
Worms Revolution

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342.62 RUB
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Описание игры

Worms™ Revolution is the latest game in the classic turn-based strategy series to come to the PC,  featuring exciting new features and beautiful 3D graphics whilst retaining the classic 2D gameplay that fans love. Choose to play the extensive single-player mode which features both campaign and puzzle missions or dive straight into multiplayer warfare via online or local play. For the first time ever see the inclusion of dynamic water, physics objects, and worm classes! Customize your experience by choosing what classes you play with, what they look like and even how they speak!Worms™ Revolution sticks an exploding sheep under worm-on-worm conflict and blasts it squarely into the 21st century.Key FeaturesClass Acts! Choose from 4 different classes: Soldier, Scout, Scientist, and Heavy. Players can unlock a total of 16 worms (4 of each class) to form their teams. It’s possible to take any combination of classes into a match.Customize Your Worms! Customize your worms using a variety of hats, glasses, moustaches, gravestones, victory dances, soundbanks, and for the first time ever, trinkets!Extensive Single Player Mode. Battle your way through 32 single-player campaign missions. Fancy exercising your brain as well as your brawn? There are 20 puzzle missions waiting for you!Includes a Level Editor. Create new environments for your worms to battle in and destroy.Stunning New Landscapes. Fight to the death across 4 unique environments: Beach, Sewer, Farmyard, and Spooky.Multiplayer Battles! Experience local or online battles with up to 4 players. Choose from 3 different game modes: Deathmatch, Forts, or Classic mode.Dynamic Water. Dynamic water features in an array of new weapons and utilities and it can also appear already on the landscape in matches.Exploding Physics Objects! Physics objects are destructible items that possess devastating effects as some have different properties when they explode. Watch out as they release fire, poison, and water!New Weapons. Wash those worms away using the new water weapons: Water Bomb, Water Pistol, and Water Strike. Dynamic water can be drained away with the addition of the new Plug Hole utility. There’s also Stick Up, which is used to steal from your opponent’s inventor,y, and the Wrench, which can repair damaged Sentry Guns and physics objects.Hilarious Script and Voice Over Talent.  Worms™ Revolution brings together two comedy legends, who between them bring alive the humorous world of Worms. Multi-BAFTA award-winning writer Dean Wilkinson provides the script, which is hilariously brought to life by the accomplished Matt Berry as the unseen narrator of the game, Don Keystone, a wildlife documentary maker. Worms Revolution Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd © 2012. Team17 Digital and Worms Revolution are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. Original Concept by Andy Davidson. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Developed and published by Team17 Digital Limited.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT (256 MB), Intel HD3000 or Radeon HD 3650 (512 MB)
  • Other Requirements: Broadband Internet connection

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

Note: In some instances, systems may require model specific drivers. If your system manufacturers no longer support hardware under this category, it may not be possible to run this title. Should this be the case, we are unable to assist you and recommend that you pursue support from your respective system manufacturer. This issue is most common in laptops and is prevalent with select products from most leading manufacturers.

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For 3-8 Players and an Audience of thousands! The team behind the hit party games YOU DON’T KNOW JACK, Fibbage, and Drawful presents Quiplash, the laugh-a-minute battle of wits and wittiness! Use your phone or tablet to answer simple prompts like “Something you’d be surprised to see a donkey do” or “The worst soup flavor: Cream of _____.” No rules, no correct answers! Say whatever you want! Your answer is pitted against another player’s answer in a head-to-head clash of cleverness and comedy (or just “Which answer is least stupid?”). Other players – and even an Audience of people waiting to get in the next game – then vote for their favorite answer. Quiplash is a go-to party game that everyone can play and enjoy! NOTE: This game is a same-room multiplayer party game. NOTE: This game is in English only.

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