

Field of Glory: Empires

Civilizations come and go; common men and kings they get covered by the dust of time in the same way. Monuments and wonders crumble under their own weight. But the cultural legacy is not bygone. Stories and tales about ancestors and their deeds pass through generations, the old knowledge is not lost forever. Soon, new societies, new kingdoms, new civilizations rise from the seeds of the ones which predated them. Decadence is not the end. Will your legacy stand the test of time? Field of Glory: Empires is a grand strategy game in which you will have to move in an intricate and living tapestry of nations and tribes, each one with their distinctive culture. Set in Europe and in the Mediterranean Area during the Classical Age, experience what truly means to manage an Empire. Expand your dominion through wars of conquest and make your culture a beacon of light, but be careful though. The risk of Decadence is not trivial. Many civilizations have collapsed for not having seen in time the signs of impending crisis. The older your empire, the more challenges will lurk in the shadows. Just expanding your borders without carefully shaping your form of government and culture won’t be the wisest of strategies. Manage your Empire on a scale that fits you: adjust all the details of an important region, form provinces to oversee your growing realm. Construct buildings to enhance your army, the life of your citizens, and the economy. Establish and grow a trade network of goods and resources. The battle system is not just about who brings the larger force. Army composition and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of you and your enemy are decisive, so is choosing wisely the battlefield and the general to lead your troops. And, if you want even more direct control, Field of Glory: Empires lets you export and load your battles into Field of Glory II and then load the results back into Field of Glory: Empires! War is decided not just by battles though, but also clever manoeuvres. Simultaneous (WEGO) turn resolution means thinking ahead to intercept – or to escape! – enemy armies will be essential. Field of Glory: Empires offers a living world where every decision has an impact on every actor. And once you think you are ready to be challenged, play against real opponents in one of the largest asynchronous multiplayer system ever created.

345.99 RUB
Field of Glory II

Field of Glory II is a turn-based tactical game set during the Rise of Rome from 280 BC to 25 BC The game that brought the fun and excitement of the tabletop experience to digital form is back. Developed by legendary designer Richard Bodley Scott in a completely new 3D engine, Field of Glory is ready to set new standards in computer wargaming. Field of Glory II allows you to fight large or small battles for or against Rome, or between the other nations who are as yet unaware of the Roman threat, or what-if battles between nations that never actual came into conflict historically, but might have done if the course of history had been different. Take command of a huge variety of armies employing vastly different tactical doctrines. Lead your chosen army and its named generals to victory in set-piece historical battles or "what-if" custom battle situations against an AI or human opponent. Victory will require determination and tactical mastery! FEATURES Accurate simulation of Ancient battle in the last three centuries of the pre-Christian era. 86 historically accurate units, built from fully animated 3D troop models, each with many variants. These allow Field of Glory II to represent the full range of troop-types and tactical doctrines that make this era one of the most interesting to wargamers and military historians. To name just a few, there are Roman legionaries before and after the reforms of Marius, Greek hoplite and Carthaginian African spearmen, Hellenistic pike phalanxes, thureophoroi spearmen and xystophoroi lancers, Gallic warbands, Skythian horse archers, Sarmatian lancers, Roman, Carthaginian, Greek and Gallic spear-armed cavalry, war elephants, Celtic and Indian chariots, scythed chariots, a wealth of light troops and many many more. 12 Historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Bagradas 255 BC, Trebia 218 BC, Cannae 216 BC, Ilipa 206 BC, Zama 202 BC, Magnesia 190 BC, Pydna 168 BC, Chaironeia 86 BC, Tigranocerta 69 BC, Bibracte 58 BC, Carrhae 53 BC and Thapsus 46 BC. The player can play as either side. Custom Battle system allows unlimited “what-if” scenarios using historically realistic armies from carefully researched army lists, on realistic computer generated terrain maps. Armies covered include Romans, Carthaginians, Hellenistic Kingdoms (Macedon, Seleucids, Ptolemaic Egypt etc.), Gauls, Ancient Britons, Galatians, Spanish, Numidians, Spartacus’s Slave Revolt, Thracians, Skythians, Sarmatians, Parthians, Indians and lots more. Campaign mode allows you to rewrite history as you play through the battlefield careers of some of ancient history’s greatest generals, or war with any ancient nation against any other. Each victory increases the experience and elan of your core units. Quick to resolve strategic decisions allow you to go straight from one battle to the next without any delay. Random map generator produces an infinite variety of historically realistic battlefield maps for custom battles and campaigns. Scenarios include open battle, pursuit, awaiting reinforcements, enemy awaiting reinforcements, flank march, rearguard action, advance guard, remove the head, and protect the baggage. Classic turn-based, tile based gameplay. Easy to use interface, hard to master gameplay. Cohort-sized units. Battles can range from a few units to as many as 80 units per side. Named generals who can influence combat and morale of units under their command. Single player and multiplayer battle modes. Effective AI makes sound tactical decisions. 6 difficulty levels allow the challenge to increase as you develop your battlefield skills. Numerous different unit organisations, combat capabilities and tactical doctrines allow full representation of tactical differences and developments through the period. Mod friendly game system with built-in map editor. Multiplayer mode allows historical scenarios and “what-if” scenarios to be played by two players using Slitherine’s easy to use PBEM server.

122.89 RUB
Carrier Deck

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm... But can you manage the deck of the Nimitz-class nuclear powered supercarrier, the USS Ronald Regan (CVN-76)? Carrier Deck is a fast paced time management game where you will play as the Air Officer on board a CVN-76 in the midst of active war. You, alone, are responsible for all aspects of operations involving aircraft on the ship and you'll need to work fast to ensure everything happens in time for the highest chances of warfare success. Load the right planes and helicopters up and ready them for the required military missions. Manage both launching and landing the planes, avoiding crashes that could spread throughout the deck wrecking multiple planes and damaging the ship. In Carrier Deck, you'll manage a staggering array of aircrafts including the F18 Hornet and Super Hornet, Chinook and S3 Viking, through a campaign that covers the oceans all over the globe. Test your skills in a full spectrum of operations across the globe in extensive campaign mode, or just try the Skirmish mode for a quick challenge. FEATURES 1. Full management of the flight deck incl, moving, fueling and arming of aircraft 2. Aircraft maintenance and management of the hangar deck 3. Selecting and launching of search missions to detect enemy air, surface and submarine threats 4. Tasking and launching of intercept missions 5. Special Forces deployment and Amphibous operations 6. Ground strikes and close air support missions 7. Receiving and dispatching cargo missions 8. Full range of aircraft and helicopters onboard from fighters to early warning and detection aircraft.

99.03 RUB
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

Сайлоны восстали! Четыре года войны и множества человеческих жизней оказалось недостаточно, чтобы вывести человечество из смертельного тупика. Колониям до сих пор удавалось отбивать атаки сайлонов, но окончательной победы добиться они не смогли. Ситуация резко изменилась после внезапного нападения сайлонов и жестокого уничтожения верховного командования Колониального флота на Пиконе. Судьба человечества оказалась в руках контр-адмирала Люсинды Каин. Она придумала и держит в секрете хитроумный план, который может полностью переломить ход войны…Игра Игра BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Deadlock™ отправляет вас в сердце Первой сайлонской войны — испытывать тактическое мастерство в грандиозных 3D-сражениях. Вы возьмете под свое управление Колониальный флот, летучую верфь «Дедал» и получите шанс избавить Двенадцать колоний от сайлонской угрозы. Создавайте флоты, защищайте альянс Кворума и готовитесь погрузиться в хитросплетения конфликта, в котором решится судьба человечества.Командование Колониальным флотом Проектируйте и стройте военные корабли с мощным вооружением. Нанимайте офицерский состав для защиты Двенадцати колоний. В вашем распоряжении самые разнообразные боевые единицы: от легкой «Мантикоры» до огромных звездных крейсеров класса «Юпитер».Легендарные имена Продолжите историю вселенной Battlestar Galactica™ времен Первой сайлонской войны, в которой появятся как новые персонажи, так и знакомые герои. Запускайте эскадрильи «Вайперов» и разведчиков «Раптор», совершайте сверхсветовые прыжки на «Галактике» и подчините себе поле битвы. Неповторимая вселенная Battlestar Galactica™ ждет вас.Тактические битвы WEGO 3D Напряженные тактические сражения в космосе — в полном 3D. Давайте команды флоту боевых кораблей и в режиме реального времени (с возможностью паузы) наблюдайте, как развертывается бой — на фоне великолепных видов космического пространства.Политические решения Вы будете командовать всем Колониальным флотом со своего командного пункта на верфи «Дедал». Формируйте флот и совершайте прыжки в состоящей из четырех солнц системе Цираннус. Защищайте Колонии и не давайте разгореться вражде в Кворуме двенадцати, иначе альянс распадется, и сайлоны надолго возьмут верх.Сайлонская угроза Готовьтесь встретиться лицом к лицу с беспощадным противником. Защищайтесь от эскадронов сайлонских рейдеров и давайте смертоносные ракетные залпы со звездных крейсеров. Ваши брандмауэры будут сдерживать хакерские атаки истребителей электронной борьбы — «Вардрайверов», — а десант давать отпор абордажным командам сайлонов. Открывайте чертежи новых кораблей, боеприпасов и эскадрилий, которые помогут в борьбе против неумолимого врага.Объединенные силы Многопользовательские битвы звездных крейсеров, которых вы еще не видели! Попробуйте переиграть своих оппонентов в ожесточенных флотских сражениях 1 на 1.

166.80 RUB
Astra Exodus

Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid. Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.  Epic Story CampaignLead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.Dynamic Sandbox ModeTake charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.Battle in Space and on the GroundFight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.Explore captivating GalaxiesColonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.Semi-random Research GridResearch over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.Lead through amazing HeroesEncounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.Design your own StarshipsDesign you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.Open files for moddingTinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

204.81 RUB
Armored Brigade

Armored Brigade is a real-time tactical wargame, focusing on realism and playability. The game has drawn inspiration from classics such as Close Combat, Steel Panthers and Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm. In Armored Brigade the Cold War has turned hot, and Europe is once again torn apart by conflict. An "Iron Curtain" divides the Western Powers gathered together under the NATO banner from the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact Allies. Take command of the deadliest mechanized formations available during an arc of time spanning from the Kennedy-Chrušcev confrontation to the final years, and fight your opponents in large and detailed maps all across Europe. Large maps, modelled upon real terrain make each battle a true test of wits. Weather and visibility all play a role and with several munition types, including air to air combat and artillery, no battle will be the same.   Exciting and challenging tank warfare only adds to the level of realism.

345.99 RUB
Port Royale 4

Ставьте паруса и присоединяйтесь к одной из колониальных держав XVII века: Испании, Англии, Нидерландам или Франции, чтобы сражаться за господство над Карибским морем. В игре Port Royale 4 вам предстоит стать юным и амбициозным правителем колонии, который мечтает выяснить, как же превратить небольшое поселение в оживленный торговый город. Развивайте производственные цепочки, соединяющие несколько островов, и создавайте сложные торговые маршруты, чтобы пересечь Карибское море и удовлетворить растущие потребности развивающихся городов. Изучите подробную морскую карту, чтобы избежать регионов со штормовой погодой, утесов или мелководья. Выполняйте задания вице-короля вашей страны, чтобы прославиться и разблокировать новые здания, корабли и многое другое. Завоевывайте города противников или охотьтесь за их кораблями с каперской грамотой, но берегитесь других пиратов. Впервые в этой серии игр морские битвы будут пошаговыми. В битву может вступать до 8 кораблей, и капитаны могут тактически маневрировать, чтобы одержать блистательную победу даже в самой безнадежной ситуации. Другие рекомендуемые игры Kalypso Media

338.27 RUB
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies

The prestigious Gamicademi – a school of fading glory. To put it back in the spotlight, Blanc and friends decide to film a zombie flick on campus. All’s quiet on the set until real zombies start crawling out of the woodworks! Now they’ve got to send these zombies to detention in this hack ‘n’ slash or else be history! Key Features - Fight off zombie hordes in 1080p with a two-person tag team and rack up crazy combos! - Team up with up to 3 other friends in online Multiplay mode to take on multiplayer quests, with new quests updated daily! - More characters join the battle with their own fighting styles, including Plutia, Peashy, Uzume, and a new playable character – Tamsoft! - Dress to kill with customizable equipment, and accessories that can be put pretty much anywhere.

122.17 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation

It’s time to Nep-Nep like it’s 1989. Neptune’s been sucked into an alternate dimension of Gamindustri! In order for her to escape from this late ‘80s world, Neptune will have to collect enough shares to open up the path to her own dimension. Sounds easy enough – except a nefarious alliance called the Seven Sages wants to rid Gamindustri of all CPUs, including Neptune! Forging cross-dimensional friendships, will Neptune be able to defeat the Seven Sages, save this alternate dimension and get back to her own, or will she be stuck in the ‘80s forever?Key Features+1 to Combos! Customize attack combinations with up to five moves, opening up a whole new array of ways to defeat your enemies! New Story! Play through new story and scenarios when someone else joins the Console War fray and refuses to play by the rules! Bring a Dungeon Buddy! The realtime mini-game Stella’s Dungeon is back, and this time she can bring friends! Each is equipped with special skills that lend their support to Stella in her items quest, so choose wisely! Remake in your Image! Modify the world of Gamindustri to your liking by creating “Plans” that alter dungeon treasures, enemy difficulty, and more! Get Crafty! Customize powerful equipment that can unlock the true power of the CPUs, opening up a world of new skills for them to use!

122.17 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation

20XX – Gamindustri faces a dire crisis! Ever since the advent of ASIC – the Arfoire Syndicate of International Crime - morality has all but vanished. As much as 80 percent of all students are rumored to worship a being known as Arfoire, and the authorities have chosen to turn a blind eye to the threat. Basically, Gamindustri is pretty messed up, you guys. Ahem. Thus did Gamindustri fall into complete and utter disarray. Will the goddesses be able to reclaim their world from ASIC’s grasp, or will they be forced to wander the Gamindustri Graveyard, forever lost?Key FeaturesGamindustri in 1080! Experience all the humor, turn-based battle, and crazy HDD transformations of Re;Birth2 with the sheen of 1080p excellence! Four or More for War! Have up to 4 characters on the battlefield, and 4 more on the sidelines, ready to jump in and give their support! Stella goes Rogue! Send Stella out to brave Gamindustri’s dungeons in this realtime mini-game and she’ll collect all kinds of treasure for you – you just sit back and eat pudding! Be careful though, because if she dies in the dungeon, she’ll lose all her special gear! The World’s your Oyster! Customize the Gamindustri experience with Plans, which allow you to do things like increase/decrease enemy difficulty, change the items you’ll receive from a dungeon, and more! Build-a-Sword! Use Idea Chips and Blank Discs to create custom equipment that can open up new worlds of skills for you!

122.17 RUB
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

In the world of Gamindustri, four goddesses known as CPUs battled for supremacy in the War of the Guardians. One of the CPUs – Neptune – was defeated by the others and banished from the heavens. In her fall from grace, her memories were lost but a mysterious book reveals itself to Neptune with knowledge of all of Gaminudstri’s history. Joined by Compa, IF, and the sentient book known as Histoire, Neptune embarks on an extraordinary journey across four different nations on a quest to save the entire world! Key Features Previously only available on consoles, now you can immerse yourself in the zany JRPG madness of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series for the first time on PC! Major graphical updates let you savor the true power of these Goddesses in glorious HD! Battle with up to 3 characters on the field, with 3 more as support. Use them to perform special attacks, or swap them out at any time! Use "Plans" to customize the game - change up enemy difficulty, dungeon treasures, and more! Craft unique equipment imbued with one or more abilities! The game now features a Japanese language mode!

122.17 RUB
Megadimension Neptunia VII

New challengers are taking control of Gamindustri, and Neptune's nowhere in sight. Now she’s gotta help a mysterious stranger fight a colossal new evil, reclaim her Goddess title, and find some time for pudding! Go next gen with Giant Battles, multi-worlds, and multiple storylines in this JRPG! New Battle Features Characters can link up for stronger attacks, “Parts Break” allows you to split enemies into pieces to lower their stats and disable special attacks, and “Giant Battles” impose limits that will challenge the strategist in you! NEXT mode A second transformation is now available! You can break those big baddies into bits with NEXT mode, which features new special skills and a new costume for the CPUs! Three Worlds, Three Stories Three different story modes! With new CPUs and characters at your side, you must fight through three dimensions to save Gamindustri! New Dungeon Minigame! An homage to the classic “Spelunker,” you receive special items when you clear this dungeon under the time limit!

147.62 RUB
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