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Offworld Industries
Offworld Industries
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Китайский (упр.)
Cистема активации:
1018.97 RUB
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Описание игры

Squad is the embodiment of tactical military action. Compete in massive-scale 50 vs. 50 battles in the most realistic combined-arms first-person shooter. Squad emphasizes combat realism through teamwork, tactics, and authentic warfare. A wide selection of realistic faction-specific weapons and vehicles allow players to build their own loadouts that best suit their preferred tactics. And with Squad’s unique Picture-in-Picture scopes, it’s like you’re really aiming at the enemy through real military-issue scopes.

Featuring 13 factions, 24 massive maps, and a sweeping arsenal of weapons and vehicles, Squad creates a heart-thumping, visceral shooter experience that requires split-second decision-making in intense, realistic firefights.

Massive 50 vs. 50 BattlesSquad creates authentic combat experiences while pitting conventional and unconventional factions against each other. As part of a 50 person team, join a nine-person squad to face off against opposing factions in intense combat across large real-world environments. Squad features 13 factions from all over the world, including the United States Marine Corps, Australian Defence Force, and Canadian Army among many others.Ultra-Realistic Infantry CombatSquad’s combat was designed to provide the most fun, immersive, and authentic infantry experience possible. With Squad’s core tenets of teamwork and tactics, you’ll have to work together to outmaneuver your enemies with realistic Picture-in-Picture scopes and Squad’s unique Suppression system. Work with your squad to overwhelm the enemy and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!Building & Logistics SystemAdapt to the ever-changing needs of the battlefield. By building fortifications and emplacements or supplying your team with ammunition and materials, you can give your squad the edge. Whether it’s placing HMGs and AT guns or fortifying a position with sandbags, razor wire, and some much-needed ammo, the battlefield is yours to change, if you have the courage to do so.CommunicationSolid communication is a soldier's best friend when engaging the enemy. To help facilitate navigating the complexity of communication on the battlefield, Squad provides a world-class in-game VoIP system that allows players to talk to other soldiers locally, in-squad, between squad leaders, or even to the overall team commander. Map tools and in-world markers aid fire team leads and squad leaders to inform their soldiers of on-the-fly engagement tactics.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 (x64)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i or AMD Ryzen with 4 physical cores
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Geforce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 with at least 4 GB of VRAM
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 80 GB
  • Дополнительно: A teamwork oriented mindset

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 (x64)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i or AMD Ryzen with 6 physical cores
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon 570 with at least 6GB of VRAM
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 80 GB
  • Дополнительно: A microphone

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Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy

Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy faithfully recreates the experience of tactical land warfare in Western France during World War Two. The Base Game covers the three month period following the Allied D-Day landings, from Operation Overlord in June through the Cobra Breakout in August. The tough fight has become the stuff of legend and Combat Mission's high standards for accuracy and detail means you'll experience the fighting as realistically as can be. Command the full array of American and German Heer formations fighting along the coast through to the interior of France. Four challenging campaigns, 21 standalone scenarios, and a plethora of Quick Battle maps will test your tactical acumen. Matching the painstakingly researched battles is the highly detailed combat equipment, including 67 vehicles and dozens of various small arms and heavy weapons.FeaturesTactical warfare at battalion and below scale in a true 3D environment Command individual vehicles, teams and squads Expansive simulation of “soft factors” such as Morale, Experience and Leadership Innovative systems portraying Fog of War, Spotting, Line of Sight, Command & Control and Objectives Unmatched realistic physics, ballistics and battlefield effects Fight in a wide range of weather and lighting conditions, all of which realistically impact fighting abilities Unique hybrid system for RealTime and WeGo (turn based) play Full featured Editor for maps, scenarios, and campaigns Quick Battle system sets up deliberate or randomized battles based on player specifications Single player and head to head play, including Play By Email (PBEM+++) Supported for the long haul with patches, upgrades and expansions

1545.93 RUB
112 Operator

"112 Operator позволяет управлять службами спасения в любом городе мира! Координируйте работу спасателей, принимайте вызовы и справляйтесь с экстренными ситуациями, вызванными погодой, транспортом и сезонными изменениями. Помогите городу справляться с серьезными опасностями: бунтами, организованной преступностью, терактами, природными катаклизмами и прочим!Опасность стала серьезнееВаша помощь сейчас нужна как никогда раньше: опасность приобрела новый масштаб в сиквеле знаменитой игры 911 Operator. Пройдите множество разных уровней: от присмотра за небольшим районом до координации нескольких диспетчеров в огромном мегаполисе. Полная 3D-визуализация позволит увидеть работу спасателей во всех подробностях. Больше ста тысяч областей ждут вашего внимания. Среди них отдельные районы и муниципалитеты, а также десятки тысяч реальных городов со всего мира.Внимание всем постам: надвигается буря…Погода будет меняться, следуя реальным историческим данным. Отслеживайте ход событий днем и ночью, в разных транспортных условиях и в разные времена года. Учтите, что экстремальные погодные условия могут привести к катастрофам. Сражайтесь с лесными пожарами и не давайте им распространиться по карте. Но помните: погода – не единственный ваш противник. Держите ухо востро, когда имеете дело с террористами и мафиозными разборками.112, что у вас случилось?Принимайте вызовы от людей, которым нужна самая разная помощь. Никогда не угадаешь, кто окажется на другом конце провода: возможно, вам придется столкнуться с жутким убийством, провести срочный инструктаж по непрямому массажу сердца или скрипнуть зубами, слыша очередного любителя розыгрышей.Это моя работа, мэм...В новом режиме «Карьера» вам предстоит выбрать один из европейских городов и испытать себя. Удастся ли вам пройти путь к вершине карьеры диспетчера службы спасения? Исполняйте приказы начальства и наблюдайте, как ваши действия отражаются на подчиненных и на тех, кому вы помогаете. Иногда ошибка карается всего лишь письмом с порицанием. Иногда она влияет на вашу собственную жизнь. Также можно отыгрывать особые сценарии в любом городе мира и создавать собственные правила в режиме свободной игры.Запрашиваем поддержку!Управляйте лучшими специалистами с продвинутым оборудованием и транспортом. Выберите сами, кого бросить на операцию: спецназ, поисково-спасательный вертолет или группу борьбы с беспорядками. Режим тактического обзора предоставит вам полную картину и позволит командовать силами на месте.НОВЫЕ ФУНКЦИИ В 112 OPERATOR:Расширяемые карты РЕАЛЬНЫХ ГОРОДОВ, увеличенные в 25 раз, с трехмерными постройками новый набор вызовов, экстренных ситуаций и крупных происшествий. полностью перестроенная кампания с системой целей, электронной перепиской и сюжетом смена времени суток, погоды, времени года и ситуации на дорогах – все это теперь влияет на ход событий и спасательных работ новая механика распространения пожаров: огонь может уничтожать целые регионы, и на борьбу с ним нужны десятки отрядов региональная специфика: игра теперь зависит от местного законодательства и от типа местности (трущобы, деловой центр, спальный район, промзона / лес и пр.) новая визуализация ситуации на месте: точная и интуитивно понятная картина происходящего новые члены команд: врачи, сержанты, собаки, роботы и прочие! районам можно назначать вспомогательных диспетчеров! новая концепция снаряжения: теперь предметы собираются в комплектыНЕ ПРОПУСТИТЕ ДРУГИЕ ИГРЫ GAMES OPERATORS!

420.81 RUB
Combat Mission Shock Force 2

The latest title in the famous Combat Mission franchise of wargames, now on Steam. Shock Force 2 brings you to a hypothetical conflict in Syria between the forces of NATO and the Syrian Army. Take command of US Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) and Heavy Brigade Combat Teams (HBCT) to fight against Syrian Army Infantry, Mechanized and Armored units in an arid setting. Experience the full range of modern threats to conventional military forces, including irregular combat forces, terrorists, spies, suicide bombers, IED's and other deadly tools employed in the asymmetric warfare of the modern day. Play the Task Force Thunder campaign, more than a dozen carefully crafted battles, or unlimited Quick Battles.HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED Players are assigned detailed missions to accomplish based on a richly diverse set of Objectives. Missions can be played in either Real Time or our WeGo hybrid turn based mode introduced with the first Combat Mission game 20 years ago. WeGo allows each player to plan out 60 seconds of combat and then watch as both sides' commands are carried out simultaneously. The WeGo system also allows for re-watching turn action and playing against another player by email (PBEM) or "hotseat" on a single computer. RealTime and WeGo head to head play can also use TCP/IP on a LAN or over the Internet. Massive replayability comes from a unique Quick Battle system which allows players to purchase their own custom force and fight over the battlefield of their choice from a wide array of different maps. A powerful map and scenario Editor allows you to create battles or campaigns for yourself and others.HOW UNITS ARE PORTRAYED All units are portrayed one for one in 1:1 scale in high resolution polygon 3D models with articulated suspensions, animated hatches, and other features that make them feel real. Unlike other 3D tactical wargames, Combat Mission combines real world physics with a thoroughly researched portrayal of forces, right down to what the individual soldiers cary into battle. Advanced vehicle damage modeling allows for tracking of each sub-system, including the most realistic ballistics, armor and post-armor effects available in any game. Unlike other games that claim this level of realism, Combat Mission actually delivers it across the whole spectrum of warfare, including the interaction of weather, lighting, and terrain on how units and their weapons function.  Perhaps the most important feature of Combat Mission is its detailed and innovative portrayal of "soft factors". Experience, Morale, Leadership, and other elements operate at the individual soldier level and collectively transform how units behave. As important as these battlefield concerns are, most other games give them short shrift or don't bother covering them at all. In the real world having the best weapons means nothing if the soldiers crewing them are balled up in fear or are too distracted to see what's going on around them.HOW THINGS WORK BEHIND THE SCENES Weapon penetration values and armor protection are based on extremely detailed real life data and scientific algorithms that are specific to exactly what is seen in the game. There are no arbitrary values (hitpoints) or precalculated resolution tables (CRTs) that so often produce frustratingly inaccurate results. The advanced Tactical AI (TacAI) models the psychological state and inherent qualities of every soldier on the battlefield, allowing for genuine battlefield behavior from every soldier as if they were their own free thinking individual.  The simulation of independent soldiers is important in another regard because it allows Combat Mission to have what we call Relative Spotting. This is a system which ensures that each soldier has their own unique view of the battlefield, avoiding the "Borg" issue seen in many games where once one person has spotted an enemy, automatically everyone else has spotted it and can fire on it as well. Any wargamer worth his weight in gunpowder knows that Fog of War is one of the most important battlefield elements. An unprecedented simulation of Command and Control (C2) combines with Relative Spotting to realistically portray the flow of information and responsibility between soldiers as they share information with each other on what they can see on the battlefield  All of these elements, and many more, seamlessly fit together to create the most realistic battlefield experience out there. The realism level isn't pushed in your face with lots of data and obscure references. Instead players experience all of this with the 3D graphical environment. Combat Mission's visceral game environment is what attracts players, the richness of the gameplay is what keeps them playing for years on end.Features: - Tactical warfare at battalion and below scale in a true 3D environment - Command individual vehicles, teams, and squads - Expansive simulation of "soft factors" such as Morale, Experience, and Leadership - Innovative systems portraying Fog of War, Spotting, Line of Sight, Command & Control, and Objectives - Unmatched realistic physics, ballistics, and battlefield effects - Fight in a wide range of weather and lighting conditions, all of which realistically impact fighting abilities - Unique hybrid system for RealTime or WeGo (turn based) play - Full featured Editor for maps, scenarios, and campaigns - Quick Battle system sets up deliberate or randomized battles based on player specifications - Single player and head to head play, including Play By Email (PBEM) - Detailed and realistic combat formation for the United States Army and Syrian Army - Two types of Syrian Unconventional Forces, Spies, IEDs, and VIEDs - One large campaign, a small training campaign, 20 standalone scenarios, and numerous Quick Battle maps. - On map mortars, mortar vehicles, drones, anti-aircraft fire, and other modern warfare features - Expanded arid combat environment, now including waterways, bridges, and other new terrain - Intricately detailed and highly realistic combat equipment for the United States Army and Syrian Army, including 41 vehicles and 35 assorted small arms and crew weapons. - Expansive maps with 1m x 1m resolution allow for short and long range action across complex terrain - Buildings have explicitly simulated doors, windows, and floors - Weather and ground condition modelling systems allow for everything from dry sunny days to muddy stormy nights, with visibility and mobility dynamically affected by the conditions. Some Combat Mission games include the full range of Winter, Spring, and Fall weather as well - Line of Sight and Line of Fire are separately calculated, which means sometimes you can see something you can't shoot and sometimes you can shoot at things you can't see - Soldier posture (prone, kneeling, standing) affects everything including spotting, cover, and ability to engage enemies - Line of Sight is calculated from the "eyeballs" or "sensor" point, not a generic value - Much of Combat Mission's realism comes from correctly simulating important low level details, such as crew responsibilities, vehicle vision blocks, high tech sensors, etc. A 3 man tank with a few cloudy vision blocks doesn't have to be artificially made inferior to a 5 man tank with a commander's cupola and separate vision blocks for the gunner and loader because in Combat Mission it happens naturally - The way a nation organizes its units has a huge impact on how they perform in combat, therefore great pains are taken to accurately portray formations as they are in real life for a particular point in time - Lighting affects combat in no small way in real life as well as in the game. The correct lighting conditions are simulated based on time of day, time of year, and weather

1545.93 RUB

Дрессировка кошек - это легко! (это неправда) Главная задача в Catizens — построить город так, чтобы он подходил по характеру его обитателям, иначе недовольные коты просто откажутся работать! Характеры котиков по-разному сочетаются между собой, влияя на настроение, работоспособность и послушание. Чтобы добиться максимальной продуктивности, тебе предстоит узнать, что делает счастливым каждого пушистого жителя. Создавай уникальных котиков и идеальные дома Создавай котов с неповторимыми личностями и запоминающейся внешностью при помощи конструктора. Обустрой уютное местечко для каждого из них, подбирая мебель, растения и другие предметы. Чем лучше обставлено поселение, тем счастливее котики. Так что прояви фантазию! Управляй поселениемУ котиков не только разные параметры и особенности, но и профессии — от фермерского хозяйства до кузнечного дела и даже рыцарства. Кто-то ведь должен защищать поселение от различных опасностей! Разные типы построек открываются в зависимости от черт и профессий котиков, так что подходи к вопросу развития своих питомцев с умом. Исследуй новые землиРасширяй свои владения за счет новых территорий, в которых котиков ждут новые возможности и приключения. Изучай игровую карту, чтобы отыскать рыбные места, спрятанные сокровища и необычных персонажей с квестами.

552.18 RUB
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