
Graveyard Keeper - Better Save Soul

Дата выхода:
Lazy Bear Games
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Китайский (упр.)
Cистема активации:
332.47 RUB
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Описание игры

6-12 часов дополнительного игрового времени
Управляйте работой верстаков с помощью механики удалённого контроля
Спасайте души во имя соблюдения Древнего Контракта (и собственной выгоды)
Помогите подозрительному новому знакомому Эйриху исполнить мечту и очиститься от грехов
Откройте новую зону для новых верстаков
Никто не без греха - так учит Епископ в Городе, и это правда. Но кто сказал, что от этих грехов нельзя очиститься? Помогите вашему новому знакомому Эйриху исполнить заветную мечту и снять оковы с души. Взамен он готов поделиться книгой, где описана новая механика удалённого контроля над работой верстаков... На что вы готовы пойти, чтобы добыть её?

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7
  • Процессор: Intel core i5, 1.5 GHz and up
  • Видеокарта: 1 Gb dedicated video card, shader model 3.0+
  • ОС: Lion (10.7)
  • Процессор: Intel core i5, 1.5 GHz and up
  • Видеокарта: 1 Gb dedicated video card, shader model 3.0+
  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04
  • Процессор: Intel core i5, 1.5 GHz and up
  • Видеокарта: 1 Gb dedicated video card, shader model 3.0+

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AO Tennis 2

ИГРОВАЯ ПЛОЩАДКА, КОТОРУЮ ВЫ СОЗДАЕТЕ ДЛЯ СЕБЯ САМИ Используйте простой и понятный пакет инструментов Академии, чтобы создать игрока, похожего на вас как две капли воды, и обустраивайте свои собственные корты — или же загружайте тысячи модификаций, созданных другими игроками. ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРОКИ В МИРЕ Сражайтесь с самыми известными теннисистами, в число которых входят Рафаэль Надаль, Эш Барти, Анжелика Кербер и многие другие, на аренах ATP и WTA. ПОЛНОСТЬЮ ПЕРЕДЕЛАННЫЙ КАРЬЕРНЫЙ РЕЖИМ Покоряйте мировые рейтинги в одиночном разряде или выступите с другом в парном. Следите за своей репутацией, выбирайте спонсоров и соревнования, чтобы достигнуть вершины. НОВЫЕ ИГРОВЫЕ РЕЖИМЫ Отыгрывайте легендарные матчи или же создавайте новые испытания с помощью редактора сценариев.

1657.09 RUB
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Storm of Arrows

From the early fourteenth century the battlefield dominance of the mounted knight was increasingly challenged by the rising power of the foot soldier. The Flemish spearmen at Courtrai in 1302, and the Scots at Bannockburn in 1314, showed that steady foot could defeat mounted knights. However, it was the English use of massed longbowmen combined with dismounted men-at-arms that would come to dominate western European battlefields for the rest of the 14th century and well into the 15th. During the Hundred Years War, from 1337 to 1453, the French knights suffered a string of catastrophic defeats at the hands of this combination. After Crécy in 1346, the French knights were largely forced to fight on foot, to minimise their vulnerability to the arrow storm. Eventually, by avoiding pitched battles and concentrating on capturing important cities and castles, the French won the war and expelled the English from nearly all of their continental territories. English longbowmen also ventured to Italy and Spain as mercenaries or allies, but warfare in these countries continued to develop rather differently from the rest of Western Europe. Italy in this period was still a collection of small independent states. The communal militia infantry had declined in importance, and had been replaced by the Condottieri as the main strength of Italian armies. These were mercenary captains who were hired to provide a company of professional armoured cavalry, and sometimes infantry. In Spain the large Christian kingdoms of Aragon, Castile and Portugal shared the Iberian peninsula with the Muslim kingdom of Granada. In addition to fighting each other and many civil wars, there was occasional conflict with the Islamic North African powers. Spanish men-at-arms still usually fought mounted, while light cavalry continued to be more numerous than elsewhere due to the influence of warfare against Muslim armies. Meanwhile the Swiss cantons were asserting their independence from feudal rule. Initially their massed infantry columns relied on the murderous halberd and an intimate knowledge of their own mountainous terrain. Further east, the Teutonic Knights continued to battle against the pagan Lithuanians, but in 1386 Grand Duke Jogaila of Lithuania converted to Christianity and became King of Poland through marriage to the heiress Jadwiga. This removed the religious rationale for the Order’s activities in the region, and gave their enemy a huge boost in military potential. The Teutonic Order suffered a major defeat at the hands of Jogaila and his Polish-Lithuanian army at the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg) in 1410. The Golden Horde continued to dominate the Rus principalities, but the first stirrings of change occurred in 1380 when the Mongols were defeated at Kulikovo. During the fourteenth century gunpowder artillery was introduced throughout Europe, and became increasingly important. Initially, large bombards were mainly used for siege work, but gradually smaller guns began to be employed in field battles as well. Coverage for the following nations and factions from 1270 AD until just prior to the introduction of Swiss-style pike tactics and Hussite war wagons: Anglo-Irish, Aragonese, Austrian, Berber (Hafsid), Berber (Marinid), Bohemian, Breton, Burgundian, Castilian, Danish, English, Florentine, Free Canton, Free Company, French, German (Imperial, Feudal and City armies), Granadine, Hungarian, Irish, Italian (Guelf), Italian (Ghibelline), Lithuanian, Low Countries, Milanese, Navarrese, Neapolitan, Papal, Polish, Portuguese,  Rus, Scots, Swedish, Swiss, Tatar, Teutonic Order, Venetian, Welsh. Each of these has their own historically-based banner.45 new 14th and 15th century units.96 more army lists allowing historically realistic armies for each of the above factions and their allies at different dates during the period, and bringing the total number of Medieval army lists to 242. In addition armies can include contingents from historical allies. This gives around three hundred thousand permutations. You will never run out of new matchups to try.8 more historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale: Courtrai 1302, Laupen 1339, Crécy 1346, Kulikovo 1380, Aljubarrota 1385, Castagnaro 1387, Grunwald 1410, Agincourt 1415. 48 more historical matchups added to Quick Battle mode, increasing the total to 198, playable from either side.5 more historically-based campaigns covering major leaders and conflicts of the era: Hundred Years War (English), Hundred Years War (French), Sir John Hawkwood, Henry of Trastámara, Władysław II Jagiełło.Sandbox campaign expanded to include all the new army lists, allowing you to lead any nation (and their historical allies) against any other nation (and their allies) – giving over eighty thousand permutations.Time Warp modules expanded to include all the new army lists.

310.88 RUB
Combat Mission Black Sea

Combat Mission Black Sea is a military grade simulation depicting a fictional series of escalations between Russian and Ukraine which results in open conflict in the summer of 2017. As Russian forces move into Ukrainian territory the Ukrainians do their best to defend their country against a numerically and technologically superior adversary. Events surrounding the invasion cause NATO to send its advanced rapid deployment forces to check the Russian advance. A brutal scenario, for sure, but one which allows you to get a glimpse of what full spectrum contemporary near-peer tactical warfare is all about. HIGHLIGHTS At your command are detailed, highly researched American, Ukrainian, and Russian units from common brigade types such as Mech Infantry, Motor Rifle, Stryker, Armored, and more. All the capabilities one expects on the modern battlefield are included, such as Active Protection Systems (APS) swatting incoming threats, UAVs hovering around the battlefield transmitting valuable intel, and precision guided artillery munitions that find their mark in one shot. Well, as long as the enemy's electronic warfare attempts fail, otherwise you might find your finely tuned fighting machine isn't so finely tuned after all. Take all of this for a spin with four high-stakes campaigns, 22 standalone scenarios, and a plethora of Quick Battle maps to test your tactical acumen. FEATURES - Tactical warfare at battalion and below scale in a true 3D environment - Command individual vehicles, teams, and squads - Expansive simulation of "soft factors" such as Morale, Experience, and Leadership - Innovative systems portraying Fog of War, Spotting, Line of Sight, Command & Control, and Objectives - Unmatched realistic physics, ballistics, and battlefield effects - Fight in a wide range of weather and lighting conditions, all of which realistically impact fighting abilities - Unique hybrid system for RealTime or WeGo (turn based) play - Full featured Editor for maps, scenarios, and campaigns - Quick Battle system sets up deliberate or randomized battles based on player specifications - Single player and head to head play, including Play By Email (PBEM) - Supported for the long haul with patches, upgrades, and expansions

4079.51 RUB
Field of Glory II: Medieval - Swords and Scimitars

The Byzantine Empire began the 11th century in a strong position - they had pushed their frontier eastwards against the fragmented Muslim emirates, and had completely destroyed the Bulgars in the Balkans. All that was to change in 1071, when they suffered a catastrophic defeat at the hands of the Seljuq Turks at the Battle of Manzikert. These nomadic conquerors had recently converted to Islam, and had swiftly established a Sultanate ruling from Afghanistan to Palestine. Following Manzikert they took nearly all of Anatolia from the Byzantines. As the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos struggled to stem the Seljuq advances, he appealed to the West for mercenaries. This request was seized upon by Pope Urban II, who possibly saw it as an opportunity to further his own aims. At the Council of Clermont in 1095 he called for a Crusade to save the eastern churches and recover the Holy Land from the Muslims. The timing was fortuitously right, as the mighty Seljuq Empire had begun to fragment, the Sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia (modern Asiatic Turkey) having seceded from the Great Seljuk Empire in 1077, and the local Syrian atabegs being in practice semi-independent and disunited. The First Crusade eventually captured Jerusalem in 1099, and established a number of Crusader states in Palestine and Syria. In doing so they created bitter resentment between Muslims, Western Christians and the Byzantines that would lead to two centuries of conflict. Several major Crusades were to follow the First, as the Crusader states fought for their existence against a succession of resurgent Islamic states: the Fatimids, Zangids, Ayyubids, and finally the Mamluks, who extinguished the last Crusader stronghold of Acre in 1291. Meanwhile, further East, a far greater threat to Islamic civilisation was emerging. The rapidly expanding Mongols had destroyed the Khwarazmian Shahdom by 1231, the Christian kingdom of Georgia fell in 1239, and the Seljuqs were defeated and forced into vassaldom in 1243. By 1258 the Assassins of Alamut, and the vestigial remains of the once great Abbasid Caliphate, had also been conquered. Only the Mamluks of Egypt were able to finally bring the Mongol advance to an end, with their victory at Ain Jalut in 1260. In the Balkans the Byzantine Empire remained strong until 1204, when Constantinople fell to the Fourth Crusade. Thereafter much of the old empire was taken over by the Western Crusaders and the Venetians, who had masterminded the whole sordid enterprise. The Byzantines held out in four fragments: the Empires of Trebizond and Nicaea, and the Despotates of Rhodes and Epirus. Eventually the Empire of Nicaea retook Constantinople in 1261, but the power of the Byzantines had been broken forever and they were now only a minor state. 20 more nations and factions covering South Eastern Europe and the Middle East from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. These include Arabs (Syria/Iraq), Armenians (Cilician), Bulgarians, Byzantines (Main Empire, also Nikaia, Epiros and Trebizond), Crusaders, Cypriots (Lusignan Kingdom), Dailami, Fatimid Egyptians, Georgians, Ghaznavids, Ghurids, Indians (Rajput, other Hindu, Muslim), Khwarazmians, Latin States in Greece, Mamluk Egyptians, Mongols (Ilkhanids), Pechenegs, Seljuq Turks, Serbians and Syrian States. Each of these has their own historically accurate banner. 35 more units (11 brand new, 24 new to Medieval), allowing the troops of all of the new factions to be accurately represented. 41 more army lists allowing historically realistic armies for each of the above factions and their allies at different dates during the period, and bringing the total number of Medieval army lists to 146. In addition armies can include contingents from historical allies. This gives around one hundred thousand permutations. You will never run out of new matchups to try. 8 more historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Manzikert 1071, Dorylaeum 1097, Ascalon 1099, Sirmium 1167, Arsuf 1191, La Forbie 1244, Homs 1281 and Kili 1299.   53 more historical matchups added to Quick Battle mode, increasing the total to 150, playable from either side. 4 more historically-based campaigns covering major leaders and conflicts of the era: Alexios Komnenos, The First Crusade, Manuel Komnenos, Saladin.   Sandbox campaign expanded to include all the new army lists, allowing you to lead any nation (and their historical allies) against any other nation (and their allies) – giving over twenty thousand permutations. Time Warp custom battles modules expanded to include all the new army lists.

310.88 RUB
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