
Combat Mission Fortress Italy

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Slitherine Ltd
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Немецкий
Cистема активации:
4079.51 RUB
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Combat Mission Fortress Italy brings wargamers to the "soft underbelly of Europe", a place that was anything but. A very often neglected theater of war, Fortress Italy starts with the Sicilian campaign from July through August 1943. Sicily was the first test for the newly reorganized and improved American forces as they battled against grizzled vets of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe as well as a wide array of Italian Army forces. The arid terrain offers a unique experience for WW2 Combat Mission fans.

Fortress Italy transports wargamers to start of the western Allies' campaign to take the fight directly to the home turf of the Axis powers. The combat forces include the full range of historically available American, Italian, and German forces that fought in Sicily. Some of the highlights are elite formations such as Italian Bersaglieri, American Rangers, and the German Herman Göring Division. In addition to the completely new Italian forces, both the American and German organizations differ significantly from those found in other Combat Mission games. Four challenging campaigns and 17 stand alone battles provide engaging combat for control of Sicily. To fight these battles you have at your disposal 38 vehicles and loads of other weapons, many unique to Fortress Italy.

Players are assigned detailed missions to accomplish based on a richly diverse set of Objectives. Missions can be played in either Real Time or our novel WeGo hybrid turn based mode introduced with the first Combat Mission game 20 years ago. WeGo allows each player to plan out 60 seconds of combat and then watch as both sides' commands are carried out simultaneously. The WeGo system also allows for re-watching turn action and playing against another player by email (PBEM) or "hotseat" on a single computer. RealTime and WeGo head to head play can also use TCP/IP on a LAN or over the Internet. Massive replayability comes from a unique Quick Battle system which allows players to purchase their own custom force and fight over the battlefield of their choice from a wide array of different maps. A powerful map and scenario Editor allows you to create battles or campaigns for yourself and others.

All units are portrayed one for one in 1:1 scale in high resolution polygon 3D models with articulated suspensions, animated hatches, and other features that make them feel real. Unlike other 3D tactical wargames, Combat Mission combines real world physics with a thoroughly researched portrayal of forces, right down to what the individual soldiers cary into battle. Advanced vehicle damage modeling allows for tracking of each sub-system, including the most realistic ballistics, armor and post-armor effects available in any game. Unlike other games that claim this level of realism, Combat Mission actually delivers it across the whole spectrum of warfare, including the interaction of weather, lighting, and terrain on how units and their weapons function.

Perhaps the most important feature of Combat Mission is its detailed and innovative portrayal of "soft factors". Experience, Morale, Leadership, and other elements operate at the individual soldier level and collectively transform how units behave. As important as these battlefield concerns are, most other games give them short shrift or don't bother covering them at all. In the real world having the best weapons means nothing if the soldiers crewing them are balled up in fear or are too distracted to see what's going on around them.

Weapon penetration values and armor protection are based on extremely detailed real life data and scientific algorithms that are specific to exactly what is seen in the game. There are no arbitrary values (hitpoints) or precalculated resolution tables (CRTs) that so often produce frustratingly inaccurate results. The advanced Tactical AI (TacAI) models the psychological state and inherent qualities of every soldier on the battlefield, allowing for genuine battlefield behavior from every soldier as if they were their own free thinking individual.

The simulation of independent soldiers is important in another regard because it allows Combat Mission to have what we call Relative Spotting. This is a system which ensures that each soldier has their own unique view of the battlefield, avoiding the "Borg" issue seen in many games where once one person has spotted an enemy, automatically everyone else has spotted it and can fire on it as well. Any wargamer worth his weight in gunpowder knows that Fog of War is one of the most important battlefield elements. An unprecedented simulation of Command and Control (C2) combines with Relative Spotting to realistically portray the flow of information and responsibility between soldiers as they share information with each other on what they can see on the battlefield.

All of these elements, and many more, seamlessly fit together to create the most realistic battlefield experience out there. The realism level isn't pushed in your face with lots of data and obscure references. Instead players experience all of this with the 3D graphical environment. Combat Mission's visceral game environment is what attracts players, the richness of the gameplay is what keeps them playing for years on end.FeaturesTactical warfare at battalion and below scale in a true 3D environment
Command individual vehicles, teams, and squads
Expansive simulation of "soft factors" such as Morale, Experience, and Leadership
Innovative systems portraying Fog of War, Spotting, Line of Sight, Command & Control, and Objectives
Unmatched realistic physics, ballistics, and battlefield effects
Fight in a wide range of weather and lighting conditions, all of which realistically impact fighting abilities
Unique hybrid system for RealTime or WeGo (turn based) play
Full featured Editor for maps, scenarios, and campaigns
Quick Battle system sets up deliberate or randomized battles based on player specifications
Single player and head to head play, including Play By Email (PBEM++)
Supported for the long haul with patches, upgrades, and expansions
The only Combat Mission Family to portray 1943 formations and equipment
No other force in Combat Mission is as uniquely odd as the Italians with their mix of WW1 and 1930s equipment and organization. Talk about tactical challenges!
Find out what it's like to play as or against Germans who can't count on Panthers and King Tigers to save the day
Arid, rocky, sparsely wooded terrain produces an entirely different type of tactical setting
Expansive maps with 1m x 1m resolution allow for short and long range action across complex terrain
Buildings have explicitly simulated doors, windows, and floors
Weather and ground condition modelling systems allow for everything from dry sunny days to muddy stormy nights, with visibility and mobility dynamically affected by the conditions. Some Combat Mission games include the full range of Winter, Spring, and Fall weather as well
Line of Sight and Line of Fire are separately calculated, which means sometimes you can see something you can't shoot and sometimes you can shoot at things you can't see
Soldier posture (prone, kneeling, standing) affects everything including spotting, cover, and ability to engage enemies
Line of Sight is calculated from the "eyeballs" or "sensor" point, not a generic value
Lighting affects combat in no small way in real life as well as in the game. The correct lighting conditions are simulated based on time of day, time of year, and weather

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 256 MB VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution in OpenGL
  • DirectX: версии 10
  • Место на диске: 13 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX 10 compatible Sound Card (Windows only)

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Pentium IV 2.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor or better
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 1 GB VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution in OpenGL
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 14 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX 12 compatible Sound Card (Windows only)

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Field of Glory II: Medieval

Field of Glory II Medieval is a turn-based tactical game set in the High Middle Ages from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. This was the heyday of the mounted knight. Armoured from head to toe by the later 12th century, European knights rode heavy horses in tight formation, and delivered a devastating charge with couched lances. Major themes of the period include the struggles of the Kings of France against the Kings of England and the German Emperors, the English wars of conquest or attempted conquest against the Welsh, Scots and Irish, the Baltic Crusades and the Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe. With dynastic struggles and rebellions by powerful nobles thrown into the mix, Europe was in an almost constant state of war. Field of Glory II Medieval allows you to take command of the armies of the Anglo-Saxons and Normans, post-conquest England, France, Germany, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the Low Countries, the Free Cantons, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Bohemia, Poland, the Teutonic Knights, the pagan Old Prussians and Lithuanians, Russia, Hungary, the Cumans, Volga Bulgars and Mongols in an endless variety of battles and  campaigns set in 11th-13th century North and Central Europe. Lead your chosen army and its named generals to victory in set-piece historical battles or "what-if" custom battle situations against an AI or human opponent. Choose your forces from historically accurate orders of battle allowing all of the options and variations that would be available to a real general of that nation at any date during the era. Field of Glory II Medieval has more than 100 beautiful and historically accurate fully animated troop units, each with multiple variations to bring out the colour and variety of the era. Watch the swords flash and the arrows fly! Count the cost of victory or defeat as bodies litter the battlefield. Field of Glory II Medieval has a campaign system that concentrates on the battles, and allows real strategic decisions without time spent moving armies around a strategic map. Each battle is vital to your progress. Your army will gain experience and elan as it goes from victory to victory against your enemies and their allies. There are four historically-based campaigns covering major conflicts of the era: The Angevin Empire, The Northern Crusades, Alexander Nevsky and the Mongol Invasions. There is also a sandbox campaign system that allows you to lead any nation (and their historical allies) against any other nation (and their allies) – giving thousands of permutations. Victory will require determination and tactical mastery. Accurate simulation of battle in the High Middle Ages. 29 nations and factions covering North and Central Europe from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. 57 different army lists allowing historically realistic armies for each of these factions at different dates during the period. In addition armies can include contingents from historical allies. This gives tens of thousands of permutations. You will never run out of new matchups to try. More than 100 historically accurate units, built from fully animated 3D troop models. Historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Hastings 1066, Tinchebrai 1106, Trutina 1110, Crug Mawr 1136, The Standard (Northallerton) 1138, Steppes 1213, Bouvines 1214, Otepää 1217, Kalka River 1223, Bornhöved 1227, Lake Peipus 1242 and Kressenbrunn 1260. Custom Battle system allows unlimited “what-if” scenarios using historically realistic armies from carefully researched army lists, on realistic computer generated terrain maps. Armies covered include Anglo-Saxons, Normans, post-conquest English, French, Imperial and Feudal German, Lowland Scottish, Highland/Isles Scottish, North and South Welsh, Irish, Anglo-Irish, Low Countries, Free Cantons, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Bohemian, Polish, Teutonic Knights, Old Prussians, Lithuanians, Russians, Hungarians, Cumans, Volga Bulgars and Mongols. 12 selectable scenarios include: Open Battle, Enemy expecting Reinforcements, Own side expecting Reinforcements, Flank March, Rearguard, Advance Guard, Kill the King, Escort Baggage Train, Own Side Defending, Enemy Defending, Relieve Besieged Fortress, Enemy Relieve Besieged Fortress. Quick Battle mode allows you to quickly select from 65 pre-set matchups between historical opponents. Campaign mode allows you to play through historically-based campaign scenarios or “what-if” campaigns between any two opposing nations with thousands of permutations. Each victory increases the experience and elan of your core units. You can give each of them its own unique unit name. Quick to resolve strategic decisions allow you to go straight from one battle to the next without any delay. Random map generator produces an infinite variety of historically realistic battlefield maps for custom battles and campaigns. Classic turn-based, tile based gameplay. Easy to use interface, hard to master gameplay. Battles can range from a few units to as many as 80 units per side. Named generals who can influence combat and morale of units under their command. Single player and multiplayer battle modes. Effective AI makes sound tactical decisions. 6 difficulty levels allow the challenge to increase as you develop your battlefield skills. Numerous different unit organisations, combat capabilities and tactical doctrines allow full representation of tactical differences and developments. Mod friendly game system with built-in map editor. Multiplayer mode allows historical scenarios and “what-if” scenarios to be played by two players using Slitherine’s easy to use PBEM server.

444.73 RUB
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