
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut

Дата выхода:
Eidos Montreal
Eidos Interactive Corp.
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1723.00 RUB
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Описание игры

You play Adam Jensen, an ex-SWAT specialist who's been handpicked to oversee the defensive needs of one of America's most experimental biotechnology firms. Your job is to safeguard company secrets, but when a black ops team breaks in and kills the very scientists you were hired to protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes.Key Features:A divided near-future: discover a time of great technological advancement, but also a time of chaos and conspiracy. Mechanical augmentations of the human body have divided society between those who can afford them, and those who can’t. Opposing forces conspire from the shadow to control the destiny of mankind: a human revolution is coming.A perfect mix of action and role-play: the game uniquely combines action-packed close-quarters takedowns with intense shooting, offering a vast array of character augmentations and upgrades for the many weapons at your disposal. Unlock new abilities and increase your stealth, social, hacking, or combat skills: the game rewards all styles of play and approaches. Determine how you want your character to evolve, based on how you want to play the game.Choices and consequences: shoot your way through the enemies, sneak up behind them without being traced, hack systems to retrieve crucial information, or use your social skills to extract information from key characters – there are always choices, multiple approaches, multiple paths, and multiple tools at your disposal. Choose your playing style and face the consequences of your actions: you decide how the story unfolds in his enhanced storyline featuring the full integration of "The Missing Link" and "Tongs Mission". Find more ways to defeat the new and improved Boss Fights, and use the Newgame+ feature to replay the story with your previously acquired augmentations. Learn more about the game with the developers' commentaries in ENGLISH ONLY and the original "Making of"video. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut © 2013 Eidos Interactive Corporation group of companies. Developed by Eidos Montreal and Snowed in Studios Inc. All rights reserved.Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the Deus Ex logo, Eidos Montreal and the Eidos logo are trademarks of the Eidos Interactive Corporation group of companies.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • 운영체제: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • 프로세서: 2 GHz dual core
  • 메모리: 2 GB RAM
  • 그래픽: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
  • DirectX: 버전 9.0c
  • 저장공간: 17 GB 사용 가능 공간
  • 사운드카드: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound device

Рекомендуемые системные требования:


  • 운영체제: Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • 프로세서: AMD Phenom II X4 or Intel Core 2 Quad or better
  • 메모리: 2 GB RAM
  • 그래픽: AMD Radeon HD 5850
  • DirectX: 버전 9.0c
  • 저장공간: 17 GB 사용 가능 공간
  • 사운드카드: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound device

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Call down your Titan and get ready for an exhilarating first-person shooter experience in Titanfall® 2! The sequel introduces a new single player campaign that explores the bond between Pilot and Titan. Or blast your way through an even more innovative and intense multiplayer experience - featuring 6 new Titans, deadly new Pilot abilities, expanded customization, new maps, modes, and much more.KEY FEATURESExperience a captivating single player story. Titanfall® 2 features a single player campaign packed with action and inventive twists. Play as a Militia rifleman stranded behind enemy lines, who encounters a veteran Vanguard-class Titan. The two must work together to uphold a mission they were never meant to carry out.Enjoy multiplayer action that's second to none. The sequel gives players more of the adrenaline-fueled multiplayer combat they've come to expect from the franchise. Take the fast-paced, first-person action to the next level with more Titans, deadlier Pilot abilities, and much more. And be sure to stand out in the middle of all the chaos with new, expanded Pilot, Titan and loadout personalization options! Germany, Austria, and Switzerland only: EA’S PRIVACY & COOKIE POLICY (privacy.ea.com/de) APPLIES.Other EU, United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Turkey, Vatican City (Holy See), Liechtenstein only: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EA's PRIVACY & COOKIE POLICY (privacy.ea.com) REQUIRED TO PLAY.All other residents: ACCEPTANCE OF EA PRIVACY & COOKIE POLICY (privacy.ea.com) REQUIRED TO PLAY.INTERNET CONNECTION; EA ACCOUNT; ACCEPTANCE OF EA USER AGREEMENT (terms.ea.com) & ORIGIN END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (ea.com/legal); AND DOWNLOAD & INSTALLATION OF THE ORIGIN CLIENT SOFTWARE (origin.com/download) REQUIRED TO PLAY. YOU MUST LINK YOUR EA AND STEAM ACCOUNTS TO PLAY; EA WILL SHARE YOUR ACCOUNT ID AND INDIVIDUAL GAME AND PLAY RECORDS WITH STEAM TO VALIDATE YOUR PURCHASE AND/OR REFUND REQUEST. ACCESS TO SOFTWARE CONTENT IS LIMITED TO ONE EA & ONE STEAM ACCOUNT & IS NON-TRANSFERABLE AFTER PURCHASE. YOU MAY NEED TO BE 13+ or 16+ TO REGISTER FOR AN EA ACCOUNT (AGE MAY VARY, SEE  FOR DETAILS). SOME CONTENT MAY REQUIRE GAMEPLAY TO UNLOCK. CONTENT UPDATES MAY BE DOWNLOADED AUTOMATICALLY, REQUIRE ADDITIONAL STORAGE, AND INCUR BANDWIDTH USAGE FEES. EA MAY PROVIDE CERTAIN FREE INCREMENTAL CONTENT &/OR UPDATES. EA MAY RETIRE ONLINE FEATURES AFTER 30 DAYS NOTICE POSTED ON ea.com/service-updates.EA User Agreement: terms.ea.com/de for German residents and terms.ea.com for all other residentsEA Privacy & Cookie Policy: privacy.ea.com/de for German residents and privacy.ea.com for all other residentsOrigin EULA: ea.com/de-de/legal for German residents and ea.com/legal for all other residents

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Road Redemption

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470.00 RUB
Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers

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296.09 RUB
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