
Uriel's Chasm 3: Gelshock

Дата выхода:
Rail Slave Games
KISS ltd
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский
Cистема активации:
108.61 RUB

Описание игры

Rail/ slave and Isserley* present

Uriel's chasm 3: Gelshock

You wake up...the gelatinous, adrenochrome saturated subject of an ancient prophecy, formulated by a brotherhood of abandoned sentient machines; stuck on the cusp of an evolutionary leap.

Be prepared to explore an eerie, rusting deep sea mining platform tangibly rendered and hand dithered in the restricted NES color palette .

Fight your way through original, turn based dice battles and white knuckle, "graze" based, bullet hell boss battles on your quest to find out what exactly happened when the crude oil grave of an ancient race was disturbed, over a hundred years ago.

Selfie :sisters of the amniotic lens inspired bottle system (via discord community)

Featuring all new music from Day 8's bottle maiden and witch house visionary Isserley*

*Isserley appears courtesy of the incubator
Box art by

Arrow keys to move, spending your roll when it is your turn. (You can freely move in combat where your roll becomes the damage you deal)

Z -> does most of the work / activates graze in the bullet hell sections.

X -> is used to clear the screen in bullet hell, at the expense of one notch of charge.

Space ->  zooms you out to the map screen

Esc -> brings up pause where there are options such as -

Q -> quit

R -> recap the mission

+/-  -> volume

S/L -> save/ load

General hints:-

- Pause and use R to recap your current objective

- Remember to zoom out and survey the floor you are on

- There is a shop where you can juggle your resources, But beware, its on the most dangerous floor in the game and conveniently great for grinding crafting materials.

- take your time to learn the patterns in the bullet hell, you will not fail the game if you die.

- In the turn based battle remember that the enemy dice is also counting down, be cautious of their next roll, it could be the critical unleashing 6.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС: Win 10
  • Процессор: 1.4GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 512 MB of dedicated video memory/ latest directxweb drivers (included)

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