

Train Valley 2 - Passenger Flow

Проверенный временем игровой процесс оригинальной Train Valley встает на современные рельсы Train Valley 2 в дополнении "Passenger Flow". Справьтесь с пассажирским трафиком, построив эффективную железную дорогу и доставляя поезда как можно быстрее. По вагонам! Испытайте новый уровень глубины и разнообразия с механикой пассажиропотока. Бросьте вызов новым 20-ти уровням в режиме компании. Соберите 6 новых продвинутых локомотивов. Насладитесь 5-ю новыми музыкальными темами. Экспериментируйте с сотнями новых объектов в редакторе уровней.

134.39 RUB
Train Valley - Germany

Занимайте места! Наш поезд отправляется прямиком в Германию! Шесть новых уровней немецкого сезона Train Valley, расскажут историю немецких железных дорог от эпохи ранних паровых локомотивов и Первой Мировой Войны до падения Берлинской стены и современных развязок аэропорта Франкфурта! Закончите пять новых уровней в режиме Истории. Играйте с разными комбинациями объектов карты в случайном режиме. Управляйте составами с шестью новыми немецкими локомотивами и вагонами разных исторических периодов. Выполните усложненные дополнительные миссии и получите все награды! Пройдите через новые испытания! Справитесь ли вы с авиа бомбардировками или супер поездом Третьего Рейха, разрушающим все на своем пути?

60.21 RUB
Ashen - Nightstorm Isle

Странник сопровождает одну безутешную мать в поисках ее дочери. Вдалеке от укрытых пеплом знакомых берегов игроки нисходят в опасные глубины острова Ночной Бури. Там, внизу, таятся бесчисленные кошмары, но даже они не подготовят к заточенному в недрах древнему злу.

235.00 RUB
Gloomhaven - Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges

The Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges DLC is the digital adaptation of the Solo Scenarios board game expansion for Gloomhaven, the critically acclaimed Tactical RPG. Face 17 new carefully crafted missions by Isaac Childres, designer of the Gloomhaven Board Game. Each scenario comes with its own unique reward. There is a twist however, you can only complete each mission with its specific mercenary! Each deadly scenario plays around the strengths and weaknesses of a specific mercenary and the reward is tailored to them. The scenarios are unlocked once the required mercenary reaches level 5 in the Story Campaign, giving you time to hone your skills. Additionally, you can unlock the items within the Guildmaster through that character’s story scenarios. You can also take your current multiplayer save and complete the Solo Scenarios on your own and import them into your or the hosts’ next session. Alternatively, you can spectate your friends hopelessly trying to succeed in real time!Face your greatest challenge Extending the narrative of the Story Campaign, these scenarios are significantly harder than the base game. Play at your own risk, mercenary. This DLC comes with: 17 new exquisitely punishing scenarios, each tailored to a specific base game Mercenary 17 new items, one for each of the original Mercenaries Items & scenarios reworked and rebalanced by Isaac Childres to better fit the digital version New unique enemies… To access the content of Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges in multiplayer co-op, every player will need to own the DLC.

175.83 RUB
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide

After the first wave of great colony ships departed Earth, the jubilation of humanity was short-lived. Those left behind fell into a violent struggle over the quickly-diminishing resources on their barren home world. From this tumultuous time, two new factions arose. These newcomers were grounded not in the idealism of their predecessors, but on opportunism, resilience, ruthlessness, and above all a commitment to their own survival.Now, many decades after their first landfall on a new planet, the proud survivors of the first expeditions beyond Earth look up to see the skies darkened by a new breed of pioneers.Beyond Earth extended the Civilization franchise from its historical setting into the possible futures of science fiction. Rising Tide extends Beyond Earth to new frontiers on the planet’s surface and beneath its seas, adding even more choices and diplomatic options as you continue to build “just one more turn” toward a new vision for the future of humanity.Colonize the Ocean: Build floating settlements and access natural resources hidden beneath the seas of the alien planet. Alien beasts with unique abilities inhabit the water and challenge the player in new ways. The ocean provides a fully replayable map, new gameplay mechanics and strategic possibilities for players to reign supreme on their new world.Dynamic Leader Traits: Players and AI Leaders alike unlock new Traits through gameplay and activate different combinations to respond to the changing world. These dynamic sets of Traits also provide benefits and add to the new Diplomacy system, governed by the new Fear and Respect attributes.New, Enhanced Diplomatic Options: Shape the diplomatic landscape by using political capital to upgrade your traits, change diplomatic relationships, and leverage the benefits of your allies’ traits.New Sponsors: Four new factions have been added to the game including Al Falah, nomad explorers descended from wealthy and resilient Middle Eastern states that possess a rich cultural and commercial heritage.New Artifact System: Collect and combine powerful relics to unlock new perks, unit upgrades, and buildings for your faction on the new world.New Hybrid Units: Affinities are competing visions for the future of humanity. By investing in multiple Affinities, rather than specializing in just one, players can unlock special hybrid Affinity units and upgrades.New Biomes: Two new world types have been added. Primordial worlds are rife in volcanic activity and the chaotic landscape of a world still forming. Frigid worlds have cooled in their great age, their surfaces covered with icy oceans and frozen tundra. © 1991-2015 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Developed by Firaxis Games. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civ, Civilization, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

2834.00 RUB
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI: Leader Pass

Снова возьмите бразды правления в свои руки с абонементом Civilization VI: Leader Pass* и постройте величайшую в истории империю, выбрав лидера из огромного списка новых и знакомых лиц. В 6 дополнениях, которые планируется выпустить с ноября 2022 по март 2023 года**, мы представим 12 совершенно новых для Civilization VI лидеров и 6 новых вариантов классических лидеров Civilization. Leader Pass заставит вас выйти из зоны комфорта с помощью новых подходов к дипломатии, войне, экспансии и многому другому. Каждый лидер получает набор абсолютно новых или обновленных способностей наряду с новыми изобретательными планами развития, которые изменят вашу игру в течение пяти захватывающих месяцев мирового господства. Абонемент Leader Pass состоит из шести частей и предоставляется бесплатно новым и существующим владельцам Civilization VI Anthology в Steam. * Для доступа к полному контенту абонемента Civilization VI Leader Pass требуется основная игра, для доступа к определенным лидерам требуются дополнительные наборы DLC. Leader Pass доступен только на Steam и Epic. На Steam и Epic абонемент Leader Pass будет доступен для приобретения и уже включен в Civilization VI Anthology Edition. ** Предполагаемые даты выхода могут быть изменены. Контент абонемента Leader Pass автоматически появится в игре по ее выходе. Leader Pass включает: Набор #1: Набор «Великие дипломаты» Проверьте свои дипломатические навыки с командой Великих дипломатов, включая Авраама Линкольна (Соединенные Штаты), королеву Мбанде Нзингу (Конго) и султана Саладина (Аравия). Набор #2: Набор «Великие полководцы» Ведите свои войска к победе вместе с Великими полководцами, включая Токугаву (Япония), Надер-шаха (Персия)*** и Сулеймана Великолепного (Османская империя)****. Набор #3: Набор «Правители Китая» Станьте основателем новых династий с Правителями Китая, включая Юнлэ, Цинь Шихуанди Объединителя и У Цзэтяня. Набор #4: Набор «Правители Сахары Посетите колыбель человечества вместе с Правителями Сахары, включая Рамзеса (Египет), Клеопатру Птолемейскую (Египет), короля Сундиату Кейту (Мали)****. Набор #5: Набор «Великие строители» Постройте лучший мир с командой Великих строителей, включая Феодору (Византия)*****, Седжона (Корея)****** и Людвига II (Германия). Набор #6: Набор «Правители Англии» Пополните свою растущую коллекцию монархов набором «Правители Англии», включающим Елизавету I (Англия), варяга Харальда Хадраду (Норвегия) и Викторию (Англия). *** Для игры требуется набор сценариев «Персия и Македония» **** Для игры требуется дополнение Gathering Storm ***** Для игры требуется абонемент New Frontier Pass и Набор «Византия и Галлия» ****** Для игры требуется дополнение Rise & Fall

1809.00 RUB
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

In Gathering Storm, the second expansion to Civilization VI, the world around you is more alive than ever before.Chart a path to victory for your people by developing new advanced technologies and engineering projects and negotiating with the global community in the World Congress on critical issues.The choices you make in the game will influence the world ecosystem and could impact the future of the entire planet. Natural disasters like floods, storms, and volcanoes can pillage or destroy your Improvements and Districts – but they may also refresh and enrich the lands after they pass.In addition to these new systems, Civilization VI: Gathering Storm introduces eight new civilizations and nine new leaders. Seven new world wonders can be constructed, as well as a variety of new units, districts, buildings, and improvements.ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTSVolcanoes, storms (blizzards, sand storms, tornados, hurricanes), climate change, floods, and droughts.POWER AND CONSUMABLE RESOURCESStrategic resources play an additional role in Gathering Storm. These resources are now consumed in power plants to generate electricity for your cities. Initially you’ll be powering your most advanced buildings by burning carbon-based resources like Coal and Oil, but renewable energy sources also unlock as you progress to current-day technologies. Your choices about resource usage will directly affect the world’s temperature and can cause melting ice caps and rising sea levels.ENGINEERING PROJECTSShape the world around your empire to overcome unfavorable land conditions by making improvements like canals, dams, tunnels and railroads. When settling cities, consider the flood risk to coastal lowland areas, but keep in mind that in the late-game, new technologies like Flood Barriers can be used to protect these tiles.WORLD CONGRESSMake your voice heard among the other leaders of the world. Earn Diplomatic Favor through Alliances, influencing city-states, competing in World Games, and more. Use Diplomatic Favor to extract promises from other leaders, vote on Resolutions, call a Special Session to address an emergency, and increase the weight of your votes in your quest to achieve the new Diplomatic Victory.21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES & CIVICSA new era has been added to the Technology and Civics trees. Combat new environmental effects with speculative ideas such as relocating your population out to seasteads and developing technologies to recapture carbon emissions.NEW LEADERS AND CIVSNine new leaders from eight new civilizations are introduced. Each brings unique bonuses and gameplay, as well as a total of nine unique units, four unique buildings, three unique improvements, two unique districts and one unique governor.NEW SCENARIOSThe Black Death: The Black Death ravaged Europe and western Asia in the mid-14th century, killing a greater share of the population than any other event in world history. The pandemic killed millions, ruined economies, upended political dynasties and transformed the face of the Western world. Your task is to lead your nation through the calamity: keep your population alive, your economy strong, and your faith unshaken amidst a world of terror and desperation.War Machine: At the outset of WWI, the German Imperial Army had a daring plan: invade neutral Belgium and then rush the French heartland before they could mobilize to resist. If successful, the German forces would capture Paris within a month and end their resistance forever. In counter, the French command prepared Plan 17, an all-out onslaught designed to meet and stop a German offensive. When war was declared, both armies swung into motion and set up one of the most incredible and shocking military campaigns in world history. In this multiplayer scenario, players take the side of one of these two great powers at this same precipice. As Germany, your task is to capture Paris. As France, your task is to prevent its capture. The clock is ticking, and the enemy is moving. Advance!MORE NEW CONTENTSeven new world wonders, seven natural wonders, 18 new units, 15 new improvements, 9 new buildings, 5 new districts, 2 new city sets, 9 new techs and 10 new civics have been added.IMPROVED GAMEPLAY SYSTEMSThe Espionage system has been enhanced with new options, the Culture and Science Victories have been updated, new Historic Moments have been added, and additional improvements have been made to other existing systems. ©2017 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civilization, Civ, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

3419.00 RUB
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall

Civilization VI is a game about building an empire to stand the test of time, and the Rise and Fall expansion brings new choices, strategies, and challenges for players as they guide a civilization through the ages. Can you inspire the Loyalty of people around the world, or will you lose cities to your rivals? Will you establish a Golden Age for your civilization, or be mired in a Dark Age? In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, you truly become a leader for the ages.Successful leadership of a civilization can send it into a prosperous Golden Age, but falling behind can usher in a Dark Age. Respond well to the challenges of a Dark Age, and your civilization can rise again into renewal with a Heroic Age.Encourage the Loyalty of your citizens to keep your borders intact, or inspire Loyalty among other civilizations to expand your empire. World borders continually shift and change as Free Cities emerge from empires, and neighbors compete for the Loyalty of cities across the map.With the new the Governor system, players are able to further customize and specialize their cities, as well as react to the new challenges of Dark Ages and Loyalty. Each of the seven unique governors has its own promotion tree, and lends itself to different playstyles and strategies.In addition to these new systems, Civilization VI: Rise and Fall introduces eight new civilizations and nine new leaders. Eight new world wonders can be constructed, as well as a variety of new units, districts, buildings, and improvements. There are more ways than ever before to build, conquer, and inspire.GREAT AGESAs your civilization ebbs and flows, and you reach milestone Historic Moments, you will move towards Dark Ages or Golden Ages, each providing specific challenges or bonuses based on your actions in game. Rise triumphantly from a Dark Age, and your next Golden Age will be even stronger – a Heroic Age.LOYALTYCities now have individual Loyalty to your leadership – let it fall too low, and face the consequences of low yields, revolts, and the potential to lose your city if it declares its own independence. But one civilization’s loss can be your gain as you inspire Loyalty among cities throughout the map and further expand your borders.GOVERNORSRecruit, appoint, and upgrade powerful characters with unique specialization bonuses and promotion trees to customize your cities, and reinforce LoyaltyENHANCED ALLIANCESAn enhanced alliances system allows players to form different types of alliances and build bonuses over timeEMERGENCIESWhen a civilization grows too powerful, other civilizations can join a pact against the threatening civilization, and earn rewards, or penalties, when the Emergency ends.TIMELINEReview your civilization’s history at any time with the new Timeline feature, a visual journey through the Historic Moments that you encountered on your path to victory.NEW LEADERS AND CIVSNine new leaders and eight new civilizations are introduced. Each brings unique bonuses and gameplay, as well as a total of eight unique units, two unique buildings, four unique improvements, and two unique districts.NEW GLOBAL CONTENTEight new world wonders, seven natural wonders, four new units, two new improvements, two new districts, fourteen new buildings, and three new resources have been added.IMPROVED GAMEPLAY SYSTEMSThe Government system has been enhanced with new Policies, including Dark Age Policies, new hidden leader Agendas, new Casus Belli, and additional improvements to existing systems. ©2017 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civilization, Civ, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

2834.00 RUB
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World

Sid Meier's Civilization® V: Brave New World is the second expansion pack for Civilization V - the critically acclaimed 2010 PC Game of the Year. This new expansion provides enhanced depth and replayability through the introduction of international trade and a focus on culture and diplomacy. Your influence around the world will be impacted by creating Great Works, choosing an ideology for your people and proposing global resolutions in the World Congress. As you move through the ages of history you will make critical decisions that will impact your relationship with other civilizations.Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Brave New World also introduces nine new civilizations, eight new wonders, two new scenarios, four new gameplay systems and dozens of new units, buildings and improvements offering an expanded variety of ways to build the most powerful empire in the world.FEATURESNew Culture Victory: Spread your culture across the globe, dominating all other cultures. Create masterpieces with Great Artists, Writers and Musicians that are placed in key buildings across your empire like Museums, Opera Houses, and even the Great Library. Use Archaeologists to investigate sites of ancient battles and city ruins for priceless cultural artifacts. Become the first civilization with a majority influence in all other civilizations to achieve a Culture Victory, becoming the envy of the world.New Policies and Ideologies: Enter the Industrial Age and choose the ideology of your people: Freedom, Order, or Autocracy. Each ideology grants access to increasingly powerful abilities, and serves the different victory conditions in unique ways. The choices you make will impact your relationships with other civilizations for the rest of the game.World Congress: The importance of diplomacy is intensified and city-state alliances are more important than ever. Change the diplomatic landscape through a new World Congress that votes on critical issues like implementing trade sanctions against rogue nations, limiting resource usage, designating host cities for the World Games, and the use of nuclear weapons. Game-changing resolutions, vote trading, intrigue and a new lead-in to the Diplomatic Victory ensures that the end of the game will be more dynamic than ever before.International Trade Routes: Build your cities into hubs of international trade by land and sea, creating great wealth and prosperity for your people, while also spreading religion, cultural influence, and science. The number of trade routes increases through the advancement of economics and technologies, the creation of wonders, and the unique abilities of your civilization. Will you connect to a closer city for a lower payoff and a safer route, choose a longer route with more risk for the bigger payoff, or perhaps point your trade route inward, sending vitally important food and production to the far corners of your own empire?New Civilizations, Units and Buildings: Nine new leaders and civilizations are introduced, including Poland, Brazil, Portugal, Zulu and more each with their own unique traits, units and buildings.New Wonders: This expansion set introduces eight new Wonders including the Parthenon, Broadway, the Globe Theater, and the Uffizi.Two New Scenarios:American Civil War: Fight the “War Between the States” from either the Union or Confederate side as you focus on the critical Eastern theatre of operations between the capital cities of Richmond and Washington.Scramble for Africa: The great colonial powers of the world are scrambling to explore the Dark Continent and extend their reach into its interior. Search for the great natural wonders of the heart of Africa as you explore a dynamically-generated continent each time you play. © 2007-2013 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Developed by Firaxis Games. Sid Meier’s Civilization V, Civilization, 2K Games, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All rights reserved.

2834.00 RUB
Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack

Celebrate the wonder of global culture and the peak of international park entertainment in the World’s Fair Pack! Introducing themes and scenery from 10 new countries this pack features two new coasters, one new ride, a bountiful collection of new scenery, and an assortment of items from across the globe.A globally inspired collectionThe World’s Fair Pack includes two new coasters, one new tracked ride, and adds 10 new themes based on a selection of countries; China, USA, France, Morocco, Italy, Germany, Japan, UK, Mexico, and Spain.With it comes cultural props, giant food signs, fences, path extras, character hats, and 10 new wall set styles based on the new country themes complete with shop panels, doors, and roof pieces.15 brand new music tracks from JJ Ipsen will give your park international flair. Hear music inspired by the diverse local flavor of the newly added countries. Alongside the new music, there will also be 16 new ambiances for the new regions and 25 new triggered sound effects.A celebration of international engineering excellenceThe World’s Fair pack introduces two brand new coasters: Polarity and Jixxer & Interceptor.Polarity is an unmanned rapid transport system that uses magnetic forces to propel the train forward at great speed. This has a unique and flexible track system that aesthetically has a futuristic feel but is equally fitting in most parks.Jixxer & Interceptor is a dueling duo of launched motorcycle coasters (two separate coasters, same type of coaster). This is a type of high-speed hydraulic launched track with riders leaning into the corners in a new seating type as they embark on a high-octane motorcycle chase. Are you the good guys or the bad guys? Planet Coaster is a registered trademark of Frontier Developments plc. Planet Coaster © 2016 Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

1038.00 RUB
Planet Coaster - Vintage Pack

The Vintage Pack includes two new coasters, five new rides, classic roofs and architecture, interactive vending machines, static and animated props, building props, lights and scenery, animated characters, fences, path extras, and character hats.Victorian & Vintage Scenery Items:Build nostalgic buildings and fairground-style areas with new vintage-looking scenery and wall sets. Have your guests try out the brand new Gumball and Popcorn machines reminiscent of old-school town fairs, or predict your fortunes with the Zoltan!Decorate your parks with Victorian pillars, decorative trimming, lightbox lettering, and animal statues. For the ultimate flair, add a barbershop quartet and some trapeze artists!Traditional Attractions & Classic Rides:Zephyrus: This is an example of the world’s first high thrills and high-speed wooden roller coasters, dating back to designs from the 1920s. The whole aesthetic is beautifully aged to capture its tarnished charm.Aces Sky: another historic type of wooden coaster but instead of using a traditional track this coaster negotiates a large wooden pipe through which it can freely ride up and down the side.The cars have a unique biplane styling and special wheel assembly to allow them to move sideways through the pipe.Round the World: combines the gentle motion of a Ferris wheel with the insanity of spinning, inverting gondolas. It might not look safe but rides as these have really stood the test of time and still operate today.Loop Da Loop: Buckle up and prepare to loop head over heels in this twin cabin inverting swinger from the 1930s that has one of the smallest footprints in Planet Coaster.Test Flight: Take off and practice your flying skills in this spinning, inverting plane ride. Each car has a set of wings that the guests control to roll the cabin in this vintage aircraft.Hurricane: Twisting and turning that’s so fast your world will be a blur. This is a real classic found in many parks and fairgrounds around the world.Centrum: Feel the excitement of spinning at high speed at a thrilling 50 degrees in this classic centrifuge ride that’s been a favorite for generations of fairground and carnival fans.Classic Audio:New music by JJ Ipsen, classic ambiance, and triggered sound effects will make your parks come alive. Planet Coaster is a registered trademark of Frontier Developments plc. Planet Coaster © 2016 Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

1038.00 RUB
Planet Coaster - Studios Pack

You are the director! Create legendary moments and epic scenes with the new Planet Coaster Studios Pack. Build the ultimate backlot tour and bring the blockbuster experience to life with spectacular stunts, dramatic effects, and rides that put park guests in the heart of the action. Featuring Hollywood props, movie set backdrops and action-packed animatronics, the Studios Pack unlocks an all-new theme park adventure.Action-Packed New Scenery & Building SetsBuild Hollywood sets and backlot tours with new studio-themed scenery and wall sets. Combine new city props, vehicles, construction props, and metropolis wall tiles together with Planet Coaster’s existing themes to bring the silver screen to life. Build your own all-action blockbuster park by extending the pirate adventure, sci-fi spectacle, or award-winning western themes and take park guests behind the scenes on a backlot tour where stunt people dive from rooftops, special effects dazzle and scenery explodes!Create the ultimate studio set with green screens, animated lights, film equipment, vehicle stunts, blowing newspapers, billowing dust, shattering glass, and more.Theatrical New Rides & CoastersBig Screen Tour, the Hollywood backlot tour experience comes to Planet Coaster with a powered track ride bringing park guests face-to-face with your cinematic spectacles. These electrically powered tour buses can double up as transport or tracked rides, the bus length can be changed from single-car buses to multi-car buses.Re-Motion is a modern simulator-style tracked ride. The ride has an adjustable robotic arm holding the seats which allows the seats to be moved freely in all directions. Use video screens to create an immersive ride experience.Horror Heights; scream in terror in this classic multi-drop tower that has been designed to work inside Planet Coaster’s buildings. A chilling and thrilling accelerated drop tower dark ride for fearless guests.Motion Picture AudioNew music, studio ambiance, and triggered sound effects make your movie sets come alive like a real Hollywood production. Planet Coaster is a registered trademark of Frontier Developments plc. Planet Coaster © 2016 Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

1038.00 RUB
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