
As Far As The Eye

Дата выхода:
Goblinz Studio
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Cистема активации:
405.78 RUB
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Описание игры

Проснись и пой, Ветер, дружок. Пришло время собирать вокруг меня учеников, разбросанных по всему миру. Не беспокойся: они признают тебя сразу, едва почувствуют на лице твое дыхание и увидят колыхание своих одежд. Они поймут, что ждали именно тебя. Направь их стопы, сбереги их тела, вознеси их дух и разожги в них надежду и целеустремленность.
Однако не забудь и про те дуновения, что внушат им: впереди долгий и нелегкий путь, но их странствия должны продолжаться.

Вам отведена роль Ветра, который должен помочь племени достичь центра мира. Вы должны заботиться об их ресурсах, их зданиях и их жизнях. Помогите им стать опытнее и мудрее с помощью земледелия, ремесел, наук и мистических изысканий, прежде чем мир окажется под водой. Будьте внимательны: только от вас зависит, не умрут ли ученики от голода, не застигнет ли их надвигающийся прилив.

Игра представляет собой кочевую строительную стратегию. Отправьтесь в путешествие по случайно генерируемому маршруту и, передвигаясь от стоянки к стоянке, достигните Ока.

Рассчитайте самый эффективный маршрут, чтобы ваше племя смогло достигнуть Ока.
Исследуйте, изучайте и обыскивайте интересные места, находя позабытые сокровища.
Сейте, стройте, собирайте и двигайтесь дальше, пока волна не накрыла вашу стоянку.
Развивайте способности учеников с помощью профессий, здания – с помощью системы улучшений, а все племя – с помощью системы знаний.
Выживайте в неблагоприятных условиях и защищайте учеников от случайных происшествий.
Находите союзников, обменивайтесь ресурсами, принимайте новых учеников!
Оставляйте подношения в святилищах или забирайте их себе, но помните: ваши действия имеют последствия. Не думайте о врагах – в As Far As The Eye их у вас просто нет.
Каждый раз отправляйтесь в новое путешествие благодаря нашей «роглайк»-системе.

Настройте параметры игры, такие как длительность сессии, размеры стоянок, распределение ресурсов и другие.
Сыграйте в кампанию, чтобы больше узнать о легендах и традициях игрового мира.
Получайте доступ к новым племенам и регионам благодаря системе игрового прогресса.
Зарабатывайте награды и открывайте новые истории и судьбы, помогая как можно большему количеству учеников успешно достичь Ока.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo E4300 / AMD Athlon Dual Core 4450e
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce 8800 GTX / Intel HD 4600 / Radeon HD 3850
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 2 GB

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828.18 RUB
Freaking Meatbags

Freaking Meatbags throws you into a futuristic world where robots have jobs, cephalopods aren't confined to a single dimension, and humans pretty much just stand around talking to themselves. As a lowly cleaning robot, your task is to gather precious materials from each world before the solar system goes kaboom. As soon as you land, you realize this gig isn't going to be as simple as you had hoped. During the day you'll scramble to gather resources, build structures and keep your base in good repair. But when it gets dark, get ready to fight. Those rampaging wild robots aren't here to have a knitting competition. At least you're not alone in your daily chores. Fleshy, unintelligent and very unattractive human creatures live on these planets. You've discovered they're quite amenable to being told what to do, even if those tasks are as limited as carrying resources back and forth. Mix some DNA from a few different species, however, and you can breed humans with special powers. Like, say... laser beam eyes! A little mod here, a little hack there and they might turn out to be quite useful!Features Fuse alien and human DNA: Create hybrids with special alien abilities by mixing DNA from two different meatbags. A human is useful, but a human with a laser eyes, and a new pair of arms is even more useful. Build offensive and defensive structures: Hold back the wild robot hordes while simultaneously pummeling them with lasers, missiles, bolts of electricity and your very own personal attack drones. 15 unique structures to create and upgrade. Enhance your base with technology: Influence the battlefield and manage your base with nine different pieces of buildable technology. Need to heal yourself? There's tech for that. Want to build drones? Tech for that, too! Motivate your meatbags: The humans usually do what you ask. Unless they're tired or bored or just plain apathetic. Fortunately there's plenty of alien biotechnology you can implant to give them a little encouragement. Robotic enemies: Nobody knows where the wild robots come from, but they sure are well-armed. Eight unique enemy types that range from creepy crawly things to dashy explodey things. Boss robots: Three sinister bad guys to take out with your turrets. One of them has a giant brain. How do you figure it got in there? Multiple planets and environments to explore Four alien species to encounter, chat with and steal DNA from One giant trans-dimensional space squid Philae Update(February 2015) Revamped DNA system with hundreds of alien/human combinations. Seven new genes to get all splice-happy with. Equip meatbags with jetpacks, hoverboards and... ROCKET LAUNCHERS! Stick humans in towers to power-up the buildings. Because of science. Overclocking ability lets you see the world in slow-mo. Brand new boss that jumps around a lot. Shhh, that's all we can say! Hidden zombie planet. Go ahead, try to find it. Over 50 gameplay, sound and interface improvements. New platforme: Mac & Linux.

435.45 RUB

Lead the people of the Tribe of the Dawn as they venture deep into forbidden lands. Complete quests that shape their personalities, impact their wellbeing, and decide the fate of their community. Ensure the survival of your populace in a grim fantasy world inspired by Slavic folklore.Erect palisades, develop structures, and grow your gord from a humble settlement to a formidable fortress. However, expansion won’t be easy! Your population is constantly at risk from enemy tribes, gruesome monsters, and mysterious powers that lurk in the surrounding woods.The versatile quests in Gord will have you venturing beyond the walls of your settlement, either to prevent calamity from happening or to address a personal matter of one of your subjects. The Scenario’s main objectives will guide your journey, while side quests and random encounters will dispatch you into the wilderness to hunt down legendary creatures, uncover secrets of the Ancients, or vanquish a nasty scourge. Expect the unexpected.Set the stage by choosing from a wide range of Scenario options, and try to emerge victorious. Take it easy or set an impossible challenge; almost anything can be adjusted! Choose from a variety of primary objectives, select the level size, the intensity of raids, the environment you’ll play in, the types of enemies you’ll face, starting resources, and even the severity of weather. Of course, don’t forget the Horrors.A healthy populace is the key to survival in Gord. Every aspect of your settlers’ lives - from illness, to hunger, to the death of their kin - can impact each subject’s Sanity levels. Keep a close eye on them, as once a subjects sanity reaches a critical point, they will suffer a breakdown or even flee your rule.Please the Gods with your prayers and they may give you access to their spellcasting abilities. Incantations vary in nature - some are offensive while others are defensive - but they all help to tip the battlefield in your favor. Conceal areas from your enemies, gain control over threatening beasts, or turn an unholy rage against all who dare to oppose you.The Chronicle explains the history of the Gord universe that blends real-world Slavic mythology with dark fantasy. Pages torn from The Chronicle will be scattered throughout the game’s landscapes, giving dedicated players an additional challenge of discovery. Collecting as many pages as possible will provide insight into the origins of the Gods, ancient factions, and the mystical Whisperers. Gord published under licence by Team17 Digital Limited. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. GORD is a registered trademark of Covenant.dev S.A. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

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Haegemonia: Legions of Iron

The year is 2104. Mars has been colonized and has decided it’s time for independence from Earth.  Tensions rise until finally war is declared between the two factions.  After weeks of fierce battles and heavy losses – just as humanity is in its weakest and most divided state - a cunning alien force emerges from the depths of space and threatens to take over the solar system.   The two sides must now band together, forming the Legions of Iron to fight this new enemy force.  From the makers of the award-winning Imperium Galactica 1 and 2 games, discover a powerful space-opera like RTS game.

 Can you stand up to the challenge? Epic real-time space battles waged with waves of fighters and massive battleships Stories and random events keep you busy as you climb the ranks Research and development of technology will either help you be successful or be your demise. Do you specialize or diversify… choose wisely. Prepare to test your cunning, strategic skills… collect resources, harvest, manage your inventory and your budgets carefully because your enemies will come at you with a godlike force.

456.00 RUB
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