

Kult: Heretic Kingdoms

In the world of the Heretic Kingdoms, a world where God is dead and religion heresy, you are cast as a young female inquisitor, working to stamp out the last remnants of religion. On instructions to destroy a relic which the Inquisition considers to be a significant threat, you are drawn into a war between two warring secret societies – a conspiracy of mages whose goal is true power, and a shadowy cult who seeks to resurrect the Dead God. As the story progresses, you will be placed in an amoral world and left to decide your own morality. Just like the real world, your actions have consequences, and it is up to you to decide if you can live with them or not. Play as an altruistic heroine, a vicious and selfish egotist, or just a woman trying to get her job done – your actions will lead you to one of six different endings depending on where you decide your loyalties lie. Will you crush religion underfoot, or become its savior? Only you can decide! An engaging story line written by a script team lead by critically acclaimed game writer and designer Chris Bateman (Discworld Noir, Ghost Master)! Features a simple but rewarding combat system that keeps the action flowing thick and fast. A vast world to explore containing around fifty locations, scores of unique monsters, and tons of loot!

121.90 RUB
Wurm Unlimited

What is Wurm Unlimited? Wurm Unlimited is the standalone version of the fantasy sandbox world Wurm Online and expands upon the already expansive sandbox by placing players in charge of server management, allowing them to dictate skillgain rates, action speeds, creature counts and much more. A pioneer in the ideas of player influence, crafting and adventure, it is now one of the most deep and feature packed true sandbox experiences available. Whether you enjoy building your home, conquering kingdoms or hunting dragons, Wurm will let you. Explore the world and make your mark! In Wurm Unlimited, players can explore an elaborate fantasy sandbox world in the predefined Creative or Adventure modes as well as set up their own game server and invite friends to live and experience the Wurm universe.What can I do in Wurm Unlimited?Host your own Virtual World! The Server Management GUI helps you change settings such as skillrate gains, action timers, PvP or PvE , creature count and more... Explore huge, diverse landmasses with creatures and mysteries! Modify the terrain; dig, raise, flatten and sculpt the land around you! Craft and use thousands of unique items, everything you need you can make. Wage war on other kingdoms, plan, work and fight together to lead your kingdom to victory. Discover and fight over religious artifacts on a PvP server. Farm, harvest, and grow ingredients to cook over 500 recipes, with over 10,000 variations in total! Capture, tame and breed wild animals, fight with them and raise their strength! Play your way! Train almost 130 skills, 10 player characteristics, and 3 religion characteristics Follow one of four unique deities and religions. Or attempt to become a Deity yourself and join the existing ones on the moon of Valrei! Roam the lands hunting various wildlife and monsters. Slay the legendary troll king, forest giant, dragons, and many others! Become a priest or champion of your religion, learn and wield powerful spells and enchantments in battle. Choose one of five meditation paths, study the mysteries and learn special abilities. Earn as many of our 200+ skill and achievement titles as you have time for! Ride horses and other creatures, including bears, unicorns and even dragons! Construct, crew or even captain ships with other players, from small rowing boats to impressive caravels. Build a variety of structures, from guard towers to stone houses to fences, bridges and statues. Found your own settlement wherever you desire; own land, build a farm, a castle, or perhaps an entire village! Pave roads to connect settlements and plant signs to improve local infrastructure. Live off the land by creating fields to farm up to 22 different crop types, ranging from cotton to cucumbers! Cook nutritious food using a huge range of ingredients, explore different recipes and even create your own. … and much more!

113.27 RUB
Black Mirror II

When solitary Darren Michaels befriends the beautiful Angelina, he has no idea what the fates hold in store for him. The alluring Angelina has also attracted the eye of several others; and when she suddenly disappears, Darren finds himself questioning what has happened to her while he is haunted by a series of torturous and ever-intensifying nightmares. Darren's search for his missing friend and his own sanity take him on a chilling expedition from his small New England town to Willow Creek, England - and the reigning evil of Black Mirror Castle. Enter a dark, captivating world as the massive evil of Black Mirror Castle is reincarnated with over 100 atmospheric locations to explore and 40 different characters to interact with. Will Darren's search lead him to redemption or the hell of insanity? The answers can only be found in the Black Mirror - for once you gaze into it, you won't be able to look away. Features: An epic story of evil told in six chapters Atmospheric effects such as rain, fog, and storms More than 40 characters and hundreds of realistic animations Challenging puzzles and mini-games Over 100 different locations, including a medieval underground temple, a mental hospital, and a cemetery

50.93 RUB
Legend of Kay Anniversary

10 years after its initial release, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is a thoroughly remastered version of the original game: high-resolution textures; new, more detailed character models; modern rendering techniques and crystal-clear surround sound give this great classic a new shine. Full of fond allusions to old martial arts films and pop culture quotes, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is both an incredibly funny game and a challenging action-adventure for young and old alike. Key Features:25 different levels with over 15 enemy types and epic boss battles. 3 different primary weapons (sword/hammer/claws) with distinct combat styles. Various mini-games such as wild boar racing, dragon flying and wolf riding. Online rankings: compare your score with your friends’ and compete against the best in the world.

408.23 RUB
Replay: VHS is not dead

Replay: VHS is not dead is a puzzle/ platform game, set in a movie-based universe. Record your characters’ movements Use the remote control powers to bend time Change character and play again to combine their actions Pixel art style and evolving gameplay About 70 levels in 4 different movie-based universes Records to break and a secondary objective for each levelThe story It is an ordinary Saturday evening for Harvey Hachess as he leaves his favorite video club for a movie night. On his way back, he gets caught in the middle of a rain and a threatening storm. Suddenly, he’s hit by a lightning strike! Knocked out for few minutes, he goes on as if nothing had happened. Once home, Harvey gets comfortable and plays a video tape, a bag of popcorn in one hand and the remote control in the other one. But something seems wrong as he realize that some scenes are missing from the movie! He puts in another tape, same result… He, then, checks all his cassettes one by one but stays out of luck. As the last tape was ejected, the VCR made a strange sound and the screen lightened up. Harvey founds himself sucked into the TV. He finds there a great opportunity to re-record all the tapes without risking the loss of his Video Club membership.The teamThe game was created by a student team from the Institute of Internet and Multimedia, and took shape with Neko Entertainment’s support.

175.24 RUB
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth

Игра The Pillars of the Earth, основанная на мировом бестселлере Кена Фоллетта "Столпы Земли", по-новому, в интерактивном стиле пересказывает историю городка Кингсбридж. Играйте за Джека, Алиену и Филипа и меняйте описанные в книге события с помощью диалогов, исследования и принятых решений. Англия, XII век. Несмотря на войну и ужасную нищету, в маленьком городке начинается строительство собора с целью дать людям безопасность и средства к существованию. В борьбе и невзгодах драматически переплетаются жизни и судьбы. Монах Филип становится приором маленького Кингсбриджского монастыря. В это же время где-то в лесу живет мальчик по имени Джек со своей матерью-отшельницей. Он становится учеником каменщика и постепенно вырастает в даровитого мастера-строителя. Вместе с Алиеной, обесчещенной графской дочерью, Джек и Филип начинают возведение одного из величайших соборов в истории Англии. Один из самых успешных романов в истории – теперь адаптированный как видеоигра в трех частях Меняйте описанные в книге события и влияйте на судьбы ее персонажей Следите, как разворачивается эпическая тридцатилетняя история войны, заговоров и любви Три доступных для игры персонажа: изгой Джек, благородная Алиена и монах Филип Атмосфера XII века оживает на более чем 200 отрисованных вручную фонах Полная анимация в уникальной двухмерной стилистике Оптимизировано для игры с помощью контроллера и мыши Оркестровая звуковая дорожка в исполнении Пражского филармонического оркестра Полное озвучивание на английском и немецком языках. Глен Маккриди в роли Филипа, Наоми Шелдон в роли Алиены, Коди Молко и Алекс Джордан озвучили юного и взрослого Джека В роли кантора специально приглашенный гость – Кен Фоллетт

610.08 RUB
The Rosebud Condominium

Tower across the universe! Take on the role of Sarah, a single mother and aspiring architect who is commissioned by the enigmatic Boss to build a sprawling tower that stretches beyond terrestrial boundaries. But as Sarah builds taller and taller, she draws the ire of Craig, the unassuming Canadian who sets out stop her! The Rosebud Condominium is a new flavor of hidden object games, featuring procedurally-generated levels so that every playthrough is a unique experience, and a quick arcade pace that keeps the player engaged for hours. Beat your high score, build across the galaxy, and unlock the secrets of the Boss!Features Build across 48 levels through six vivid worlds. Search through over 500 varied items, from the mundane to the outright bizarre. Play as Sarah, an architect aspiring to stratospheric heights! Beware of Craig, who places a dozen different challenges along your path. Reach the end of the universe, and maybe even a floor further...

26.09 RUB
Hunting Simulator

Hunting Simulator — симулятор настоящей охоты, в котором у игроков есть возможность часами исследовать разнообразные охотничьи угодья как наедине с природой, так и в сопровождении товарищей: целей в игре сотни! Unreal Engine 4 позволил воссоздать одни из самых известных охотничьих регионов: горы Колорадо, дубравы Франции и заснеженные равнины Аляски. Каждый уголок игрового мира населен прекрасно смоделированной фауной с реалистичным поведением.37 ВИДОВ ЖИВОТНЫХНебольшие оседлые животные с равнин, крупные звери, хищники, водоплавающие птицы — у каждого вида своя среда обитания.12 ОБШИРНЫХ РЕГИОНОВВсе регионы созданы по образу и подобию настоящих охотничьих угодий: огромные озера и таежные леса Альберты, каньоны и бесплодные равнины Техаса, Колорадо с его горными пейзажами, тундра и леса Аляски, Шотландское нагорье, Альпы и даже французские дубравы.БОГАТЫЙ АРСЕНАЛВы можете выбирать из 17 единиц оружия (длинные луки, арбалеты, даже ружья Browning и Winchester), а также использовать около 50 предметов, которые пригодятся любому современному охотнику: манки, приманки, специальные порошки и не только.ОХОТА КАК ИСКУССТВОУчитесь читать звериные следы, устраивать засады в охотничьих укрытиях, а также приспосабливаться к различным погодным условиям и смене времени суток. Все охотничьи угодья — уникальные экосистемы, и к каждой нужен свой подход.СОТНИ ИГРОВЫХ ЦЕЛЕЙВ режиме кампании есть где разгуляться: вам предстоит выполнить 111 заданий и достичь множества целей. Некоторые тропы ведут к очень необычным животным!РЕЖИМЫ НА ЛЮБОЙ ВКУСХотите потренироваться в меткости? Для этого есть стрельбище. Предпочитаете сами ставить себе цели? Тогда вам прямая дорога в свободный режим.ОХОТА В КОМПАНИИВ кооперативном сетевом режиме возьмите с собой в путешествие троих друзей или незнакомцев из любой страны мира. Работайте сообща и распределяйте между собой роли, чтобы с успехом подбираться к различным животным в их естественной среде обитания.НОВЕЙШИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИВпервые в истории охотничьих симуляторов местность можно исследовать с помощью беспилотника!

435.45 RUB

Hover – динамичный паркур в трехмерном футуристическом открытом мире, поддерживающий одиночный и многопользовательские режимы. Действие игры разворачивается в ECP 17, высокотехнологичном инопланетном городе, который сами жители называют Ховер-сити. Великий Админ прекратил все общение с Галактическим Союзом и установил диктатуру. Веселье теперь вне закона, как и все формы развлечения. Вы ведете команду молодых повстанцев, Геймеров, в борьбе против новых порядков. Оснащенные лучшей экипировкой, которая позволяет развивать огромную скорость и совершать невероятные прыжки, они патрулируют город: мешают пропаганде, помогают жителям и ищут способ добраться до Орбитальной станции. Там они смогут связаться с Галактическим Союзом и положить конец диктатуре. В Hover вы в любой момент можете мгновенно переключиться из оффлайн-режима в онлайн – и присоединиться к друзьям или игрокам со всего мира, чтобы продожить приключения вместе с ними или в игре против них. Где бы вы ни были, что бы вы ни делали, вы сумеете сменить режим на лету. Hover – это проект, тесно взаимодействующий с сообществом, поэтому у игроков есть множество инструментов для создания миссий или мини-игр. Удивительный городХовер-сити – огромный красочный футуристический город. Из его зданий получаются прекрасные вертикальные игровые площадки. Полностью открытый мирАбсолютная свобода! Исследуйте город от самых вершин и до глубокой подземки, занимаясь паркуром, трюками и высокоскоростными гонками. Создайте свою командуРазблокируйте 10 персонажей. Развивайте их навыки, чтобы сформировать идеальный отряд. Даже цвета можно менять. Разные механикиСердце игры – интенсивные гонки и трюки, но помимо них есть много альтернативных механик, от стелс-миссий до спортивных состязаний с друзьями. Смена режимовМгновенно переключайтесь с одиночной игры на мультиплеер, когда только захотите. Играйте от первого или третьего лица – или задействуйте камеру, которая будет динамично сочетать оба способа. Создавайте собственные миссииИспользуйте простой редактор прямо в игре, чтобы выстраивать испытания для соло-режима и мультиплеера. Безумный паркурОснащенные высокотехнологичными костюмами, геймеры бегают с сумасшедшей скоростью, скользят, отталкиваются от стен и совершают невероятные прыжки. Задействуйте саму планировку города, чтобы сбежать от полиции! Трюки и комбоПродемонстрируйте навыки в скольжениях и финтах: докажите, что достойны стать одним из лидеров Сопротивления. Делайте комбо в многопользовательских миссиях, чтобы сгенерировать ошеломительные ауры, которые понижают мораль противников и повышают характеристики союзников. Опыт, сетка навыков и чипыПолучайте опыт и разблокируйте чипы, которые улучшат способности ваших геймеров. Вы сможете обменять лишние чипы через систему Е-Свап. Многопользовательский режимПрисоединяйтесь к друзьям в сети в любое время и продолжайте приключение вместе, независимо от того, сотрудничаете ли вы или играете друг против друга. Участвуйте в гонках, особых событиях и рейтинговых битвах, которые создаются сообществом в реальном времени.

64.90 RUB
The Descendant

THE DESCENDANT is a five part episodic adventure game series where the end of the world is only the start. After climate change wrecked the planet, a man-made extinction event wiped humankind off the face of the Earth. Only a few thousand ‘descendants of humanity’ were hand-picked to survive the apocalypse, cryogenically suspended in underground bunkers known as Arks. Centuries passed. The world recovered from the nuclear holocaust, and all the Arks reopened, except one — Ark-01. Taking place across two timelines, in the past you'll play as Mia, a janitor tasked with keeping the precious descendants housed within Ark-01 alive while the facility continually fails around her, and in the present, you'll play as Donnie, one of the investigators trying to rescue any surviving descendants trapped within, all while discovering a far greater conspiracy buried within the underground Ark complex. Every action and choice you make directly impacts who lives and who dies, leaving the fate of Ark-01, and mankind itself, in your hands. Will you save mankind? Or doom us all?Key featuresAn episodic  adventure spreading across multiple story-rich timelines Investigative gameplay, challenging puzzles, tense action sequences Meaningful and difficult choices with branching dialogue A tailored experience, full of tension and drama Every player choice can influence the future of mankind

304.55 RUB
The Fan

The Fan is an interactive photo fiction with real locations and actors. Follow the story of "The Fan", a serial killer abducting women to fulfill his dark fantasies. His latest catch lies in his basement but she's not ready yet. Everything needs to be perfect for the ritual, when he'll show her "True love". The fan is a first person exploration game with a unique twist. Driven by a creepy and unsettling atmosphere, it will take you deep within the darkest places of Paris underground.Gameplay The Fan is a short experience. It takes about an hour to see all endings. The Fan is entirely made with photos. It has a classic "point and click" feel, using only left and right click but it's closer to the recent Telltale Game series than to traditional adventures games. There are no painful mini-games or artificially inserted sliding puzzles as it is more about discovery and choices. Find out more about the Killer and his victims as the story unfolds and you may be the one to ultimately decide their fate. WARNING: The game isn't rated yet but I wouldn't recommend if if you're under 16, due to the themes and some violent sequences. More About Me My name is Cyril and I'm a Frenchie indie game dev. The Fan is my first released game ever =) The game was created using Unity Personal Edition and mostly Lightroom for the pictures. I started the project in 2012 and did all the shootings, which was really fun, but when it came to actually "make a game", well, it took much more time, effort, tutorials, training and hard work than I expected :D Although The Fan is a pretty short experience (there are no overly twisted puzzles to keep you from going fast if you wanna rush it), it took thousands of pictures and a tremendous amount of work to make it look good enough. So please, tell me what you think! Feel free to contact me directly if you have any question or comment, I'll be happy to answer!

17.37 RUB
de Blob

Don't know about art but you know what you like? Whether you are a master of the brush or a finger painting fool, just say no way to gray and join with de Blob and his pals as they launch a color revolution. A mischievous and unlikely hero, only de Blob can flip, bounce and smash his way past the all-powerful I.N.K.T. Corporation to ignite a revolution and save Chroma City from a future without color. Battle against massive tank battalions, speedy I.N.K.T. racers and elite Inky soldiers on your quest to free the citizens of Chroma City. Avoid hot plates, electric shocks and inky turrets to create your own path to the impenetrable I.N.K.T. Fortress. Just remember that the struggle to reclaim Chroma City is to be fought on your terms. Remix the city in your own image using custom paints, patterns and soundtracks. Super-size your blob to attack larger and stronger enemies. Join the Color Revolutionaries to refine your skills while making a mess. The race to rescue Chroma City has just begun, and only de Blob can save the world from a black-and-white future. de Blob is a 3D platformer where players maneuver their hero, de Blob. Equal parts amorphous blob of paint, struggling artist, revolutionary and juvenile delinquent, de Blob's goal is to replace the drab, lifeless gray coloring that the I.N.K.T. Corporation has imposed on Chroma City and its inhabitants, the Raydians, with a range of vibrant life-giving colors, all the while avoiding and battling the gray-clad forces of the Inkies. Players must acquire paint and hurl de Blob at the buildings, walls, statues, roads and skies above Chroma City. As de Blob bounces around, adding color wherever he lands, his supply of paint is depleted and he begins to dry out. As this happens players must collect more paint and rehydrate in pools and in front of hydrants scattered across the city. As the game starts access is limited to the colors red, blue and yellow, but these can be blended to create a number of other colors. Being able to create and apply these colors becomes important as Chroma City and its inhabitants come to life, and de Blob makes contact with a range of other characters known as the 'Color Revolutionaries' and receives an increasing amount of missions that charge him with splattering color all over town. Success at these mission gains the player point which drives the game forward, eventually leading to a direct assault on Comrade Black's I.N.K.T. fortress guarded by elite Inky soldiers and massive ink turrets.Key Featuresde Blob: Flip, bounce and smash your way past the all-powerful I.N.K.T. Corporation to launch a revolution and save Chroma City from a future without color Long Live Color! Join the Color Revolutionaries in the resistance against Comrade Black and his diabolical array of hot plates, electric shocks, and ink turrets Free The Citizens: Free your friends from a black and white world by painting the city back to life as you dodge ink cannons, flatten I.N.K.T. tanks and outsmart Inky soldiers Multiplayer: Compete to control Chroma City in 4-player split screen in eight different multiplayer modes Save your City: Paint Chroma City's towering skyscrapers, expansive bridges and massive landmarks in your own style using custom colors, patterns and soundtracks Plenty of Play Modesde Blob features both a deep story-driven singleplayer mode where players get to dig into the Raydian's struggle against all-powerful I.N.K.T. Corporation, as well as a diverse range of multiplayer options. These multiplayer campaigns support up to four players, come with street and sewer maps and include four player split-screen functionality. Just a few of the multiplayer campaigns include: Paint Match - Paint as many buildings as possible and steal points from opponents by re-painting the buildings that they've already covered. Blob on the Run - A variation of 'Capture the Flag,' in this mode only one blob can paint and is pursued by opponents who attempt to slam him into submission and gain the ability to paint and accumulate points themselves. Blob Race - In this mode buildings can only be painted once and are indicated by in-game arrow. With time limited it's a race not only to paint the town but also to keep opponents from doing the same.Steam Edition Features:Improved texture and lightmap resolution Upscaled videos Added FXAA Anti Aliasing Added Resolution and graphic quality option Keyboard & mouse and Gamepad (360/ps4) support and UI adaptation, also added remap feature Unofficial Wiimote support

490.04 RUB
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