
Patrician III

Дата выхода:
Ascaron Entertainment ltd
Kalypso Media Digital
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский
Cистема активации:
53.47 RUB
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Описание игры

Patrician III - sequel to the award winning game Patrician II - features advanced in-game AI, which adjusts its difficulty based on experience and ability. In this economic sandbox game you can gain wealth and power in multiple ways - what you will do with it is up to you. Invite up to 8 of your friends for a multiplayer session via LAN or over the Internet.

Become a fellow of the famous medieval Hanse trading association in the 13th century. Manage the politics, prestige and economic success in your city and the known parts of Europe! Create a medieval trade empire and expand in to encompass the whole Old World. Build warehouses, workshops, brickworks and much more to strengthen your financial position in the Hansa. Gain reputation in your hometown by developing its infrastructure with roads, hospitals, schools and become Lord Mayor thus gaining full control of the city. Be a famous pirate killer or become one yourself!

Visit the great cities of Hamburg, Stockholm, London, Novgorod, Oslo and more. Explore the Mediterranean as you build your trade empire. Hold galas to celebrate victory in battle and your town's growth. Run massive trading operations and cope with the consequences of enhanced seasonal weather effects.

You can raise your standing through town improvement and diplomacy or fill your coffers through piracy and smuggling. Grow your small town into a major trading centre wielding tremendous economic power today!Other recommended games from Kalypso Media

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • OS *: Windows XP SP2/Vista
  • Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher
  • Memory: 512 MB or higher
  • Graphics: 128 MB DirectX 9-compatible (Pixel/Vertexshader 1.1)
  • DirectX®: DirectX-compatible
  • Hard Drive: 6.5 GB free hard drive space

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33.60 RUB
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

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314.39 RUB
Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Supporter Pack

Do you love Solasta: Crown of the Magister? Like, so much you're wondering if you failed a Wisdom Saving Throw at some point? Well look no further, for you stumbled upon the fabled Supporter Pack! Help further fuel the development of the game, and we'll treat you with some fancy goodies.Important NoticeIf you are a Kickstarter Backer whose rewards included the game, you will automatically receive a Supporter DLC Steam Key! There is no reason for you to buy this DLC again (unless you just want to support us even more. Roll Wisdom (Insight) again) By buying this DLC you are first and foremost showing your support for the game and for us, the developers! The fluff below is just the 1d4 Guidance Bonus on your everyday Skill Check (think of your poor DM, don't spam Guidance)Supporter Pack Content:4x Additional Dice - Diamond Dice, Golden Dice, Silver Dice, Bronze Dice 3x Additional Dice with special FX - Flaming Dice, Frozen Dice & Lightning Dice Environmental Art Pack - High Resolution Concept Art of the many locations you will be visiting throughout the game Weapon Art Pack - High Resolution Concept Art of various weapons you'll find in-game Badlands Art Pack - High Resolution Concept Art from the early days of our project, when we were still creating the world of Solasta! Folder: ...\steamapps\common\SOLASTA\SupporterArtPack or ...\steamapps\common\Solasta_COTM\SupporterArtPack

335.97 RUB
Sheltered 2

It's been twenty years since the world as we knew it ended. The last of humanity splintered into opposing factions. Will you unite or conquer?Building upon the original 2015 fan-favorite, Sheltered 2 brings new challenges and deeper strategic gameplay. You are tasked with creating a leader and building up your faction whilst managing resources and tackling threats both natural and human. Everything from starvation and dehydration to radiation poisoning and enemy raids can prove fatal.Sheltered 2’s new Factions system is pivotal to a base’s success. Send out expeditions to explore the vast wasteland and forge relationships, or bitter rivalries with other camps. Trade resources to grow and thrive together, or go head-to-head with rivals in an expanded combat system and grow your foothold in the wasteland. Will you ally with or dominate the other factions?Features:Factions: New to Sheltered 2, the Factions system allows you to create relationships with other groups that will provide your base with resources and support. Or grab your weapons and take things the old-fashioned way.Resource Management: Balance the needs and wants of your survivors, manage scarce resources, craft what you need, and maintain the shelter’s equipment to keep the group alive.Faction Leaders: New in Sheltered 2, the faction leader is the most important member of a shelter, boasting their own unique and powerful traits, the faction leader will be pivotal to success, with their death meaning game over.An Unforgiving Wasteland: Starvation, asphyxiation, extreme temperatures, and combat are just some of the challenges you’ll face in the harsh wasteland of Sheltered 2, and without the ability to respawn, every decision could be fatal.Combat & Weapons: When negotiations fail, wield a huge variety of makeshift weaponry against hostile outsiders. Fight to the death in turn-based combat to win the critical resources you need to survive.Characters: Your survivors have their own personalities, traits, desires, and a huge list of skills to acquire. Customize them to your liking and make your faction members unique and individual.Vehicles: Find and fix more vehicles to explore the wasteland with, from Bicycles to pickup trucks. Sheltered 2. Developed by Unicube and Team 17 Digital Ltd © 2021. Published by Team17. Team17 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1546.00 RUB
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