
Last Room

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35.23 RUB
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Описание игры

Step into the enigmatic world of "Last Room," a thrilling adventure that merges horror, fantasy, and darkness into an unforgettable gaming experience. Designed for those with a keen mind, this game challenges you to solve intricate puzzles under the cloak of haunting melodies and the eerie ambiance of its meticulously crafted rooms.

"Last Room" elevates the puzzle genre, demanding not just strategic thinking but a daring heart ready to face the game's increasing complexities. Navigate through a labyrinth where each room is a cryptic puzzle, surrounded by shadows and chilling sounds, testing your logic, intuition, and resolve.

This game continuously evolves, dynamically integrating player feedback to offer a fresh, captivating experience. With each puzzle presenting a unique challenge, your success or failure determines your fate within these shadowy confines. The thrill lies in uncovering cleverly hidden clues, requiring sharp attention to detail and problem-solving prowess.

"Last Room" is not just a test of intellect but an immersive journey into a world filled with riddles, horror, and a chilling atmosphere that tests your mettle. It's a game where only the cunning and brave can triumph.

Interactive Environment Manipulation: Engage in a tactile exploration of "Last Room's" world by dragging and dropping items to alter your surroundings. This dynamic interaction not only immerses players in the game's universe but also crucially influences their journey, making each decision a pivotal moment that could lead to triumph or defeat.
Laser Labyrinth Mastery: Navigate through a network of deadly lasers in a test of your strategic wit and agility. This challenging feature requires precise timing and clever planning, offering a thrilling hurdle that sharpens your problem-solving skills and reflexes.
Portal Discovery and Exploration: Embark on a quest to uncover hidden items essential for unlocking portals to mysterious new realms. This element of discovery fuels an adventure filled with wonder, encouraging thorough exploration and rewarding curiosity with access to uncharted territories.
Acrobatic Feats for Goal Achievement: Leap into action with exhilarating jumps that demand both skill and precision. These high-stakes acrobatics add a physical dimension to the game, challenging players to perfect their timing and coordination to reach their goals.
Logic Puzzle Mastery for Progression: Engage in a mental duel with intricate logic puzzles that guard the doors to further adventures. Solving these puzzles not only paves the way forward but also offers a satisfying testament to your analytical prowess and intellectual dexterity.
Medieval Mystique with Functional Artifacts: Immerse yourself in rooms adorned with objects from a bygone era, where medieval artifacts hold the key to navigating the game's challenges. This historical infusion adds a layer of intrigue and depth, making the journey through "Last Room" not just a game but a journey through time.
Consequential Choices Shaping Destinies: Every decision in "Last Room" carries the weight of consequence, steering the game towards multiple endings. This feature instills a sense of agency and responsibility, as the choices you make directly influence the game's climax and ultimate resolution.
Unlockable Secret Levels for Endless Adventure: Discover and unlock secret levels that offer new perspectives and challenges, enhancing the game's replayability. This feature invites players to delve deeper into the game's lore, encouraging exploration beyond the initial playthrough and uncovering all the secrets "Last Room" has to offer.

The Last Room development team hails from the Czech Republic and has an impressive 8-year track record of creating engaging logic puzzles. Over the past 3 years, the team has poured their expertise and passion into developing The Last Room, surmounting numerous challenges to produce a fully-fledged game.

Game development can be a daunting task, demanding skill, creativity, and persistence in equal measure. The Last Room development team has clearly demonstrated their commitment to excellence, striving to bring their vision for a challenging and captivating puzzle experience to life. As a result, players can look forward to immersing themselves in a world filled with thought-provoking puzzles, intricate design, and engaging gameplay.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7/8/10
  • Процессор: Intel i5-6600 Series @ 3,5 ГГц / Intel i7-4760 @ 3 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 1050 TI
  • Место на диске: 5 MB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel i5 9600K @ 3,7 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB
  • Место на диске: 5 GB

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