

Inspector Gadget - MAD Time Party

Метро-сити оказался во власти злобного доктора Кло и его ПСИХ-агентов. Чтобы спасти город, инспектор Гаджет должен отправиться в прошлое на машине времени. Но машина сломалась, перенеся предков Гаджета в настоящее. Ваша задача: исследовать Метро-сити и добыть недостающие детали машины времени раньше предков. Играйте в мини-игры, чтобы получить болты для ремонта машины. Состязаться с вами за болты будут три предка Гаджета. Побывайте в узнаваемых местах из знаменитого сериала, встретьтесь с такими персонажами, как шеф Куимби, Пенни и ПСИХ-агентами, и используйте гаджеты инспектора, чтобы дать отпор организации ПСИХ.   Особенности Отправляйтесь в увлекательное путешествие и играйте за легендарного инспектора Гаджета, чтобы спасти Метро-сити от доктора Кло! Исследуйте знаменитый Метро-сити, выполняйте задания и участвуйте в испытаниях в одиночном режиме. Играйте в 16 увлекательных мини-игр в духе вселенной инспектора Гаджета! Веселитесь вместе с семьей и друзьями в многопользовательском режиме. Наслаждайтесь великолепным саундтреком от Танис Шалопен, дочери создателя инспектора Гаджета – Жана Шалопена.

2778.00 RUB
RoboCop: Rogue City

Станьте культовым полицейским, получеловеком-полумашиной, и попытайтесь восстановить справедливость на опасных, охваченных преступностью улицах Старого Детройта. Поддерживайте закон всеми доступными способами Мощный Auto-9 и другие 20 видов оружия помогут вам разобраться с преступниками на всех этапах этого захватывающего приключения. Робототехника и кибернетика наградили вас силой и навыками, которые можно улучшать по мере прохождения игры. Вряд ли еще найдется хоть один полицейский, который сможет бороться с преступностью эффективнее вас. Решайте сами, как исполнять основные директивы Исследуйте открытые зоны и выполняйте задания, опираясь на собственное чувство справедливости. Искать улики, проводить допросы и поддерживать общественный порядок — это лишь часть ваших ежедневных задач в полиции. Но принимайте решения осторожно: ваш выбор может определить судьбу граждан и исход миссии. Оригинальный сюжет во вселенной РобоКопа Волна преступности накрыла Детройт, и новый враг угрожает общественному порядку. Расследование приводит вас прямо в сердце коварного плана, события которого разворачиваются между второй и третьей частями РобоКопа. Посетите культовые места и встретьтесь со знакомыми персонажами из мира РобоКопа. Peter Weller возвращается на службу, чтобы озвучить знаменитого полицейского-полуробота. Приготовьтесь…ЗАЩИЩАТЬ НЕВИНОВНЫХ И ПОДДЕРЖИВАТЬ ЗАКОН

1315.82 RUB
Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol

Locked away in the most secure prison in the galaxy, with little hope of escape, Gail Pilgrim faces the most difficult ordeals of her life. Her only hope lies in trusting those who she has come to regard as her friends. Old enemies return and buried truths resurface in this final installment of the epic Space Pilgrim saga. Experience the final chapter of this immersive space saga. Explore several new locations, meet many new characters (as well as some old, familiar ones) and conclude the exciting story. For the first time in this series, you can make key decisions that will influence the lives of Gail Pilgrim and her crew. Across the four episodes in this saga you will travel to space stations, colonies, cities and islands across an immersive and intricate futuristic universe, interact with dozens of unique characters and enjoy 10+ hours of gameplay (Please note: this purchase is for episode four only) Mouse, keyboard and controller support

68.87 RUB
Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis

Все еще не оправившись от судьбоносных событий прошлого эпизода, Гейл пытается найти тихую гавань для себя и своего отца в созвездии Дельта Павлина. К сожалению, очень быстро она понимает, что политика планеты Лето может быть такой же коварной и непредсказуемой, как и местная погода. Самое ужасное заключается в том, что её отец пропал при загадочных обстоятельствах… Сможет ли она отыскать его прежде, чем враги расправятся с ней? Ключевые особенности: •    В третьем эпизоде вам предстоит изучить самую большую и насыщенную игровую вселенную во всей серии, путешествуя вместе с капитаном Гейл Пилигрим и её коллегами, по новому и удивительному миру. Изучите космическую станцию, отправляйтесь в город и покорите коварные океаны планеты Лето; •    Погрузитесь в новую главу непростой истории жизни Гейл, попадая в сети, расставленные местными политиками, и взаимодействуя с десятками новых игровых персонажей; •    Вас ждет от 3 до 5 часов игрового процесса в новом расширенном эпизоде космической саги капитана Пилигрим; •    На протяжении четырех эпизодов этой невероятной саги вам предстоит отправиться в путешествие по космическим станциям, колониям, городам и островам, разбросанным по замысловатой футуристичной вселенной, общаться с десятками игровых персонажей и погрузиться в игровой процесс общей продолжительностью более 10 часов (Обратите внимание: делая данный заказ, вы оплачиваете ТОЛЬКО третий эпизод); •    Поддержка управления с помощью мыши, клавиатуры и игрового контроллера;

68.87 RUB
The Deed

Удивительно темный и нестандартный взгляд на историю классического убийства. The Deed – приключенческая ролевая игра, в которой вам предстоит скрыть следы вашего преступления. Арран Брюс, законный наследник семьи Даншилов, возвращается домой после того, как он узнал, что его неблагодарный отец принял решение исключить сына из своего завещания, и передать все своё имущество в пользу его невменяемой младшей сестры-садистки. Ведомый яростью и жаждой наживы, Арран принимает решение уничтожить лишний элемент этого непростого уравнения, и заполучить наследства. Сойдет ли с его рук такой гнусный поступок? •    Познакомьтесь с семьей: Изучите дом семьи Даншилов, и познакомьтесь с неблагополучной и невероятно запутанной семьей Аррана и их прислужниками. Но будьте очень осторожны, ведь всё, что вы сделаете или скажете, может напрямую повлиять на исход игры The Deed! •    Выберите орудие: Веревка, подсвечник или старый добрый крысиный яд? Дом буквально кишит предметами, которые имеют темную и неизведанную сторону. Тщательно подумайте, прежде чем выбрать одно из десяти доступных орудий убийства, ведь от вашего выбора зависит, кто именно попадет под подозрение в совершении убийства. •    Подкиньте улики: Отец, мать, домохозяйка, дворецкий… каждый из них может стать жертвой ваших коварных поступков, но только в том случае, если вы сможете найти нужные улики, подкинуть их в нужное место и обвести подозрительного инспектора вокруг пальца. •    Встретьтесь лицом к лицу с инспектором: После того, как вы завершите свой коварный поступок, наступит время ответить за содеянное, и встретиться лицом к лицу с хитрым и проницательным инспектором. Сможете ли вы ответить на всего его вопросы и отвести подозрения? Удастся ли вам уйти безнаказанным? Никто не может предсказать исхода событий...

35.28 RUB
Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi

One year after the events of Episode I, Captain Pilgrim is once again carrying a shipload of passengers between star systems. This time her guests include a mysterious priestess, a wayward youth and a robotics genius. Little does she know that this latest journey will set her off on another hazardous adventure, involving a shadowy government organisation known as the Jackals ... Features: In this second episode, continue the adventures of Captain Pilgrim and her cynical co-pilot Sabina White as they are pulled into a fresh web of danger and intrigue, encountering new friends and foes Experience a larger and more expansive story which reveals many new elements of the Space Pilgrim universe Across the four episodes in this saga you will travel to space stations, colonies, cities and islands across an immersive and intricate futuristic universe, interact with dozens of unique characters and enjoy 10+ hours of gameplay (Please note: this purchase is for episode two only) Mouse, keyboard and controller support

68.87 RUB
The Deed: Dynasty

The Deed – игра, в которой вам необходимо совершить коварное преступление, принять ряд правильных решений, подкинуть несколько нужных улик и убедить местные власти в своей невиновности, подставив другого человека. Данное расширение для игры называется Dynasty (Династия) и предлагает вашему вниманию три совершенно новых сценария игры, основанных на изначальной концепции. Каждый их трех сценариев позволяет погрузиться в разные периоды времени, в которых вам предстоит изучить омерзительное прошлое семьи Брюса, управляя главным героем, которому нужно совершить убийство и подставить одного из второстепенных персонажей игры. Вам предстоит открыть для себя неповторимую атмосферу английского замка 5 века, отправиться в пограничный салун в период покорения Дикого Запада, после чего вы вновь окажетесь в доме семьи Даншилов за 50 лет до событий, произошедших в оригинальной игре. Точно так же, как и в The Deed, каждое ваше действие может сказаться на финальном результате, и привести к одному из многочисленных вариантов исхода событий, разнообразие которых удивит даже самых требовательных игроков. Вы сможете выбрать один из разных способов совершения убийства, подбросить одну из наиболее подходящих улик, и обвинить одного из невероятного множества героев в убийстве, совершенном вами. •    Изучите обстановку Основная цель данного расширения – предоставить игрокам более богатый и разнообразный игровой мир, в котором они смогут погрузиться в совершенно разные эпохи, будь то средневековая Англия  в период правления короля Генри IV, смертельно опасный городок на Старом Западе или старинный особняк Викторианской эпохи. •    Познакомьтесь с персонажами В каждом из игровых сценариев представлены неигровые персонажи, некоторые из которых являются реальными историческими героями, и практически каждого из них можно подставить и обвинить в совершении вашего преступления. Система диалогов была тщательно переработана и улучшена, что позволило дать игрокам большую свободу выбора и действий и обеспечить незабываемые впечатления и опыт в ходе каждой новой игры. •    Выберите орудие убийства Выбираете одно из многочисленных орудий, которые четко соответствуют тому времени, в котором вы оказались: будь то средневековый меч, пара кухонных ножниц или старый добрый шестизарядный револьвер. Тщательно подберите орудие, которое будет однозначно указывать на одного из игровых персонажей. •    Подбросьте улики Существует множество непохожих методов использования улик, чтобы вызвать подозрения властей. Тщательно продумывайте сценарии использования выбранных вами улик, дотошно сопоставляя их с теми героями, которых вы решили подставить. •    Отправляйтесь на встречу с властями   Вы прекрасно понимаете, что ставки намного выше, чем в прошлый раз. Одно дело – оказаться в тюрьме, но что вы скажете о том, чтобы закончить свою жизнь от рук палача или быть повешенным на центральной площади под громкие крики возбужденной толпы? Не забывайте о том, что жизнь была куда более жестокой, чем сейчас, не говоря уже о способах наказания осужденных преступников. Сможете ли вы совершить свой гнусный поступок, избежав подобной жуткой участи?

104.99 RUB
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Fortification Pack

The Fortification Pack is an expansion for Warhammer 40.000 Gladius – Relics of War, bringing one new defensive unit to each faction, widely expanding the existing roster. With a total of six new units, this DLC is a must-have and will enlarge the strategic options to all players. As war rages on, all the factions engaged in a fierce struggle to dominate Gladius Prime resort to erecting mighty bulwarks and deploying new state-of-the-art defensive weapons. Space Marines - Aquila Macro-Cannon Macro-cannon Aquila Strongpoints are massive fortifications, often used as bastions in Imperial defensive battle lines. Each consists of a munitions silo, topped by a large turret that houses the huge macro-cannon that gives the strongpoint its name. The munitions silo allows the Aquila Macrocannon to fire special "Quake Shells," each of which measures several Terran feet in length and has a powerful charge that causes the shells to reach hypersonic velocity when the Macrocannon is fired. Astra Militarum - Void Shield Generator Void shields are normally localised force fields reserved for protecting the monolithic Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but static generators can be erected to serve as an aegis for other targets of vital import. The largest Void Shield generators can even project an invisible bubble of power across a large area of the battlefield, sheltering both troops and strategically vital battlefield locations by absorbing or deflecting the energy of incoming munitions. Chaos Space Marines - Noctilith Crown Noctilith Crowns are brutal edifices raised up by the Chaos Space Marines to weaken the very foundations of reality. Crafted from the mysterious material known as blackstone, these vast psychic resonators thin the veil to deadly effect, shielding your own units and damaging enemy psykers. Necrons - Gauss Pylon The mysterious Necron defence turrets, designated as 'Pylons' by those who originally encountered them, were first recorded on the uncharged world of WDY-272. Rising suddenly from the desert sands, the Gauss Pylons opened fire without warning and with devastating effect, tanks and armoured carriers burning as the crescent-shaped weapons tore through the unsuspecting Imperial Guard column whilst resisting all return fire. Orks - Big Mek Especially talented or popular Mekboyz will soon attract a following, lording it over a growing gang of underlings. A Mek with this much clout is referred to as a Big Mek, and can prove indispensable to the local Warboss with his knowledge of shokk attack guns, force field technology, and tellyporta rigs. Tyranids - Biovores A Biovore is a squat, bloated creature -- yet no less deadly for all that. Deep within its lumpen form, the Biovore nurtures a clutch of Spore Mines -- living bombs that blanket the enemy in acids, poisons and shrapnel-sized pieces of chitin. Biovores thump forward in battle, bony protrusions on their fore-limbs anchoring themselves into the ground as they release their vile payload in a single shuddering spasm.

117.81 RUB
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Chaos Space Marines

Sometimes, our battle seems eternal. We fought with Horus at Terra and with Abaddon at Cadia. A handful of ancients even remember the pacification of Luna, fighting alongside the False Emperor as we crushed the gene-cultists. Yes, we have fought a long, long war. Yet, these ten thousand years, our Warband has been undivided in its faith, even though the Imperium still stands. When Cadia fell, we were there. We made our prayers to the Dark Gods for guidance and entered the Warp behind Abaddon’s fleet, and there we stayed, stuck like insects in some dead gods’ amber. We wandered dark corners, lost to the warp’s delights, until our craft found an entryway to… this dead planet. This pathetic world that stinks of the Corpse God’s Empire and more. Why have we been brought here? Something is here, something the Dark Gods need us to claim. We will find it and make it our own. Warhammer 40,000: Gladius is back with a new playable faction, the Chaos Space Marines. Fueled by their hatred for the Imperium, they will stop at nothing before they exact their revenge. Fielding hellish machines, wielding Warp powers and possessing the experience of a thousand wars, these ancient warriors are ready to conquer Gladius Prime, killing and enslaving all who oppose them. In the name of the Warmaster, and their Dark Gods.BOONS OF CHAOS Champions who prove themselves in battle might find boons bestowed upon them by the Dark Gods, and even rise to the rank of Daemon Prince. But beware, for the Gods are fickle, and those who they do not consider worthy will be transformed into Chaos Spawns instead.VETERANS OF THE LONG WAR Chaos Space Marines have fought a 10,000 years long war on the Imperium and its Corpse-Emperor. All servants of the Imperium are their arch-enemy: as thus all Chaos Space Marines units have experience in fighting against Space Marine units and gain increased morale and melee accuracy.UNHOLY RITES Chaos cities are designed to glorify the Dark Gods and torture their inhabitants in the Gods’ name. Population is a resource that Chaos Space Marines can use for unholy rites, granting significant temporary boosts depending on the God which is being worshipped.MARKS OF CHAOS Worship any of the four Chaos Gods, and spend influence to gain unique permanent buffs to individual units. The Dark Gods are generous!

366.25 RUB
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Assault Pack

The Assault Pack greatly expands your tactical options by introducing a new unit for each faction! These new units are entirely focused on offensive power and mobility. Enact new tactics and bold new aggressive strategies by fielding them on the wartorn surface of Gladius.Astra Militarum - ChimeraAmphibious transport unit with manned weaponry and communication equipment. The Chimera is the most prolific and popular armoured transport used by the Imperial Guard. It is rugged, versatile, and easy to produce in huge numbers. For thousands of years it has been accepted wisdom that the Chimera punches well above its weight in a firefight; the tank itself mounts a variety of punishing anti-personnel weaponry, while passengers can lay down additional fire from its spacious top hatch and flank-mounted lasgun arrays.Tyranids - Scythed HieroduleAgile gargantuan creature unit that shreds entire armies. The Scythed Hierodule was first recorded during the invasion of Hamman's World, a small Imperial colony close to one of the tendrils of Hive Fleet Kraken. Hamman's World was attacked soon after Kraken's defeat on Ichar IV as the hive fleet began to splinter. Nothing like the Hierodule has ever been reported before. It is armed with four huge razor-sharp claws, each capable of slicing clean through a battle tank, and heavily protected by chitin plates, in places up to 30 cm thick. A Hierodule is far larger than a Carnifex and is a monstrous-killing machine, even by Tyranid standards.T'au - Tidewall GunrigHeavily armed fortification that can be moved by transporting troops. With its in-built rail weaponry, the Tidewall Gunrig provides the firepower to deal with heavy enemy assault units or advancing ranks of armour. Manned by hard-eyed Fire Warriors, these mobile turrets mount devastating railguns that are more than capable of ripping apart enemy tanks or monstrous beasts with volleys of hyper-sonic rounds.Orks - WarbikerFast skirmish unit with high fire power. Mobs of Ork Warbikers race into battle at suicidal speeds, exhausts belching greasy clouds of smoke. As they hurtle toward the enemy ranks, the Warbikers fill the air with a murderous storm of shots from their blazing dakkaguns. Surrounded by billowing clouds of smoke and dust, the Warbikers are protected from the worst of the enemy’s return fire – by the time the bikeboyz thunder out of this swirling cloud, they are all but on top of the foe.Necrons - Flayed OneClose combat infantry unit that ignores enemy overwatch. Flayed Ones can materialise at any time, lured from their bleak dimension by the scent of blood and carnage, and will commonly stalk their prey before attacking with little regard for strategy. When the moment to strike comes, Flayed Ones scramble madly into battle, slashing at their prey with twisted talons and draping themselves in the mangled body parts of their quarry.Chaos Space Marines - Chaos Land RaiderMassively armoured and heavily armed transport unit. The Chaos Land Raider is among the mightiest ground vehicles in a Chaos Space Marine army. Its adamantine and ceramite plates can withstand all but the deadliest anti-tank weaponry, and the blessings of the Warpsmiths keep it at peak efficiency. The twin lascannons mounted in each sponson make short work of other vehicles that would dare to attempt to stop its rampage.Space Marines - RazorbackTank unit that transports infantry. The Razorback rolls into battle with its weapons charged and ready to fire. Its determined crew slam their vehicle through obstacles and over wreckage, keeping pace with the Adeptus Astartes’ advance. Meanwhile, inside the vehicle’s transport bay, its passengers ready themselves for the battle ahead.

117.81 RUB
Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1945

Germany lies in ruins.  Relentlessly assaulted on all sides and pounded mercilessly by Allied Strategic Bombing, the German Reich still refuses to admit defeat.  Last ditch counteroffensives are put into action in a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the Second World War.  Will these desperate gambles pay off, or will they continue to heap misery and death upon the German Wehrmacht? Panzer Corps 2’s Axis Operations at long last approaches the end of the Second World War in Europe... one way or another!The War ConcludesIn the Historical Campaign of 1945 East, you will experience the final months of the Second World War from a perspective so rarely covered in other games of the genre as you prepare your Wehrmacht forces for their final, desperate offensives. To properly tell this story, the historical campaign focuses extensively on not just the final battles on the Eastern Front, but also the surrounding context.  What did last ditch attacks such as Operation Bodenplatte or Spring Awakening really accomplish, but also at what terrible costs did they come with? As you fight to the bitter end, learn the real fates of both true Historical German figures and also uncover the fates of the Axis Operation’s unique cast of characters.  In doing so, find out for yourself some of the truths of why so many rank and file Wehrmacht soldiers continued the fighting well past any hope of achieving victory in the Second World War.The War ContinuesBut once again, the latest Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations content pack contains yet another campaign!  Be ready to continue the story of Ahistorical 1944 right where it left off after victory at the Battle of Ploesti. Despite repelling the Western Allied landings at Normandy and halting the Soviet invasion of Easter Europe, Germany still stands at an impasse.  Total victory seems further than ever, as Allied resolve is merely shaken and apparently nowhere near broken.  And now another major offensive is prepared in the East, but to what ultimate end?  Can it actually bring total victory, or will it just continue to bleed all nations involved? Discovered the uncharted history of the Axis Operations 1945 Alternate campaign, and see where it ends... or where it will merely end up next! To give players the most freedom of choice, both campaigns are immediately available for all players to begin.  There are no prerequisites or barriers to launching either campaign.  Newly formed Panzer Corps or deeply imported forces have equal choice in which campaign path to pursue and explore.CONTINUE WITH YOUR OWN PANZER CORPSPlayers can import their core forces that completed the previous Axis Operations 1944 East campaign or use a preset core force to directly launch into the Axis Operations 1945 East campaign. While imported forces can seek additional growth and challenges through increased difficulty settings, advanced game modes, and new elite objectives, the preset force contains a moderate amount of experienced units and an assortment of heroes enough to allow any player to succeed in this new campaign. Total freedom of choice is on offer in Axis Operations 1945:  There are no prerequisites or barriers to launching either campaign.  Newly formed Panzer Corps or deeply imported forces have equal choice in which campaign path to pursue and explore. For veteran campaigners with a force ready to import into this latest DLC, it is recommended to continue with your Historical or Ahistorical campaign paths to fully experience the content’s extensive narratives.THE END OF THE AXIS OPERATIONS? The end of 1945 East is (potentially) not the end of your campaign though, it is merely the latest step.  At the conclusion of Axis Operations 1945 East, players will again be presented with the option to save their core force for use in the next installment of the Axis Operations Campaign, should there be one! Any campaign of the Axis Operations can be played individually as a standalone campaign.18 Scenario List (Beware of Spoilers!)Operation Puma Operation Wagtail Operation Barca Munich Operation Feuerkartoffel Reichstag Zahidan Operation Hydra Case Bruno Tata Operation Bodenplatte Operation Konrad III Operation Southwind Operation Spring Awakening Vienna Offensive Battle of Seelow Heights End in Berlin End in Salzburg

220.48 RUB
Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1944

The war on the Eastern Front has reached fever pitch.  Wehrmacht forces across the Eastern Front find themselves under immense pressure from a resurgent Red Army.  Caught between directives to maintain full control of the vast territories they have conquered and the desperate struggle to survive against increasingly strengthening Soviet armies, German forces are stretched to their limits. But an inevitable Axis decline is not the only path that lies before you in this Panzer Corps 2 Campaign DLC!TWO FULL CAMPAIGNS IN CHAPTER 7 OF THE AXIS OPERATIONS GRAND CAMPAIGNThe Axis Operations 1944 DLC Campaign is the first DLC to offer two entire campaigns that are completely separate and independent from one another. In the historical campaign, prepare to face the brutal realities of the decline of the German Wehrmacht as it struggles to survive the Allied onslaught battering it from all directions. In the ahistorical campaign, continue your success that has secured the Caucasus region for Germany as you defend your extensive conquests from both familiar and also totally new challenges. To give players the most freedom of choice, both campaigns are immediately available for all players to begin.  There are no prerequisites or barriers to launching either campaign.  Newly formed Panzer Corps or deeply imported forces have equal choice in which campaign path to pursue and explore. For veteran campaigners with a force ready to import into this latest DLC, it is recommended to continue with your Historical or Ahistorical campaign paths to fully experience the content’s extensive narratives.A TALE OF TWO CAMPAIGNSTo properly explore both the historical battles and ahistorical events taking place in the 1944 DLC, Axis Operations 1944 has grown to provide the largest amount of content a DLC has yet to have.  A The huge 20 scenario count offers the best glimpse at exploring the historical realities of devastating battles fought on the Eastern Front during 1944, especially during Operation Bagration.  Such a large scenario count also allows for the Ahistorical campaign to continue in a fully developed way that continues right where Axis Operations 1943 left off, and continues to carve a path through uncharted and completely original content unique to Panzer Corps 2. The ahistorical campaign is no short hop from Allied capital to Allied capital, it is a fully fleshed out and realized campaign with well researched potential successes, and setbacks, the mighty German Wehrmacht may have faced even after it emerged as the victor from the Battle of Kursk.NEW ELITE OBJECTIVES: ALLIED POWER OVERWHELMINGStanding in your way is a whole new set of objectives, classified as Elite Objectives.  These are objectives that only the strongest Panzer Forces should attempt to complete; they are challenges designed to give pause to even the strongest and most deeply of imported forces.  Elite objectives also represent and reflect growing Allied superiority that was becoming evident in 1944.CONTINUE WITH YOUR OWN PANZER CORPSPlayers can import their core forces that completed the previous Axis Operations 1943 East campaign or use a preset core force to directly launch into the Axis Operations 1944 East campaign. While imported forces can seek additional growth and challenges through increased difficulty settings, advanced game modes, and new elite objectives, the preset force contains a moderate amount of experienced units and an assortment of heroes enough to allow any player to succeed in this new campaign. Total freedom of choice is on offer in Axis Operations 1944:  There are no prerequisites or barriers to launching either campaign.  Newly formed Panzer Corps or deeply imported forces have equal choice in which campaign path to pursue and explore. Again, for veteran campaigners with a force ready to import into this latest DLC, it is recommended to continue with your Historical or Ahistorical campaign paths to fully experience the content’s extensive narratives.FIGURES AND MISSIONS FROM HISTORYIn addition to the continuing trend of bonus mission objectives inspired by true historical events, this campaign will be supplemented by appearances from additional historical German leaders from World War II.  In particular, Axis Operations 1944 dives very deeply into the deeds, and potential fates, of one very prominent figure in the German Wehrmacht.  Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returns!  But as any student of history knows, the story of this legendary historical figure during 1944 is not one of battlefield glory. Axis Operations 1944 offers to once again bring these characters to life, as many of their real life memoirs and thoughts influence their mannerisms and writing within the campaign.GAIN AND SPEND INFLUENCEBy completing bonus objectives and achieving various degrees of victory, you'll earn Commendation Points that can be spent on a variety of unique rewards ranging from access to stockpiles of captured enemy equipment, special prototype tanks, and the chance to recruit more historical officers.THE AXIS OPERATIONS CONTINUE The end of 1944 East is not the end of your campaign though, it is merely the latest step.  At the conclusion of Axis Operations 1944 East, players will again be presented with the option to save their core force for use in the next installment of the Axis Operations Campaign. Any campaign of the Axis Operations can be played individually as a standalone campaign.20 SCENARIO LISTCase Orange Operation Corridor Operation Tusk Operation Stormbird Riga 1944 Herrlingen Lvov 1944 Operation Panzerschreck Kolozsvar Battle of Ploesti Shanderovka Lysyanka Operation Margarethe Targu Frumos Cernauti Minsk Offensive Lublin Warsaw Rising Operation Panzerfaust Battle of Carei

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