

The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths

Play Esteban, Zia and Tao through numerous tricky levels full of puzzles, traps and infiltration phases in a wide variety of diverse gorgeous settings. Explore every nook and cranny of China, and escape Zarès’ hostile men, searching for the local City of Gold. Faithful to the story-line and art style of the famous Mysterious Cities of Gold anime cartoon, Secret Paths lets you dig deep in this wonderful cross-media universe. You get to play with all the main characters, and each hero has his own set of qualities that you will need to use smartly when approaching the different challenges. Pick between them wisely - Their personality matters!Key featuresGorgeous graphics completely faithful and loyal to the original Mysterious Cities of Gold art style that we all love.Numerous tricky levels: Expand the Mysterious Cities of Gold cartoon universe by playing the levels that unlock for free at the same pace the episodes air on television.Beautiful settings: Explore various environments, from the deep asian forests, to the heart of the Forbidden City, to the mythic Chinese City of Gold. Collectibles: Unlock high-quality cinematic cut-scenes extracted straight from the Mysterious Cities of Gold cartoon and bunch of exclusive artworks and virtual items.Think before you act: Use the specific skills and attributes of the three friends to your advantage when facing the multiple traps, puzzles and hurdles thrown in your way. Infiltration: Escape arch-enemy Zarès and his men by untangling the riddled paths to discover the secret of the Mysterious Cities of Gold. Made by Fans for Fans: the developers behind the Mysterious Cities of Gold are true fans of the anime, who have grown up watching the first season of the cartoon in their childhood some 30 years ago!

236.70 RUB
Finding Teddy

We are currently working on Finding Teddy 2 !! Stay tuned, we are currently sending confidential preview versions to journalists Special Offer : Buy Finding Teddy and get Free OST ! In Brief The revival of Point'n-Click. Graphics completely handmade, realized pixel by pixel. An adventure divided into three chapters including dozens of riddles with multiple side quests. No dialogues. Riddles and Music are the main point of the game. PC/MAC/Linux Versions Bonus Game in HD. We reworked all the backgrounds. Newgame+ : Two ways to restart the game. With the colored Girl and with a Tarant Mask. You can see the fireflies with the mask. Added a bonus scene after the endings. Find how to get it. Added an alternative endings in a newgame+. Be attentive during your newgame+, you can find a hint that tell you how to get it. Story A little girl was sleeping peacefully with her Teddy bear, when suddenly, a monster popped out from her cupboard then stole her favorite plush. When closing the door, the little girl awoke then got inside the cupboard. and was projected into a magical world, full of monsters and oddities. She must now explore this strange land and help its inhabitants in order to rescue her Teddy. Still one question remains : will she be able to go back to the real world ? Characters The little girl : She's the main character, she's looking for her Teddy bear. Mister Fly : Very useful fly to access some items where the little girl can't go. Very courteous. Mister Cat : Has a bad temper, nevertheless useful to access small places and narrow galleries. Just need to scratch its back.

29.61 RUB
Deadfall Adventures

Deadfall Adventures is an action-driven first-person shooter, spiced up with elements from action-adventure games. Become an adventurer, hunt for treasures, explore unknown regions of the world and rescue the damsel in distress from the clutches of enemies, both earthly and not-so-earthly. Join James Lee Quatermain on his journey across the globe!The StoryThe year is 1938. James Lee Quatermain is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn't one of them. James is an adventurer by trade, just like his legendary great-grandfather Allan Quatermain. And he knows how to squeeze money out of this famous name of his, while at the same time despising it. Despising those who believe his great-grandfather's tales of the supernatural and those who make fun of them alike. Accordingly, Quatermain isn't all too keen on escorting Jennifer Goodwin, an US agent and former colleague of his, to an Egyptian temple structure in order to retrieve an ancient artifact - The Heart of Atlantis. Neither does he believe in the reputed invigorating qualities of this artifact, nor does he care the least that a division of the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi department specialized in the occult, is after The Heart as well. But life has its ways of changing one's perspective. Quatermain soon finds himself part of a hunt across the globe - from the stormy deserts of Egypt to the icy depths of the Arctic, and all the way to the steaming jungles of Guatemala. In long forgotten temple structures the thrill of the chase awakens the true adventurer in Quatermain, as he and agent Goodwin strive to be one step ahead of the Nazis and the Russians, one step closer to obtaining the Heart of Atlantis. And deep in these temples, where age-old guardians awake from their eternal slumber, James soon learns that his great-grandfather's stories are not as crazy as he had always believed. For all things live forever, though at times they sleep and are forgotten...Key FeaturesAction -Adventure gameplay from a first-person perspective Set in the Quatermain-universe, created by H. R. Haggard Fast-paced action and intense, accurate FPS gun battles Adventurer equipment: compass, treasure maps, notebook and flashlight – necessary to solve ancient puzzles, find treasures and even to defeat certain types of enemies Puzzles that encourage you to explore the game environment and interact with it Environmental traps that can be used to eliminate enemies in many spectacular ways Exotic, picturesque locations from around the world – Egypt, Arctic and forgotten Mayan ruins in the jungles of Guatemala Compelling story faithful to the spirit of classic action-adventure movies 1930’s setting, including detailed weapon designs Unique adventurer-style multiplayer features and modes

317.35 RUB
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut

1933 will go down in the history books as the year America passed the 21st Amendment to the Constitution. Prohibition is over. To the delight of millions, alcohol can now flow freely across the thirsty land. Two days before the official announcement, bars and clubs across the land are stocking up on quality whiskey. This is the absorbing story of a scruffy but shrewd private investigator who becomes the prime suspect in a mysterious murder case through no fault of his own. Jack now has only 48 hours to slip the noose and find the real offender. The sands of time are rapidly running out for Jack – he must unravel the threads of the mysterious plot in which he finds himself – a race against time! You, my friend, are the main suspect in a murder case! You’ve been given a chance to prove your innocence, so you better get your Sherlock Holmes act together – fast! In the character of JACK ORLANDO - the down-at-heel detective who’s never at a loss for words – you’ll come across cunning characters, garrulous gangsters, endless enigmas and tense situations throughout this fantastic comic-style adventure. There are 4 entire episodes containing over 200 action-packed scenes in dark alleys, fine saloons and seedy brothels – and the actors are a multitude of tough and sly underworld characters. You’ll have to keep your eyes wide open for clues, no matter where you are... only by putting two and two together will you reach your objective. The Director's Cut Version of the game offers six new scenes, normal and easy game mode as well as a lot of additional puzzles.FEATURESHand-drawn animated 2D graphics adventure Professionally synchronized voices Smooth scrolling and light sourcing Over 200 Scenes in 4 episodes Nearly 100 characters and thousands of dialog lines Playable in window and in full screen mode 2 difficulty modes: Easy and Normal Musical Score in 5.1 composed by Grammy Award Winner Harold Faltermeyer

118.51 RUB
Yesterday Origins

Откройте для себя новейшее приключение от Pendulo Studios, создателей серии Runaway! 1481. Юного Джона унижают и публично тащат по улице. Он обвинен в колдовстве испанской инквизицией и брошен в тюрьму, где его подвергнут пыткам Позже с ним произойдет алхимическая трансмутация, благодаря которой он обретет бессмертие. Но не все прошло так, как предполагалось. Поэтому после каждого воскрешения Джон теряет всю память о себе. 500 лет спустя, в наши дни, Джон и Полин ищут артефакт, необходимый для того, чтобы воспроизвести сатанинский ритуал. Во время этого расследования им придется противостоять новым опасным персонажам, стремящимся вырвать у них их секреты... Присоединитесь к бессмертным Джону Йестедею и Полин Пети в игре Yesterday Origins и окунитесь в эпическое приключение в различных эпохах и странах в этой истории, полной интриг и неожиданных поворотов сюжета.ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА :Студия Pendulo Studios: более 20 лет в разработке игр. Оригинальный сюжет, проходящий в нескольких эпохах. Сочетание различных стилей: детектив, триллер, приключения, оккультизм. Оригинальный черный юмор, присущий нашей студии. Более 10 различных мест для посещения и более 50 пейзажей. Более 25 красочных персонажей. Оригинальный саундтрек.

305.42 RUB
HeartZ Co-Hope Puzzles

HeartZ offers you a hearty combination of platform, action, puzzle and local co-op gaming. Outsmart traps and solve mysteries in each room and level while getting rid of Dr. Nylus' soldiers and machines! Kick, jump, fart, teleport, explode, hack, scare, and bite your way through finely tweaked and mischievously designed levels! Ready to become test subject of the year? Die in many entertaining ways in a colorful and unforgiving world! HeartZ can be played solo or up to 3 players locally. Every single mechanism and level has been designed to perfectly adjust to the number of players – an awesome single player experience, and a wicked multiplayer one!

224.45 RUB
The Grandfather

"The Grandfather" is a story driven point & click Puzzle/Horror game about torment and sorrow. The Grandfather tells the sad tale of an old man who is tormented by the coldness of his wife (based on a true story). Features: - All hand drawn comic book art - Unique challenging puzzle types - A procedural soundtrack - Full narration by a voice actress "The Grandfather" is a collaboration by Michael Patrick Rogers (creators of "The Lady") and David Szymanski (creator of "The Moon Sliver" and "Fingerbones".

67.02 RUB
Dark Fall 2: Lights Out

Three men once manned the lighthouse on Fetch Rock, but they vanished without trace on New Year, 1900. No-one knows what really happened to those three poor souls, and no-one is brave enough to stay in the lighthouse, alone, after dark. Except you...travel to Fetch Rock Island, and discover what really happened... Use supernatural investigative techniques and realistic ghost hunting gadgets to reveal the evil presence that threatens Fetch Rock. Together you must defeat the evil that hides in the mist and uncover the mystery of Lights Out. The game is best played in a dark room with your speakers turned up. Unless you're scared, of course.The StoryMany lives have been lost on the lethal rocks surrounding the harbour town of Trewarthan. Mysteriously, a thick fog covers the land and the silence is shattered by the sound of ghastly foghorn. Suddenly, the faithful light of Fetch Rock Lighthouse is plunged into darkness. ‘Fetch’ is the old English word for ‘ghost’; The old lighthouse is built upon something ancient and terrible, causing manifestations, time distortions and unexplainable paranormal events. Only by jumping through time, from the ancient Bronze Age to a futuristic research base, will you be able to uncover what is really happening on fetch Rock. Was your arrival upon the Island, that foggy night, really coincidence, or is someone, or something calling to you, across time.Key FeaturesIncludes Dark Fall 2: Lights Out Director's cut version Explore the historic Lighthouse in four different eras. Discover what happened to the Lighthouse Keepers, that foggy night. Communicate with the dead to solve puzzles and mysteries. A spooky tale by Jonathan Boakes, author of The Lost Crown. Delve into a non-linear story, based upon a real event. Use Time Portals to jump through time, exploring the past and future. Experience the life and times of a Victorian Lighthouse. Realistic world to explore, based on a real location. Full audio experience and spooky soundtrack.

78.74 RUB
Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Epistory - это приключения писателя, который в поисках вдохновения просит свою музу помочь написать книгу. Игра погружает вас в атмосферный трехмерный мир приключений и отличается тем, что управляется только клавиатурой. В Epistory вы играете роль музы, вымышленного персонажа в мире недописанных рассказов. Ваши приключения начинаются на чистой странице, но очень скоро, когда вы начинаете набираться вдохновения, игровой мир начинает расти, а вы сражаетесь в нем с врагами и разгадываете его тайны. Перемещение, открытие сундуков, сражение в эпических битвах - все в этой игре выполняется печатанием слов, и каждый раз это выглядит по-разному. По мере того как вы исследуете мир, в голове писателя создается рассказ. Сюжет буквально разворачивается у вас перед глазами, и вы наяву видите силу слова.Features Играйте за музу, едущую на гигантской треххвостой лисе в уникальном трехмерном мире фантазий. Решайте загадки и сражайтесь с врагами в непростых и масштабных боях. Живите в воображении писателя, создавайте сюжет истории, путешествуя по вымышленному миру. Уникальная в своем роде игра на печатание, где все управляется клавиатурой (поддерживаются раскладки qwerty, azerty, qwertz, dvorak). Адаптивная сложность. Арены со списками лидеров для тех, кто желает ставить рекорды. Поддержка Steam (таблицы лидеров, достижения, мастерская, карточки).

677.87 RUB
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan

The Aurion is the energy which connects the wills of all human beings. The Aurion only obeys to those with the strongest convictions. That's why some bloodlines keep on reinforcing their beliefs over several generations, in order to control the Aurion and impose their world vision on mankind. Dive in this universe to discover the secrets of the Kori-Odan Legacy!                                    Always paralyze your ennemies with Dash attacks before unleashing your skills. A realtime fighthing gameplay inspired by the old 2D “Tales Of” with 20 more features (aerial combo, realtime magic/skill counter, Dash etc) Fight as Enzo and Invoke Erine. Unlock more than 50 skills (with aerial and grounded versions) Link normal attacks to special skills and Ultimate Skills Discover more than 20 Aurionic awakening: Fuse your basic Aurions to discover new ones in the heat of Battle. Master the art of the Caaro aargudan. It’s a special martial art which relies on your own fighting intelligence. The more you are epic, the more the gameplay will also be. The "Caaro Aargudan gameplay" challenges you to master the “web of possibilities” to enjoy its full potential or you will be punished with boredom. This is not the kind of game you play in a hurry. If you like mastery without practice, this game might not be for you, but if instead, you like to take your time, make deep experimentations, you've come to the right place. So, are you worthy enough? Run, Jump and explore a 2D World in a "Retro" semi Top Down View. More than 5 major cities to explore with their unique traditions and NPCs. Travel in Forests, Caves, Giant Tree Bridges, etc. Collect/Buy more than 50 kinds of foods and herbs to heal or power up in combat. Classic J-RPG Level Up System for your heroes. Collect/Buy/Equip Gears for the King and the Queen. An old school  overworld map  (We all miss it!!) No random encounter, you can skip battles by not touching ennemies. In Aurion there are no prophecies, no Chosen Ones, No Temple of Ancients with all the answers, No Good Vs Evil, No Angels, No Demons. Instead you will have to face 5 tribes bonded by centuries of war, alliances, treasons and interdependances. You will discover their traditions, their Umoja crafting, their beautiful hand-drawn landscapes inspired by more than 200 tribes and 5000 years of History.A word from creatorsAurion is an ambitious project created by passionate gamers against all odds. More than a game, you will play the result of 12 years of passion and dream breaking  all the walls. We (the Kiroo team) shared a huge part of our soul into this, and we hope it will bring you joy, fun and inspiration for your own dreams/visions. Dive and discover the Aurion Universe with 3 free Graphic Novels offered. Click on the picture to grab yours.

25.37 RUB
A Blind Legend

A Blind Legend is the first-ever action-adventure game without video – where ears replace eyes! Discover the original, innovative sensory experience of binaural 3D sound. HEADPHONES ARE COMPULSORY! AUDIO GAME FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE Your eyes will be of no help. So close them, sharpen your hearing and your blade... And embark on an epic, perilous rite of passage. Live the adventures of Edward Blake, the famous blind knight! Guided by your daughter Louise, you must find your way and avoid the many traps that lie in the High Castle Kingdom, while confronting dangerous enemies! This serious game is fully accessible to visually impaired people, and is aimed at anyone who’s eager for an original, immersive sensory experience through a ground-breaking video game. And because the player is the character, it will help raise public awareness of this kind of disability. This hack-and-slash game, with a heroic-fantasy flavour, harnesses the innovative technology of binaural sound, which delivers a gripping 3D soundscape and brings characters and actions vividly to life around the player – as if they were actually in the game! A Blind Legend was co-created thanks to support from a community of fans who helped with the crowdfunding campaign (www.ulule.com/a-blind-legend) and in a co-production with France Culture, a Radio France station.

185.80 RUB
Deponia Doomsday

В одну роковую ночь Руфус проснулся от жуткого кошмара: в нем он принес себя в жертву во имя спасения Депонии. Но какой ценой? На планету обрушился летающий город Элизиум. Будучи последним выжившим депонийцем, он сражался с воинственными дикарями, но вскоре понял, что выход у него только один: Он должен взорвать Депонию! И... Он отрастил усы. Конечно, он понял, что всех этих пугающих событий, особенно отращивания усов, следовало избежать любой ценой. Депония и его гладковыбритое лицо должны были уцелеть! Но действительно ли все это было сном? Заручившись поддержкой МакХроникла — безумного ученого, специализирующегося на вопросах времени и открывшего несколько странных временных аномалий — Руфус обнаруживает, что какие-то беспечные путешественники во времени из будущего припарковали свою машину времени рядом с его домом. Представьте, что случилось бы, попади это удивительное изобретение в плохие руки! Погрузитесь в атмосферу этого безбашенного продолжения культовой трилогии о Депонии и присоединитесь к безалаберному антигерою Руфусу в его удивительном приключении. Даже если вы пока не знакомы со вселенной этой игры, фееричный мир Депонии, стоящий на пороге Судного дня, не раз вызовет у вас улыбку, а то и заставит расхохотаться. Насладитесь странным юмором и уникальным миром, примите участие в самом главном и долгом приключении в истории Депонии. •    Новое обновление игры из серии «Депония», получившей немало наград •    Невероятный квестовый игровой процесс •    Уникальная ручная прорисовка в стиле комиксов •    Давно знакомые лица и более 70 новых, безбашенных персонажей, сыплющих странными шутками, которые вам так полюбились •    Поверните время вспять и станьте свидетелем нового витка развития планеты хламоискателей •    Клевые повороты событий •    Хлам и упадок: игровые уровни в атмосфере Депонии и Элизиума •    Откройте для себя все разнообразие флоры и фауны Депонии Издание включает в себя дополнительный контент: - официальный саундтрек - концепт-арт - цифровой арт-бук Вы сможете найти весь дополнительный контент в каталоге с установленной через Steam игрой ( например C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

711.77 RUB
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