

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Reinforcement Pack

War rages in the quaternary system of Cyrannus. It all started with a devastating surprise Cylon attack, and the Twelve Colonies recoiled. But the Colonials struck back with all they had. Years of war followed, years of sacrifice, heroism and massive bloodshed. Victory is still beyond the grasp of each side. Both the Cylons and the Colonials develop powerful new weapons and ships in an attempt to break this deadlock. New weapons and new strategies can turn the tide. He who wants to survive will need to learn. It is the way of war, there is no other option. Adapt or die. The Reinforcement Pack DLC brings new content to Battlestar Galactica Deadlock! With four new ships, new types of ammo and some surprises, the Reinforcement Pack is a must for every Colonial or Cylon admiral! New ships! Berzerk (Colonial) – A pocket-sized Assault Carrier, the Berzerk class carrier brings additional heavy artillery to the Colonial ranks and is an effective force multiplier in Colonial Fleet strike groups. The carrier is not designed to survive prolonged engagements by itself. However, when attached to a Battlestar fleet or strike group, it provides powerful complementary firepower and squadron support. Janus (Colonial) – A Heavy Cruiser, with high staying power and heavy armor plating. A really tough ship for heavy firepower battles. The Janus heavy cruiser is an old Gemenese ship, made popular during the later stages of the imperial wars between Virgon and Leonis. Heavy armor playing provides it with enough staying power to remain relevant in modern warfare, although its older fire control systems are considered outdated compared to more modern cruisers. Phobos (Cylon) – A High Impact Tech Cruiser specialized in Hacking; it possesses the unique ability to perform high-accuracy, short-range Tactical FTL Jumps mid-battle! The Phobos class tech cruiser has highly sophisticated DRADIS systems integrated into its FTL drives, allowing it to make tactical-range jumps while engaged with the enemy. An array of missile tubes, a forward-facing hangar and a powerful electronic warfare suite rounds out this high threat cruiser. Cerastes (Cylon) – A Defensive Gunship, this small and fast vessel was created as a response to the rapid escalation of Colonial Viper design. The Cerastes is fitted with high RoF point-defence turrets similar to those found on the flightpods of Battlestars, and specialises in softening hostile fighter squadrons. Mines! Proximity mine – Standard proximity munition, DRADIS IFF and occlusion sensors determine when a hostile unit breaches proximity, at which point the munition releases an explosive shrapnel payload, damaging all ships within the blast area. EMP mine – Colonial Fleet’s attempt at brute-forcing an advantage in electronic warfare. These mines release an EMP pulse when an enemy IFF comes within proximity. It does high subsystem damage to all ships in pulse range, but no physical damage. Homing Cluster mine – Cylon smart proxy mines use a combination of DRADIS and guidance systems to lock onto any hostile ship that comes within range of its detectors. The mine then uses reactive control jets to propel itself towards its target. The mine detonates on impact causing substantial damage.

63.47 RUB
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Ghost Fleet Offensive

The people of the Twelve Colonies believe that Colonial forces are keeping the Cylon threat in check. In reality, the Ministry of Defense loses ground every day. Under Atropos’ command, Cylon attacks have become precise and terrifying. Perfectly timed ambushes designed to cripple communications and logistics. Efficient and methodical. Commander Nash and the crew of the Galactica have to keep up the pretense of the good fight, never revealing how close the people back home are to the knife’s edge. Meanwhile, Admiral Sarkis has one last plan that could finally bring this war to an end, or doom them all. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive.New Campaign Ghost Fleet Offensive is a brand new 10-mission story campaign. Relive the infamous Ghost Fleet Offensive, strike behind enemy lines and turn the tide of the war for the Twelve Colonies.New ships Colonial Orion - Recon Frigate A light frigate equipped with an experimental suite of ECM jamming and stealth technologies. Able to protect itself from hostile DRADIS sensors, the Orion can lay in wait, maneuver for the perfect torpedo angle, and then speed away while its stealth battery recharges. Colonial Defender - Support Specialist A support ship of Gemenese origin, the Defender is a mobile marine detachment platform. The Raptors from the Defender can both bolster the marine defense of friendly ships that have been boarded, and provide technical support to boost the strength of ally subsystems. Based on the ship design and used with permission of Todd Boyce. Cylon Medusa - Central Command A technologically advanced command ship lined with point defence cannons, and capable of overclocking the subsystems of multiple ships with its advanced transmission arrays. The Medusa pushes the capabilities of Cylon technology to its very limits.New Cylon Munitions Cylon Cluster Nukes - A devastating multi-missile system capable of striking six individual targets with high yield nuclear warheads. Cylon Virus Mines - A short-range ECM field generator that both hacks the subsystems of hostile ships, and compromises enemy squadrons. Ghost Fleet Offensive will be accompanied by a new free update, called the Fleet Admiral Update. The Fleet Admiral Update contains a plethora of new features and improvements, including: ● Fleet Admiralty Difficulty - For the ultimate challenge against Cylon Command. ● Updated officer profiles - All new artwork for your flagship officers . ● UI enhancements - More QoL improvements to the UI, including additional information tooltips, double-click to select all ships of the same type, more squadron groups, and more. ● Cinematics Browser - Replay any intro or outro cinematic you’ve unlocked ● Select flagship - Select the ship in any campaign fleet you want as flagship, to get the most of your officer bonuses. ● New Loading Screens - Five new gorgeous loading screens. ● And more...

171.80 RUB
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Anabasis

They failed their mission. Now they must shepherd thousands of civilians home… It started with a warning of a Cylon staging ground located at a distant mining colony. Samanta and Helena Agathon volunteered to lead a pre-emptive strike – 10,000 Colonial soldiers who would bring the fight to the Cylon. They were late. All they found was wreckage, the whole colony razed to the ground. No human was left alive. Now Praetor Agathon turns her fleet to the lonely frontier colonies beyond Cyrannus. No one is out there to protect them, and no one else can reach them. Drawn upon a CIC plotting table, Operation Anabasis is the only hope for the vulnerable colonists. The Agathon sisters must evacuate every survivor they can find and shepherd them back to Caprica. They can’t expect reinforcements and will find no shelter. They are greatly outnumbered and deep into enemy territory. Lachesis will not hesitate to pursue. And it’s a long trip home… Anabasis is the most significant expansion for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to date, completely revolutionising the game: it introduces a new game mode, Operation Anabasis, and also adds 11 new skirmish maps, 4 new munition types and 12 new resource missions!New survival mode In the new survival mode called Operation Anabasis, you will be in command of a single fleet, comprising of both military and civilian ships. Your task is to flee and survive, and lead your soldiers and colonists back to Caprica. You will be hunted relentlessly. Jump after jump, you will find no reprieve. Your resources are limited, but you may  be afforded the option to repair your ships and salvage resources after every jump. Each playthrough will be unique and completely randomised: you can choose the location of your next jump, and every location will have a different set of potential bonuses and penalties. You can customise your fleet, but remember: to flee is to survive, and time is against you. The Cylons will keep coming. Can you make it back home? How many will you save?New Skirmish Maps Anabasis adds eleven new maps, available in single player or multiplayer skirmishes as well as in the new Operation Anabasis mode! They are incredibly thematic and add great variety to the existing maps set. You can now fight in orbit of Caprica, scrambling with Cylon ships above the upper atmosphere of the planet. Face multiple clusters of dangerous neutral minefields in the new Vallum map, or hide in the gas nebula of the Niflheimr map. These are just three examples of the new maps: each of them has a unique theme, will provide new tactical situations and introduce new objects around which you’ll need to tailor your strategy.New munition types New munition types that can be used in any game mode, for greatly increased tactical variety! Now Colonial and Cylon admirals will have more tools than ever at their disposal. Debris mine - The debris mine is a directional remote frag mine, a new style of area control tool directed at controlling the airspace of squadrons. The munition deploys like a mine, however, once it reaches its destination, it automatically detonates. It is usable by Colonials. Comet PCM - The Comet PCM is an unguided ballistic projectile for Cylons, consisting of a modified jamming suite and a homing device. The Comet is launched at an enemy ship and attempts to subvert any guided missiles whose path it crosses. It reprograms the guided munitions to follow the Comet, hopefully into the enemy ship. The name comes from the visuals of the Comet projectile followed by its tail of converted missiles. EMP Generator - EMP generators are a method of discharging an electromagnetic pulse under “ideal” situations, damaging nearby Cylon capitals while minimising the damage to your own systems. This is usable by Colonials only. When used, instead of launching a missile from a missile tube, the launching ship instead winds up its generator for a period of 3 seconds, after which an EMP pulse is released, centred on the launching ship. Scrambler - The Scrambler is a defensive sentry munition that projects an ECM field, scrambling the enemy’s DRADIS and target locks. Unlike other mines, the Scrambler will trigger if any unit - friendly or hostile - crosses the detection border. When triggered, the Scrambler deploys an ECM field of a 400U radius. All friendly units within the ECM field have their target lock removed, effectively making them hidden against guided munition attacks. Additionally, any hostile units inside of the ECM field are automatically identified and have the Maximum Strength of their Tech Bay reduced. This drastically hinders their DRADIS capability and makes them susceptible to hacking attacks or early guided munition launches.New resource missions Twelve new resource missions are now available in the campaign. This increases the single-player campaign’s variety immensely, making you face plenty of new situations! The new mission types are Interference, Station Purge, Hub Assault, Rescue Trade Minister, Diplomatic Relations, War Tourism, Tactical Advantage, Coordinated Strike, President’s Aide, Dropbox, Demolition Crew and Trojan. Each one of these presents a fresh new tactical goal you will need to reach, from reaching intel data in satellite dropboxes before the Cylons beat you to it (Dropbox) to seeding an experimental virus into a Cylon command ship (Trojan).

123.60 RUB
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Czechoslovakia - Netherlands

Armored Brigade is a real-time tactical wargame, set in a hypotetical confrontation between NATO and Warsaw Pact Allies. As Cold War has turned hot, Europe is once again torn apart by conflict. With this expansion, two new nations, Czechoslovakia and Netherlands, are added to the cluster of armies of Armored Brigade. The new playable factions introduced by this expansion have different army compositions and organizational structures, adding more tactical options and giving more complexity on the operational level: CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prior to the 1968 intervention Czechoslovak People's Army was well-regarded both in capability and reliability, and Czechoslovakia was the only Warsaw Pact member that did not have any Soviet forces stationed on its soil up to that point. Offensive warfare was seen as the essential and principal form of combat and the chief instrument to achieve victory over the enemy. However, the armed forces underwent a political purge after the short period of reform in the late 1960s that culminated in an invasion by the armies of five other Warsaw Pact members. Large number of officers who had supported the reform movement either voluntarily resigned or were forced out. Western analysts disagreed about whether the Czechoslovak armed forces had ever recovered their pre-invasion size, quality, or morale by the late 1980s. Some questioned their reliability in a prolonged offensive war in Western Europe or in a war that was going badly for Warsaw Pact forces. Other outside analysts believed that the Czechoslovak armed forces were well trained, equipped, and motivated and that they were quite capable of carrying their share of Warsaw Pact operations, particularly in defense of their homeland. While the tactical organization mostly followed the Soviet pattern, there was a degree of local variations and modifications rarely seen in other Warsaw Pact armies. Due to an extensive domestic industrial base predating the communist rule, most of the small arms, crew-served weapons and even vehicles used by the Czechoslovak forces were designed and manufactured locally, sometimes requiring slight changes from the Soviet norm of organization for small units. NETHERLANDS During the Cold War, the Royal Netherlands Army (Koninklijke Landmacht) was committed to two main tasks in the NATO context: participation in the defense of West Germany against ground attacks across the North German Plain, known as “forward strategy”, and ensuring the territorial security of the Netherlands itself and vital lines of communication. While often overlooked in wargaming next to major powers, such as the USA, West Germany and the UK, Netherlands maintained a sizable army and could deploy an entire corps in West Germany, responsible for the left flank of NORTHAG and the British I (BR) Corps.  They operated a very interesting mix of equipment, ranging from the venerable Centurion tanks to modernized Leopard 1-Vs and state-of-the-art Leopard 2A4s, alongside reasonably advanced YPR-765 infantry fighting vehicle and unique YP-408 wheeled APCs, all supported by modern aircraft and artillery. Long-haired, trade-unionised conscripts have often given the Dutch Army a bad publicity and raised eyebrows among other NATO armies, but regular cadres were highly professional (and short-haired); logistics were efficient and equipment modern, although a high dependence on reservists did give cause for concern. The Royal Netherlands Army, in final analysis and despite a few problems, was a modern, efficient, well-led and relatively large force seemingly capable of meeting its responsibilities once fully mobilized and deployed in its wartime locations. FEATURES - Two new factions: Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands - More than 200 new units and aircraft - A new map located in the Plzeň Region, Czechoslovakia - A linear campaign inspired by the events of the Prague Spring

200.43 RUB
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: Italy - Yugoslavia

Following World War II, Italy has struggled with negative memories of defeat and mediocre performances, long labouring under the stigma of failure and incompetence. Merely a remnant of a past to be forgotten, war was expressly rejected in the Constitution, but the creation of NATO meant that the Italian Armed Forces were quickly reorganised and expanded within a totally different international framework than before. Preparing for a feared invasion from the east, likely via Yugoslavia, Italy played an important role in the Mediterranean. Still, the country’s strategic culture, a mixture of realpolitik and pacifist tendencies, severely impacted it’s military policies. The Italian Army at first glance might seem under-equipped compared to its NATO peers. However, it should be noted that they were supposed to defend a well-fortified, and mostly rugged mountainous terrain on their eastern border. Moreover, quality of units varied significantly across the Army. Some were better trained or better equipped, for example the famous Alpini mountain troops or selected armoured and mechanised brigades. Nevertheless, a player might still feel being under-gunned or lacking in certain aspects, so his armoured, mechanized or infantry force should be always reinforced by strong support assets. This also means a great care should be given to mobility, flanking engagements, and emphasizing maximum use of terrain cover; providing for a challenging and dynamic playstyle. On the other side of the fence was Yugoslavia. Geographically situated between a NATO anvil and the Soviet hammer, the prospect of invasion would permanently dominate Yugoslav strategic plans. Particularly since witnessing the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968, Yugoslav military doctrine focused on combining its large field army with the guerrilla experience of the Partisans in World War II. In planning, this would entail the armed forces to conduct conventional warfare along a nationwide front, buying time for reserves and the general population to mobilize. Small Territorial Defence units would engage alongside beside regular troops in their local areas, emphasizing mobility and light anti-personnel and anti-armour weapons. Because armament parity with likely opponents, both in quality and quantity, was hard to achieve, Yugoslavs tried to use limited national defense resources in the most efficient way, rarely if ever squandering even the most obsolete weapons. Units in the game, as well the combat tactics, reflects this strategy. Yugoslavia is a very balanced, all-around force that will perform satisfactorily in every field, but might not always excel. Hence a combined arms approach is extremely important when facing technologically superior forces. And while the center of gravity of the Yugoslav Army are infantry formations that are highly varied, logistically undemanding and survivable, armoured and mechanized are certainly capable of making it tough for any adversary.

200.43 RUB
Armored Brigade Nation Pack: France - Belgium

FRANCE Just as the bloodletting of World War I has left the French military a firm believer in the prevalence of firepower over manoeuvre, so did France's defeat by Germany in 1940 led it to a similar swing in the direction of mobile warfare. Beginning in the 1950s, the French military began to experiment with organizational structures aimed at facilitating rapid battlefield manoeuvre, including the Javelot brigade and the 7e Division Mécanique Rapide, eventually being standardised as the Division Type 1967. However, shortages of modern equipment, caused in part by the economic crisis of the early 1970s and the expense of the French nuclear deterrent, meant that the mechanized divisions that were to follow the new divisional blueprint were being constituted only very slowly. Although France was not officially part of NATO's command structure since 1966, there was an understanding, formalized by regular joint exercises in West Germany, that France would go to the aid of NATO should the Warsaw Pact attack. A striking feature of the French formations of 1970s is the extent to which they were tank-heavy, due to their intended mode of operations. Their tactics were closer to US Armored Cavalry Regiments (or, indeed, their own pre-WW2 Division Légère Mécanique) in that they were not intended for holding ground. Like the DLM of 1940, the mechanized regiments were to operate like the earlier dragons portes, locating and delaying the enemy and preparing the situation for a counter strike by the tank regiments. However, during the 1980s the heavy manoeuvre forces saw an increase in the proportion of infantry, through the attachment of motorized infantry divisions to the corps headquarters, addition of VAB-equipped infantry regiments to infantry divisions, and an increase in the number of infantry companies in mechanized regiments. France has opted to mechanize nearly all of its units, using relatively light, wheeled armored vehicles that can be air-transported as well as driven long distances over poor-quality roads and cross-country (e.g. in sub-Saharan Africa). While lacking the level of protection of main battle tanks, wheeled armor units of the French Army do provide considerable firepower, often equipped with 90mm or even 105mm guns. BELGIUM As host to NATO since 1967, Belgium has always placed great importance on functioning as a reliable and credible ally. Despite the small size of its population and demanding colonial commitments, Belgium managed to make a significant contribution to NATO collective defence, deploying half of its Army to the FRG as part of the Belgian I Corps. The remainder of the army comprised the Forces of Interior responsible for the defense of the home territory, made up of regular army units which would be augmented in wartime by the local gendarmerie and reserve forces. In addition, the Forces Interior were supplemented by a regiment of elite para-commandos with two airborne infantry and one commando battalion. However, much of its equipment remained obsolescent; its main battle tank, the Leopard 1(BE) was of 1960s vintage and its M75 and AMX-13 Mod 56 APCs, as well as its Alouette II helicopters were almost museum-pieces from the 1950s. However, the Army went through a modest re-equipment programme through the 1980s; upgrading its APCs and artillery, increasing the numbers of ATGMs and replacing most of the Air Force’s fast jets with modern aircraft. Nevertheless, the Belgian Army of the Cold War remains a very interesting and challenging faction. FEATURES two new factions France and Belgium new map: Ardennes, centered around Bastogne overall more than 200 units

200.43 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 - Deluxe Pack

With this Deluxe Pack DLC you will get the following contents! 1. Original 30 page Digital Art Book for the PC version including illustrations and rough drafts. 2. Digital Soundtrack with 47 tracks. 3. Windows theme The Deluxe Pack contents will be downloaded into your steamapps > common > Neptunia Rebirth3 > DeluxeSet folder.

211.25 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 - Deluxe Pack

With this Deluxe Pack DLC you will get the following contents! 1. Original 29 page Digital Art Book for the PC version including illustrations and rough drafts. 2. Digital Soundtrack with 34 tracks. 3. Neptunia Windows Theme that includes 8 icons and special wallpapers. The Deluxe Pack contents will be downloaded into your steamapps > common > Neptunia Rebirth2 > DeluxeSet folder.

211.25 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - Deluxe Pack

With this Deluxe Pack DLC you will get the following contents! 1. 28 page Digital Art Book including never before released art works. 2. Digital Soundtrack with 29 tracks. 3. Neptunia Windows Theme 4. Neptunia Windows Wallpapers The Deluxe Pack contents will be downloaded into your steamapps > common > Neptunia Rebirth1 > DeluxeSet folder.

211.25 RUB
Monster Monpiece - Deluxe Pack

Feel the heart of Yafaniel with this Deluxe Pack! Game not included. Includes the following digital goodies: • Original Soundtrack • Digital Card Gallery • Rough Sketches Art Book • 6 PC Wallpapers

211.25 RUB

◆Бонус сезонного пропуска◆ Заполучите разные полезные модификации, чтобы улучшить движение своего отряда: вас ждут групповые депеши в добавленной миссии «Получите модификацию движения»! • [Часть припаса] Accel Drive: если у снаряженного отряда маневренность меньше 250, то мобильность увеличивается +1. • [Часть припаса] MS EX Booster I: Мобильность +1. Маневренность -25. • [Часть припаса] MS EX Booster II: Мобильность +2. Маневренность -50. • [Часть припаса] Standard EX Booster: Мобильность +1. Заполучите дополнительный загружаемый контент в «Added Dispatch Mission Sets» сезонного пропуска! Набирайте новые отряды/персонажей, музыку, модификации, способности персонажей и многое другое — вас ждет «Dispatch Mission» в «Added Dispatch Mission Set». Выполняйте групповые депеши после создания группы. Группа вернется с наградами после «Времени послания», установленного для каждой миссии. ◆Сезонный пропуск включает:◆ ・[Added Dispatch Mission Set ①] ・[Added Dispatch Mission Set ②] ・[Added Dispatch Mission Set ③] ・[Added Dispatch Mission Set ④] *Некоторые предметы можно получить после выполнения определенных условий в игре.

540.49 RUB
Barotrauma - Supporter Pack

Набор спонсора Barotrauma — The Europan Коллекция бонусных материалов по игре Barotrauma ждет всех желающих отправиться в самые глубины Европы.Что я получу?Три номера The Europan — самой уважаемой (и единственной) газеты Европы! Редакция поведает вам о последних слухах, расскажет несколько историй: веселых и не очень и познакомит с фактами из прошлого Европы. Официальный саундтрек игры Barotrauma. Новые композиции добавляются по мере создания. Пусть вас окутает мрачный гул и шум океана Европы. Что же вы услышите: загадочную электронную музыку или крики глубоководных чудовищ, скрывающихся в океане? 14 обоев для рабочего стола на основе концепт-артов по Barotrauma, включая 4 эксклюзивных. Слава красному носу! И слава нашим игрокам за их поддержку!

285.06 RUB
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