Addition of musical awards: Grammy Awards and Eurovision Song ContestNew types of sports: eSports and MMANew achievementsDATA UPDATED AS OF 01/01/2022Budgetary, economic, and social data...Political and geopolitical data: new governments, creation of new parliaments, diplomatic relations between countries ...Environmental data, including countries' objectives in terms of CO2 emissions reduction and carbon neutralityMilitary data (including ranking based on strength) and conflict maps, current city battles, and status of opposing forces.Terrorist organizations: members, prospects, resources.Updated city populations and the addition of new citiesNew commercial organizations: RCEP and the Foundation for the Protection of AnimalsNew characters with new faces: heads of state or government and new ministers and party leaders (Germany, Italy, Japan...), candidates in the French presidential election. Copyright Eversim 2022, all rights reserved

4394.00 RUB
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Chaos Space Marines

Sometimes, our battle seems eternal. We fought with Horus at Terra and with Abaddon at Cadia. A handful of ancients even remember the pacification of Luna, fighting alongside the False Emperor as we crushed the gene-cultists. Yes, we have fought a long, long war. Yet, these ten thousand years, our Warband has been undivided in its faith, even though the Imperium still stands. When Cadia fell, we were there. We made our prayers to the Dark Gods for guidance and entered the Warp behind Abaddon’s fleet, and there we stayed, stuck like insects in some dead gods’ amber. We wandered dark corners, lost to the warp’s delights, until our craft found an entryway to… this dead planet. This pathetic world that stinks of the Corpse God’s Empire and more. Why have we been brought here? Something is here, something the Dark Gods need us to claim. We will find it and make it our own. Warhammer 40,000: Gladius is back with a new playable faction, the Chaos Space Marines. Fueled by their hatred for the Imperium, they will stop at nothing before they exact their revenge. Fielding hellish machines, wielding Warp powers and possessing the experience of a thousand wars, these ancient warriors are ready to conquer Gladius Prime, killing and enslaving all who oppose them. In the name of the Warmaster, and their Dark Gods.BOONS OF CHAOS Champions who prove themselves in battle might find boons bestowed upon them by the Dark Gods, and even rise to the rank of Daemon Prince. But beware, for the Gods are fickle, and those who they do not consider worthy will be transformed into Chaos Spawns instead.VETERANS OF THE LONG WAR Chaos Space Marines have fought a 10,000 years long war on the Imperium and its Corpse-Emperor. All servants of the Imperium are their arch-enemy: as thus all Chaos Space Marines units have experience in fighting against Space Marine units and gain increased morale and melee accuracy.UNHOLY RITES Chaos cities are designed to glorify the Dark Gods and torture their inhabitants in the Gods’ name. Population is a resource that Chaos Space Marines can use for unholy rites, granting significant temporary boosts depending on the God which is being worshipped.MARKS OF CHAOS Worship any of the four Chaos Gods, and spend influence to gain unique permanent buffs to individual units. The Dark Gods are generous!

366.25 RUB
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