
Planet Coaster - Vintage Pack

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Frontier Developments
Frontier Developments
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940.00 RUB
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The Vintage Pack includes two new coasters, five new rides, classic roofs and architecture, interactive vending machines, static and animated props, building props, lights and scenery, animated characters, fences, path extras, and character hats.Victorian & Vintage Scenery Items:Build nostalgic buildings and fairground-style areas with new vintage-looking scenery and wall sets. Have your guests try out the brand new Gumball and Popcorn machines reminiscent of old-school town fairs, or predict your fortunes with the Zoltan!Decorate your parks with Victorian pillars, decorative trimming, lightbox lettering, and animal statues. For the ultimate flair, add a barbershop quartet and some trapeze artists!Traditional Attractions & Classic Rides:Zephyrus: This is an example of the world’s first high thrills and high-speed wooden roller coasters, dating back to designs from the 1920s. The whole aesthetic is beautifully aged to capture its tarnished charm.Aces Sky: another historic type of wooden coaster but instead of using a traditional track this coaster negotiates a large wooden pipe through which it can freely ride up and down the side.The cars have a unique biplane styling and special wheel assembly to allow them to move sideways through the pipe.Round the World: combines the gentle motion of a Ferris wheel with the insanity of spinning, inverting gondolas. It might not look safe but rides as these have really stood the test of time and still operate today.Loop Da Loop: Buckle up and prepare to loop head over heels in this twin cabin inverting swinger from the 1930s that has one of the smallest footprints in Planet Coaster.Test Flight: Take off and practice your flying skills in this spinning, inverting plane ride. Each car has a set of wings that the guests control to roll the cabin in this vintage aircraft.Hurricane: Twisting and turning that’s so fast your world will be a blur. This is a real classic found in many parks and fairgrounds around the world.Centrum: Feel the excitement of spinning at high speed at a thrilling 50 degrees in this classic centrifuge ride that’s been a favorite for generations of fairground and carnival fans.Classic Audio:New music by JJ Ipsen, classic ambiance, and triggered sound effects will make your parks come alive. Planet Coaster is a registered trademark of Frontier Developments plc. Planet Coaster © 2016 Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:



  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
  • Processor: Intel i5-2300/AMD FX-4300
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia GTX 560 (2GB)/AMD Radeon 7850 (2GB)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 8 GB available space

Рекомендуемые системные требования:


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
  • Processor: Intel i7-4770/AMD FX-8350
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia GTX 980 (4GB)/AMD R9 380 (4GB)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 8 GB available space

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