
Megadimension Neptunia VII

Дата выхода:
Idea Factory International
Регион активации:
Русский, Английский, Японский
Cистема активации:
118.10 RUB
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Описание игры

New challengers are taking control of Gamindustri, and Neptune's nowhere in sight. Now she’s gotta help a mysterious stranger fight a colossal new evil, reclaim her Goddess title, and find some time for pudding! Go next gen with Giant Battles, multi-worlds, and multiple storylines in this JRPG!

New Battle Features Characters can link up for stronger attacks, “Parts Break” allows you to split enemies into pieces to lower their stats and disable special attacks, and “Giant Battles” impose limits that will challenge the strategist in you!
NEXT mode A second transformation is now available! You can break those big baddies into bits with NEXT mode, which features new special skills and a new costume for the CPUs!
Three Worlds, Three Stories Three different story modes! With new CPUs and characters at your side, you must fight through three dimensions to save Gamindustri!
New Dungeon Minigame! An homage to the classic “Spelunker,” you receive special items when you clear this dungeon under the time limit!

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:

  • ОС *: Windows 7
  • Процессор: Intel i5 2.3 GHz or comparable
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 or comparable
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 17 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Windows compatible sound card
  • Дополнительно: Shader v5 or newer

Рекомендуемые системные требования:

  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel i5 3.3 GHz or comparable
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or comparable
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 17 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Windows compatible sound card
  • Дополнительно: Shader v5 or newer

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112.84 RUB
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