
Worms W.M.D

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2173.00 RUB
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The worms are back in their most destructive game yet. With a gorgeous, hand-drawn 2D look, brand new weapons, the introduction of crafting, vehicles, and buildings plus the return of some much-loved classic weapons and gameplay, Worms W.M.D is the best worms experience ever.Work your way through 30 campaign levels of increasing difficulty using the huge arsenal of new and classic weapons at your disposal. Use new vehicles to cause chaos amongst the enemy ranks and use buildings to gain a tactical advantage as you try to dominate the battlefield!Take on up to five opponents in hilarious all-out tactical worm warfare with up to eight worms each, either in local or online multiplayer, including ranked play. Flatten your opponents with the Concrete Donkey. Turn them into chunks of worm meat with the Holy Hand Grenade. Rain down hell from above in helicopters or pound them into oblivion with the tank. With 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, this is Worms at its chaotic best!Key FeaturesWonderfully 2D: The best implementation of the Worms formula yet, now with a brand new worm, and gorgeous digitally-painted 2D artwork.Vehicles: Worm warfare gets serious with the introduction of vehicles for the first time in the series. Dominate the landscape in warfare-ready tanks, take to the skies to unleash hell from above in helicopters, and more!Buildings: Keep your head down, and hide out in a building. Buildings provide a tactical advantage by hiding away your worms, and keeping them safe from direct attacks!Crafting: No more waiting around while your opponents take their turns! Grab the crafting crates that drop from the sky during games to make fiendishly upgraded versions of items such as the Electric Sheep, the Bazooka Pie, and the Holy Mine Grenade to unleash on your enemies!Classic Worms Physics and Gameplay: Our brand new engine recreates the feel of the fan-favorite entrants in the series, and sees the reintroduction of the much-loved Classic Ninja Rope!New and classic weapons: Over 80 weapons and utilities at your fingertips, including many returning classics and a slew of new additions such as the Dodgy Phone Battery, the Unwanted Present, and the OMG strike.Mounted Guns: As if over 80 weapons and utilities weren't already enough! A range of different gun types is placed around the landscape, allowing your warmongering worms to do even MORE damage!Hilarious single-player plus online and local multiplayer warfare: Worms W.M.D comes locked and loaded with a huge arsenal of Training Missions, Campaign Missions, and Challenges for the solo player. Train up then head online to create havoc in multiplayer modes including ranked play, with room for up to six players with eight worms each on a map! Worms™ W.M.D. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd. © 2016. Team17 and Worms™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. Original concept Andy Davidson. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed and published by Team17 Digital Limited.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (32-bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core 6600 @ 2.4GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel 4400, GeForce GTX 280, AMD Radeon HD 7750
  • DirectX: Version 11

Рекомендуемые системные требования:


  • OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
  • Processor: i5-2500k@3.3GHz, AMD FX 6300 3.5GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 750, AMD R7 370
  • DirectX: Version 11

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