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Panting, scared, the shelter airlock smashes down behind you. You wish you did not have to go outside, but you do. It would be easier to give up. But you don’t. The hardship, the hunger, the thirst. The fear. You keep reminding yourself why you stay alive. Why do you do this. Then you hear it. “Daddy you’re back.” Your wife’s face lights up and you open a bag full of medical supplies. You need not tell her how you got them. You simply enjoy your small victory in this, the harshest of times. In the post-apocalyptic world, you must keep your family alive in your underground bunker in this deep strategy game from Unicube...Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic disaster management game that gives a whole new meaning to the term “nuclear family”. Given a head-start over the billions lost in a nuclear holocaust, you must gather as many supplies as possible en route to the concrete underground shelter that will soon become your family home for the foreseeable dreary future.With all hope lost, how will you cope in this bleak new world? How you handle the many moral choices you'll encounter on a daily basis could be the difference between your family surviving or dying. Combat claustrophobia, radiation, and mental exhaustion as you cling desperately to life in the cramp, cold, and scary underground shelter. You’ll have to leave the scant protection the shelter offers behind as you’re forced to venture outside into the dangerous desolate wasteland to scavenge for vital supplies which could ensure your family's survival for just one more day.Feature ListFamily comes first: Keep your family alive and protect them from the ravages of the harsh post-apocalyptic world.Make the shelter a home: Maintain your shelter - keep it secure, and habitable and make sure that the family has enough resources to survive. Protect your shelter from hazards and infiltration!Customization: Your family is unique to you; you decide their gender, names, and their appearance.RPG mechanics: As your family develops, their stats will adapt with an evolving experience and trauma system. Attributes, strengths, and weaknesses will dynamically change based on your choices.Crafting system: Create comforts for your family’s shelter and weapons for combat.Exploration: Send out your family to explore and gather resources for everyday living and crafting.Recruitment system: Recruit outsiders with different personalities, integrate them into your shelter life, and earn their loyalty.Dynamic encounter system: Your family will encounter various threats including roaming factions and feral beasts.Turn-based combat: For those that cannot be reasoned with, violence can be used as a last resort. Your family may depend on it.Pets: Your pet is family too. Choose between the dog, cat, fish, snake, or horse.Vehicles: Make exploration quicker and safer. Sheltered. Developed by Unicube and Team 17 Digital Ltd © 2015. Published by Team17. Team17 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Team17 Digital Limited. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners.

Системные требования

Минимальные системные требования:


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce 7800, AMD HD 4600, Intel HD Graphics 3000 or above
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 600 MB of available space
  • Sound Card: Windows Compatible Card
  • Additional Notes: Note: In some instances, systems may require model-specific drivers. If your system manufacturers no longer support hardware under this category, it may not be possible to run this title. Should this be the case, we are unable to assist you and recommend that you pursue support from your respective system manufacturer.

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Warhammer 40,000 Gladius - Demolition Pack

New units join the fight! 11 new units are ready to enter the battle for Gladius Prime with the Demolition Pack! These new units are ready to demolish all the enemies’ defenses and they will give you more new strategic options.   Sydonian Dragoon - Adeptus Mechanicus Fast close-combat walker unit Dragoons are tried and tested Skitarii warriors of the Adeptus Mechanicus who are given the honour of riding to war atop venerated, stilt-legged Ironstrider Engines. These fearless cavaliers thunder through enemy fire to plunge lance-first into the thick of the enemy's ranks, the pent-up energies of their taser weaponry blasting the foe back in a blazing storm of sparks. Those foolish enough to mount a counter-assault are stamped unceremoniously into the dirt. Field Ordnance Battery - Astra Militarum Large man-portable artillery pieces able to shell out enemy units at long range Ordnance teams crew some of the largest human-maneuverable weapons fielded by the Astra Militarum. On Gladius Prime, the imperial regiments exclusively use anti-infantry Bombast Cannons. This is less down to any particular military plan and more due to an Adeptus Administratum counting error in an ancient shipping manifest. Chaos Terminator - Chaos Space Marines Elite heavily armoured infantry that excels against all targets and can use powerful combi-weapons Chaos Terminators form the elite of their masters' Heretic Astartes warbands, for though they are ponderous compared to their standard Power Armour-clad comrades, nothing short of a dedicated anti-tank laser can stop a Terminator in full stride. These seasoned killers often act as the personal guards of an esteemed Champion of Chaos, enforcing the commands of their leader with pitiless efficiency and taking their pick of the spoils after each victory. Talos - Drukhari Heavy assault creature with powerful close-range weapons The Talos Pain Engine is a ghoulish melding of stitch-puckered flesh and armoured artifice, boasting tremendous resilience and a nightmarish array of weaponry. Each is the proud creation of the Drukhari Haemonculi, who employ their Talos as torture devices, surgical assistants and armoured murder machines with equal delight. Wraithlord - Craftworld Aeldari Versatile monstrous creature equipped with a vast array of weapons and able to perform powerful melee attacks Each Wraithlord is a precious component of its craftworld’s forces. Body and animating spirit alike are revered relics of a vanished age, for only the souls of the strongest Eldar heroes have the psychic presence to give life to these wraithbone shells. These long-departed nobility fight as they did in life – if they favored the press of close combat or the art of killing from afar, this will be reflected in the Wraithlord’s choice of weapon. Skorpekh Destroyer - Necrons Elite armoured close-range infantry unit Not all of the Necron Destroyer cult favour ranged weaponry or hover modifications. Rushing forward like ungainly tripods, their hyperphase limbs sweeping in a whirlwind of gore, Skorpekh Destroyers feed their need to kill whenever they are unleashed upon the battlefield. Nothing else can override the hard-wired desire to destroy all organic life that empowers these deranged Necrons. Burna Boy - Orks Anti-infantry unit equipped with a versatile flamethrower Burna Boyz are dedicated arsonists all, advancing on the foe amid gouts of billowing flame. They love nothing more than burning other peoples’ stuff, and the owners too if they can get them. These lunatics will set light to anything or anyone for the simple joy of watching them ‘do the burny dance’. They can prove utterly lethal to tightly packed or lightly armoured infantry, the roiling blasts of their burnas flushing their victims out of cover amid the sizzle of cooking flesh. Faced with more heavily armoured enemies, the Burna Boyz simply twist the apertures of their burnas to provide a tight, metal-slicing jet of blue heat. Charging into combat, Burna Boyz use these weapons to slice even incredibly resilient foes into glowing, heat-seared chunks. Arco Flagellant - Adepta Sororitas Expendable light melee infantry Arco-flagellants lope alongside faithful armies in packs, their lashlike limbs whipping back and forth as they follow their priestly masters to battle. When the enemy is sighted, they are driven into a frenzied killing rage by a potent cocktail of adrenal stimulants and neural kill-signals, whereupon they hurl themselves into battle with no thought for self-preservation or restraint. Hacking and slashing with cyber-implanted flails, pneu-mattocks and cleavers, they fight on dementedly until there is nothing left of their foes but a pile of mutilated corpses. Assault Terminator - Space Marines Heavy melee infantry unit equipped with a powerful weapon and shield The first company veterans deployed as Terminator Assault Squads forgo ranged combat, instead blasting their way with thunder hammers and deflecting enemy fire with their towering storm shields. This combination is especially effective in the close confines of boarding actions or tunnel-fighting, where a single squad can slaughter many times their number of foes without taking a single casualty. Fire Warrior Breacher - T’au Short-range infantry unit that excels in counterattacks T’au Breacher infantry specialize in brutally effective close-range assaults, clearing enemy structures and fortified positions of threats in a tight, tactical formation. They deliver sharp, shockingly sudden frontline displays of raw incendiary power that grind enemy soldiers into dust, discharging Pulse Blasters and hurling Photon Grenades until they are certain every path is clear. Maleceptor - Tyranids Synapse monstrous creature with support psychic capabilities Though blind, the rare and mighty Maleceptor is a living vessel for the Hive Mind. Warp energy spears from its eyeless cranium to vaporize anything in its path, and those with minds strong enough to survive its keening psychic screams are laid low by its powerful talons.

332.47 RUB
Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Original Soundtrack

The Original Solasta Soundtrack composed Maxime Hervé, this DLC contains 23 tracks (MP3/FLAC) from the game. Maxime Hervé is a talented  young composer who has worked on several high profile projects including Space Hulk: Tactics, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 7, and Love Death & Robots. Solasta’s game soundtrack is an orchestral score which embraces the fantastic genre and invites the listener to follow the journey of four heroes. From majestic and graceful melodies to heavy battle themes, it is composed with the intention of being part of the heart of the Solasta’s world. The music sometimes takes a stranger and minimalistic approach, giving space to unexpected darker tones.

294.76 RUB
Theatre of War 3: Korea

Повтор событий первого серьезного вооруженного конфликта времен Холодной Войны, Корейской войны, которая также зовется Забытой войной. Игроки примут участие в двух кампаниях, действия которых разворачиваются в 1950 году: на стороне Северной Кореи (25 июня – 20 августа) и на стороне США (15 сентября – 8 октября). В этих тактических сражениях эксперты могут проверить свои навыки на новом стратегическом уровне. Продвигайте свои войска через весь Корейский полуостров, управляйте запасами, а также топливом и поставкой боеприпасов. Бой в тактическом режиме в Theatre of War 3: Korea генерируется полностью на реальных стратегических ситуациях.Ключевые особенности:Новый стратегический режим значительно увеличивает опыт тактических сражений Нелинейные динамические кампании, впервые за серию Генератор кампаний с дополнительной фракцией СССР для создания сценариев «а что если...» Уникальное моделирование ландшафта для корректного ведения пехотных боёв Огромное количество новых единиц артиллерии, брони и авиации, к примеру, транспортные вертолеты Обновлена ​​система управления, которая больше фокусируется на отряды, чем на отдельных солдат Корпуса инженеров: минирование и разминирование в режиме реального времени В точности воссозданный и неповторимый ландшафт и архитектура Кореи. Новый вид: «из бинокля» для полного погружения в игру

49.65 RUB

Встречайте бесчисленное множество инопланетных рас и взаимодействуйте с ними в своих межзвездных путешествиях. Создайте галактическую империю: пусть научные корабли бороздят просторы вселенной, а строительные суда окружают обнаруженные планеты станциями. Находите таинственные сокровища, открывайте для себя чудеса космоса и направляйте свой народ, расширяя или ограничивая возможности исследователей. Будьте готовы ко всему — держитесь союзников и берегитесь врагов. Как и во всех наших глобальных стратегиях, в Stellaris со временем у вас появляются новые возможности. А политика бесплатных обновлений, существующая в каждой активно поддерживаемой игре от Paradox, позволит вам еще больше усилить и расширить свою империю с новыми технологиями и возможностями. Что же ждет вас там, среди звезд? Ответ найдете лишь вы сами.Глубокая и разнообразная система исследованийКаждую игру вы будете начинать за цивилизацию, которая только открыла возможность межзвездных путешествий и жаждет начать исследование галактики. Отправляйте научные корабли на исследование систем и изучение аномалий, запускайте цепочки событий, находите необычные миры с еще более необычными историями и делайте открытия, которые могут перевернуть ход развития вашей империи.Невероятно красивый космосКомплексная проработка уникальных планет и небесных тел дает возможность насладиться эффектным зрелищем детализированного космоса.Безграничное видовое разнообразие и расширенная система дипломатииРучная настройка и процедурная генерация позволят вам встретить безграничное разнообразие видов. Выбирайте положительные и отрицательные признаки, особую идеологию, любые ограничения, способы развития и все, что только можно представить. Взаимодействуйте с другими расами с помощью расширенной системы дипломатии. Дипломатия — это ключ к сбалансированной глобальной стратегии. Подстраивайте свою стратегию под ситуацию с помощью умелых переговоров.Войны галактического масштабаВас ждет нескончаемый цикл войн, дипломатии, подозрений и союзов. Защищайтесь или атакуйте, используя полностью настраиваемые военные флотилии. И помните, что адаптация — это ключ к победе. Изучайте сложные технологии и используйте их при проектировании и изменении кораблей в конструкторе судов. Кроме того, перед вами масса возможностей, и каждое решение способно запустить целую цепочку событий.Огромные процедурно генерируемые галактикиРазвивайте и расширяйте свою империю с помощью тысяч случайно сгенерированных вариаций галактики, сочетаний планет, цепочек событий и блуждающих в космосе монстров.Играйте в своем стилеСоздайте свою, уникальную империю! Для каждой империи можно выбрать такие характеристики, как принципы и форма правления, класс пригодных для жизни планет, а также технологии, предпочитаемый тип двигателей для сверхсветовых перемещений и многое другое. Только от вас зависит, станет ли она сообществом грибов-убийц или рептилий-инженеров. Именно от ваших решений будет зависит направление и развитие игры.

1496.82 RUB
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