

POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost

Спустя десять лет после выходных, посвященных Апокалипсису, Чувак наконец возвращается!Paradise Lost — это полноценный пакет расширения для POSTAL 2, продолжающий сагу серии POSTAL. Присоединяйтесь к Чуваку, когда он отправляется обратно в свой бывший родной город, чтобы найти свою потерянную собаку. Но все изменилось, поскольку когда-то спокойный (относительно) город и его жители преобразились после ядерной катастрофы. Отважьтесь войти в разнообразные Зоны, пересекая Засушливую пустыню, пробираясь сквозь густые джунгли, отмораживая свои орехи ядерной зимой и бродя под пеплом, который падает прямо с неба. Познакомьтесь со множеством таинственных фракций, состоящих из живых, зомбированных и всех, кто между ними, и используйте свои "блестящие" социальные навыки, чтобы попытаться объединиться с их загадочными лидерами – от бывших детей-звезд до ужасающих демонических зверей с выменем! Свирепые законники, обезумевшие бандиты, сумасшедшие выживальщики Судного дня и фаллический детский игрушечный талисман ждут вас. Делайте все возможное, чтобы выжить! Ждите в очередях! Используйте торговые автоматы! Купите туалетную бумагу! Переживите путешествие туда, где все началось, чтобы спасти вашего верного спутника!Приготовьтесь погрузиться в постапокалиптический мир Paradise Lost!Ключевые особенности:Полная кампания для одиночной игры: выживайте с понедельника по пятницу с неожиданными поворотами каждый день.Свободное передвижение, нелинейный геймплей, основанный на квестах-поручениях: занимайтесь своими повседневными делами или просто бездельничайте, бесцельно гуляя по городу!Мирные и насильственные решения: будьте слабеньким пацифистом или уничтожьте всех на своем пути. Эй, это апокалипсис, так что вы, вероятно, впишетесь!Новый арсенал и предметы: расправьтесь с неудачливыми панками из револьвера! Верните правосудие в пустоши с помощью рычажного дробовика! Бейте сорняки и другие более крупные объекты с помощью Weed Whacker!Двойное оружие: удвойте удовольствие с двойным оружием!Битвы с боссами: сведите счеты раз и навсегда.Полная поддержка контроллера: мочитесь на незнакомцев, не вставая с дивана!Оригинальный голос Чувака: здесь нет самозванцев! Running With Scissors develops and publishers outrageous games just for the hell of it. POSTAL 2TM, POSTAL 2: Apocalypse WeekendTM, The POSTAL DudeTM, ChampTM, KrotchyTM,and Running With ScissorsSM are Trademarks and Service Marks of RWS, Inc.

20.36 RUB
Redout 2 - Season Pass

Получите еще больше от Redout 2 с сезонным абонементом, который мгновенно разблокирует эксклюзивный дизайн для болида и предоставит доступ к первым двум дополнениям прямо в день их выхода! В эти дополнения войдут: - Новые гоночные локации из вселенной Redout - Новые события карьеры, которые станут испытанием ваших навыков - Дополнительные стильные награды и косметические модули

1566.00 RUB
Strategic Command: American Civil War - Wars in the Americas

Strategic Command: Wars in the Americas gives you the opportunity to fight five new campaigns covering some of the greatest conflicts of the mid/late 19th century.  Including battlefields ranging from the deserts of Peru to the jungles of Cuba, these campaigns will provide countless hours of entertainment while challenging your strategic skills to the utmost!1846 THE CONQUEST OF MEXICOBeginning in 1846, the Mexican-American War represented the culmination of the idea of America’s Manifest Destiny, a dream to expand the nation’s borders from sea to shining sea.  It was a war that would see the return and fall of Santa Anna, marches thousands of miles long as the United States strove to control California, and a peace treaty that would push America to the verge of civil war.  As Mexico, can you defend your vast nation from the American invasions?  As the United States, will you march along the route of the conquistadores, all the way to the halls of Montezuma?1863 THE EAGLE AND THE EMPIREWhile the United States was divided by Civil War, French Emperor Napoleon III saw an opportunity to build his own influence in the Americas, launching an invasion of Mexico.  In this alternate history campaign, President Lincoln’s tacit support for the Mexican Republicans leads to French recognition of the Confederacy and a declaration of war against the United States.  With battles raging from Gettysburg to Mexico City, will the Union be able to reclaim the initiative, or will French intervention be the key to Confederate victory in this expanded conflict?1866 PARAGUAY UNDER SIEGEA year after Francisco Solano Lopez launched his unsuccessful invasions of Brazil and Argentina, the armies of the Triple Alliance have pushed the remnants of Paraguay’s army across the Parana.  Between them and Asuncion stand the fortifications of Humaita: the strongest citadel in South America. In signing the Treaty of the Triple Alliance, the governments of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay have committed themselves to continue fighting until Paraguay’s government is overthrown.  To oppose them, Lopez – and Paraguay – are prepared to fight to the death.1879 GHOSTS OF THE PACIFICFor six months in 1879, the Peruvian ironclad Huascar, commanded by the talented Admiral Grau, defied Chile’s efforts to conquer the rich nitrate and copper mines of the Atacama Desert.  In a series of daring raids, Huascar sank Chilean warships and captured her transports, and it would eventually take the entire Chilean Navy to finally defeat the “ghost of the Pacific” at the Battle of Angamos. In this campaign, you will take command of Chile or Peru during the dramatic ironclad battles and bold amphibious landings of an epic South American conflict.  Can you win the War of the Pacific?1898 REMEMBER THE MAINEBy 1898, many Americans believed that the time had come to remove the last major European presence from the Americas.  Spain’s ancient empire was wracked by rebellion, and the yellow press called for President McKinley to aid the rebel forces.  When the USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor, her destruction ignited a war cry. Success in the Spanish-American War will require you to manage partisan uprisings, decisive naval battles, and amphibious operations on a map spanning three continents.  Can you save Spain’s empire from the brink of collapse, or is a new power set to take its place?Features New campaigns covering five major wars between 1846 and 1898 New unit types including Field Artillery, Blockhouses, Armored Cruisers and Torpedo Boats New historical leaders including Taylor, Bazaine, Escala, Caxias, Shafter and Scott New events including Santa Anna’s Return from Exile, the Philippine Revolution and the construction of Paraguay’s great ‘Cristiano’ mortar

689.64 RUB
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear

Though Sarevok is dead and his plan for war averted, peace eludes the citizens of Baldur's Gate. A crusade marches from the north, seizing supplies, forcing locals into military service, and disrupting trade along the Sword Coast. A charismatic warrior known as the Shining Lady leads this army, her background shrouded in mystery. Can the rumors be true—is she, like you, the child of a god? The closer you get to the Shining Lady, the more you realize your father, the dead Lord of Murder still casts a long shadow upon your path. Baldur's Gate has put its faith in you, but you must determine whose interests you truly serve before you face the Shining Lady among the ruins of Dragonspear Castle... The first new game in the Baldur’s Gate series in over a decade, Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear adds a new chapter to the Bhaalspawn saga. The events occurring between Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II are at last revealed in this 25-hour adventure.Features A new chapter in the Baldur's Gate saga A sharp and subtle adventure that pits you against an enigmatic new foe Venture through the vibrant new hand-painted areas of the Sword Coast Import your character from BG:EE and continue the story in BGII:EE Four new player soundsets to customize your hero The original cast returns to kick butt for goodness - along with four new additions! Updated UI and improved Infinity engine features 25+ hours of gameplay New items, quests, and a new class: the Shaman! Original soundtrack by Sam Hulick Functional, extensively tested cross-platform multiplayer on all supported platforms "Story Mode" difficulty setting to allow players to experience all of the story with none of the Game Over screens

1699.00 RUB
The Escapists 2 - Wicked Ward

SEASON PASS HOLDERS: THIS CONTENT IS PART OF THE SEASON PASS!Things have taken a strange turn in the locked off wings of an abandoned hospital. A mad scientist and his hoard of undead guard their territory within the gothic halls. Outside an ominous sky of thunder, rain and lightning blankets the surrounding woods. Once again, you’ll have to craft, fight and scheme your way to freedom from this eerie supernatural slammer.Featuring:A brand-new horror-themed map to escape fromNew Halloween-themed customizationsNew outfitsNew items and craftable recipesYour goal is to escape at all costs! The Escapists 2 developed by Mouldy Toof Studios and Team17 Digital Ltd © 2017. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. All trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

361.00 RUB
The Escapists 2 - Season Pass

STOP! Yes, you there. You are under arrest on suspicion of escaping from prison! You have the right to remain silent and no right to go and enjoy The Escapists 2 Season Pass. Including three of the series most notorious prisons like Dungeons & Duct Tape, Wicked Ward and Big Top Breakout!Features:Wicked Ward!What possessed the guards to lock you up in an abandoned hospital ward? Things are getting scary, but fear not, escaping is sure to lift those spirits! This haunting and daunting prison will test even the most seasoned Escapists. Can you escape the undead guards, or will you stay locked in the spooky supernatural slammer?Big Top Break Out!It’s time to put the whack in wacky in the craziest prison yet, wield a squirty flower as a weapon, juggle as a job and avoid those vicious guard poodles at all costs! You’ll need your wits as escaping is no small feat and there’s absolutely no time to clown around! Make your escape and make it quick…or face a life-time imprisoned in a traveling circus!Dungeons and Duct Tape!Hear ye, hear ye! For your crimes against the crown you have been sentenced to spend the rest of your days in the dungeon…Unless you can put the craft in crafty and unlock castle Locke! With a medley of medieval outfits, jobs and items, escape however floats your boat, along as it gets you over that dastardly moat!Get access to exciting additional content for The Escapists 2 with the season pass. Test your escaping expertise by breaking out of three exhilarating new prisons with extra items, customisations and thrilling new ways to escape!Note: The Glorious Regime prison is NOT included in the Season Pass. The Escapists 2 developed by Mouldy Toof Studios and Team17 Digital Ltd © 2017. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. All trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

904.00 RUB
The Escapists 2 - Dungeons and Duct Tape

Hear ye, hear ye, for crimes against the crown you have been sentenced to spend the rest of your days in the dungeon! Why not get a job at the local blacksmith, or maybe entertain fellow inmates and guards with a wonderful lute performance? See the sights of the castle and check out the throne room, you might even be rewarded for your exploits in the old halls.This medieval map comes with new items to find, craft, and use in your efforts to escape this imposing fortress. It will be up to you to deliver yourself into salvation. Will you fight your way through the prison's fearsome guards? Or maybe find a more cunning way over the walls to freedom, but how will you cross the moat? Do you have what it takes to escape Dungeons and Duct Tape?Dungeons and Duct Tape is available separately or as part of the season pass. The Escapists 2 developed by Mouldy Toof Studios and Team17 Digital Ltd © 2017. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. All trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

361.00 RUB
Overcooked! 2: Carnival of Chaos

Celebrate more Overcooked! 2 at the Carnival of Chaos!Overcooked! 2 Carnival of Chaos invites players to a celebration of all things cooking, co-op and chaos! This colourful new DLC will put players to the test as you take on combo meals and that kitchen essential, the cannon!Cannons! An unconventional kitchen requires unconventional means of transport. Chefs must load themselves into the cannon and fly through the air with the greatest of ease.Combo Meals! For extra hungry customers, players must combine cuisines on a trusty tray, topped off with a refreshing beverage.New Recipes! Hotdogs and everyone's favourite circular food, the mighty donut, join the menu!Sauces! Is it even possible to have a hotdog without ketchup or mustard…or both?!Plus 15 New Levels! Players will burn burgers in the big top and tackle tasty treats on a tight rope in a series of vibrant new levels.Four New Chefs! A quartet of colourful characters join the culinary chaos: Ringmaster Chef, Strongman Chef, Clown Chef and Stunt Chef!Overcooked! 2 Carnival of Chaos is available to purchase or free for all players who have purchased the Overcooked! 2 Season PassOvercooked 2 © 2018 Ghost Town Games. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

452.00 RUB
Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf

Надевайте солнечные очки, собирайте своих поваров и разжигайте мангалы... ПОРА ИДТИ НА ПЛЯЖ! Больше рецептов, больше поваров, больше кухонь! Вы отлично повеселитесь, готовя шашлыки и смузи с нашими новыми друзьями: экзотическим поваром-попугаем и яростным поваром с острова. Соревнуйтесь с другими игроками на двух кипящих страстями уровнях или соберите команду, чтобы вместе противостоять голодным массам. Вас ждут 12 ядреных уровней игры, так вооружайтесь же верным водяным пистолетом и мойте с его помощью посуду или поливайте своих товарищей, чтобы создать максимум хаоса! Проще говоря, делайте всё, что вашей душе угодно.

452.00 RUB
Overcooked! 2 - Season Pass

Satisfy your hunger for Overcooked! 2’s chaotic cooking action with the Season Pass.The Season pass will deliver three extra portions of content, featuring more meals, more mechanics and more mayhem!First Course (Out Now): Campfire Cook OffGather round the campfire for S’More Overcooked 2!It’s time for some camping capers as you take a trek through the forests of the Onion Kingdom. Joining Kevin and the Onion King are four new chefs that are right at home in the woodland kitchens; Explorer Chef, Bear Chef, Beaver Chef and the bespectacled Owl Chef.Second Course (Out Now): Night of the Hangry HordeOvercooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde sees players face the most terrifying threat to the Onion Kingdom yet, the unbread, and this time they’ve brought friends! This DLC introduces an entirely new horde mode in which players must use all of their cooking know-how to repel waves of ravenous undead ingredients.Eight horde mode levels see players face up against waves of undead enemy attackers including the unbread, giant zombie apples and swift zombie chilli peppers. Plus 12 new levels! Nine new kitchens and three hidden Kevin levels.Four new chefs! Vampire chef, Ghost chef, Werewolf chef and returning favourite Boxhead chef from Overcooked!New mechanics! The guillotine is an efficient new way to chop ingredients and the furnace must be fueled with coal in order to roast your dinnersThree recipes! Fruit pies, soup and roast dinners.Third Course (Out Now): Carnival of ChaosOvercooked! 2 Carnival of Chaos invites players to a celebration of all things cooking, co-op and chaos! This colourful new DLC will put players to the test as you take on combo meals and that kitchen essential, the canon!Canons! An unconventional kitchen requires unconventional means of transport.Combo Meals! For extra hungry customers, players must combine cuisines on a trusty tray, topped off with a refreshing beverage.New Recipes! Hot dogs and everyone's favourite circular food, the mighty donut, join the menu!Sauces! Is it even possible to have a hot dog without ketchup or mustard…or both?!Plus 15 New Levels! Players will burn burgers in the big top and tackle tasty treats on a tight rope in a series of vibrant new levels.Four New Chefs! A quartet of colourful characters join the culinary chaos: Ringmaster Chef, Strongman Chef, Clown Chef and Stunt Chef! Overcooked 2 © 2018 Ghost Town Games. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

1538.00 RUB
Overcooked! 2 - Night of the Hangry Horde

Get ready to take another bite out of Overcooked! 2Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde sees players face the most terrifying threat to the Onion Kingdom yet, the unbread, and this time they’ve brought friends! This brand new DLC introduces an entirely new horde mode in which players must use all of their cooking know-how to repel waves of ravenous undead ingredients. Night of the Hangry Horde is available for free for all players who have purchased the Overcooked! 2 Season Pass!New mode! Eight horde mode levels see players face up against waves of undead enemy attackers including the unbread, giant zombie apples, and swift zombie chili peppersPlus 12 new levels! Nine new kitchens and three hidden Kevin levels. New kitchens mean new equipment: What better way to chop your veg than with a trusty guillotine and the furnace is a perfect way to roast your dinners, just don't forget to add coal!Four new chefs join the fray! Vampire chef, Ghost chef, Werewolf chef, and returning favorite Boxhead chef from Overcooked! Overcooked 2 © 2018 Ghost Town Games. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

814.00 RUB
Overcooked 2! - Campfire Cook Off

Gather round the campfire for S’More Overcooked 2!It’s time for some camping capers as you take a trek through the forests of the Onion Kingdom. Joining Kevin and the Onion King are 4 new chefs that are right at home in the woodland kitchens; Explorer Chef, Bear Chef, Beaver Chef, and the bespectacled Owl Chef.You’ll need to chop wood to keep the fires burning as you fry up a hearty breakfast, or toast tasty S’mores across 15 new levels set amongst tree-tops and campsites. Fresh levels of co-operation will be needed for the new wearable backpacks that hold the ingredients the team of chefs needs to serve the hungry campers. Overcooked 2 © 2018 Ghost Town Games. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Developed by Team17 Digital Ltd and Ghost Town Games Ltd. Team17 is a trademark or registered trademark of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

452.00 RUB
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