
Worms Blast

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599.00 RUB
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Описание игры

Fall in line for fast, furious fire fights with Worms™ Blast. Your mission: launch your worm marine into hostile waters and blast your way to survival through intense puzzle action! Take the big chunk of puzzle-styled gameplay and slice into 60 fun-sized missions. Sprinkle with a fiendishly challenging puzzle mode, and mix in a tasty tournament mode, not forgetting to include the unlockable hidden features. Spread this mixture over a multi-player head-to-head game guaranteeing fun for yourself and your friends, and allow to simmer! When enjoyment is boiling, add in a generous helping of entertaining characters, boat-based silliness, fog, sea monsters, and falling anvils. Add bazookas, dynamite and unprecedented destruction to taste. This recipe should serve a truly hefty helping of fun!Key Features:Jam packed with over 20 special weapons, utilities and gadgets.Wacky Weaponry: unleash a firing frenzy on your opponent using Shotguns, Bazookas, Mines, Laser Beams, and Sea Monsters.Explosive Power-ups: Collect power-ups like Double Damage, Sailor's Delight, and Fish Food.Torrential Weather: Brave the high seas against Rain, Wind, Solar Eclipses, and even Cosmic Showers.A massive single-player puzzle mode that features 60 wild and varied missions using oodles of diverse gameplay features.8 captivating multi-player modes for playing against either a human or AI. Featuring modes like Star Collect, Deathmatch and Tide Trial.9 outrageous characters to choose from, each with their own set of skills. Play as a Worm, Sheep, Old Woman or even as Superfrog! Worms™ Blast. Copyright 2002-2011. Team17 Software Ltd. Original Concept Andy Davidson. Worms™, Worms™ Blast and Team17 are copyrights of Team17 Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

MINIMUM: A 100% Windows XP/Vista/7 compatible computer system.

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Distant Worlds 2: Factions - Quameno and Gizureans

The Galaxy Expands!  The second Distant Worlds 2 expansion brings two new playable factions – the introverted puzzle-solving Quameno and the numberless and ruthless Gizureans! The Quameno mostly prefer to be left alone to focus on their research and their societies are often organized like war-time economies, but with a focus on research instead of military matters.  They value puzzle-solving and the discovery of new knowledge above almost everything else, certainly more than distractions such as diplomacy, war or espionage.  They also have a natural aptitude when it comes to energy technologies and because of the abundance of energy in their ships, stations and cities, they use energy fields where many others might use solid materials.   Their governments are typically based on a Geniocracy, which uses unique facilities such as the Enigma Maze to determine which are the most worthy to lead and the Transcendence Hub, a wonder which will trigger a singularity of sorts, which will free them from their physical limits and allow research to continue through eternity. The Gizureans are legion, with an incredible reproduction rate, along with a ruthless focus on gaining and consuming enough resources to keep their burgeoning populations happy enough to stave off their tendency towards tribal strife.  They also have a mysterious past, as the hive mind they once had was broken and a more limited shared consciousness is all that remains.  They engineer their ships through partially organic processes, which allows them to be tougher, but their real focus is in their numbers.  Gizureans tend to focus on numbers and tactics based on quantity in space combat, specializing in many smaller ships and large quantities of hive starfighters for their ships, stations and colony defense with the earliest access of any faction to planetary starfighter bases. Each of these new factions also comes with their own special storyline and unique story locations, adding to the possible exploration events and to your knowledge of galactic lore.  The Quameno will give you some additional insights on the Ancient galaxy and some of the mysteries the Ancient Guardians left behind, while the history of the Gizureans is connected with that of the Hive threat as well as the ancient enemy known as the Shakturi!Quameno Unique Features Geniocracy Government starts with better Research Labs and provides the largest research bonus of all government types, at the expense of other areas, including being unable to fund bonus colony growth.  Also has the option for additional benefits whenever a research breakthrough or research critical failure happens. The Quameno also are the most gifted researchers in the galaxy, though their single-minded focus also means that they are limited when it comes to concurrent research Additional bonuses when they find new research locations or build new research stations Some temporary penalties due to distraction when treaties are signed or populations are unassimilated, preventing the Quameno from focusing as fully as they are normally able on their research puzzles Novacore Reactors, the best reactor in the game, along with Bubble Shields which have the highest Shield Resistance of all shield types The Transcendence Hub, an end-game victory condition wonder which allows the Quameno to transcend their physical forms Larger Research Stations Special exclusive Leader and Scientist Traits focused on Research Special conditional events Alien Distractions, Integration Studies, Puzzle Solved, Building the Future, A Piece of the Puzzle and The Answer reward them for thematic play Their unique story gives them an advantage when it comes to finding the new Ancient Guardian Vaults scattered throughout the galaxy and recovering the knowledge and artifacts within.Gizurean Unique FeaturesCell Hegemony government type is a form of limited shared consciousness, which includes some of the benefits and fewer of the disadvantages of a full hive mind.  Starts with better sensors and command control, more inspiring characters and a generally reduced rate of luxury resource needs. Excellent at boarding combat and gain extra bonuses from salvaging and retiring captured ships Swarm Targeting systems make their ships more accurate the more ships there are in a fleet. Hive Hangars and Hex Armor allow them to build and repair starfighters more quickly and cover their ships with partially organic armor that is stronger than normal alloys. Hive Fighter Bases are available to defend their planets from the very early game Internecine Tribal Conflicts can hold them back at times and they will need to supplement their slower research through reverse engineering and conquest Larger Carriers Special exclusive Leader and General traits focused on improving their collective consciousness and increasing the size and resiliency of their armies Special conditional events, such as Waste Nothing and The Scouring, give them extra bonuses when retiring ships or conquering planets.  The Rivalry event means that their characters periodically engage in power struggles to eliminate the weak and Breeding World allows them to choose to boost their own growth rate further by using other species as food.

220.48 RUB
The Escapists - Fhurst Peak Correctional Facility

Here's your chance to get the first map for The Escapists - Fhurst Peak Correctional Facility. This prison was originally a bonus prison included for Early Access members, but due to popular demand it is now available here as an additional prison.Fhurst Peak Correctional Facility is a medium security establishment and will provide players with a moderately stiff challenge. Whilst compiling their master escape plan, prisoners will be able to enjoy the wide open spaces, partake in some exercise in the extremely well equipped in-house gym, then finish off the day with some culinary delights from the generously proportioned canteen. As always we would like to wish you a pleasant stay here at Fhurst Peak, and would gently remind you - don't forget to Escape! The Escapists. Developed by Mouldy Toof Studios. © 2014. The Escapists and Mouldy Toof Studios are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mouldy Toof Studios. The Escapists published by Team17. © 2014. Team17 is a registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

74.00 RUB
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Ghost Fleet Offensive

The people of the Twelve Colonies believe that Colonial forces are keeping the Cylon threat in check. In reality, the Ministry of Defense loses ground every day. Under Atropos’ command, Cylon attacks have become precise and terrifying. Perfectly timed ambushes designed to cripple communications and logistics. Efficient and methodical. Commander Nash and the crew of the Galactica have to keep up the pretense of the good fight, never revealing how close the people back home are to the knife’s edge. Meanwhile, Admiral Sarkis has one last plan that could finally bring this war to an end, or doom them all. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive.New Campaign Ghost Fleet Offensive is a brand new 10-mission story campaign. Relive the infamous Ghost Fleet Offensive, strike behind enemy lines and turn the tide of the war for the Twelve Colonies.New ships Colonial Orion - Recon Frigate A light frigate equipped with an experimental suite of ECM jamming and stealth technologies. Able to protect itself from hostile DRADIS sensors, the Orion can lay in wait, maneuver for the perfect torpedo angle, and then speed away while its stealth battery recharges. Colonial Defender - Support Specialist A support ship of Gemenese origin, the Defender is a mobile marine detachment platform. The Raptors from the Defender can both bolster the marine defense of friendly ships that have been boarded, and provide technical support to boost the strength of ally subsystems. Based on the ship design and used with permission of Todd Boyce. Cylon Medusa - Central Command A technologically advanced command ship lined with point defence cannons, and capable of overclocking the subsystems of multiple ships with its advanced transmission arrays. The Medusa pushes the capabilities of Cylon technology to its very limits.New Cylon Munitions Cylon Cluster Nukes - A devastating multi-missile system capable of striking six individual targets with high yield nuclear warheads. Cylon Virus Mines - A short-range ECM field generator that both hacks the subsystems of hostile ships, and compromises enemy squadrons. Ghost Fleet Offensive will be accompanied by a new free update, called the Fleet Admiral Update. The Fleet Admiral Update contains a plethora of new features and improvements, including: ● Fleet Admiralty Difficulty - For the ultimate challenge against Cylon Command. ● Updated officer profiles - All new artwork for your flagship officers . ● UI enhancements - More QoL improvements to the UI, including additional information tooltips, double-click to select all ships of the same type, more squadron groups, and more. ● Cinematics Browser - Replay any intro or outro cinematic you’ve unlocked ● Select flagship - Select the ship in any campaign fleet you want as flagship, to get the most of your officer bonuses. ● New Loading Screens - Five new gorgeous loading screens. ● And more...

176.71 RUB

Бросьте вызов самой природе в Clanfolk — симуляторе средневековой колонии в суровом Шотландском высокогорье. Взяв под контроль небольшой клан, вы научитесь выживать, разводить скот, собирать урожай и противостоять беспощадной зиме. Процветающий постоялый двор, богатый центр торговли или просто уютное семейное поместье — будущее этого пустого клочка земли и всех его обитателей зависит от вас. Напишите историю своей семьи длиной в несколько поколений. Начните с нуля и оставьте после себя бессмертное наследие. Создайте собственный клан или возглавьте один из уже готовых и помогите семье из нескольких поколений выжить в суровом Шотландском высокогорье. Члены вашей семьи будут заключать браки, заводить детей, стареть и со временем умирать, оставляя результаты своих трудов новым поколениям. Составьте расписание и следите за тем, чтобы поселенцы как следует отдыхали, питались и развлекались, но помните, что зима близко и без подготовки ее не пережить. Утренняя рутина, общение и отдых разбавят день тяжкого труда: работы в поле, рыбалки, охоты, строительства и готовки. У каждого поселенца свои черты характера, стремления, мечты и навыки, которые помогут выбрать для них подходящее занятие. Они заботятся о себе и соплеменниках и каждый день набираются опыта. Старшие присматривают за младшими, учат их охотиться, готовить, убирать, строить, ухаживать за землей — словом, передают будущему поколению все необходимые для выживания навыки. За теплым летом неминуемо придут зябкие осенние ночи, суровые зимние холода и, наконец, весенняя оттепель. Планируйте наперед и приспосабливайтесь к смене сезонов, если надеетесь выжить. Каждая пора года приносит новые испытания и возможности: собирайте ягоды, ловите угрей, охотьтесь на кроликов или ищите грибы — пользуйтесь всем, что дает средневековая жизнь. Состояние почвы постоянно меняется, а на рост урожая влияет множество факторов. Возделывайте поля, применяйте технику подсечно-огневого земледелия и обучайте поселенцев искусству выращивания урожая, чтобы обеспечить клан едой. Природа постоянно подбрасывает новые испытания. Животным, имуществу и самим поселенцам нужно укрытие от дождя и мороза. Оставьте полный кувшин в холоде, и вода замерзнет, а чтобы растопить лед, придется подержать кувшин у огня. Промокшая еда быстрее портится, но зато мокрые вещи хуже горят. Домашние животные не выживут без крыши над головой, а люди замерзнут, если одеты не по погоде. Превратите голую землю в место, достойное называться домом. Передавайте знание о выживании из поколения в поколение. Каждая собранная веточка, каждое срубленное дерево открывают новые идеи и технологии, улучшающие жизнь клана. Открывайте новые материалы и мастерите орудия. Сегодня вы спите на твердой земле под звездным небом, а завтра — в огромном поместье со всеми удобствами. Технологическое развитие происходит поступательно. Каждодневный труд подталкивает ваших подопечных к новым идеям и открытиям. Прежде чем заниматься гончарством, делать кирпичи и плитку, придется найти глину. Орудия из железа не смастерить, не наткнувшись сперва на железную жилу. Обработка шкур — результат охоты и свежевания диких животных. Поддерживайте достоверные производственные цепочки на протяжении всего года. Настраивайте приоритет занятий, устанавливайте нормы и требования производства. Поддерживайте баланс между предметами первой необходимости и роскошью. Будьте готовы к непредвиденным ситуациям: болезни, непогода и пожары вмиг превратят процветающее поселение в поселение-призрак. Ваш клан — не единственные обитатели гор. Время от времени к вам будут заглядывать путники, торговцы и соседи из других кланов, давая возможность завести друзей и подзаработать. Торговцы из соседних кланов будут приносить на торговый пост товары на продажу и с радостью купят что-нибудь у вас. Их товары будут зависеть от ваших отношений с кланами. А поскольку каждый клан специализируется на разных видах товара, важно уметь заводить нужных друзей. Содержание постоялого двора — прибыльное и веселое занятие. Путники будут приходить к вам в поисках ночлега, а особенно довольные гости могут остаться еще на ночь или заплатить больше обычного. У доски вакансий будут собираться рабочие из других кланов, готовые трудиться за честную плату. Отправьте их собирать урожай, охотиться или обслуживать ваш новый постоялый двор. Clanfolk — это игра о жизни и семье. Ведите клан сквозь поколения и испытайте на себе жизнь в Шотландском высокогорье.

0.00 RUB
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