
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Adeptus Mechanicus

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504.44 RUB
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Описание игры

"There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal."
"There is no strength in flesh, only weakness."
"There is no constancy in flesh, only decay."
"There is no certainty in flesh but death."
— Credo Omnissiah

You of the Adeptus Mechanicus—the Cult of the Machine God—have worshipped the Omnissiah long before the Imperium came to your world of Mars. Following His edict, you have never doubted or ceased to pursue your calling—to gather knowledge and to employ it to gather more. In pursuit of that, you built the devices and machines that enabled the Imperium to conquer the galaxy 10,000 years ago and maintain it today.

So Gladius Prime was your planet more than it was the Imperium’s—what Hive World was not? Its cities, its satellites, its wastes—all were built with Mars’ technology, all answered only to the Adeptus Mechanicus—that is, to you. It was little effort to hide the Adeptus Mechanicus research into the Tyranids here, in a facility deep beneath the ashen wastes.

Now, however, your facility has been compromised, your Skitarii forces scattered and your subjects have escaped. You must rebuild, recover and take Gladius Prime’s secrets for your own. For you have a mission to fulfil, from the Omnissiah himself…A new faction joins the war for Gladius PrimeThe Adeptus Mechanicus are an empire within the Imperium, with their own agenda, their own god (‘The Omnissiah’) and their own fanatical purpose—the discovery of knowledge, of technology. Though they supply the technical and scientific expertise of the Imperium, they also possess their own elite armies of bionically-augmented soldiers. Xenos or man, stand in their way and they will annihilate you.Gameplay Mechanics
Canticles of the Omnissiah: Chant Mechanicus hymns to enhance units, increasing in power with every praying warrior.

Doctrina Imperatives: Override Skitarii subroutines to amplify some combat aspects while reducing others.
Hive Cities: Place more buildings per tile by utilizing Adeptus Mechanicus’ capability to create layered constructions of rockcrete and adamantium.
Monolithic Buildings: Increased output of buildings of the same type on a tile. Decreased output of buildings of differing types on a tile.
Power Surge: Increase the output of buildings on a tile through forceful intensity.
Enslaved to the Past: Increased research cost. The ability to truly innovate has long been lost, replaced with a reverence for the times when Humanity was the architect of its own destiny.

Reprogram Kastelan Robot: Capture enemy Kastelan Robots with Cybernetica Datasmiths’ programming rituals.

Bionics: Adeptus Mechanicus units have high damage resistances. Generally, artificial limbs are more durable than their biological counterparts.

Adjacency Integration: Adeptus Mechanicus upgrades increase building output with each adjacent building.Complete units rosterArchaeopter Transvector
Archaeopter Stratoraptor
Cybernetica Datasmith
Fulgurite Electro-Priest
Ironstrider Ballistarius
Kataphron Destroyer
Knight Crusader
Onager Dunecrawler
Pteraxii Sterylizor
Serberys Sulphurhound
Sicarian Infiltrator
Skitarii Marshal
Skitarii Vanguard
Skorpius Disintegrator
Skorpius Dunerider
Tech-Priest Dominus
Tech-Priest Manipulus

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Vulkan support with 3 GB VRAM (Nvidia GeForce 900 series / AMD Radeon RX 400 series)
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • ОС: 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Vulkan support (Nvidia GeForce 600 series / AMD Radeon HD 7000 series / Intel HD Graphics 500 series)
  • Место на диске: 1 GB

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Vulkan support with 3 GB VRAM (Nvidia GeForce 900 series / AMD Radeon RX 400 series)
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • ОС: 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Vulkan support with 3 GB VRAM (Nvidia GeForce 900 series / AMD Radeon RX 400 series)
  • Место на диске: 2 GB

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Squad 44

Formerly known as Post Scriptum, Squad 44 is the most authentic WW2 first-person shooter, featuring 20 large-scale battlefields, upwards of 80 realistic WW2 weapons, and over 50 true-to-life vehicles. You must prioritize communication, coordination, and teamwork to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Experience real WW2 campaigns, such as the liberation of the Netherlands and the Battle of Normandy. The war stretched across the farms, villages, and cities of Europe, and whether you’re jumping out of a plane, arriving by sea, or storming the battlefield in a tank, you’ll need to group up with your squad before taking on the enemy. FactionsFight as historic WW2 factions like the British 1st Airborne Division, the US 4th Infantry Division, and the French Army to take on the German Wehrmacht, the Waffen SS, and Fallschirmjägers. TeamworkIn Squad 44, teamwork is paramount to achieving victory. Enroll as a commander and order gun runs or artillery to support your team. Join the frontline as one of the many infantry roles. Run logistics and shape the battlefield with fortifications and emplacements. And keep everyone on the battlefield updated with our in-game voice chat. Talk directly with your entire squad or use the local proximity chat to talk to players nearby and help the flow of battle. Armored CombatBe the scourge of the battlefield in one of the most feared monsters of WW2: the armored tank. Join a battalion with three other players and crew realistic steel beasts as the driver, gunner, or commander. Every vehicle in Squad 44 has been painstakingly created to represent the real tanks that roamed the battlefields of 1940s Europe. Each one features authentic functionality and armaments, meaning one thing: complete devastation to the enemy’s frontlines. Tactical, Immersive & AuthenticExperience the authentic reproduction of an incoming Stuka siren or artillery cannons firing from afar. The piercing sound of an incoming heavy round cutting through the air past you. The cracks of bullets and shrapnel. Squad 44 was designed with every little detail created with the utmost authenticity to the real-life weapons, vehicles, and battlefields used at the time. Don’t just play a game; experience the intense WW2 tactical military action of Squad 44.Key Features Fight in large-scale 40 vs. 40 battles Four major factions, including the armies and military branches of the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany More than 50 highly-detailed vehicles, including armored tanks and cars Over 80 authentic weapons, including the iconic American M1 Garand, the German MG42, and the British Lee Enfield 20 historically accurate maps based on real-world archives, maps, and aerial photographs A huge variety of roles and classes, such as medic, machine gunner, and anti-tank positions A slew of game modes, including Offensive, Invasion, and King of the Hill, among many others Built-in voice chat system with positional voice chat that feels like you’re communicating with real people on a battlefield Steam Workshop integration Host your own Squad 44 server with our dedicated server tools

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Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Fortification Pack

The Fortification Pack is an expansion for Warhammer 40.000 Gladius – Relics of War, bringing one new defensive unit to each faction, widely expanding the existing roster. With a total of six new units, this DLC is a must-have and will enlarge the strategic options to all players. As war rages on, all the factions engaged in a fierce struggle to dominate Gladius Prime resort to erecting mighty bulwarks and deploying new state-of-the-art defensive weapons. Space Marines - Aquila Macro-Cannon Macro-cannon Aquila Strongpoints are massive fortifications, often used as bastions in Imperial defensive battle lines. Each consists of a munitions silo, topped by a large turret that houses the huge macro-cannon that gives the strongpoint its name. The munitions silo allows the Aquila Macrocannon to fire special "Quake Shells," each of which measures several Terran feet in length and has a powerful charge that causes the shells to reach hypersonic velocity when the Macrocannon is fired. Astra Militarum - Void Shield Generator Void shields are normally localised force fields reserved for protecting the monolithic Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but static generators can be erected to serve as an aegis for other targets of vital import. The largest Void Shield generators can even project an invisible bubble of power across a large area of the battlefield, sheltering both troops and strategically vital battlefield locations by absorbing or deflecting the energy of incoming munitions. Chaos Space Marines - Noctilith Crown Noctilith Crowns are brutal edifices raised up by the Chaos Space Marines to weaken the very foundations of reality. Crafted from the mysterious material known as blackstone, these vast psychic resonators thin the veil to deadly effect, shielding your own units and damaging enemy psykers. Necrons - Gauss Pylon The mysterious Necron defence turrets, designated as 'Pylons' by those who originally encountered them, were first recorded on the uncharged world of WDY-272. Rising suddenly from the desert sands, the Gauss Pylons opened fire without warning and with devastating effect, tanks and armoured carriers burning as the crescent-shaped weapons tore through the unsuspecting Imperial Guard column whilst resisting all return fire. Orks - Big Mek Especially talented or popular Mekboyz will soon attract a following, lording it over a growing gang of underlings. A Mek with this much clout is referred to as a Big Mek, and can prove indispensable to the local Warboss with his knowledge of shokk attack guns, force field technology, and tellyporta rigs. Tyranids - Biovores A Biovore is a squat, bloated creature -- yet no less deadly for all that. Deep within its lumpen form, the Biovore nurtures a clutch of Spore Mines -- living bombs that blanket the enemy in acids, poisons and shrapnel-sized pieces of chitin. Biovores thump forward in battle, bony protrusions on their fore-limbs anchoring themselves into the ground as they release their vile payload in a single shuddering spasm.

133.62 RUB
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